The Gilded Reunion

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Zolgarious Gilden
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The Gilded Reunion

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

The day had just settled the night had begun to shy creep across the sky. Many of the local businesses had begun to close for the evening and many others that thrived on the nightlife instead opened. Considering the time they were in, it was a virtuous act of bravery to be open past night with the dangers the darkness tended to attract. However, here, in the realm of Heliodor, much of the common fear of the night had been washed away by the brilliant gleam of the kingdom's protector Gilded Fang the guild housed here. For over 300 years the kingdom stood strong half that time attributed to having the militant force of warriors dedicated to keeping their home safe. Spearheaded by the illustrious Erigor Pharlonious descendant of the great hero of the Realm Valor Rin most noticeably known for stopping a horrid villain from bringing total destruction to the world. In the many generations since have the walls of Heliodor stood with the glimmering eye of Erigor shining down upon it from the bastion in which the guild resided, The Den Of The Golden Lion. A Massive haughty fortress that doubled as a citadel. At first glance, it looked like nothing more than a grotesque display of the realm's thick and abundant resources. In truth, it houses some of the noblest of intentions doubling as a hub for many essential services inducing top-notch healthcare, access to food, help for travelers and wayward men and women, a dojo for warriors, and many other ways to help the world abroad.

"And here I was thinking that would've toned down the least a little"

Said a voice deep enough to send shivers down the spines of those who heard it. He walked upon the face of the mother barefoot his skin could more than bear the various terrains. His torso donned a gold chain piece that hooked around his upper body. On his lower half, he wore solid black harem pants.

"Man, Erigor is gonna flip his wig when he sees me."

He let out a whimsical chuckle. The thought of the old lion's face, when he caught a look at Zol, was almost priceless.

"Eh, Meru?"

Never too far behind him was his most loyal partner his first friend, the Altier Wolf Merumasa. When they first met Zol had no Idea Meru was once the host for the Faerie King's lost child's soul; Lilika, The Pillar of Emotion. The very same soul that reignited Zol's memories into his past, his true past. Now that child's spirit is one of the Pillars that keep Zol's own soul anchored to his body. After Lilika and Zol merged Meru's original consciousness was able to take back control. It left him different though. Altier wolves are a rare and endangered breed. They are naten-aware creatures whose intelligence once made them some of the more fearsome predators. Considered to protectors of their ecosystem they often culled other species that grew to large or those seeking to invade their territory. One of the only known species that actually uses naten to cook and preserve their food they only tender to hunt when their reserves ran low. Their speed and horrific physical power made them a force to be reckoned with. Even among these creatures, Meru was an anomaly. His connection to Zol gifted him the ability to use Aura allowing him the means to speak with other creatures in whatever language they used. A trait he and Zol decided to keep under wraps for now. It made discovering whether someone was being truthful more exciting.

It seems not much has changed Zol, Perhaps he will welcome you with open arms? Or even a banquet in your esteemed honor? fufufu"

Zol's mouth began watering at the thought. Man had it been ages since he'd had a real meal. The Yuex were a great people but man was their cuisine basic. They made it to the entrance of the Guild. No security as usual. Sometimes he thought that they were just arrogant, at least he would've if he didn't know Erigor's heart. In truth, security wasn't needed as the Guild itself was embedded with powerful magic. One that would only lift for those who bore the mark. The Guuilds mark that is. He reached for the handle and paused. Meru stopped just in front of him taking note of his hesitation.

Hm? Getting cold feet are we?

Zol balled his fist

"No actually, it's just... my mark's on my back now, not my hand"

So much was still foreign to him about his new form. His mark used to be on his hand but they shifted it to his back inside when creating his new physical form. Just another affirmation of what Meru said. It seemed much hadn't changed, but he had. Tremoudnsouly so.

"They are you family Zol. Your pack. They will know it's you, let us go we've been traveling for hours and I'm overdue for a bath. My coat is losing its perfect shine and luster!"

Zol smirked, He was right. He was still himself at his core, the same person they once knew and loved. He was sure he would be embraced with love and excitement. He entered the zone that was inscribed with a glyph. Standing on it it would ignite. Several seconds went by before the streams of naten washed over him stopping short of his mark. It turned from bright right to blue before the door began to open. Two massive concrete-like slabs parted way giving sight to the glorious Hall of the Gilded Fangs.
Last edited by Zolgarious Gilden on Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: The Gilded Reunion

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

As the doors parted ways Zol found himself in awe. It was just like when he first entered this golden hall as a child the nostalgia filling his heart with admiration and angst. Not much head changed and yet it felt so different at the same time. Walking through, the doors soon close behind him. The place seemed to be extremely busy today everyone was running around like chickens with their head cut off. Because of the array of services the domain provided it wasn't too obtuse to see them scurrying about so frantically. However, the energy just came off as very disheveled.

