Faction Template: Seed

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Fate I
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Joined: Sat Apr 20, 2019 9:53 am

Faction Template: Seed

Post by Fate I »

Name: Seed
Order: Any

Central: Seed is a cult formed by a notoriously savage group of trophy hunters. Since the cult began taking refuge behind the veil of Rudral island they've recently endured a sudden change in leadership and direction.
Contrast: Seeds sudden change in leadership isnt without resistance amongst its ranks, leaving the new leader, Grey, with a rising rebellion on his hand.
Crossing: Seed is well known on vescrutia for their hit and run tactics and consistent effort to forced labor. Their members hail from all over Vescrutia and have no shared Arbiters.
Active: Seed Is determined to weaponize the magnetic fields of the Islet and the Akuma who litter the islands. They actively hide their wicked intentions for the Akuma and maintain the image as heroes trying to defeat the Leviathans that roam the islets.

Bio: Seed has a rich and infamous history among Vescrutia; they’re the reason you clutch your young and the reason you’re so hard on the night's watchmen. They are clever, resourceful, and unforgiving. Relentlessly pursuing strong warriors and presenting them the ultimatum to join their ranks or die. They fought to amass riches and power, but since the horsemen leveled Arcturus they’ve been motivated to contact the Hellish Armies of the Horsemen. Recently the cult of murderous fanatics and trophy hunters lost their leader and the new leadership wants to undo the wicked image of the old cult, creating stark division between the Cult- tension that is only broken by the consistent attacks on their base by the Leviathan-massive creatures with mysterious and frightening powers over the Azure.

Leviathan:Leviathan are a recent phenomenon of creatures that were first observed after the collapse of the Azure Oasis, a naturally formed spring of blue flamed naten that collapsed during a brutal war in our modern day Alps of Chaos. The resulting collapse destroyed the surrounding area, creating the Alps of chaos and littering the mountains with Dangerously mutated creatures, including Leviathan. Leviathan are mostly humanoid in appearance, but there bodies are completely transparent. Inside of them are anywhere from 1 to 3 pulsing blue cores which move some form of glowing blue energy throughout their bodies. Seed has been trying to find ways to contain the creature, but no progress has been made. Due to the frightening nature of Leviathan powers elder members of the cult have been trying to prove their mettle against the beast.

Tonal-configuration: Leviathan’s use tonal commands, bending matter to its whim to build and break down its body into near infinite microscopic particles. Using the same style of command they also reconfigure their bodies at breakneck speeds around the blue cores inside of them. This allows leviathan both rapid movement and high speed regeneration.

Azure:The Azure possesses an otherworld ability to burn only the spirit of its victims leaving behind a soulless husk in its wake. Its unclear how the Levithan are able to use the flames of the Azure, but it's believed that it proves the Leviathan are the Azure as opposed to the theory they are created by the Azure. Limbs burned by these flames cease functioning for extended periods of time and prolonged exposure could be irreversible. Severe damage to the body from the flames causes victims to remain in a dissociative-zombie like state.

Pharaonic Presence: Leviathan's appearance is preceded by eerie pitched frequencies they seem to swell from thin air, prolonged exposure to this noise causes hysteria and uncontrollable shaking limbs.

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