Discerning Asylum [End]

Just poking out from the edge of the Shadelands is a modest looking home, big enough to hold a single family home. Once you sleep past the front door, the interior sprawls like a college campus, books lining the shelves for three floors up like an open concept library. This is the atelier, where Zero takes time to recharge and plan his expeditions abroad. Definitely bigger on the inside.
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Re: Discerning Asylum

Post by Zero Venkage »

On her return, Zero found his dictionary and a bowl of fruit she could snack on while they talked. With the dictionary nearby and c relaxed space, they could catch up. Rather, she could tell him where she came from. It was one of those moments he appreciated more the more time passed. The shortlist of survivors of the Fall rarely updated its roster.

"Welcome back to real life." he said while inviting her over to seat across from the coffee table from him. Rushing her probably wouldn't go well, so he let her get her bearings, sure the answers would come naturally. "I bet your story's sick."

Zero appreciated meeting someone with a good story, just like he had some stories of his own. The tattoos covering her shoulders seemed to tell a story all their own, one that looked as dangerous as it was beautiful.

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Re: Discerning Asylum

Post by Okoye »

"Welcome back to real life."
Okoye took a seat directly across from Zero, analyzing the materials he brought with him; a translator, some snacks, a pen, some paper and a polarizing attitude.
"I bet your story's sick."
She responded with a modest shrug, one that conveyed she didn't necessarily want to brag about her decorated history. But then again, there was nothing modest about that conceited smirk that scuttled across her lips soon after. In all honesty, there was a shortlist of things Okoye loved more than talking about herself, or hearing about herself. Her talent, beauty and intelligence.. to be blessed with all three at such a young age. Okoye knew how rare it was to see something like her. But getting the opportunity to regale a childhood hero of her own epic ventures seemed like a task she'd been training for her whole life. But just where would she begin? She noticed him gander at the art covering her neck and forearms. Perhaps she'd start there and explain why she wandered into his altier covered in dirt and wrapped in chains? But he asked her for name, didn't he? Where she was from.. For that, she'd have to go a little further back to dust off those traumatic memories.


She paused for a moment, then a lightbulb went off. Her hands then moved across the coffee table and grabbed a nearby pen and several sheets of paper before she immediately started drawing visual aides for what she intended to "say". It just made things easier, she thought. Okoye always had a raw, untapped talent for sketching and visual illustrations. That, along with possessing an eidetic memory allowed her portraits, paintings, or drawings to capture even the tiniest detail without flaw. It only took a few moments, but she managed to complete three thoroughly detailed images. And it wouldn't take a second for him to realize they were all of him. Fights he had within the coliseum, with each detail finer than the sharpened edge she used to recreate them.

-The first perfect reimagining was that of Zero's clash with a Urizen, riding upon his savage stead whose smoldering skin melted the ground beneath them. Both of his foes were native killers from the volcanic planes, unmatched in combat before this fabled clash in Arcturus. But Zero froze them solid, along with thirty percent of the entire coliseum, with a clap of his hands.

-The second drawing detailed Zero's fight with an unnamed swordsman; a warrior more than four times the height of the man sitting across from her. The swordsmen wielded a blade she'd come to know today to be forged from Sardonyx ore. It was said the weapon could peel the ethereal flesh from angel and demon alike, and the armor protecting him was covered in all manner of glyphs and cuts. But according to the sketch, the swordsman's defeat came from a kick that tore a chasm deep enough into the sky and clouds that it ripped into the planet's mantle. It was day Zero split heaven and earth in one blow.

-The final drawing was perhaps the most impressive, shown from the amount of effort put into its conception. It was the only drawing of the three to possess Marks of error or erasure. Smudges here and there. She wanted it perfect as perfect as she wanted it. And so it was. There, Zero could be seen facing a creature built of unbreakable skin, covered in horns and drenched in rage. The Dairhino's hide was drawn with proper value to illustrate light bouncing from its diamond hide. Its eyes were left white blank to illustrate its primal fury. Zero was never drawn with a shirt on these sheets of parchment, but this particular sketch of him captured something that none of the others did. A deviant smile as his lighting covered foot cleaved this exotic creature in two.