"Scuse me coming through!"

A woman blazed by them pushing a person on what looked to be a bed with wheels on it. Two other men were trailing behind her just barely able to keep up with the speeds she was moving at.

"Elena slow down!"

The guy to the right of her yelled, but it fell on deaf ears. She was covered in speckled spots of blood. Zol quickly hopped out of their path and just as they passed him he and the woman locked eyes. For the split second they did she cracked a smirk. His eyes swiftly deflected to the man they were helping whose body was littered with strange orange objects. At that moment a deep tug happened in Zol's chest. He reached and grabbed at the chains of his outfit. The pain was intense, like a blade stabbing him in his chest. Elena caught sight of this but if she didn't get this guy to the healing wing he was gonna die.

"No time, get him to the Healing Wing STAT!"

She barked leaving Zol to handle his own affliction. Meru rushed to his side.

"Zol what happened? Are you hurt?"

Zol found himself a bit winded but the pain subsided after the medical team got farther away from him. He'd never known such a sudden burst of pain, he was still unaccounted for given his origins. This however was different it was like the pain did not belong to him.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. That was odd. I've never felt that kind of agony before..."

Zol winced at the last remnants of the pain as they left him with more complex feelings than when he entered. He half expected the vibe to be off, another ripple effect of everyday change. He never thought he would see the guild in such disarray. This begged the question. Had something happened to Erigor? Meru curiously tilted his head before using his snot to lift Zol's hand atop his furry head. Zol looked down at Meru and smiled. He was fine now physically. Deep inside him though a gnawing feeling began eating away at him. As if something horrible was about to happen.

"I'm gonna go see what I can do to help. Meru, go find Erigor"


A scrawny assistant bellowed a wail that could be heard halfway down the massive hall. Zol's focus intensified snapping in the direction of the Healing Wing

"Zol are you sure, what about you?"

The worry in Meru's voice softened his features a bit. He turned to his friend and met him at eye level. He'd rub his soft bushy fur before scratching behind his ear. Meru's foot moved in jubilation. He licked Zol's hand.

"Meru' don't worry about me I'll be fine, promise. Go and figure out what's going on here, you might be a bit bigger but Erigor will know it's you. He'd never forget a guild member. I have to help here, I am counting on you"

The young wolf's tail became that of iron as he was affirmed by Zol's readiness to jump into the fray. One of the many traits he admired about his friend. Meru nodded before heading off in the opposite direction to see what he could sniff out about all this. Zol smirked as he watched the determined wolfling run off into the distance.


Another howl of pain sent his smile into a worried frown. He hurried to the Healing Wing. It was a matter of seconds before he arrived. Just as he was about to try and enter the area he noticed it was closed off by a number of barriers. the likes of which one could not see through. Before him stood two members of the medical team who were standing guard at the only entrance and exit of the barrier.

"Sir we're gonna ask you to stand back or risk contamination"


He thought. Thinking back to the brisk encounter of the last patient in transit he noticed him covered in burn-like scaring and an almost gleaming orange hue. Like the very sun had touched him

"Listen, I'm here to help."

He said taking a step forward causing the guard on the left to raise his right hand in protest.

"We appreciate your concern young man but we cannot simply allow you to enter without the proper clearance"

"Exactly Only ranking members of the guild may enter and even then only Elena the head of the Healing division can clear it seeing as how we are in a state of emergency"

"You talking to one!"

He said showing his guild symbol. Certifying him as a registered guild member.

The two guards looked at each other and the one on the left sighed.

"She's not gonna be happy being disturbed while trying to get things under wraps. How-"

"C'mon seriously? What do I need to d-"

The guard on the left threw his hand up now a little tired to have been interrupted.

"You really should let people finish talking before you but in!"

Zol shrunk in his shoulders a bit.

"As I was saying, however, I will inform her of your request. A moment please."

He turned away and entered the barrier space vanishing completely from view as he did so. Several moments went by as Zol nervously tapped his foot against the floor in apprehension.

"Are you SERIOUS right now?!"

