Atelier Specs

Just poking out from the edge of the Shadelands is a modest looking home, big enough to hold a single family home. Once you sleep past the front door, the interior sprawls like a college campus, books lining the shelves for three floors up like an open concept library. This is the atelier, where Zero takes time to recharge and plan his expeditions abroad. Definitely bigger on the inside.
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Zero Venkage
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Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:43 pm

Atelier Specs

Post by Zero Venkage »

Atelier Jaida sits just barely at the edge of the Shadelands where they and Toscano Bay meet. It is a modest sized building, looking like a simple ranch style home, one story, open yard in the back carved into the darkness of the forest. Zero built this place to be away from the direct hustle and bustle of the Neo Citadel, but still close enough to be accessible to members of The Conservatory. He lives there when not away on Conservatory business, in a special room locked away from prying eyes, although he can still access it through a window from outside, his own private entrance.

Aside from his personal quarters, the atelier has an open door policy, its books and ledgers are open to anyone looking to do some research or just get away for a moment. Sometimes, people treat it like a library, coming to study and rest in their downtime. The ornate, wood crafted furniture is the most comfortable setup on the Jaida Coast (confirmed by Zero himself), sporting desks, tables, ornate light fixtures and lamps that brighten the room softly, and a baller chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling more for ambiance than illumination. Everything within the atelier, Zero sourced himself from the black and white checkered tiles to the materials used for the structure of the building itself. Three floors of books, armor, trinkets, toys, and stretch over a floor space easily five times as large as it appears on the outside, intentionally keeping the uninitiated from poking their nose where it doesn't belong.

The atelier is designed like Zero himself, modest, homey looking on the outside hiding an amazing wealth of resources within.

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