Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Fate I »

-Inside Acrix Solara Barrier-

The mysterious traveler ,who observed the Astral's Task force exiting the boundary,had managed to avoid the Gaurds guiding everyone to fallout bunkers. There still perched atop of the library, she peeled her hood from her head, revealing a head full of bushy, icy blue coils that that draped over her eyes.


She said nervously as she feverishly pressed a sequence of commands on her watch. Switching her coms from loud speaker to a neural link.

"Im in the middle of some shit right now, ok. Yes yes yes. I'm still at Acrix! They're just literally being exterminated right now. "

Her communication, though spirited to the individual on the other end of the line, came off as whispers to anyone close to the roof of the Boundary.

"I dont know the answers to any of that, Kharl! All i know is there's a fucking Bone Golem here and NONE of the nine Crowns have shown face. Its...just Vesta law enforcement standing around and escorting civilians to underground bunk--

" there arent any deranged Cultist in White Robes..wait, spoke too soon. Some weirdo just sent blood through the Barrier;but, i think...they attacked the they don't sound like the cultist youre talkin about.

But...seriously, youre not listening to me. Its all weird Kharl! Someones Fighting the Golem, which is insane;but, none of the Acrix Crowns are engaging the beast.... Its some group...i dont know who they are Kharl! They didnt announce their fucking names or handout calling cards. Wait.. shut up, i see someone."

-she pulled her hood back over her head, all but concealing the entirety of her presence through advanced cloaking. Like the shadow she was, she swept to the edge of the roof and zero'ed in on a tall woman approaching the captain of Vesta law.

The woman was decorated, medals covered ever square of her uniform and the usually lazy men immediately straightened their backs as her voice came to the scene.

"Shhh. Thats her for sure. Ahkia's Crown....Selene. Its rumored she can sway the tides with a whisper, shame considering they live in a desert."

The men saluted the highly decorated official, even though they themselves werent members of the military. She issued them commands, short and straight to the point. Only showing a moment of distraction as she observed, calmly, the massive Golem desending towards the barrier. The men beside her, seemed nervous but didnt bother to voice their concern to Selene.

Selene: is something more important than my orders?

She asked sharply.

Selene:You have your orders, move!

The woman shouted, rushing the men along with repetitive shouts "Move. MOVE. MOVE" She watched as the men rushed along, headed off to complete what ever task shed given them. For a moment she smiled, though the streets were a mess, littered with discarded bottles. She took comfort in the lack of spilled blood.

Selene:Even with tension between the other Crowns being so volatile. The Vesta Rogue would send aid through his only daughter? Why not just send word that we'd be attacked?

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Inariel Myotis »

The effectiveness of his culling was reduced by much considering that much of the blood evaporated upon nearing the white mass. However they were successful in stripping the beast of its armor which fired all manner of debris toward towns that did not have protection. Being that Allen was the only one still within the barrier something had to be done and fast. It would be a strech but he could protect the the neighboring towns from decimation however that was not really of Allen's concern. To be frank he cared very little about any of the lives here. They were not of his brood. However...


This beast...this titian posed quote the challenge for Allen. His blood was hot, racing. His mind drifted back to the feelings that incited his fight with Bora. The Orc met him with such fearsome tenacity Allen had to obliged by taking his life, by consuming all that he was. His eyes would widen with the thought...

"To feed..."

His naten was becoming more and more potent by the second. There was a unknown factor of Allen's genealogy. There was something deeply rooted and instinctual rose hi power and spirit the more his desire for understand became. The greater the adversary, the greater his curiosity, the greater the will to devour became. His nature became agitated. His calm demeanor became less than so as the beast pummeled the ground sending waves of devastation in its wake. Allen...he had to

His naten began to flare as he felt an impulse inside, he...he was hungry.

"Is to know..."

He said through clenched teeth. There was a menace gurgling within him. He wanted to destroy this creature. To crumble it's will against the indominable force that was his. He would to bow, he did not dare to crumble... he was the apex. It would now be made known.

"You, rampage and decimate without a second thought"

He said as his chest began to hurt, he'd clench his fist over it trying to get a grip on himself.

"I am no judge of yours, of this you can be sure"

After all he to was a menace of destruction. A slave to his lust for victory. To overcome all before him, to eradicate every obstacle placed in front of him. Even if it meant taking innocent life.

"B-but you..."