"I used to watch you fight. Every chance I got. No exceptions. Since I was six years old you've been teaching me how to fight. How to how to kill things bigger than you that are trying to kill you."

Okoye began to sign after she was sure Zk analyzed her artistry. Slowly of course. She then took another sheet of paper and began drawing once more. Once finished, she began to sign once more.

"You taught me alot from that throne in the middle of the sand.. but I was not born in Arcturus."

She paused again.. thinking for a moment if it was at all wise to be sharing what she intended to share. Giving out such sensitive information felt stupid. Like arming a stranger with your greatest weakness.


Then why was she doing it? Why was she so willing to do it? Why did she feel so comfortable talking with him? She didn't even share this information with the old man. They never even spoke, but Okoye cherished their relationship more than she did with her own flesh and blood. Was it this place, she wondered? This athenaeum

"Do you recognize this symbol?"

She signed and then pointed to the piece of paper she kept in front of her. It had been so long since she even felt comfortable drawing that hateful crest. Even looking at it dredged up memories that visually sunk her demeanor. She wasn't sure if Zero was at all privy to the B'halian Empire and their malevolent modus operandi, spearheaded of course by the malignant creature known as her father. But she thought maybe.. what if he could help her kill him? Would he? Damn, what if he sided with him? She had to gauge his responses appropriately.. politics were a strange thing. An art no more or no less delicate than combat. But infinitely more complicated.

"My name Okoye.. and I'm from a tribe known as the Mazoku."

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Re: Discerning Asylum

Post by Zero Venkage »

His spread of books were open and flipping as he glanced back and forth from her dancing fingers to the translation book, to the awesome pictures she drew of some of the best compliments he'd received in years. Her skill with the pen was astounding, even if he felt a bit embellished on her details of his body. Was he shirtless that often in The Abyss? Well, if he was, she made him look great.

"Whoa, that was the Nourdeen guy and the volcano beast, I forget what they're called. And I just tried that kick out on somebody recently, it didn't work as well, haha. That Dairhino, I finally got to hang the chandelier I made from it."

The chandelier hung directly above them and he waved his hand to give it a small shake so the shards, their clear twinkling and rhythmic shime filling the background of their conversation.

The quick trip down memory lane brought a genuine smile to his face. The few people who remained from that period in is life always started with a chip on their shoulder, brought something to prove before deciding they were better off without Zero's connections. What he planned with The Neo was a place to redeem some lost souls and give a new chapter to lost warriors. Although Arcturus, specifically within the scope of The Abyss, was inhabited by headstrong individuals with everything to prove to themselves and the world, Zero's time there had no such inspiration. He decided every day's quest on a whim, wondering what else Vescrutia could possibly have in store for him and meeting each challenge happily. Many of his opponents lacked that luxury, hinging their pride, their lives, the fate of their people on the their ability to endure the trials of The Crucible. Not once would he think someone would find him after watching every one of his fights, especially since there were so many.

"Sometimes you gotta kill something that's trying to kill you, world's rough. Is that the B'halian Empire? They don't get around this part of the continent a lot, the Jaida Coast is pretty secluded."

Upon her admission of her lineage, Zero paused and gave her a more discerning look. The Mazoku, Zero had a single run in over the course of his life. The Leviathan Order relieved them of an artifact he thought was made somewhere in his homeland and they got away unscathed. The mission necessitated a high level of stealth, he knew the Mazoku were known for devastating destruction to expand their empire and only wanted to be on their radar for as long as he was on their turf. Luckily, the natural and tribal borders of the Jaida Coast kept it protected from a large number of visitors and invaders.

Zero only arrived with the help of a map, a friend, and a prayer.

