The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum [End]

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »


After adjusting himself in his seat he pondered briefly where to even start. It was easier to just show folks better than he could tell them but he didn’t want to resort to pulling people into his domain everytime he needed to convey something. Looking towards the mechanism that he has seen his father use in mission briefings before. Vescrutia be damned if he knew how to use the contraption…and then!

”Doesn't mean I can’t learn how tough hehe”

He snickered to himself before his eyes grew bright with an artic cerulean light that soon darkened slightly to a more lapis complexion. It engulfed the technology in lots lux analyzing its in and outs. In a matter of seconds the light would dissipate and Zol would be seen smirking

”Heh, man this things fancy. I’d need more than a couple seconds to truly dig into it. But I’ve gotten what I need”

He thought as he began operating the machine as if he had always been so proficient. Conjoing its technology with his magical affluence allowed him to project his memories in front of everyone.

“With the exception of Axel everyone here is aware that the mission Cyrus, Myself and honored guest at the time Okoye centered around the extermination of an Insidious Cult known as the Magna Abundi”

He whole his hand causing a map of Hojuku to appear

“Hojuku and its people and ecosystem were targeted because of the staggering reservoirs of natural energy. The land had suffered immensely practically a shell hanging on by a thread. What made matters worse were the Abundi were not alone…”

The map shifted revealing the shrine and their first glance upon The Ferrymen.

“The Ferrymen were working in league with Abundi, Axel their a group of intergalactic sex traffics who target magically gifted women. We discovered that they intended to sacrifice the women in order to power the relic they possess…and while I was unable to recover the artifact. What I witnessed next was…illuminating to say the least…”

The lapis blue tapestry wove together the harrowing events of the mission as he explained them showing his memory of all the details he could remember.

“This is the Forerunner. Whatever he is…or was, was no longer human. He…sacrificed the innocents inside along with the cultist all for the sake of power. Power that he used to embolden this… A staff of cable dark magic…it was then I recognized the echos of its influence also being the same force that was infecting those in the infirmary.”

The staff appeared and within its center the Sardonyx stone.

“This stone…this is the cause of the ailment ravishing our lands. We thought it a word contagion of some sort but it is far worse. “

The images faded and one of the comet in ihis dreams manifested

“It is a fragment of the comet that I dreamt of some time ago….whats more it isn’t a simple reaction as we initially thought… the pieces possess powerful demonic energy. Deeper and stronger than anything I’ve ever encountered…”

He left the image of the staff up.

“The fiend also was the Novik’s master and as a last ditch effort summoned the beast Trying to destroy Hojuku’s new vestige. But I am proud to say the scourge is no more. I felled the Novik with my own hands…”

His eyes shot over to Erigor for but a moment wanting to see his face when he sad that before continuing on.

“Right now I have it sealed in the room where we keep all the crazy artifacts from missions under constant application of a seal. It’s stronger than I thought but, the seal is managing .”

He sighed, geez was that a mouth full.

“I know you all must have questions I’ll answer as best I can.”

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

After consecrating their relationship Axel would find himself back in his seat, bolted nonetheless, listening to the vivid recollection and watching the memories play out in real time. Seeing Zol interact with the technology brought about questions but none that last until the end of the narration. Axel was traveled but he had never seen the likes of creatures so horrendous he his expressions would give away his inexperience with these beasts. Watching the hologram definitely helped him process such a vast amount of information but he still had trouble wrapping his head around the entire thing.


He said quietly, he would have been lying if he said he knew anything about demonic energy. Being new also meant he was completely unaware of how they approached this type of fiasco. Protection for those who seek it was the burden that they imposed upon themselves as a guild, Protectors of Helidor, and Axel was now part of their ranks.

“…are the women safe?”

He said solemnly, not all the way processing what was recovered and how, he could have asked about the crystal as well but being directly connected to the outbreak that Clara was talking about she would obviously be able to do more with that information. There wasn’t much Axel actually felt like he could offer being unfamiliar with their facilities but knowing that lives were saved would make him feel more comfortable.

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Fate I
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Fate I »

Erigor and Clara looked intently upon the holographic images as Zol regaled them with the details of his journey in Hojuku. Both were drawn toward different junctures of his tale. Erigor's focus lay mostly on Zol's mention of The Ferrymen and their apparent relationship with the Munda Abundi. The notion casted a haunting shadow over the future of Helidor, along with the other territories under his protection, and the implications furrowed his brow in contemplation.