He could barely speak the pain was palpitating raising his pulse. his body began to jerk in contort sporadically. He held himself trying to mitigate the flailing on hi appendages. The sounds of the giant debris clashing against the barrier left a almost deafening ring. It bombarded his consciousness adding to this gnawing flustering feeling and impulse gurgling inside of him. His naten began to fall out of him. It did not touch the ground instead began to orbit around him. It grew thicker by the second form an orb like mass that slowly began to rise further into the sky. Within the sphere his body temperature began to raise dramatically. His eyes became bloodshot. His hair grew insane bright producing a silhouette of his frame from within the orb. He was larger. His mass altering in conjunction wit his will. Something was awakening a memory of Bora...right before they clashed. When he first laid eyes on him...his first kill.
Koudo Zhol Omawynn wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2019 8:15 am
He was thinking too much.

Was it because he'd never seen anything like this creature before?

It could be. After all, he'd never considered strategy before. He left that the egg-heads that usually padded his pockets with coin while he worked security detail for them.

Strategy went against everything Bora stood for as a warrior and a hunter.

Despite the considerable power difference, liken to a goblin standing against a legendary dragon, Bora had tussled with foes much stronger than himself before. He needed to exist in the moment.

He fidgeted with anticipation. His calm breathing belied, at least he hoped, the collection of naten he was building up inside. This fear he felt... it was unnatural. It made him mad.

His grip on the woman loosened, as he turned his gaze to the other men that had managed to encircle the beast to provide support, but he wished he had told them to prepare to flee instead. Too late now, "Run when I give the signal." He whispered before slipping away from her stepping into the open like a madman.

"I've never killed one of you before." The hooded man said confidently, despite the fear that threatened to buckle his knees at any moment, as he drew his greatsword with both hands and tossed his hood back to finally reveal his scarred, half-orc visage to his traveling companions for the first time.

He was of beautiful emerald skin, with a giant gash slice diagonally across his striking face, with raven hair loc'd and styled in a braid to prevent it from getting in the way of his grey eyes.

Those eyes glazed over as radiant naten coated the blade of his ancestral sword and eventually enveloped his body as well. Then with all his might,


He roared into a Berserker Rage. His mind focusing into this singular moment between him and the beast, making himself the most potent threat in this area of the woods besides the beast itself. He was at his most strategic, when he could cut loose. Everyone else would just get in the way.

The magnificent call that he answered. the battle cry that set the gears of carnage in motion for him. The satisfying plucking of life from this creature. As the memories flooded his consciousness so would his naten respond proliferating at horrid speeds coagulating, rotating, and expanding the orb till it eclipsed Xelphis. This feeling, disregarding to need to hold back. Throwing caution to the wind and acting out of reckless Abaddon. He didn't care if Nagase or Alaude would execute him for such a risky maneuver. All that mattered was the crushing of this foe before him. Not for the love of the Chaos, not even out of Care for his possibly fellow Hellgate. Simply because...


A cacophonous blood curdling wail overwhelmed the expanse just before the Golems second paralysis causing decent. It shook the air around it leaving a heavy blood lust that was almost visible. It soaked the souls of everything here instilling a crippling fear if one did not posses the gall to resist it. The force of this bellow caused the massive orb of bloody naten to ripple and twist before it ultimately exploded revealing a very curious image. A being clasped in black (This was due to the aura darkening as his enveloped his skin)who only features seemed to be hair that rage like an inferno cardinal fury. Wings like that of a demon, spanning 6ft in length. Eyes like crimson pits of chaos. Allen had used the Orc-Kin skill of berserker rage.

Berserker Form

A skill that more than doubles the user abilities. At least for an Orc. For Allen this skill more than tripled his power and the ferocity of his naten at the expense of his normally calm state of being. If he held it to long...he might not be able to tell friend from foe. Though as it stands...there was only one foe on his list. As the beast just reached the ground the scarlet enigma darted off . The blood that made his cocoon like space trailed behind him. Just as he reached was about to pass through the barrier he was hit with a screeching wall of paralysis. It gripping him in the air holding him hostage. His eyes flared open as he released a gurgle like roar that expressed his impact. He began to plummet into towards the sands below.


The desire to overcome now seeped through his veins as if it was the blood that kept him living. His will, his creed of carnage would be sated, he would make this, Law. Lethargy had taken him over, yet his spirt was pulsating, raging, clawing for release. It would not rest until the deed was done.