*Guy in the background: Vitals destabilized*

"M-madame Elena you asked us to run all folks asking to assist by you. You actually made it an order"

"Up the dosage by 10%"

*Guy in the background: Vitals stabilized*

"A wise guy HUH?! "

*Guy in the background: Vitals destabilized*

"Should we turn him away?"

"Grrr Bring him in YOU get out!

*Guy in the background: Vitals stabilized*

The guard exited the barrier looking far more stressed out than he did going in.

"Sir you've been cleared to enter. You're entering the lion's den. On your best behavior, and you guard."

The guard on the right laughed and moved aside.

"She's literally saving lives how bad can she be?"

He said smirking entering the barrier after the guard placed a rune on his shoulder that allowed him entry. The two just shook their heads. Feeling like the boy might be more naieve than his grown appearance gave off.

"Maan his

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: The Gilded Reunion

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »


He said as he parted the veil that created the barrier around the healing wing. What he saw when he entered shocked him. Dozens of beds lined on opposite sides of the room each individually contained with a barrier of it's own. The barriers were somewhat opaque to honor confidentiality no doubt. The guild had always had a large amount of members but this was beyond that. Most of the people he could tell from those he saw in passing seemed to be civilians more than anything. In states of crisis, the Gilded Fang guild hall was known to become a sanctuary dedicated to the care of all within its walls. This though, it was madness. The care team was running rampant with half as many staff as there were people in need.

"What is happening?"

He said as he stepped a bit further in, as he went to take his next step another deep pain shot through his head. It caused him to freeze in place catching him by surprise. He gripped the sides of his skull gritting his teeth in agony. The pain was accompanied by a maelstrom of sound bombarding him from all over. A screeching roar of static inhibiting him from from thinking straight. One of the staff remembered his face from when they passed with another patient on the way in. He hurried to his side placing his hand on Zol's shoulder and immediately began triaging him.

"Patient seems to be experiencing cranial stress, No obvious outwards signs of Sardynox contact, sir, you name, can you tell me your name."

The world around him became a murky canvas saturated in black before a curious dreamscape of deep dark penetrative blues swirled and mingled with a virulent ambioutous orange. The conflicting emotions crashed into each other like a turbulent wave bashing against a shore. Such was the impact on his mind. Heavy waves of anguish, pain loss, and suffering swelled within his mind. Yhick swarm of desire, avarice, and the overwhelming sensation that he needed to open himself. The seams of his psyche felt like they could erupt at any second making him grip his heir to cope. The man went to lift Zol up from the ground but quickly released him once he noticed Zol's eyes began to emit a soft orange hue. Another worker rushed to assist them but stopped herself just short of Zol leary of the aura.


She ran off to go find her. As she did Zol's grip on his head relaxed a bit as the turbulent storm of emotions began to simmer down. He had to focus but instead of fighting he challenged himself to fine-tune his own aura to assuage the clashing so that he could connect with the origins of the auras themselves. This helped him to individualize the plethora of sensations in the fog of feelings he found himself in the nexus of. As he did so he took a large deep breath and upon exhaling the turbulent flux of colors began to simmer into a smooth blend of various colors. Spurts of green and traces of purple blanketed the backdrop of his mind as the emotions became conscious thoughts.

" Gods...the pain it feels like fire is coursing through me."

The voice of a man? Young, teens, have a heavy sense of confusion and pain.

" Mommy, where you go mommy? I can't see you anymore...I can't see anything."

A child a little girl? Separated from her mother, fear gripped her as the darkness consumed her vision. Now all she can see is a frightening orange that sears like flame but there is no heat.

Could what he has been feeling be the emotions of those around him? Lilika, the Amber Titain; a Pylon of emotions sacrificed her being in order to anchor Zol's spirit to this plane after the battle with the Noviik. Lilika's brother Erodyn the Coral Harmonizer; Pylon of Vessels, who was also inhabiting the body of the Yuex Elder, used his late sister's essence to create a vessel, a new physical form that could hold Zol's newly evolved essence now making Lilika's ability to sense and interpret emotions through aura his own. He was blindsided by the overwhelming emotional spectrum of the room he entered. Being able to ground himself a bit though brought back to mind the Elder's warning. Zol would find himself tackling the many different ways his current form interacted with the world as the way he would experience the world would be much different than before. He was now spiritually aware of The Unseen, a realm in which the incorporeal traveled. What he was now... a Demi-Fae warranted much to discover.

"I-Incredible, even after all the training it's still so hard to handle the initial impact of this ability. Lilika once used it to support an entire realm of beings on a spectrum as varied as the species of the world itself. My fmuse, thank you...for blessing me with your vision and trusting me with your most prized possession."

