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Flashback: Graduation

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:58 pm
by Zero Venkage
Deep within the darkness of the Nogris Jungle lies a ghoulish white stronghold. It members revered it as a holy ground, one sacred to the touch, always emanating warmth divine in a forest of eternal night. The Acolytes built their temple from the bounty of this sacred space to truly understand the nature of its aura, and have been crafting the discipline to connect with it for millennia.

Their surroundings reminded Zero of something you'd see on the high seas, following a current whose sun exposure lasted for weeks. It's unique character is what drew Zero Venkage to the Jaida Coast, but it definitely made it easier for him to adjust to staying there. Before The Fall, his work with Leviathan Order took him to vistas just as unique almost daily. Now, he found himself attached to the high contrast drab, the quiet stillness of the black forest with white trees and the gentle, while the imposing design of Sol Gamera became a seventh home to him.

Three years passed after Zero and his comrades from Arcturus began their cultural immersion into the Jaida Coast. He and a small clutch of displaced Arcturians were consigned to a program hosted by the Acolytes of Lucis to introduce them to the ways and whys of the Jaida Coast, locals called it the Jaidan Way. The events of Skyfall, while tragic, did succeed in bringing all of the people together for one goal after who knows how long they avoided one another. Considering how vibrant the untamed wilds across all the Jaida Coast, Zero was perplexed they had such little contact for so long.