The bloody naten that was trailing him from behind now threated to cover him from above. For a brief moment his will would break through letting allowing him to slow his plummet into the below just enough for the naten to engulf him. The moment it did Allen would feel a jolt in her not his chest but in a space in the center of his back. He didn't have time to think, in his current state he couldn't. He only needed to shake this shit so he could macerate the fuck outta this thing. The naten began to flare but now it carried a blistering crimson that matched his hair. This naten, it was like any he had every used before. It was powerful, concentrated, sending a deluge of power pulsing through him. His eyes shot up and he unconsciously made a fist. His body was his again. His path the vengeance pathed. Whatever this power was it was riveting and only incited his need to cull even more. He stopped just short of crashing into the sands before him naten wings flapped double in size.


With a mighty thresh the his wings shot him back into the sky sending him racing towards the golem like a burning comet of retribution. His voice boomed like thunder as he easily broke through the sound barrier shooting passed Nagase. Naten had found itself wrapping around the beast. Nagase's doing. He did not care, his pursuit was finite. The proof to Drought had been brought. His right hand would become encumbered by and obscene amount of blood that was radiating the same burning hue. He willed it to hardened, it's temperance was to be reflective on his will. Dominance, firm, unwavering and so he took the shape of a massive gorgeous red gauntlet. Clocking back his fist, it holding in the culmination of all his willpower. The force to succeed where many would fail. The fortification to stand where most would fall Allen was a radical force of resiliency and with a vigorous solid decimating punched he released all that he was and sent it crashing into the beast elbow hopefully not only stopping the beast but shattering it's arm completely if not carrying enough force to clock his ass in the jaw to. This was his "Will Breaker" He had to be swift and hoped that eh could trust the others to pull their weight. This form, he could feel the madness crawling into his psyche. He did not wish to turn on them. But this thing had to go.

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Alaude Nightwing
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Alaude Nightwing »

Game Master wrote:
Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:45 pm

By now there were pools of toxic waste accumulating on the desert sands beneath Drought, boiling hot waste from the corrosion of literally cities worth of steel haphazardly bound to its body. Noxious fumes filled the air,which were swirled about by the savage winds that kept the golem trapped. These poisonous fumes, a dark mustard yellow, rolled across the sands as a thick fog. Racing towards the neighboring cities that lie just behind the Astral task force. The forming armies weren't properly fitted to deal with gaseous attacks themselves, nor were the outer cities barriers equipped to handle prolonged exposure to chemical ordinance, fear began to set in.

Drought's clenched fist crashed into the ground, though visibly staggered by the winds pressure, its strike released such tremendous force that it both solidified the shifting sands beneath its 'feet,' and released a wave of sand towards the Astral's task force. The impact released some of the waste into the air, causing showers of hot metallic waste to rain over the field.

The Sandwave created from the Bone Golems punch rapidly gained height, reaching as high as 45 meters within seconds. This rapid swelling served as a perfecting mixing agent for the white sands and the irradiated pools of waste at the golems feet , sending a river's worth of toxic, scorching sand, behind the fog of fumes.

As multiple things continued to unfold on the battle field the eye from Alaude's animus still shield himself and Abari since he was around him would continuously dart around taking in everything the wast happening. With his vision linked with his animus Alaude could clearly see a majority of what was unfolding around around the area; Nagase and Allen beginning to take on the now completely stripped Drought, the poisonous fumes racing towards the neighboring cities and their slowly gathering armies, the rain of hot metallic waste over the area, other smaller things that where not as important at the current moment. Seeing all these things happening either at the same time or in tandem would cause Alaude would slightly chuckle at its absurdity.

"Funny how quickly things seems to go over the top and right over the edge."
Abari Yatsutoru wrote:
Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:26 pm

"Need a lil but more umph?"

(-As he said this an orb of light began to form in his palm wondering if he add to the power that Alaude was making.-)
"Actually that might be just what I need to also stir things but Abari."

Alaude would say this at the black naten freely flowing around his body would quickly being settling forming itself into dense armor around his upper body, arms, and his two held handguns. From the back of armor a small black mouth would appear slowly stretching outward towards Abari as the mouth widened to be large enough to swallow the our of light. As soon as the orb of light is absorbed by the black mouth and back to Alaude instantly white cracks would begin forming around Alaude's armor. Alaude could not help but slightly wince a the light spread around his upper body as despite his strength it was not exactly comfortable to absorb instead of simply consuming what is basically his exact opposite. However, this discomfort would also cause a smile to form on Alaude face as he knew exactly what he could do with these polar opposite energies as he would quickly jump hight into the air. Thanks to the view he received from his animus Alaude had no need to look around the area and would quickly release a rain of bullet around the entire battle field. As each bullet made contact with the ground they would quickly erupt in a massive explosion of both and light and dark energies.

