The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum [End]

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Fate I
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The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum [End]

Post by Fate I »

Clara led Axel through the labyrinthine corridors of the guild with her white coat billowing behind her like a banner of authority. The halls hummed with the energy of anticipation and hushed whispers as they approached the imposing doors of Erigor's Sanctum, the heart of the guild's operations. Axel's bout with Cyrus left the very air electric with excitement. Not many could hold their own against the polymorph– and he reveled in that fact. Axel was among a very selective crowd.

With a brief nod to the guards stationed at the entrance, Clara pushed open the doors, revealing the dimly lit chamber within. The scent of ancient tomes mingled with the crackle of magical energy created an atmosphere of reverence and mystique. Along the walls hung the heads of vanquished beasts; trophies gleaned from memorable hunts. And at the center of the room, seated behind a massive oak desk adorned with arcane symbols, sat Erigor, the enigmatic leader of the Gilded Fangs.

"Welcome, Clara.." Erigor greeted, his deep voice echoing with quiet authority. His auburn gaze then shifted to Axel, his eyes assessing yet welcoming. "And who is this you've brought with you?"

Clara stepped forward, her demeanor radiating confidence as she introduced Axel to Erigor. "This is Axel, our newest recruit." she announced, her tone leaving no room for doubt. "The young man has proven himself worthy of joining our ranks." She said, glancing proudly over her shoulder. "Cyrus took upon himself to certify his mettle personally before he departed on his quest."

Erigor studied Axel for a moment "Has he now?" he mused, a hint of surprise coloring his tone at being caught off guard. "..and can the lad speak for himself?"

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

Led by the one of the heads of medical staff herself to the office of the guild master felt like an honor that he had not yet earned. The halls were immaculately designed and almost every room had the wandering eyes of curiosity looming out. Axel had followed Clara from room to room, every one of them held the question of his involvement in the noise outside. He explained the first time, but it felt too much like bragging from the reaction he received.

After being shown to the dining hall and introducing himself to a few of the guards over a hard earned meal, he was taken to the Guilded Fangs Armory. There he was allowed to look through an extensive store of gear and clothes where he put together a few items that he felt comfortable fighting in. Still it was only after being shown to his room that he felt clean enough to dressed with his new equipment. It was a much appreciated home away from home, of course he would still have to keep paying his rent in Helidor unless he moved and organized his grow equipment.

Thankfully Clara told him where to find her in the infirmary when he was ready to continue the tour of the Den of Golden Lions. From the modernized medical bay he was shown the massive stores of information that they called Athenaeum, or the library, and finally made their way to the Guildmasters office, almost every few feet their was a room with at least one guard posted. Axel for one couldn’t wait to figure out the mysteries that this place sought after and guarded closely for their citizens safety.
Fate I wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:20 pm
With a brief nod to the guards stationed at the entrance, Clara pushed open the doors, revealing the dimly lit chamber within. The scent of ancient tomes mingled with the crackle of magical energy created an atmosphere of reverence and mystique. Along the walls hung the heads of vanquished beasts; trophies gleaned from memorable hunts. And at the center of the room, seated behind a massive oak desk adorned with arcane symbols, sat Erigor, the enigmatic leader of the Gilded Fangs.

"Welcome, Clara.." Erigor greeted, his deep voice echoing with quiet authority. His auburn gaze then shifted to Axel, his eyes assessing yet welcoming. "And who is this you've brought with you?"

Clara stepped forward, her demeanor radiating confidence as she introduced Axel to Erigor. "This is Axel, our newest recruit." she announced, her tone leaving no room for doubt. "The young man has proven himself worthy of joining our ranks." She said, glancing proudly over her shoulder. "Cyrus took upon himself to certify his mettle personally before he departed on his quest."

Erigor studied Axel for a moment "Has he now?" he mused, a hint of surprise coloring his tone at being caught off guard. "..and can the lad speak for himself?"
Filling his gaze was a magnitude of trophies and records of conquests and adventures, too many for Axel to count and pay attention to his introduction at the same time.

“Of course I can sir, I think she was just trying to explain all the noise we were causing earlier.”

News had certainly already spread with all the glances and whispered he had gotten as they strolled through the corridors but it wasn’t enough to make him uncomfortable. Axel was very comfortable with how he and Cyrus had gotten to know each other.