By the time his head began to settle a woman would be just approaching. The light of the aura began to fade leaving faint traces of its naten behind. Her demeanor was stalwart her gaze cold, piercing, direct. From the center of her palm, a small light became spherical as it grew. A bubble of this essence formed before she placed it near Zol's head.

"You. Remain still, I'd prefer not to have to retrace my steps."

Her voice was so clear, severing even, cutting through the maelstrom of emotions filtering through his conscience, helping him regain his sense of self. She placed the bubble against the side of his face soon the entirety of his head was engulfed by the naten. Her hand rested ever so gently on his face with the slightest inclination to raise his head more. It was only then did his gaze met hers. She stood over him and for the briefest moment, he felt this overwhelming sensation of complete and total submission. Her demeanor was so stern so stoic that the very air itself seemed to still itself around her. The invitation to rise was met with action as he regained much of his composure the moment she touched him. He could feel an almost divine serenity seeping from her into him. So this was Clara?

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: The Gilded Reunion

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

"You. Remain still, I'd prefer not to retrace my steps."

Her voice was so clear, severing even, cutting through the maelstrom of emotions, filtering through his conscience, helping him regain his sense of self. She placed the bubble against the side of his face soon the entirety of his head was engulfed by the naten. Her hand rested ever so gently on his face with the slightest inclination to raise his head more. It was only then that his gaze met hers. She stood over him and for the briefest moment, he felt this overwhelming sensation of complete and total submission. Her demeanor was so stern and stoic that the air itself seemed to still surround her. The invitation to rise was met with action as he regained much of his composure the moment she touched him. He could feel an almost divine serenity seeping from her into him. So this was Clara?
"How curious"

She said as her naten slowly faded away as she waved off the fleeting energy. Zol would rise dwarfing Clara who was a mere 5'5 compared to the 6'3 walking machina. Yet the presence of her aura would have one believe she stood 8 feet tall. She slowly began to walk around Zol examining his body with her hand resting on her chin in a calculating manner. His gaze fell from hers to the ground shyly.

"You... are not human. Not entirely anyway."

Zol's eyes widened and he again caught her stare. How in the world did she just pick up on that? All of Zol was still very organic, his blood had been infused with magic which has reinforced his internal structures bones, joints, etc.


He asked with a slightly bewildered tone. Clara smirked almost a bit arrogantly.

"My anthem enables me to use my naten as a medium to interact with another being subconscious. When I heal it is not me that is healing. My knowledge of human and some elven anatomy is quite extensive. In a sense, I guess you can say I guide the body through its healing process using my knowledge in place of the impacted person ."

Zol was still confused but he caught the gist of her words.

" That said, my abilities also allow me to sift through the memories of my patient. What I witnessed from you would take several millennia to transcribe. Some of it I’m not even sure I could in the common Vescrutian tongue. It was almost much too much for me to handle, to be thing is for certain though"

Clara stopped her parading around him standing to the left of him

"Whatever you are, you are exactly what we need”

She encouraged him to follow her. From her brief bonding with him she learned many things about Zol that for the first time since this mayhem began brought her a sense of comfort.

“ You have seen it? You know the source of this madness do you not?”

She asked despite knowing the truth already. Clara was a pragmatic women. Though she knows this world is fully of strange mystical things it still send chills up her spine, the things that exist in this world. It was,


“The meteor, no, comet is from some galaxy eons away from here. Several thousand years ago this trouble maker was Caught in vescrutia’s orbit and caused all kinds of mayhem”

They walked through as Clara answered her earlier question to Zol. As he looked aroun he saw several wounded people. Their aura called out to him spilling emotions and regrets onto him like standing under a water fall. Their wounds were burns like orange flakie like markings the site of the infection the radiation created. Like fire in their veins.

“That explains the rise in monster activity. If this keeps up they’re going to become a bigger problem…a danger to Helidor itself. The world at large.”

She stopped just short of a little girl. She couldn’t have been any older than 6. Ravaged in organs burns.

”Clara, you said I’m what you need. What can I do?”

His eyes were filled with a deep sorrow. Their emotions were so heavy so sad. He had to free them of this whatever he needed to do it would be done.

“I can treat their wounds but like I said earlier I only guide the body. If it cannot be lead I cannot heal. The Sardynox radiation is interfering with my ability. If we can find a way to counter act it than we might stand a chance at saving these people’s lives. If I could have and study actual parts of the monsters themselves then I could possibly determine a counter measure.”