"Now devour each other. Chaos Shot: Chaotic Shower"

As the light and darkness energies erupted from the impact zones almost instantly they would quickly begin to implode in on each other, light trying to devour the darkness, darkness trying to devour light while taking in and destroying anything that gets to close. These imploding explosions would act as a trench/wall around the battlefield sucking in the destroying both the fog and liquid waste around the area both protecting the near by cities and the group in the area. Thanks to his understand of the battle field it was not difficult at all to aim and coordinate all his bullets to both explode and implode safely without endangering anyone around that battle field. Alaude would continue firing for a but to purge the area of both the gas and the liquid waste not just for his safety of his team but also for the general environment. Alaude would however take a moment to look toward the Drought that was about to clash with both Nagase and Allen, and would point and fire one powerful shot toward the bottom of the Drought aiming to destroy it from the bottom up if it hesitated or was knocked back by Nagase and Allen.

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Abari Yatsutoru
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Abari Yatsutoru »

(-Abari nodded as the light energy he made was used as a trench of sorts to lock against the poison and stuff within the area. Now he was able to focus on the real threat in front of him. Abari took note of how the beast shed his metallic armor and figured it as now the best time if any to do some serious damage. He looked over at Alaude before heading high above into the sky as he seems to just walk on the air itself. Naten filled his pupils as he was able to see the beast clearly despite being so high up in the air.

His hands glowed with his crimson naten energy as small circular lenses formed in front of him, This being the move he used earlier just on a smaller scale then before. There were about five lenses in total as he angled the lenses in a downward position still aiming at the beast as he was keeping track of it with his vision. Once he got the right positioning that he wanted he hovered above the closest lenses and began to charge his crimson naten in his right hand and white naten in his left. the two energies flowed into one another creating his Holy flame as he started to condense the power of it increasing the overall destructive power of his flame over time.

Once he felt it was good enough he punched towards the first glass like lenses and fired a beam of his holy fire down at the beast. As the beam made contact with the glass it immediately went through and increased in both powers and speed. Like using a magnifying glass and the sun to create a makeshift death beam he was taking that concept on a larger scale since there were five in total it had to go through making it 5xs as strong as it was initially. With this he would hope this provide enough back up to support his group.-)

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Fate I
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Fate I »

At its surface Droughts body had reached incredible temperatures, practical suffocating anyone within arms reach. It's bones burned bright red and radiated a deadly Aura of incendiary heat. Gradually over the course of its conflict with the Astral's Task force, the warriors had chipped at its Armor, tearing away the remains of the many cities it had consumed before their fateful encounter and unmasking what secrets were burried beneath its shell.

It's desent was familiar to that of a meteor and spelled total ruin to the Hellgate village they lie in wait beneath it. However futile it may be, Drought was met with the resistance of hands, its plummet was stalled for a moment, but the sheer magnitude of its weight couldnt be sustained for long, nor could its incinerating temperatures.

Drought tried prying the telekinetic hands off of his body, putting up a noticeably more savage assault. He hissed and roared wildly, staring intently into the the girl beneath him.

That was until its attention was directed towards the furious culling erupting through plumes of intense radiation to connect with drought. It rocked him, knocking the massive creature off its balance, instantly releasing a plume of toxic, steamy sanguine mist-- threatening to bathe the battlefield in a thick, corrosive red mist. The reaction was too explosive for the winds to command all of the steam and even threatened to displace the storms that raged against it. However cracks certainly rippled through its body from its previous impact. Drought staggered and began tumbling towards the ground, with a dull and empty expression in its face. The rage was seemingly knocked outta the beast, but the calmness on droughts face was anything but comforting.

The temperature around Drought sky rocketed after Allen's savage assault. The cracks that were covering Droughts body were hiding an incredible heat source and once it's body hit the ground, it was sure to shatter and release in full, what it's harden body had been hiding. However, Drought wouldnt make it to the ground. Between alaudes chaotic shot and Abari's Beam of holy fire now wisping past Allen, Droughts body was sure to shatter and in the wake of its shells release, a disaster would be born. It smiles as the beam neared its core and said in a low rumble.

"Breathe Fire."

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Tempest »

~Everyone's targeted attacks were clearly effective at stripping away the monsters armor. It wasn't until the temperature began to drastically increase and plumes of red smoke filled the air that Tempest began to wonder if that was a bad move. Typically stripping away another beings armor in battle would become a clear turning point for victory. She now felt naive for applying typical logic to a clearly not typical situation.