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

After the victorious eradication of the Magna Abundi, a vicious group of cultist who attacked the residents of Hojoko. Cyrus had beat him back to the guild while Zol tended to a few things concerning the budding vestige that was the world tree. It seemed that during the time they were apart the entire guild had heard of the young warriors feats.

When he arrived the hall burst into an uproar of glee and jubilation. Hearing not only of how Zol valiantly protected the abducted women and began rejuvenating the scarred land but also how to vehemently put paws to the Novik the malicious beast that had felled many a hunter including some of there prime members. Opa and the others had been avenged and the world was that much safer for it.


This homecoming was like removing the scab from an old wound, improperly treated, and providing the due diligence it needed in order to heal. Zol finally felt like he could fully release his past and focus on the prospects of his future. Not only his standing and stake in the guild, but also his promise to his friend who without the eons of guidance and training he received would not be here today to stand triumphantly. Wei, The Mikado(King) of the Aymara Fae. Also known as Evils’s Antithesis, was a mighty warrior and guardian of the Seal that held closed the realm known as the Nether.

Zol, was admonished by his friend to find his Heir. One with scarlet red hair like his and next to take up the mantle as Mikado. It was a promise that had been lost to both time and confusion with all that had happened to him between now and then he had lost certain memories. But his soul, rooted in what it means for one to kee their word…their bond. Coming back into his own gave him back another piece of his mission. One that he must see fulfilled or the realm of Carna would be laid to ruin and the horrors of the Nether, unleashed.

”I will not forsake my vow my friend. I swear it. Just hold on a little while longer”

There was still a piece of this entire puzzle he felt like he was still forgetting. Something that was connected with the world tree and its origin. But now was not the time to focus on such things. He reveled in the warm loving welcome he received from his guild family as he made his way to Erigor’s Sanctum. In moments he made it there, standing before the great doors of his father’s sanctum. He thought of the last time he was here and the concern his father’s face. Also, this was the first time he had set eyes on Okoye. He wondered how she fared and even more so where she was off to in such a hurry. She was indeed a mysterious woman and an even more impeccable warrior. The way she all but soloed The Forerunner a being of exceptional magical might was nothing short of extraordinary.

Yet the darkness in her grows still, while the light flickers. He wondered what would she be when she arrived face to face with the object of her fear? He had no doubt she would emerged victorious but worried what cost she would be willing to pay.

“Tough gal… I’m sure she's fine.“

*Knock Knock*

He did so before entering eager to see his fathers face.

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Fate I
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Fate I »

Filling his gaze was a magnitude of trophies and records of conquests and adventures, too many for Axel to count and pay attention to his introduction at the same time.

“Of course I can sir, I think she was just trying to explain all the noise we were causing earlier.”
Erigor regarded Axel with a measured gaze, his expression betraying little emotion as he processed the young recruit's response.

"Yes, of course.." he remarked, his voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "Clara does have a knack for ensuring order amidst the chaos." Leaning back in his chair, he continued with a teasing smile directed at Clara."Cyrus and her bicker like bitter siblings, but I'd trust their judge of character with my life." With a subtle nod of approval, Erigor gestured towards a nearby chair, inviting Axel to join him. "Please, have a seat." he said, his tone inviting. "I'd like to get to know such a polarizing young man, as well as what brought him to our gates."

Erigor said, but just as he finished his sentence.
After the victorious eradication of the Magna Abundi, a vicious group of cultist who attacked the residents of Hojoko. Cyrus had beat him back to the guild while Zol tended to a few things concerning the budding vestige that was the world tree. It seemed that during the time they were apart the entire guild had heard of the young warriors' triumphs..

He reveled in the warm loving welcome he received from his guild family as he made his way to Erigor’s Sanctum. In moments he made it there, standing before the great doors of his father’s sanctum.

*Knock Knock*

He did so before entering eager to see his fathers face.
The door swung open, drawing both Erigor and Clara's attention. Zol's entrance ignited a jubilant spark within his father's eyes. “Zol.” , He did well to reserve his candor and enthusiasm. He didn't sNt to convey any sort of doubt in Zol's ability, but he was truly relieved to see that his son had returned from his quest alive and well. “Welcome back. You're just in time to help welcome our newest recruit.” He said, gesturing to Axel just as Clara welcomed Zol back with a playful jab in the arm. “..and why was I the last to know that you jumped head first into another S-Rank quest?”

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

After Zol entered behind them he looked over his shoulder before turning around and introducing himself with a hand open for some dap.

“Sup, names Axel.”