She turned to Zol

“Wait…Zol…Little Zol?”

She had been so preoccupied with everything else that had been going on she come play skipped the parts of his memory that confirmed his identity. He was thought to have lost his life along with another group of hunters sent on a mission sometime ago. Of which only Aisha was the survivor.

“Heh yeah…though I guess I’m not as little anymore”

He said nervously scratching the back of his head. Despite knowing what happened she still wanted to ask him but didn’t. Instead she chose to share this with him.

“ Ya know Zol… around the time that you died is when I first joined this guild and I almost left within the first month.”

By the why everyone here respected her he couldn’t imagine why

“In the world of hunters the death of comrades is common this work we do though glorified is extremely dangerous.”

Her eyes drifted to the many that were hurt

“They grieved you. Zol, for two years the mourned your party but none felt the weight of your death more so…than Erigor. Before your passing none of us had ever seen Erigor she’d a tear”

Her own eyes watered but she held a tight grip and didn’t let a single tear fall

“But for you Zol, he wept 4 whole days. He mourned you for a year. The weight of that grief was so deep. Like an ocean of pain and regret. You his only child…that’s a loss no one should have to bear.”

Zol could feel them, the well of feelings she was fighting back. Clara had been here the entire time picking up the pieces of the guilds shattered heart.

“ Even though I know what your task must be..I don’t want to be the one to give it to you. Because if Erigor knows your alive and looses you again…I think he’ll loose whatever spark of light is left inside him. I don’t want to be the reason. His soul shatters again…”

Clara clinched her arm in frustration. They had experienced so many losses already from the increased viciousness of the monsters. Zol would be standing in front of her with his fist clinched and head low his hair caring a veil I’ve this face. Tears began to stream down his face. He hadn’t even thought about it. The pain his death must have caused them all. Erigor got least of all.

For him this felt like returning from summer camp. For Erigor and the others it would be like pealing the scab off a barely healed wound.

“I-I had no idea. I just walked in thinking that everything would go back to how it was. Loss it changes people it changes everything.”

He said as he started wiping his face. Despite soul being ancient there were pieces of Zol marine child like personality mixed in. Aside from Thai though Zol would have to also acknowledge that yes that loss changed much… he had also changed.

“I may still be as naïve as a child at times. But Clara trust me when I say this.”

Zol would look up and his eyes hummed with a golden hue of piece ring determination and power.

“I will never let that happen again. I will never let another person die because of my weakness. I’m stronger now…much stronger than I ever was as Michio. Far stronger than I ever could have been. But I get it. So if you won’t give me the mission… then it’s time I went to see Erigor myself.”

Clara eyes met Zols. Hers had a shaky resolve but after looking at zols powerful gaze it quickly became firm again. She knew he was telling the truth. She had felt his power for herself.

“Hmp, very well then. All this brooding is bad for my skin anyways. You’ll find him in his study. Zol…a lot has changed. Don’t be surprised if he is not as warm as he used to be.”

Zol looked at his hand feeling the power of his being ebbing within him. He had to face his adopted father. He had to release him from his grief if they were going to be able to stop this threat.

“Right , I’ll be going then. You keep doing your thing here Clara. I’ll bring you those reagents. I swear it.”

She nodes to him and shows him out the place fouling smiling after he left.

“Erigor I see why you cared for that boy so. He truly has a kind and loving heart”

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: The Gilded Reunion

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

After leaving Clara Zol was far more anxious than he was when he first arrived. This was far more dire than he had originally anticipated. Namely the Sardonyx poisoning. It seems there could be no delusion as to the merits of his vision all those eons ago. Vescrutia was truly in danger a scale the likes they haven’t witnessed since the fall itself only this time the entire planet could be swallowed in madness.

The scars the infected had were like depictions of sun rays on their flesh. Like Xelphis itself had touched them… cursed them even. The radiation had some adverse reaction on the emotional wavelength of those it affected. Inspiring either rage or dread. The infected ranged from young to old. Not all of them explicitly hunters, meaning, these creatures were becoming increasingly bolder creeping ever closer to the city. That and folks tend to be a bit foolhardy here inspired by the great works of the other hunters.

Boy… did it feel good to be back. The only place in the physical realm he’s ever been able to call home. Within these walls he always felt so secure pride in every step he took. To be viewed as a strong and valiant warrior and champion of the people like his father. That was Zol’s most fervent wish, to protect the world they both cared so deeply for.

”have you really changed so much?”