In the wake of the powerful backlash she struggled to create a sphere of wind around herself to sheild from the opposing wind, heat and unknown mist. Even with her best efforts it was a smoldering and suffocating experience.~


~She said aloud though she was sure no one could hear it with all the commotion. If she managed to not get cooked before this experience was over she would really have to assess the situation better before attacking again. At this point they seemed to have bust open a can of what the fuck and she needed a better understanding of what she was up against to more safely apply her skills to the situation~

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Nagase »

She was dazed and exhausted, the weight of Drought rested on her minds proverbial shoulders as she held the titan in her telekinetic arms, her world eaters.

Her eyes blinked as fast as she was breathing, she couldn't explain it;but, it helped with the lifting and Drought mass was indescribable. Allen's blood lust swepted past her, trickling down her spine,igniting a beast of her own. Fortunately Allen's rage was directed at a common foe and she didn't have to worry about his slaughtering his allies.

His attack lifted the giant and helped her push the beast towards the ground. she noticed that it's body was giving way to the grip of her world eaters;but, was ignorant to what perils that spelled for her and the rest of her team.

She took a deep breath, giving a chance to breathe by Allen's bloody eruption. The liquid continued to seep from her scalp, covering her skin in a thin layer and shielding her from the high temperatures and corrosive chemical being released into the area.

"...Those eyes over the Alps, they seem distracted, they arent moving in unison anymore."

She said, taking her eye off Drought for a moment as the red mist washed over the village barrier before being sucked into the swirling winds that still ravaged the Bone Golem. She noticed the cracks in its skin and like a flash, a composition of a thousand words unveiled itself- a vision. The red glow pulsing behind the golems Rocky body, only confirmed her untimely insight.

"Better late than never."

She shook her arms, loosening the tension from her muscles as she prepared herself mentally for what she had to do. The translucent arms, a very literal extension of her will and imagination, quickly tried to bottle drought up, a feat it seemed all too willing to submit too as it knew once it was shattered it would detonate, taking everyone with it.

"It's a bomb!"

She shouted as her world eaters opened a hole for Abari's Beam of holy fire and Alaudes chaotic shot,allowing them to deal a fatal blow to droughts shell, whilst containing the ensuing explosion in her telekinetic grasp.

The sound of the explosion was all that she couldn't fully contain, like thunder without its flash, the rumble of the bomb could be heard for miles;but, the burning flame, was hoisted over the village, roaring within the translucent grasp of the world eater.

Fighting against the weight and stress of containing the explosion, a feat that was completely overshadowed by the gleaming, ear to ear smile, she adorned. Despite being momentarily deaf.

However pleased she was with herself, her actions came with consequences. She smiled through the thunders boom and ignored the ever growing amount of lacerations appearing on her arms and legs. Slowly she dragged her hand towars the sky and pointed her closed fist towards the floating eyes that were sporadically fidgeting over the Alps of chaos.

In turn the massive hands that held the still roaring explosion shifted, pointing its knuckle side towards the mountains. She felt everything, the heat, the concussive force, the pressure. She felt it. Soo much so that her body created wounds to reflect it, but she'd trained for moments like these.
She couldve teleported away, she could've saved only herself and the village;but, she chose to pay with own sweat and blood.

With a single finger and a narrowed eye she imagined aiming down the barrel of a rifle, zooming in on the wretched witch that had sent this beast here.

"...I didn't listen to you before,dad. So..its better i heed your warning about the witch.

She said. Reflecting on her father's words not to engage the horsemen. She was certain she had the shot, but couldn't hold the pressure any longer.

With the psychic craftsmanship of an combustion mechanic, she released the explosion into a concentrated blast of her own, using the near limitless flexibility of her arms to control how much force was released. With the speed and precision of a laser she scorched the sky, slicing through the eyes that floated 100 miles away over the azure alps and whispered under her breath.


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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Fate I »

The bomb exploded as planned, releasing copious amounts of energy. The sound of the boom should've knocked the wind from their lungs and pushed them too momentary deafness everyone , even the nameless soldiers amassing off in the distance would feel the mighty bellow. The initial release of the bomb would've been sufficient at disabling the advance barrier of Acrix Solara, but drought found its fury contained by the grip of what seemed like a child.