“The Novik.. ” He responded, his voice slightly shaken with surprise. He was familiar with the beast.. it was a ghastly creature that had taken the lives of several members of the Guild. Among them, several of Zol's comrades. Erigor stroked his beard casually. He was certain the mission to Hojoku would be rife with peril, but he didn't anticipate the return of such a dangerous foe. His face widened with pride after hearing Zol had exterminated the monster once and for all. “That alone is cause for celebration. " He said with a nod. “Aisha will be beside herself with joy. Although, I fear the remmergence of the Ferrymen casts a new darkness over the realm.

Clara's intrigue was piqued once Zol materialized the image of the Sardonyx staff; instantly, she imagined it to be a fascinating opportunity for study. “..This staff- you have it here? In Helidor?!” She started. In the few seconds she'd heard about, Clara had already theorized that by dissecting the mechanisms and understanding the magical components, Clara could potentially reverse engineer it and even lead to breakthroughs in treating those currently affected by the Sardonyx infection. It was a long shot.. but If anything.. it would at least give her a chance to delve into its secrets and explore why it reacts so violently with organic matter. Sure, it's presence within the Gilded Fangs Headquarters could have been incredibly dangerous to the area itself, but this was an opportunity that couldn't be passed up. “This is good, Zol.” Clara said, subconsciously pacing back and forth throgh the room as she stroked her chin and rattled out her thought process. “I originally believed this Sardonyx Epidemic was some sort of affliction but.. if it stems from some kind of curse. Something foreign..” Clara stood there perfectly still, locked in thought. Visualizing the comet Zol's saw within his dreams and comparing it what they already knew. “This is.. good. I think. I have to go.” Clara said before she immediately made her way for the door, but not before she turned around from the threshold of the door to look at Zol with a smile and leaving.

He said quietly, he would have been lying if he said he knew anything about demonic energy. Being new also meant he was completely unaware of how they approached this type of fiasco. Protection for those who seek it was the burden that they imposed upon themselves as a guild, Protectors of Helidor, and Axel was now part of their ranks.

“…are the women safe?”

He said solemnly
Erigor looked over to Axel with a solemn expression. "Zol was capable of saving dozens of misplaced woman captured by the Ferrymen. But they are an intergalactic syndicate that have plagued more than our world." Erigor stood up from his seat slowly before he took the chance to stretch his legs and work through his thoughts on with a small pace around his sanctum. "They have been in hiding for the past decade or so.. Zol! Do you know why or what the Ferrymen were doing within Hojoku? How many of them were there?"

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

“Sounds like a successful mission then… no?”

He said with mild concern after Erigors further questioning. Axel saw no sign of prisoners, and tracking anything inter dimensional required power and information. Relaxing into his thoughts, releasing it of life or death decisions, he leaned back into his chair again. Both means of acquisition escaped him, at the moment.

“Unless we can track them down or something.”

He didn’t want to be so rude as to presume anyone incapable, it was only so many ways Axel knew to gain information himself. For him anything short of physical tracking was out of the question, he wasn’t exactly an expert at tracking anything but food and water. Nonetheless inter-dimensionally, unless they wanted something in this one…

“Soooo why’d you dream about an evil demon comet, and… can you do it again?”

This was after Axel oversimplified the route of destruction that created the situation. If the comet in his dreams was the original source of that staff and the ferrymen knew it could capture souls, it would make sense they find another one if they could. Zol’s precognition of the object might be able to lead them to a piece before they create another being like the Forerunner and run the whole operation back. From the hologram to the prophetic warrior his eyes searched for a lead to head off this disgusting program that consumed innocent souls.