Zol said as he reminisced on the day he met Erigor. The way his armor glistened in the sun the might blow he used to strike Zol attackers. That day Zol witnessed true power and wanted a strength beyond that of himself. To hear that Erigor had become colder was hard for him to believe. He was firm but kind, encouraging. A lover of nature animals were naturally drawn to him. How much could he truly have changed in two years? He supposed his concept of time might be different than most considering he technically a fossil.

”No sense in getting cold feet now. Meru should’ve found him by now anyway.”

As if called, when Zol turned the corner Meru would be just approaching a door that was slightly cracked. In front of it were two large lion mantles. Meru caught site of him and wagged his tail in enthusiasm.

”Zol! I found Erigor. He’s scents all over this place…and there another person in there with him.”

Zol smirked at his buddies pride in his nose. As he should, it’s never steered them wrong.

”Are you ok? You were hurt, I was worried.”

Zol would start petting and rubbing his furry friend’s beautiful mane.

”Yeha I’m good buddy. Man aren’t I lucky, having a big strong guy like you looking out for me huh?”

Meru began to pant in pleasure

”Indeed you are, you’d loose your head without me”

Zol chuckled before looking to the door to Erigor dwelling. His facial expression became slightly more tense. Meru sense this shift and licked his face snapping him back to it.

”To late for second guessing. We have a promise to keep.”

Zol placed his face against meru and took a deep breath. His friend was right. Zol have survived against impossible odds to stand here now finally capable of helping his loved ones face a threat to all of their futures. He couldn’t afford to back out now after all

”Fangs don’t abandon Fangs.”

Meru nodded in agreement. Regardless of the butterflies in his stomach Zol would place his hand on the door. He would knock three times slowly then twice quickly. Wondering if the knock would be remembered as he opened the door.

”Hello? Erigor?”

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Fate I
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Re: The Gilded Reunion

Post by Fate I »

Upon entering Erigor's Sanctum, the room unfolded like a tapestry straight out of some fantastical realm. The walls, adorned with the imposing remains of vanquished monsters, told his tales of triumph; scales shimmering like precious gems hung near the windows, dismembered talons the size or tree trunks decorated the lit fireplace, and the beheaded busts of several unnamed creatures were mounted unto the wall like exotic trophies.

At the center of the room was a table crafted from the bones of slain monsters, where Erigor and A'isha had been seated across from each other in contemplative silence. They were focused on the holographic globe positioned at the center of the table detailing known territories across Vescrutia that were pulsating with recently emerging, malevolent creatures. There were also specialized legends along the map symbolizing the ongoing struggle against Sardonyx Radiation and the locations most affected by the spreading infection.

Erigor's face was masked behind a cross shaped scar that covered his left eye and a coarse beard of silver. On his head was a mane of platinum that reached down to the center of his back.

He was a large man, even when he was sitting down, clad in attire woven from the hides of the beasts he'd conquered and fashioned to resemble their likeness. He wore no formal armor. Aside from his robe, his chest was bare and covered in scars that he wore like badges. Fitted around both of his arms were golden gauntlets, ornamented with a horned tiger along the knuckles while his legs were covered by a pair of loose fitting crimson pants that were tied at his ankle by a bundle of black thread. His feet were covered by a pair of black boots, built to withstand the elements and overwhelm the density of bone and tissue.

His body was all muscle. Every inch of him was chiseled diamond with the occasional chip of battle here and there. And the sound of his voice was akin to that of sliding gravel. Thunderous and smothering.

“You saved a life, A'isha. What more could I have asked of you?”

“The Novik is still alive, Erigor.. I've only pinpointed one of its many feeding grounds. And Cyrus is right, it doesn't matter how many people I save.. That thing is just going to kill a dozen more. We have to find it and destroy it as soon as possible! That is the only thing that matters!”


Thunderous and smothering. A'isha immediately found her eyes tracing the floor boards as Erigor projected his voice.

“I've heard my fill of Cyrus. His actions have endangered more of his allies than I am comfortable with. The same cannot be said of you, my friend. You are a beacon, and symbol of what I'd hope Fangs would represent. I will speak with Cyrus, why don't you find our new guest and introduce yourself? The girl should know who her hero is.”

A'isha hesitated to respond.. Her head was still tilted toward the ground, her gaze a bit detached and disappointed. Despite his kind words, she didnt feel at all heroic. But she dismissed her pity party once she noticed someone had entered the room. Her nose twitched for a moment, as if she'd recognized a smell that followed the stranger through the door.