The infernal blast that made up Droughts release was safely hoisted over the city,its light rivaling Xelphis, the white dwarf star floating above and forced the nameless soldiers to hide from its blinding radiance. Though they covered their eyes with their hands, the sheer luminosity of the blast offered no quarter. Most of them would see only white, even behind shut lids and those who hid behind their hands, saw the bones of their fingers as clear as day. Blinded by light and struggling to hear over the numbing ring of deafness, they shouted. Carrying on like fools, drooling with a bewildering combination of fear and amazement. They screamed, incoherently and a jumbled mess of frightened and excited emotions.

"Send'em home. Take out the trashh."
They shouted among many other statements, some less comprehensible than others.

Within the City

Selene:Impressive...She repurposed its explosion and took down the horseman spell over the Alps of Chaos all while protecting the city.

Another person walked up, the sound of their heels giving way to their presence long before the intoxicating aroma of their perfume.

???: Well, I didn't know the Vesta Crowns daughter was a psychic.

Selene: Crown Urizen...Nautical.

Nautical:Crown Ahkia, Selene.

Selene:It's ironic. Watching a Vesta fight for Solara.

Nautica: maybe for you newer generation Hellgates;but, Vesta has always sacrificed blood and sweat for Solara its ingrained in their DNA.

Selene: Even though half the Council despises them?

Nautica:Pfft. Those judgey bookworms turn their nose up at any thing they cant understand, trust me Chile.

He said with tidge of anger as unadjusted his feathered scarf, tossing it over his shoulder. Selene laughed with a hearty outburst, she couldn't believe Nautica would be so bold as to insult the High Crown but figured such guts caked with old age.

Selene: Well. One things for sure, it aint by accident that he sent the girl to face this golem. They were in the city before the beast arrived and were recorded inside the Boundary killing time.

Nautica: Yea….i believe the Vesta's Crown has sent its contestant for this year's games.

Outside the barrier.
The explosion was dying down as Nagase squeezed the energy from the blast and repurposed it to destroy the floating eyes over the Alps, sound and vision returned to the nameless troops in the distance but as quickly as they gained sight, they gained fear.

Floating in the sky was the bone golem drought, significantly smaller than its previous form, standing 10 ft tall. Its metallic structure was gone, but it still adorned a type of armor, very familiar to generals of the old kingdoms. It floated over the barrier, maintaining its altitude by floating on a thin layer of sand. Its arms were noticeably longer than its torso, as its arms stretched past its knees. It lifted its slender arms and gestured to the winged brute with its finger.

The sands rushed to droughts rear, quickly compiling into large mounds of earth that eclisped the sun and covered the battle field in an omninus shadow as the large pile of sand orbited Droughts.

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Inariel Myotis »

The crimson flare raced through the sky and made connection knocking the plum hell out of Drought causing the creature to resort to a horrid final move. In the depths of his psyche he knew he should of at least attempted to devour it's core. However he knew the futility of it as he could not devour or control pure naten. So what was he to do? A reaction had occurred. His eyes could discern the incredibly vast amount of agitated energy that was soon to encapsulate them all. However fear was not within him. It held no place in his heart there was only a choice. The choice itself though is what sparked a pain that he did not anticipate. His eyes shifted. Falling briefly to the people and places below. An eruption of naten this fierce would decimator everything and everything here. The bubbling abyss of madness was rapidly vying for supremacy taking him between stability and chaos. Was he prepared for something like this? The notion....of self sacrifice?

The temperatures were indescribable. He'd never faced such intensity. The brazen corrosive mass being spewed was unfathomable. It threatened to reduce him to Allen soup. His aura would flare. Providing a veil that was barely keeping him from being reduced to muck.


A low grumbling wale seeped from his lips. The pain of flesh being stripped away and regrown rapidly. His eyes blood shot with twin emerald flaring in his corneas. This beast was bold, brazen to practically kamikaze itself in order to kill them? Why did it yearn for this place, it moved with motive, directive. Someone else was pulling the strings. His focus had to remain zeroed, tunneled. The forces before him were powerful. However within Allen echoed the essence of resiliency itself. He was not one to be killed so easily. His fate was to stand atop any food chain. To be engraved as one who is not easily surpassed. With that knowing also came and unwavering willpower.

He. Would. Live.

For a moment, he pondered saving that world beneath him. Even he could not turn a blind eye to possible destruction on this grand of a scale. How would it look if after leaning of possibly ties to this place that he not lift a finger to save it. He was already somewhat of a pariah, he didn't need the extra issues and stares. However just as the beast was about to unleash it attack it was being contained by a massive amount of naten. It was Nagase! She had morphed the tethers she created earlier to stall the beast leaving it wide open for the crimson haymaker Allen delivered only moments ago. Her naten control was uncanny as were her abilities in general. She was one to take note of. He would watch her more intently moving forward.