The Mazoku also were known for being quite large, hairy, loud, he assumed a little ugly as well, and worked with some crazy Arbiters, changing the weather itself easily. Okoye, surprisingly, didn't fit the description. Small, mute, and alone, she seemed to be anything but Mazoku, but Vescrutia lent itself to anything being possible and he only had a tacit understanding of the MAzoku and the B'halian empire, so he enjoyed the learning experience.

"You're Mazoku? That's cool! You're, uhhh... Petite?"

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Re: Discerning Asylum

Post by Okoye »

"You're Mazoku? That's cool! You're, uhhh... Petite?"
Okoye was relieved she didn't have to go through the trouble of explaining the history of her estranged family. Not that she was at all proud of her lineage, but she felt as if she owed him the truth of her past. However, that couldn't keep her from rolling her eyes once Zero acknowledged her glaring physical inconsistencies. But "petite"? She knew it was only a matter of time before she had to address the elephant in the room. Genetically, Okoye was Mazoku through and through, no way around it. But she was at least three feet too short, several tons smaller, and far too hairless for her to be taken for word. The Mazoku were notorious, if for nothing else, for their bestial appearance. Daunting and overwhelming. They took pride in it. More than that, power and strength directly correlated with their social caste system, and the biggest of them were usually the most powerful. Okoye had no idea why she looked the way she did. So delicate and.. human. All she knew was how confusing and damaging it was to her childhood. Still, the young woman was too proud to carry herself like a victim. Instead of wallowing, she put on a good face; one with thicker skin, conditioned from years of jeers and pointing fingers. A loose smile with a capricious glare was the mask she chose. Arrogance her most familiar suit of armor.

"Please.. don't patronize me, I know what I look like. I look like you.. but according to B'halian Biology, I'm a certified frameshift mutant. A one of a kind, horrifying, unacceptable aberration of the tribe. In fact, my appearance was so shocking that, despite my royal blood, it resulted in me being exiled from the tribe. Which could have been worse, I guess. Infants born with even benign disabilities are usually culled as a means of preserving the clan's "genetic superiority ". The whole "divine right to rule", thing or whatever.. They could have killed me, but they just kicked me out before I was six instead."

Okoye' wanted to maintain a modest pace with her signing, but her movements subconsciously got faster as her emotions sifted beneath her skin. She took a second to calm down before her message was lost in translation, but more than that, she wanted it to be known just how much she hated being pitied. It was difficult to properly convey, let alone interpret, tone or sarcasm when using VSN. She had to rely on body language and facial expression to properly punctuate her silent message.

"All that to say, yeah.. I'm Mazoku.. And while I may not have the fur or the height of my siblings, I've inherited the things that matter from my father."

Appearances aside, Okoye did carry a few phenotypic traits that would align her with her family. She shared their vermillion eye color, their adaptive piezoelectric flesh, enlarged canines, as well as a tail that she usually keeps beneath her clothes and wrapped around her waist. But above all of those, less than forty eight hours ago, Okoye finally learned how to use her voice! The most primal and most crucial aspect of sharing her bloodline. It took over eighteen years to develop, but her Anthem eventually blossomed into something that not even her father could have anticipated. Even now, as she reflected on the moment it happened, the surge of euphoria stretched her lips wide enough to reach her ears. During that treacherous swim to shore, she fantasized about the look on her father's face if she were to face him now. If he could have seen the damage she wrought. She felt as powerful as he was.. Shit, given this was her first time using it, she figured in her conceited heart that she could be stronger than him given the proper time.

"But if the old fuck does ever decide to die, well then I'd inherit his Empire too."

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Re: Discerning Asylum

Post by Zero Venkage »

“Funny, you don’t seem like you’re gonna wait for him to kick it.”