That guy Cyrus had left him hanging on their first encounter, whether that led to the outcome of the battle that it did had yet to be proven. If the same happened here however that would mean Axel would be in for a very tough crowd. Whether he took it or not however the new recruit would still take the seat offered to him.

“So you’ve heard!”

He said laughing and comfortably leaning back in his chair. The warriors demeanor feeling very much at home even being in front of an esteemed guild master and the grandeur of the Golden Lions Den. It was impressively beautiful and Axel knew the stories these halls held were just as grand. He didn’t expect to measure up or outdo anyone here, he was actually just excited to traverse such revered space. He took off his hood before cutting to the chase.

“To be quite honest with you boss, I’m tired of the same ol’ shit. I’m not here looking for any type of handouts… even though they are very nice…”

Pulling his new threads better onto his frame to reference his appreciation. Setting his chair down and leaning forward onto his knees he emphasized the importance of the next words if Erigor didn’t take anything else he said seriously.

“And I’m hoping this is the kind of place where I can stay out of trouble.”

He clasped his fingers together lazily between his knees for a few seconds as he maintained eye contact with Erigor before leaning back, arms on the rest again already moving on with the conversation. Axel didn’t want to have to explain his criminal history because it would lead into his employment history, and that’d be a bad look given his current endeavor.

“I don’t just fight though, I’m good with math and science stuff too”

He stroked his chin as he thought about what the guild master might want to know before he asked. He wasn’t a super private person, but he wasn’t an open book either, not that he had any predisposition to either Zol or Clara he just didn’t perceive it necessary to privy everyone to his business. Then again it wasn’t his perception that mattered here.

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

As he entered he saw Erigors face light up with a glee that he had not seen in years. In some ways, it seems like he truly was getting back to his old self. Good, the leader of the fangs was needed now more than ever. Zol was happy that he was able to make good on his promise to not only Erigor but to Clara and his other guild mates as well. He promised to come home, and come home he did. Despite this, Zol could not shake the lingering feeling of forbearance. As if this was just one of many storms to come. For now, it was just good to be home.

"Axel, Good to meet you guy, Zol, Zolgarious Gilden. Recruit aye?"

He returned the gesture in kind.
He said, gesturing to Axel just as Clara welcomed Zol back with a playful jab in the arm. “..and why was I the last to know that you jumped head first into another S-Rank quest?”
He faked pain as she jabbed rubbing at his arm as if hurt.

"Easy there Clara, you might leave a mark."

He said before chuckling

"Sorry to have worried you...but I assured you, that I was going to do something about all this kerfuffle happening around here Oh! Clara, that young girl in the infirmary. Her mother was part of the women abducted. Are they here? Did she, did the little girl make it?"

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Fate I
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Fate I »

"Easy there Clara, you might leave a mark."

He said before chuckling

"Sorry to have worried you...but I assured you, that I was going to do something about all this kerfuffle happening around here Oh! Clara, that young girl in the infirmary. Her mother was part of the women abducted. Are they here? Did she, did the little girl make it?”
“Did she make it?! Tuh, the insults today know, no end.” Clara responded, folding her arms and puffing out her cheeks in umbrage. “If you want to insinuate that I'm bad at my job, then have the gall to say so, Zol.” She said acutely, as if she were truly scorned by Zol's dismissive attitude toward her concerns about him. But she couldn't fault him too much. He was his fathers son afterall, and if he gleaned anything from Erigor, not including skill of course, it was his heart. “But ..I'm sure she will be blown away that someone has found her mother. She hasn't stopped crying since she woke up so.. good work, Zol.”

Meanwhile, Erigor addressed Axel.
“To be quite honest with you boss, I’m tired of the same ol’ shit. I’m not here looking for any type of handouts… even though they are very nice…”

Pulling his new threads better onto his frame to reference his appreciation.. And I’m hoping this is the kind of place where I can stay out of trouble. But I don’t just fight though, I’m good with math and science stuff too!”
The old man's eyes analyzed Axel speak as if he could see the words floating from his lips. He wanted to feel his sincerity– to infer whether or not the young man before him was as promising as he seemed, or if he held some ulterior motive. And hearing Axel's response helped bring Erigor's mind to a consensus. He wouldn't want the young man to unveil any information about himself that he wasn't comfortable with. This wasn't the first unannounced visitor he'd hosted within the passed week, and he was happy to have met Okoye.. for the brief time she was here. He wanted to see if the same would hold true for Axel. Even if Cyrus and Clara hadn’t already vouched for him, e hoped his integrity spoke for himself.