The barrier however did not shield him from the residual force of the explosion the deafening sound nor the blinding light. The fierce combination hit him like a flash bang knocking him off course as he shielded his eyes. The force sent him on a collision path with The Boundary. Just before he was about to crash into it he caught himself and dug his claws into the side of a tower. It ripped up some brick but he was able to catch himself before rending it in half. His eyes scurried over the skies as the lights and effects began to die down. His body seemed to be unscathed. This was only due to using his naten to sped his healing capability but a feat like that drains naten rapidly. He had gone through 1/3 of his total strength just surviving the proximity of being so close to Drought. After a few moments he was able to catch sight of the creature. It was small much smaller than before. It still remained? The mere sight of it was causing Allen untold frustration' To think he had used this much of his strength. That thought alone was enough to blitz him back into a rage. Not to mention the fact that the bastard pointed to Allen specifically. Allen would release the brick building and hover away from it. His eyes staring at nothing else but his prey. His wing would harden as they began a bit smaller and sleek. His hand were held out side by side as his aura flared around him. He was gonna kill this thing. Tear it's head from it's fucking shoulders.

"You've the gall to live?"

The boiling hot rage within him was growing imensaly. He grabbed his face the twisting reigns of control looseing by the second. He was unraveling. He held the pal of his hand in the air. A a began to start his blood and aura to coalese and twist creating a rapidly gorwing ball of power. He would release a series of low mubled growls as his eyes were wide with anger ready to strike. After seconds went by the giant orb was about to be sent towards Drought full speed. However at the very last second before release Allen heard the ring of a bell.


The sound was so clear, it echoed repeadely in his mind. For a moment the rage subdised and his vision was clear. The loud baning of the titains fist in his ear the bright flashes and disproeting lights all that impact ceased and he found himself at peace.

Do not loose yourself to the call

A voice rang from his subconscious. It voice so familiar, yet it sounded so far away. In that moment Allen eyes had regained their normal hue and the once flaring aura began to dim it gleam.

"I see you beast...for what you are."

He said as his eyes connected with Drought peepers. The massive ball of blood and aura would began it shrink rapidly.

"You are a puppet"

The ball continued to shrink until it became the size of a basket ball

"A trinket, a bauble. Shackle, anchored by another's whims."

Allen would smash his left hand into the gooey power source . After a few second separate them to create a long spear of the blood.

"I remain free, no bindings. My will is my own!"

It would hardened rapidly with amount of concentrated naten within it would use up another third of his power. As it did so his ignited ferociously. The air twist around him as his power began to rise.

"I will head your call!"

He would cock his right arm back. Right wing of aura would flow into his arm sacrificing itself to empower to the throw. His back arched backwards as he used he flexibility to gain a bit more force. The blinding madness of his transformation had interrupted yet the power it produced had been channeled with a calm smoldering intent, and with a full rage infused throw he flung the spear through the air toward Drought trying to impale it through the chest. The force of the swing parted any clouds ,dust, or debris in the sky that remained after the explosion. It whistled like a piercing rocket through the skies aiming to skewer the fucker. Allen ,a few brief moment after releasing the spear, would inhale deeply before using his wings to speed off trailing not to far behind the spear. The aura from his previous form starting to chip off revealing half of his original face and a piercing gaze that was glued on his target.

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Alaude Nightwing
Arcanum Iris
Posts: 32
Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:45 am

Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Alaude Nightwing »

Game Master wrote:
Sat Mar 20, 2021 4:29 pm

The temperature around Drought sky rocketed after Allen's savage assault. The cracks that were covering Droughts body were hiding an incredible heat source and once it's body hit the ground, it was sure to shatter and release in full, what it's harden body had been hiding. However, Drought wouldnt make it to the ground. Between alaudes chaotic shot and Abari's Beam of holy fire now wisping past Allen, Droughts body was sure to shatter and in the wake of its shells release, a disaster would be born. It smiles as the beam neared its core and said in a low rumble.

"Breathe Fire."

Was the only word able to escape Alaude's mouth at the energy from the Drought began to quickly build and burst forward. Alaude had underestimate the sheer amount of energy being held within the Drought massive body originally thinking a the combined attack from himself and Abari would be enough not only to end the massive monster but also counter match its energy output upon its shell being destroyed. However, in the face of the Drought about to explode Alaude would not falter and his neaten would suddenly being to quickly flare up as his skin began you crack revealing a bitch black skin tone underneath. This surge in his dark neaten would quickly begin to cover his whole body acting as a dense shield against both the air pressure and heat being release from the now exploding Drought. Although, right when Alaude was about to act toward the explosion he would quickly notice another's neaten also rise in response to the Drought's explosion.
Nagase wrote:
Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:32 am
"...I didn't listen to you before,dad. So..its better i heed your warning about the witch.