He didn’t mean to imply she quested for revenge, but her demeanor changed when Okoye mentioned her old man’s empire. Zero weathered a single run in with the B’halian Empire before now. The thrilling memory welled up in his mind like a volcano erupting over a sheer cliff face. HE and the Leviathan Order, relieved them of a spear some years before The Fall, early into his adolescence. It became one of the formative moments in his relationship with his Atlantean sworn brothers. Leviathan Order fought tooth and nail for their own, and Zero joined their ranks early on after departing Elgin, his homeland, and they laid the foundation for his background on the high seas, setting the tone of his most formative years. A warm tingle ran through him, regaling in the stories of his troublesome youth, a rough and tumble brawler searching for the next trophy.

Zero sighed, letting the self satisfaction dissipate while she finished. She reminded him of a very fun time in his life. Looking at her now, he wasn’t sure what he should do for her. She was a fan and one of the cloth, a fellow of The Abyss who seemed to need a new lease on life.”

“So what do you wanna do in the meantime? Do you have any big plans now that you’re out of the clink?’

He didn’t think to even ask her what she did to get locked up, at least not yet. His own speckled past prevented him from prying too much, for all he knew, she might have been completely innocent and everyone gets the benefit of the doubt. If her background became an issue, it might not spoil the mood right now.

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Re: Discerning Asylum

Post by Okoye »

“So what do you wanna do in the meantime? Do you have any big plans now that you’re out of the clink?"
Okoye had plenty of time to plan her next move while in the clink. In fact, she'd been scheming up her masterplan before even managing to escape. During her three plus years incarcerated, the question was never if she would breakout, but when. She didnt know how shed do it, who she'd have to kill or sarcifice to do so. When the day came she hadn't dreamed of what she'd be caple of.

But all the while, until that hour, her conviction festered like puss from behind the walls of her cell. Her yearning for vengeance perverted her every ambition. Nothing made sense if it didn't make her stronger, faster, wiser, bolder. Whether or not she would admit it or not, but The Mazoku doctrine burned hot in her blood. Nothing else mattered in her eyes but status and power. Prestige and glory were the things she pined after. And vengeance of course..

Okoye spent her years behind bars training her mind and body, preparing herself for the day she'd have the chance to confront the man that betrayed her. The leader of the guild she aligned herself with; a cobal of assassins beholden to no one but their patrons. She looked forward to their reunion.. even if the impending battle could very be her last. There was no way in hell she'd be able to sleep knowing that asshole still drew breath.

"Something like that."

She smiled behind her subtle gestures.

"..there are some people I have to kill, and others I have to find before my homecoming. But before any of that, I need to get stronger.. wayyy stronger. And here, in this village or whatever it is, I can tell it's the perfect place to do that.. so you can expect to see a lot of me around here."

Just then, Okoye's eyes lit up as if she just remembered something incredible important and she immediately began scribbling once again. On a piece of paper. Scribbling. Erasing. And scribbling again.

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Re: Discerning Asylum

Post by Zero Venkage »

“Good luck with ruling and empire. You have a lot of work ahead of you.”

The arcs of life stretch far and wide, Zero’s had taken so many twists and turns over the years, he appreciated peers with a similar resolve to roll with the punches and try to make something good out of a bad situation. That quality in people is what kept him in orbit around The Crucible between his adventures. Everyone there held a conviction that pushed them beyond the limits they thought bound them no matter where they hailed from originally. It was the unifying force that made Arcturus the pilgrimage it was for so many, a place they sought to play a hand in crafting destiny. Lofty dreams, but it was a common enough occurrence that he saw it happen at least twice with his own eyes before The Fall. Okoye was one in million making it here on her own and even more impressive breaking out of prison to do it. He was happy to hear she could stick around, but the new location of the spirit of Arcturus came with a change in philosophy

“I’m happy to hear that. And you’re right, we have a ton of resources here if you’re looking to rest up and sharpen your skills. You’re welcome to stay, there’s just a few things we have to go over so the locals know you’re cool.”

Zero read the excitement all over her face and it felt like looking into a mirror, the rush you feel when a platter of possibilities opens in front of you slaked a very distinct, insatiable thirst. Left unchecked, it might damage the Conservatory and Neo Arcturus’ relationship with the rest of the Jaida Coast.