“Is this urgent?”

Was all Erigor said to Zol as A'isha prepared her leave.

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: The Gilded Reunion

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

As he entered his heart skipped a heat at hearing Erigor's voice. Two years to years since he's heard his father's voice let alone set eyes on him. He could feel his chest tighten but he pushed through and boy was it a sight to behold. In the time that Zol had been absent, there were more than double the amount of heads here when he last was in this room. His eyes trailed the ceiling in management before landing on two people talking His father was one of them just as massive as ever, even from here. He could still remember the feeling of standing beside him. Like befriending a mountain. Though he supposed he was taller now himself, which was but one of the things that had changed about him. Hearing his voice again brought back up the anxiety he was experiencing just before entering. What was he going to say? Would he even believe anything he had to say? Meru would nudge him along, letting him know he was not alone. Zol stepped through with a bit more confidence...until he saw that the other person sitting across from Erigor was...


He whispered so quietly they might've barely heard him. She was just as he remembered her, stoic majestic, and a worried wart. Her tone held all kinds of reservations and pushbacks but she held her tongue. As anyone would in Erigor's presence. Not out of fear but respect for his word. Zol could not help but surrender to his emotions. His stomach sank into a pit as he breathlessly repeated her name.

" Aisha... you live..."

Meru entered at his side catching eye on the litany of trophies that decorated his space. Creatures and beasts they had never encountered on their journeys, some of them they might never get the chance to see. Zol's face was bathed in the natural light of the sanctum shimmering off his honey brown skin. His sacrifice was not in vain, she survived! The Novik, fiend that it was, had taken her arm. Had it not been for Zol's awakening the beast would've claimed her entirely. That act of bravery was repaid with trauma but then, a new beginning and the remembering of an ancient vow.
“Is this urgent?”

Was all Erigor said to Zol as A'isha prepared her leave.
The callousness in his tone verified it for Zol.

"Is it urgent? Erigor. I've returned!"

He said as he stepped closer his hand on his chest revealing his guild tattoo. Each member of the guild possesses a guild mark unique to them based on their favorite creature. Zol's were butterflies thus the mark on his hand.

"It's me, Zol"

He said as Meru stood beside him. He looked at Aisha, they had to recognize him. All of their lives depended on it.

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Fate I
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Re: The Gilded Reunion

Post by Fate I »


A deadly hush fell over the room at the mention of Erigor's recently departed son. It had gotten so quiet, so eerily still that Aisha could literally hear Erigor's heart rate increase tenfold. Ever since that day two years ago, the man carried a scowl that never seemed to leave his face. Zol's passing created a void of guilt in his chest that swallowed every other emotion in its path; the man hadn't smiled, he hadn't laughed, he hadn't cried, he even lost his joy in teaching and conditioning the youth of Helidor. He simply sat in this room, in his chair, brooding.. scowling. The Sardonyx Infliction was the most active he'd been in months. And though it was a terrible thought to have, A'isha was relieved to see something could distract him from his grief… Even if it came in the form of a perilous, corrupted comet orbiting their planet.

Erigor was noticeably more active. He even began training again. Burying his sorrow in his duty to the realm that depended on him. It wasn't exactly healthy, but Aisha thought it was constructive. And she wasn't alone.

But now, this man.. this imposter threatened to dissolve all of that. Aisha anxiously looked back to Erigor, unsure what caliber of beast lied beneath his calm exterior. His scowl deepened. His brows furrowed. She couldn't allow him to leave his feet.

“I'm not sure how you got passed the gate, but whoever you are.. you clearly do not know the severity of the offense you have committed. I suggest you leave-"

A'sha interjected before Erigor could say anything. She stood from the table, all 7’ feet of her and faced the imposter. Her nose twitched again.. Was he wearing a glamour? Or perhaps casting an illusion intended to persuade her natural senses? Despite his appearance, A'sha couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity. But then she saw Meru..


And her mind was confused even more so. Without a doubt that was Zol's companion and a powerful ally to the Guild. If this was an illusion, it was one of intricate design and thorough attention to detail. Zol and Meru were the reason A'isha was able to survive the Novik's wrath that day.. She lost her comrades and her arm, but she managed to escape with her life. This man standing in front of her couldn't be the brave soul that sacrificed his life for hers. It made her angry enough to strike him where he stood, she could only imagine how angry Erigor was.