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

Clara's intrigue was piqued once Zol materialized the image of the Sardonyx staff; instantly, she imagined it to be a fascinating opportunity for study. “..This staff- you have it here? In Helidor?!”
His face dissolved into a blank stare as Clara began fangirling out about the staff. Once she got like this there was no stopping her. He figured she might stay for the second part of the debriefing but her initial curiosity was the comet itself after all so there probably would be no convincing her. He was more than sure to get around to the report at some point.
"Zol was capable of saving dozens of misplaced woman captured by the Ferrymen. But they are an intergalactic syndicate that have plagued more than our world."
He nodded affirming Erigors words. While they might have been able to save the women who were in transit because of how inexplicably vast the ferrymen's operation stretched it was hard even to speculate how many worlds and women they have impacted. It was all they could do to mimic their affluence by protecting their realms accordingly.
"They have been in hiding for the past decade or so.. Zol! Do you know why or what the Ferrymen were doing within Hojoku? How many of them were there?"
"Well, sir, unfortunately, we could not ascertain just how many there were in number. Me and Cyrus were going to infiltrate the shrine after trailing the convoy but that went to dirt after Okoye attacked the convoy slaughtering the lot. By the time the Forerunner attacked he had sacrificed the lives of everyone inside the shrine..."

He thought back to the battle...her abilities were, horrific.

"However, I do remember the Forerunner mentioning something called the...Coalescence Ritual. All I know about it is that it sucked the life out of virtually everything living including the realm itself. Fortunately...I was able to save the last light of Hojuku by using part of my essence combined with that of the captive's magical force to brith...this."

The Image of Yggdrasil would form revealing the world tree to the all

"Though just a sapling right now really it's already begun rejuvenating the land. It will take quite some time for it to fully blossom but once it does Hojuku and even Heliodr itself will experience a whole new chapter in abundance. It serves doubly as a means to rejuvenate the land but to also safeguard it from demonic and malignant forces, perks of being a Vestige rooted in my wavelength."

"Back to the question though, I don't think the Forerunner's initial plan was he wield that power. That was a last-ditch effort for us to crash the party. I think it's deeper than that."
“Soooo why’d you dream about an evil demon comet, and… can you do it again?”
"It's sort've a long story, the short end of the stick is that I had a vision about a great peril causing mayhem on the planet. Pieces of this comet have recently been falling onto the planet, being like the forerunner want to get their hands on it for the power sure, but I'm not sold that's their only aim."

Something wasn't adding up to Zol about many of these things. The urgency of the Abudi almost made it seem like they were in preparation for something, something bigger than this singular operation. Even if this per chance happened to be an endeavor to mepower the Forerunner, to what end truly?

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Fate I
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Fate I »

"..unfortunately, we could not ascertain just how many there were in number. Me and Cyrus were going to infiltrate the shrine after trailing the convoy but that went to dirt after Okoye attacked the convoy slaughtering the lot. By the time the Forerunner attacked he had sacrificed the lives of everyone inside the shrine.. including the realm itself. Fortunately...I was able to save the last light of Hojuku by using part of my essence combined with that of the captive's magical force to brith...this.”

Zol said as the Image of Yggdrasil would form revealing the world tree to the all

"Though just a sapling right now really it's already begun rejuvenating the land. It will take quite some time for it to fully blossom but once it does Hojuku and even Heliodr itself will experience a whole new chapter in abundance.
"Hmm..." Erigor's contemplative murmurs resonated through the room as he observed Zol manipulate the globe. Amidst the flurry of events, he had almost overlooked Okoye's role – though it was her daring suggestion to deploy to Hojuku in the first place. He found solace in knowing that she and Zol were competent in managing their affairs. However, the collaboration between the Munda Abundi and the Ferrymen, coupled with Okoye's mention of the advancing B'halian Infantry, cast ominous shadows, like haunting storms gathering above them.
“This is good, Zol.” Clara said, subconsciously pacing back and forth through the room as she stroked her chin and rattled out her thought process. “I originally believed this Sardonyx Epidemic was some sort of affliction but.. if it stems from some kind of curse. Something foreign..” Clara stood there perfectly still, locked in thought. Visualizing the comet Zol's saw within his dreams and comparing it what they already knew. “This is.. good. I think. I have to go.” Clara said before she immediately made her way for the door.
Erigor's eyes trailed Clara as she rushed out the door, apparently spurred to action by Zol'd triumphs. He wasn't as acutely familiar with the Sardonyx Epidemic, but Clara's intuition on the matter was unparalleled. He smiled, lightly before returning his gaze to Zol.