She said. Reflecting on her father's words not to engage the horsemen. She was certain she had the shot, but couldn't hold the pressure any longer.

With the psychic craftsmanship of an combustion mechanic, she released the explosion into a concentrated blast of her own, using the near limitless flexibility of her arms to control how much force was released. With the speed and precision of a laser she scorched the sky, slicing through the eyes that floated 100 miles away over the azure alps and whispered under her breath.

Alaude would simply smile as he watched Nagase contain, convert, and redirect the powerful explosion of Drought elsewhere. As the bright light was released from the hands of the young Hellgate the dark neaten around Alaude would quickly begin fading, however this was not anything threatening or harmful toward Alaude it was just a natural reaction of darkness being bathed in so much light. As the light began to slowly fade signaling that all of the energy from the explosion was almost released Alaude's neaten would settle back down causing his body to quickly revert back to normally before anyone could take real notice to it. He would begin to casually begin to pull out a cigarette for a victory smoke holding it in the wind allowing the hot winds to casually ignite it. However, before he could take a drag of his cigarette he would suddenly feel a pulse of life come from what should have been the remains of the Drought.
Game Master wrote:
Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:44 am

The explosion was dying down as Nagase squeezed the energy from the blast and repurposed it to destroy the floating eyes over the Alps, sound and vision returned to the nameless troops in the distance but as quickly as they gained sight, they gained fear.

Floating in the sky was the bone golem drought, significantly smaller than its previous form, standing 10 ft tall. Its metallic structure was gone, but it still adorned a type of armor, very familiar to generals of the old kingdoms. It floated over the barrier, maintaining its altitude by floating on a thin layer of sand. Its arms were noticeably longer than its torso, as its arms stretched past its knees. It lifted its slender arms and gestured to the winged brute with its finger.

The sands rushed to droughts rear, quickly compiling into large mounds of earth that eclisped the sun and covered the battle field in an omninus shadow as the large pile of sand orbited Droughts.
The smile would quickly fade from Alaude's face as he would quickly toss his cigarette away disappearing in a blur of high speed movement and appearing next to Nagase. While this young girl just showed all watching she in no way, shape, or form needed any type of "protection" Alaude was also not oblivious enough to note amount to strain both physically and mentally it must have taken for Nagase to redirect such a powerful amount of energy.

"Allow me to take the moment to commend you on such a wonderful display of technique and power Nagase."

Alaude would then take a moment to look over at the new form taken by Drought, smaller but still rather large in a more normal sense of the word and from watching the sands of the area quickly move to orbit the creature it was obvious the creature has a few new tricks up its sleeve. Through the communicator he was still wearing he would quickly pick up on Allen's statement about the Drought being a "A trinket, a bauble. Shackle, anchored by another's whims.". This would cause Alaude to think back the strange voice that momentarily came through their communicators calling the Drought a puppet and looking for the master mind. Taking in all this informations Alaude's eyes would suddenly turn pitch black as he would look toward Nagase and then toward where the Drought was floating. When looking at Nagase from Alaude's perspective a flicking aura of neaten would be surrounding the young Hellgate. This was nothing special however, simply Alaude seeing the natural life/soul energy all creature normally emit through his demonic senses. Upon turning his attention to the Drought, Alaude would notice a powerful, dark, and disturbing about of neaten oozing from the creature. This was not its own power overflowing but it was almost as if something or someone was simply filling it with loads and loads of neaten to both control it and make it even more powerful.

"It's all starting to make sense."

Was all Alaude would say before he would sheath both of his pistols back into their holsters before griping the katana resting on his back. As he would begin to draw the sword from its sheath a large amount of black flames would being to flow off of Alaude's hand and quickly coat the blade in black fire. Because of how close she was to him right now only Nasage would be able to hear the sounds of wailing and savage gurgling coming off the flames coating Alaude's blade. These where Alaude's specially demonic flames born from his union with the Black Soul Flame Dragon, which where used to not only used to burn a target but to also char and devour the soul of the creature hit by these flames. Alaude would then point the blade forward toward the Drought.

"Lets see what burns first your weak soul or the strings connecting you to your master."

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