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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: The Gilded Reunion

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

The silence was deep, like descending into a void. It was so still that Zol chose his next set of words carefully. Aisha would stand. Despite the palpable tension right now his heart was a bit lighter knowing that all 7ft of her was here. Zol remembered the time he spent with her, how he pelted her with questions, the patience she had. Zol had always viewed her and a powerful person with incredible character.

His father sat there. Clara was right, he was not the same man Zol remembered. Erigor’s laughter once filled these halls, shaking the walls with his jubilant voice. A warmth that felt like embracing the rising dawn of a hard night past. This man before him now… was like a solemn dusk where not even the winds dared to blow.

”Come now Aisha, we both know the only way to be granted entry is presenting a guild mark. As well”

Aisha’s voice held frustration, laced with confusion and panick. Zol could feel them. The fluctuations of their emotional wavelengths. Aisha’s carried splotches of yellow indicated her worry, speckles of blue and reds. Erigor though, his was much harder to feel. His was like an ominous grey with a rising feeling…something deep, intense, furious. Dipped not his pocket pulling out a small object.

”An Official Orion Consortia license.”

Zol glanced at the old picture he took when he first joined and nervously scratched his cheek. Meru wagged his tail happily at Aisha. He had always adored her though she might not recognize him from the small pup he used to be. As Meru was now 5’8 himself.

”Though I guess I’m a lot taller now…and my hair different to. But, but ask Clara! She’ll vouch for me”

Erigor was just sitting there quiet. He hoped by getting through to Aisha he might convince them both. He scrabbled to think of what way he could validate his identity to them but was drawing up blanks. He tossed it Aisha though his aim was a little off and hit a hanging ornament that made it land in front of Erigor instead. Zol palmed his face. This was going terribly.

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Fate I
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Re: The Gilded Reunion

Post by Fate I »

”An Official Orion Consortia license.”

Zol glanced at the old picture he took when he first joined and nervously scratched his cheek. Meru wagged his tail happily at Aisha. He had always adored her though she might not recognize him from the small pup he used to be. As Meru was now 5’8 himself…

…Zol tossed the license to Aisha, though his aim was a little off and he accidentally hit a hanging ornament that made the picture ricochet from the wall and land in front of Erigor instead. Zol palmed his face. This was going terribly.
“You would be wise to heed my warning.”

Aisha said through a font of calm rage. Erigor didn't flinch as the Consorta Liscense jettisoned in his direction. He didn't even bother to look down at the picture once it settled on the table in front of him. Any fool could have forged Zol's credentials, let alone a fool so impetus that they would stroll into Erigor's Sanctum and slander the name of his late son. The audacity of it all held his initial reaction at bay, but his facial expression was twisted in anger. The room seemed to quake as Erigor lifted up from his seat. Zol's license was balled in the center of one of his trembling fists. A'siha spoke out again as quickly as she could.

“Wait! Erigor you mustn't-”

She shuddered, turning around to face perhaps the strongest man she knew and begged him to exercise restraint. But by then it was too late. Erigor was already upon this imposter before a fragment of a second had passed by. And despite weighing in at over three hundred pounds of muscle, Erigor's movements made no sound and they left no trace. No footsteps, no heat, nothing.

This was no testament of speed or spatial manipulation. This was a tiny display of Erigor's innate magical ability known as Chronal Divide, the likes of which empowered him with an array of devastating abilities. And one of those abilities allowed him to halt the flow of time for an undetermined period. Not many within the Guild were aware of Erigor's powers and even fewer people knew the nuances. It fueled the notion that the leader of the Gilded Fang's was this invincible symbol of hope that Helidor could always cling to in times of crisis. And for nearly three hundred years, he accomplished this. But today was different. By the time this imposter opened his eyes, all three hundred and forty seven pounds of Erigor would be in front of him. And he looked more like a harbinger of death than a beacon of hope.

“..Zol is dead..”

Erigor said as he grabbed the imposter by his throat with a left hand that was large enough to pulverize his skull. At 6’3, Zol was about five inches shorter than his father, yet Erigor suspended him from the ground as if he were still the tiny, weightless child he remembered. Only now, the strength in his grip was threatening to break his windpipe.

“And whether or not you bear our symbol, there are no Fangs within the Golden Den that do not know the relevance of my son.. and how much his death meant to me.”

Erigor's azure gaze burned brighter and angrier than the malicious beasts he hunted. He didn't need to raise his voice to convey godlike vitriol blistering his elven veins. His grip, glare, and actions carried all the emphasis Zol would need to understand how much he fucked up.

“Tell me who you are.. and what you want. The next lie out of your mouth will be your last.”

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