“..every breath you take nurtures the souls of others.” Is what Erigor opened his mouth to say, but he opted against it. Unlike him, Zol was more of a sentinel than a warrior. And far greater a protector of the realm if he'd ever be. He didn't need to swing a sword to save those he cared for.. it was only then Erigor believed his son served a far greater purpose to Vescrutia outside the battlefield.

“As always, you continue to impress me Zol.” He started before crossing his arms. “..however, from what I can gather, it would seem there is far more work to be done. From all us!” He said with a sudden burst of impetus. “Zol, I'd like you to spend as much of your free time as you can within Hojuku, cultivating this vestige of yours. But in the interim, I'm going to be sending you on missions tailed picked by me and only me.. and I'd like Axel to shadow you.” Erigor said with a nod toward his newest recruit, whom he expected some form of meek or humble minded resistance. Erigor wasn't sure of his skills in the field, but Zol was perhaps the greatest role model The Gilded Fangs had to offer.. by far. “Teach him what you know. He may be new here, but he's got potential.. and I can't imagine a better candidate for him to hunt alongside with.” He said before walking toward the globe himself and placing his palm upon it, causing it to react with a soft silver glow. “At least for now. I'm afraid Axel may have a bit more charisma than you, Zol. So try not to get swept up in his charm” He said in jest. “..But unless either if you have any questions or matter, then you are free to go. I have a few calls I have to make."

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

The praise of the guild master left a small smirk on the ninjas face, he was sure Zol would have been just fine without that warning but it honored him nonetheless.

“You trying to butter me up already?”

He said at ease, teasing from his leaned back position before getting up and stretching his arms. Axel was very inspired by what he could learn from the seasoned member of the Guilded Fangs, from the recollection of events down to how he interacted with the technology was mystifying. He did know a little about botany, he learned his most advanced techniques from Sontmano and even their projects on what looked like a world tree were top secret prototypes, at best.

“Is that… Is that a world tree?”

Half pointing, half nodding he insisted on more information. Wondering what type of intimate connections Zol actually had with nature, a sapling that big could only be a few things and he knew all of them were difficult to cultivate. Let alone from a land drained of its life, it was nothing short of a miracle.

“I think most of my questions are for you anyway homie.”

Speaking directly to Zol this time he looked over his shoulder from the hologram with a look that inferred they had a lot to talk about. He didn’t give much time to actually answer the question, he was tired of pretending he was used to such mystic arts that his new comrade was using so freely. Axel could basically feel the nuances of Zols botanical knowledge oozing from his spirit, and there was something about this being in front of him that liberated any doubts to how deep that well went.

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

“At least for now. I'm afraid Axel may have a bit more charisma than you, Zol. So try not to get swept up in his charm”
Zol snickered at his father’s jest. Though he brushed it off he could not deny how that small recognition from Erigor’s polarized Axel in Zol’s perspective. Cyrus was not so easily impressed by well anything or anyone. To be let in by references such as he and Clara, another one who was nearly impossible to please, spoke volumes as to Axel’s potential. In fact this close next to him, Zol could feel a vastness within him, an ocean of promise yet to be tapped into. Heh, Cyrus picked a strong one…

“Ha looks like I better watch out”

Zol said with a playful smirk. It was good to hear Erigor so invigorated in his work again. Though times were perilous indeed, it was now more than ever that Helidor needed the light that has guided it for over a century. He would do all he could to see that spark within his father erupt into a torrent of flames once more. He could feel the warmth of his father pride becoming his own.
“Is that… Is that a world tree?”
Zol grinned at Axel’s excitement. His tone and vigor suggested he was somewhat familiar with plant life.

“You know about them?”

In a world like Vescrutia it was not uncommon for many things to share common expressions. So it was possible that’d he was familiar with a different type of world tree magic native to this plane. It was true. Zolgarious was a lover of nature and as of his declaration in Hojuku, its protector as well. In his past life his bond with the nature extended to catering to whole eco systems scaling him much knowledge though in truth he never looked at it like a mental acquisition. It was always more like… a feeling.

It was not till his time in the realm of Carna did he learn the mystical roots of the natural world and how fluid that energy when scattered to moved and caused evolution to be. The Mikado, powerful fae deity shared with him many things included the magic that inspired the world trees creation.

“ Well let’s hope I have answers “

Zol said flicking his nose with his thumb. He saluted towards Erigor before making his way out of the sanctum.

“Let’s have a chat outside”

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