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Peri Grinne: The Uncrowned King and Falcon's Eye

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:11 pm
by Grinne
Name: Peri Grinne
Order: Fae
Ico: Avarici - A rare form of Fae who are typically hunted for their special eyes, said to be able to lead the holder to the thing they desire the most.

  • Central: The world will be mine
  • Contrast: Can’t get him out of my head!
  • Crossing: Zero Venkage, Falkensekt.
  • Active: Gathering the pawns
Faction: Falkensekt - A little known organization started by Grinne for the sole purpose of exacting revenge on Zero Venkage. Made up of individuals and groups who have been wronged by him in the past, Falkensekt’s whole identity is hinged upon finding Zero Venkage and exacting revenge upon him, his associates, and anyone he holds dear. They will resort to almost any means to achieve their goal, sparing no mercy or quarter for those who may stand in their way.

Anthem: Vorpal Sight - This ability grants the user sight beyond sight, where they
can visualize a goal for themselves in one eye and use the other to search out ways to reach that goal.


Perigrine Swordplay: The fighting style Grinne developed using a pair of specially designed katanas. They make a strange sound when drawn and can cut without touching a target, though there are few people to reliably speak on it who have actually seen the blades drawn.

Tech: TBD

Unique Marks: The Avarici Anthem gives the Fae heterochromia iridium, a pair of eyes with contrasting colors. Jet black hair just about shoulder length, On the larger side, just a bit over 6 ft tall with an imposing build honed by centuries of training and conditioning. A body covered in scars and burns, but his face remains almost pristine, a strong jawline and cheekbones that have not seen a smile in half a millennia.

Bio: Grinne is a man who has always known what he wanted. His Anthem has been able to grant him the gift of sight beyond sight, the ability to visualize that which he desires and the many roads that lead to that desire. He doesn’t remember much from his childhood. Did he have a childhood? He was gifted with the memories of millions, a veritable sea of information poured directly into his mind from what he could only assume were his parents. Most living creatures had them, progenitors to thank for their meager existence. For Grinne, they had no face, but lived myriad lives. They were people who he couldn’t recognize, but knew were a part of him. The memories were with him from the beginning and informed him of his kind, the Avarici, his Anthem, Vorpal Sight, and the fate of most of his kind, hunted for their wondrous insight. These two undeniable facts are all Grinne knew to be undeniably true, facts he felt in his heart of hearts, down to his bones, that he and his people, wherever they were, could bring all their desires to life through envisioning it using his birthright’s sight beyond sight. For as long as he could remember, that mystic sight guided him to wealth and favor as easily as he breathed, building a charisma within him that made his magnetic personality his most destructive weapon.

He traveled the world and made acquaintances of some very powerful people, able to indulge in his wildest fleshly fantasies with mere suggestions. The people he surrounded himself were beautiful, the abodes through his life adorned with the gregarious signs of affluence. And why? Because he could. With the gift of his Anthem, he could give these people whatever they wanted, so long as they had the power to reach for it, and enjoy the decadent fruits of their labor. With no desires of his own, he reaped every benefit he could from his birthright for a millennium. And even in the face of immense social influence, he could never find himself satisfied, chasing the next experience, casting away his identities and the people tied to them like yesterday’s clothes. He moved through Vescrutia from one place to another, an enigma emerging from the shadows to provide you with your own deepest desire, so long as you have the will to reach for it.

He made kings of men, royalty of peasants, and exalted those who could put everything aside for their own goals. Some whisper of him as Falcon’s Eye, a blessed individual who could grant your wildest dream. Others fear him as the Uncrowned King, the despot behind the rise of some of the most despicable elite. He’s known as simply, the Avarici, one of last of their kind hunted to extinction by the sorcerous king bent on global rule. Whatever moniker he gained, he cast it off as easily as he gained them.

At some point, he grew bored of building up weak men for his amusement and decided to work only for himself. If he could give those without gifted sight the life and luxury they dreamed of, then why not do it for himself?

And that thought created Falkensekt, an clandestine syndicate made up of those who owed their he decided owed him a debt for his favor. Some understood the terms easily and repay their debt with fealty. Others are crushed just as easily as they were built, taking away the life Grinne granted them. Falkensekt operated under his direction to find him the best and brightest of anything that caught his eye, all because he could see it, so he could manifest it.

That brought him to the ancient city Kemet and the Crucible hidden within, Arcturus, where legends carve out their niche in history. Grinne laid eyes on this sacred, fabled place, whispered of in even more secrecy than even his own infamy and knew nothing else for quite some time. It was the first time he found something he desired and had no easily discernible way to reach it. He racked his brain amongst its people, its residents, its gladiators, wondering what it could be here that eluded him, but engrossed so much of his sight beyond sight.

Then he found it in the halls of the colosseum, mention of an artifact that could hone his sight beyond sight and lead him to a greater paradigm. The Waves of Horus, said to be able to see into a different world, vision beyond the bounds of time and space were within his grasp, but who was this entity that now filled his otherworldly vision?

Zero Venkage became the object of his desire on his quest to the ultimate relic. Grinne felt something he never had before, a linking rush from a familiar name but an unfamiliar face. His anonymous memories whispered of some ultimate relic and in passing this man they all cried out in unison, yearning to grow closer to him.

And so they did. Grinne joined the sortie Zero rallied to the City of Uran and in the trials that followed, was the only member of the party other than Zero to complete the trip. The journey proved so harrowing, the wise turned back soon and the daring fell somewhere inbetween. Zero and Grinne entered the city and were treated like kings, the residents and stewards of the ultimate relic were fully aware how rare guests were and honored their hard work.

Neither Grinne nor the people of Uran were prepared for what resulted of the pair’s visit to the city, as Zero made off with the Waves of Horus by himself, leaving Grinne, the City, and its generous residents to deal with the fallout of his treachery.

Grinne disappeared from the city bewildered, baffled that this one person could wrest any object of desire from him. For a millennium Grinne took what he wanted from who he wanted and gave what he wanted to reap the fruits of his own labor, but this one man managed to take from him with no foreseeable consequence.

It broke him.

From that moment on, Grinne’s birthright was fixated squarely on Zero Venkage and the revenge he sought to exact. All his Vorpal Sight could perceive was the future fall of Zero, the destruction of him and the world he inhabited. What Grinne felt in those halls of Arcturus, that self-centered hope of fulfilling a dream at least a millennium in the making, was taken from him by an enigma not unlike himself, so similar that he couldn’t stand it. Zero Venkage became a paradoxical vision of adoration, an object of hatred and desire so deep it drives Grinne to the limits of his sanity parsing the path to his retribution. Just as his focus is funneled toward the destruction of Zero Venkage, the whole of Falkensekt is dedicated to that goal as well, his personal global organization fixated on bringing about an end to Zero Venkage and the beginning of a new era for Grinne and Vescrutia.