“I’d love for you to be able to move around freely, so do you wanna join a club?I only ask because the locals on the Jaida Coast aren’t exactly fond of tourists. IF you’re gonna be staying here a while, it’d be easier for you to come and go as you please.”

Zero went on to explain to Okoye the nature of The Conservatory and the work it does with the Jaida Coast, most specifically the Atlanteans in Toscano Bay. Zero’s band of displaced Arcturians didn’t arrive to the area quietly and had to make amends through deliberate reparation work. They participated and facilitated cultural festivals and learning workshops, a small hub microcosm of the coast’s communities. They sported a marketplace and communal places in the spirit of Arcturus, where those searching for that sliver of hope at the original site might come to find new hope. Still, he couldn’t do anything about their communities’ perception of outsiders unless he could insulate them with The Conservatory’s brand. Without it, she and anyone who might be trailing her would be subject to the vetting of the Atlanteans, the Tiatnians, and the Tribes of Gafren, all notorious for the pride and vigor they guard their borders with.

“The Conservatory also has tools to work with Arbiters, which I think you’ll find more interesting, but the toys come with the work.”

She could definitely attain the strength she sought here, but he couldn’t jeopardize his whole project for her.

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Re: Discerning Asylum

Post by Okoye »

Okoye' passively absorbed the volumes of information Zero shared while she perfected her sketch, but she didn't look up once. She wanted to be sure she captured the image correctly. Perfectly, in fact. Still, she heard what he said concerning the well being of her perception and how she could sharpen her image by contributing to the community that welcomed her. It was the least she could do, considering her circumstances. Despite the clothes that had been lended to her, the young woman didn't have a red cent to her name. She was broke, homeless, and the gnarly growls from her stomach may have frightened any nearby creatures roaming throughout the Altier.

But again, none of that mattered to her. She understood the importance of optics, but lending a helping hand to a well meaning community isn't exactly how she made a living. That is, until Zero mentioned the word "Arbiter". Before she left B'halia, Okoye surmounted a collection of books detailing powers and abilities exclusive to the tribes that conceived them. Anthems, Arbiters, bloodlines. Particular gifts and techniques that neither her eidetic reflex could never master. She lifted her head from her artistic fixation, unaware how telling her facial expressions were. It had been so long since she was willing to "talk" to someone, she forgot to abstain from being too relaxed. For a moment, she pondered the idea of her joining a club. Sure, she had her hobbies; reading was merely the gateway toward unveiling the many talents at her disposal. She was a superb artist, an expert in the preparation of delicious cuisines, she was an academic, a martial artist, and during her stint in prison she recently discovered a vice for gambling.

Now that she gave it some thought, the young woman had plenty of hobbies under her, but there was truly only one community she sought to join.


Once she finished her drawing, Okoye passed Zero her work. Upon it was a reimagining of the Grand Collesseo; the magnificent, massive edifice where the people of Arcturus would once battle before a crowd of adoring and wrathful faces. She even captured some of them upon her canvas, but most of the details were preserved for the building itself. Also, scribbled along the left hand corner, on what little splotch of white remained on the paper, was another symbol.

"Where is the Arena? I couldn't see it on my way here, but I could definitely use the money and excercise. I guarantee the locals along the Coast or whatever would appreciate my brand of entertainment. Also, what can you tell me about this symbol? About Shinjutsu?"