“Let us be clear, Axel.” He started, his voice ruminating along the walls with intensity. “Nothing here within these halls will be given to you without merit. The clothes on your shoulders, and your presence in that seat are evident of that alone.” He punctuated his words with a soft smile. “But trouble will follow you no matter where you call home– no amount of running will relieve you of this. True sanctuary is found amongst those willing to shoulder those burdens along with you, for better or worse..”

Erigor said, hoping his words resonated with him. “If you can shoulder my burden, withholding my promise to protect those who seek our protection, then you are more than welcome to call this place your home.”

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

The conversation behind him went unnoticed, respectfully, as the men engaged in visual communication. Reading the seriousness of his tone coupled with obvious stature told Axel he took his job as guardian as serious as he had heard. The burdens he carried were no doubt unimaginable to the young warrior, yet he showed little signs of the callousness the stress usually caused.


He had leaned forward on his knees to listen to wise words about burdens. They resonated well, but there were so many consequences he was running from he didn’t know when if he would ever be ready to face them. For Axel this was almost too good to be true, he hadn’t gone so far as mercenary work but it was the next step. Traveling solo only worked out well for so long and Axel didn’t know how long he could stand the plateau he had reached in his growth before crashing out. He didn’t let but a few seconds pass before he let it be known what was on his mind.

“THAT! is the very least I can do.”

He exclaimed charismatically with a finger pointed at Erigor over the comfortable armrest smirk crawling from his lips. There were many ways that Axel could think to improve on any security details of this magnitude, given his detailed studies on village requirements and logistics as a child he couldn’t help but to imagine the details of such grand schemes.

“I can’t imagine what it takes to keep these doors open, but the sooner I get used to things around here the sooner I can help.”

He leaned back crossing his legs wide as he opened his ears back to the people behind him.

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

“If you want to insinuate that I'm bad at my job, then have the gall to say so, Zol.”
Zol scratched the side of side of his face anxiously a soft bead of sweat appearing on his forehead. Her folded arms with a glare that could pierce through a bolder. Though he had never known Clara to be battlefield ready with a fearsome presence like hers they should stick her in the army.

Escaping the genus’s of her glare Zol eyes temporarily drifted to Axel and Erigor. Seemed like this Axel person was trying to escape something. He wasn’t here to just slay beast…it was deeper than that from him. At least, that’s what his aura conveyed to the young paladin. Still, there was something greater stil in him…something that Axel had yet to tap into. A veritable lake of untapped potential.
“But ..I'm sure she will be blown away that someone has found her mother. She hasn't stopped crying since she woke up so.. good work, Zol.”
His ears perked on receiving the news turning his face back to Clara who demoed shifted from night to day. His counterfeit now of a warm smile. He was happy at least some of the women were able to find happy endings. Others…whose entirely families were slaughter, weren’t so lucky. It once again surged his body with pride to know that darkness that once brought a void to their lives was no more.

Though there was darkness still yet to reveal itself.

“Heh well you know… I just keeping a promise”

He would bow his head to her slightly before deciding to take a seat himself. Zol had yet to rest properly since returning from Hojuku tending to the world tree. He used a sizable amount of power in that mission but the did was done. Speaking of that…

“Actually Clara you should stay… excuse me Guild Master but I would like to give my report of the mission”

He said taking taking a seat to the right of his father.

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Fate I
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Re: The Realm of Helidor~ Erigor's Sanctum

Post by Fate I »

“Heh well you know… I just keeping a promise”

He would bow his head to her slightly before deciding to take a seat himself. Zol had yet to rest properly since returning from Hojuku tending to the world tree. He used a sizable amount of power in that mission but the did was done. Speaking of that…

“Actually Clara you should stay… excuse me Guild Master but I would like to give my report of the mission”
Erigor took the opportunity to consecrate his and Axel's new found allyship with a firm handshake before he turned his attention to Zol, whom had already taken the initiative to sit down in front of him. His countenance was grave, as opposed to his usual light hearted self. Erigor couldn't help but think of the times when the young warrior before him found his mind occupied with lesser things. He'd grown considerably since then, as a father, Erigor could feel more pride.

"You have the floor, Zol." Erigor responded. Both he and Clara gave him their undivided attention, but Erigor chirped once more toward his new recruit. "Please, I'd like you to sit and listen in as well, Axel."

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