She finished her gestures by pointing at the symbol she drew. The sigil was B'halian in nature, so it may or not have been universally understood, but according to her studies, the practice of Shinjutsu was highly acclaimed, albeit impossibly difficult to master. It involved the use of ambient energy, ebbing and flowing throughout all creation, and learning to blend and channel it throughout the body. It was known to take centuries to master, which wasn't much of a hurdle for those born of Mazoku descent. The legendary discipline was the driving force behind the Empire's powerful military, sadly however, Okoye never had the opportunity to gain any experience in the art. The techniques were highly coveted and preserved from those the Empire deemed unworthy; only the strongest, most loyal warriors were gifted with scrolls containing the necessary information. She had only ever seen them in passing, scrolls and tomes stacked along her father's desk. His servants would often cover them in veils whenever he left his quarters, and Okoye had yet to learn to read at the time. It only dawned on her now, surrounded by Zero's timeless cove of knowledge, did she consider the odds of him possessing anything analogous to that of her home. Through the use of Shinjutsu, Mazoku Sages were able to perform wonderous acts of mercy, or hellish acts of chaos. Some of them were capable of manipulating their own natural energy to a point that, despite the involuntary response created from their voices, they were able to speak without destroying the world around them. It was a testament to their control, and something Okoye secretly pinned after like nothing else.

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Re: Discerning Asylum

Post by Zero Venkage »

“Arena’s for members only or special occasions.”

Zero spoke proudly and leaned back into the couch, popping a piece of fruit in his mouth. The Arena she spoke of was a secret from everyone on the coast. He hadn’t planned on bringing it up just yet, giving her some time to mull over the pitch for The Conservatory, but her enthusiasm sniffed it out for her. He felt like a gang boss, knowing full well she came work some people over. He loved to see it, but needed to direct her in the proper direction around her new duds. There existed a short list of individuals who used this Arena she sought regularly and the special occasions were regional holidays and special competitions between the locals. He loved it, that rush when he first found Arcturus himself bringing his blood to boil with excitement.

“If you work with The Conservatory, I can make sure you get the tools you need to master your Shinjutsu. I can’t get your record expunged or whatever from that prison, but I can definitely make it harder for people to find you if you’re going to be utilizing the facilities here. I kinda have to, if you wouldn’t mind. You wouldn’t have to worry about money, but you could still make some somewhere. You’ll have a place to sleep without bars on it too.”

If he could get her cooperation, he could open new doors for her with untold lanes of strength and she would fit right in with the arena’s shortlist. But, her prison break definitely spelled a little bit of trouble licking at her heels. He needed to squash that before he could have her taking care of tasks with lots of exposure, keep her discreetly behind the scenes until he could confirm some details on her imprisonment and escape. The B’halian Empire’s sphere of influence was wide and deep, but they didn’t seem to have much at stake around here, the Atlanteans and Humans of the Jaida Coast fended off outside invasion for centuries so they might not take fondly to her lineage, but he couldn’t confirm if their paths crossed in history.

“Sound like fun?”

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Re: Discerning Asylum

Post by Okoye »

"Arena’s for members only or special occasions.”

Zero spoke proudly and leaned back into the couch, popping a piece of fruit in his mouth...

“If you work with The Conservatory, I can make sure you get the tools you need to master your Shinjutsu. ..I can’t get your record expunged or whatever from that prison, but I can definitely make it harder for people to find you if you’re going to be utilizing the facilities here. I kinda have to, if you wouldn’t mind. You wouldn’t have to worry about money, but you could still make some somewhere. You’ll have a place to sleep without bars on it too.”
Okoye sucked her teeth and folded her arms in response to Zero's offer. It was good.. maybe too good? He offered her a wealth of resources in exchange for what? Socializing? Manuel labor? Mundane activities? Sure, the tasks sounded tedious but nothing she couldn't endure for a valuable trade. But what was Zero getting from this?There had to be something more but he didn't give her any underhanded vibes. He didn't say much about whether or not he truly understood what she was asking for. But whether or not he possessed any recorded or empirical data on what Shinjutsu was, he could infer its importance to her from the excitement on her face. He was weighing his leverage. Which wasn't difficult, considering she had none on her end.


It hadn't dawned on her that the B'halian Guard would be employed after her escape to collect any prisoner who managed to escape. She didnt know their protocols because before now, the facility never experienced a breakout. There were no legends or warning to cling to.

"What is this Conservatory, and what would you have me do?"

She signed, trying her best not to pout like a defeated toddler. Her pride wanted it to still feel like a negotiation, despite Zero holding all the cards.

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