Rhugris' Gamble: Out Of The Frying Pan...

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Ovan Hellgate
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Re: Rhugris' Gamble: Out Of The Frying Pan...

Post by Ovan Hellgate »

And they appeared in streaks of pure heat and pressure launched out of the explosion around his two cousins. Ovan's special sight locked on to their wavelength as they screamed through the sky like meteors. The massive amounts of heat tugged on Ovan's cape and sent him careening in the same direction, cape chock full of high velocity energy.

"Whoa! Perfect timing! Haha, I knew they'd show up!"

A few tugs and a spiral twist took control of the massive burst in speed, gaining on them quickly. Relying on the bounty of life and its mysterious ways bode him well, but the small sun behind him still made for a formidable foe, immensely hot, dry air singing the bottoms of his shoes. Whatever spell made these keys near unbreakable intrigued Ovan almost more than the King's Trial. The scientist in him swelled with excitement.
"You collapsed under the weight of idealism, nothing to be ashamed of. Happens to all of us, not just the best of us. " - Sorith, Horus Crown

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Rhugris' Gamble: Out Of The Frying Pan...

Post by Inariel Myotis »

Just as the Inari clone was set to make an impact, the tiny sphere at the center of Aerys' palm would ignite. And the explosion that occurred blistered the desert for miles on end. Tremors and cracks drew splinters in the desert... The clouds above him were swallowed in the amethyst inferno. Suffocated. Incinerated. Everything was. The sands, the air. Even Aerys seemed to have been vaporized in the cataclysm.
As the clone was nearly at his neck Aerys released an almost incalculable amount of power, Naten so furiously potent its arrival created an event of cataclysmic proportions. What was he to do? The power had been sweltering this is what the Tyre bided his time for, a massive expulsion of fire and force. The twin Inari's who were shaping the giant blood sphere for the next spell had very little time to react before the fearsome wave also encapsulated them.

"No... I cannot fall here...not while I'm so close."

Inari said as the clone that was assisting him ceased shaping the spell and jumped in front of him. Using the power behind its creation it produced a borg of naten that would by inari mere increments of time. The terrible heat and completely devastating weight of the force pounding down on them could only be stalled for so long. Inari would take advantage of this small window to repurpose the magic.

"If you choose to fall then fall you shall. So quick to try fire with fire...it is the Hellgate way.

He knew this voice, Malka, his mother.

"But you are not the average Hellgate should you choose to rise instead, then rise you shall."

His birth rune connected their consciousness and allowed her to whisper in his mind. In his mind's eye, he could see her so clearly.

"You fight for the family you were denied? What use is a throne to one so unconcerned with the lives of others? What would earning an empty seat mean when all you've ever known is solitude? My little fox, what does this victory mean to you?"

His eyes softened

"Before the maze, nothing, when I entered that place when I stood before the former Wizard King my soul was laid bare. The truth of my curse, and the curse that befell the Myotis. For over 1000 years I have walked this planet in myriads of incarnations. In everyone one of them I awaken, I yearn to know what I do not. I seek strength I covet what I never seem to be able to grasp. I gain it, and then lose it. Endlessly, in every lifetime I give in to the madness of the moon, I mourn, I regret I rampage, and then...I die."

The pulverizing force of the Solar Fission was staggering, cracks in the borg allowed flashes of scalding heat and winds that vehemently burned Inari's revealed flesh. His impressive regenerative abilities allowed him to heal as they occurred but he knew this to be a bandaid of relief.

"There is... this rage..."

His voice cracks, the pain of the burning wounds and the hurt in his heart.

"This unbearable, festering fury that I am in constant war with. This horrid call clamors me towards chaos, invoking me to tyranny. I have killed so many...taken from so many and then I crossed Bora. An Orc mercenary, of noble birth, a son of a great chieftain, blessed by the sun worshiper of Xelphis. I felt his pride...his love for those he died trying to protect. A life of tradition, values bonds...and I took it from him. I could not contain my thirst to know, I hungered and lusted for dominance, to surpass him to...crumble him."

The Inari clone was running on its last monochrome of power, soon it would be devoured by the blazing force and Inari would be faced with the full might of the blast.

"It changed me...whatever power in his blood it...soothed me and I saw for the first time the value of everything I had taken. The value of what I never was able to hold. I vowed to find an end. This path is one I have been walking for eons, a nightmare perennial. The Myotis are trapped in a similar cycle. A moment of weakness leads them to a grand betrayal and they now deny themselves the grace to move on. Despite the horrible choices I have made I will carve this path adjacent to the one fated for me. Whatever the origins of this curse I will shatter it, it begins with the Myotis. I must unshackle them from the chains that have ensnared their hearts. Reignite their passions and show them not to fear themselves in hopes that I might also be free..."

Malka: "Now tell me, what do you know of Kyrin, the moon the Myotis are tethered to?"

"It...endows us. The naten in our ava react to its lux increasing our abilities exponentially"

Malka: "Indeed...but it is far more to us than a simple power boost, that is little more than an effect to the cause."

With another crack, the left side of the clone was nearly evaporated, and the integrity of the borg was moments away from crumbling.

Malka: "Everything about our culture even our very DNA is intricately tied to the primordial traits of the moon. Its rise, its fall. Serenity and madness, Order and Chaos. The moon guides the waves, it pulls and pushes leads and follows ...facilitates. It is both light and Shadow. Every living entity of vescrutia can grow, evolve and overcome. However, the way the genetic structure of the Myotis captures the complexities of evolution still cannot be replicated to this day. The Scarlet Moon Calls it incises its demands. Kyrin, The Azure Moon sings, it invokes. But they are still the same moon. You do not need to meet unstoppable forces with unstoppable force... you merely need to flow...to adapt. Hear the song of the moon...invoke it. He is pushing...so you must..."

Then we must pull!

Inari's claws radiated an intense azure aura that pierced the blackness of the Solar Fissons naten around them. The naten in the blood mirrored this radiance as its purpose was now reached. He could not hope to match this power at its apex with equal or greater force. But if he could facilitate it, divide it, he stood a higher chance of surviving the encounter. He was always so fixated on proving himself to be the dominant force, always being able to overpower his foes with overbearing magical force, demanding his sources the needed might do so. Taking carelessly and viciously from the earth, demanding both land and sky heed his roars. Now faced with a wall he could not mindlessly topple he needed to learn a different call...and pray it to be enough.

His eyes saw naten in its raw form. He could see the threads crudely woven together. Aerys to possessed a monstrous amount of power but Inari could see it was not incredibly adept at shaping and molding it. His eyes could discern the waves of black and amethyst clad together forming the pulverizing force of the explosion.

" Here under the gaze of the Azure moon, In the height of the new Astral year I will swear my Oath, Consecrated in blood let my will cry out to the heavens above, let it seep and beckon in the flesh of the mother below. I refuse to be the song that murders the world. I swear to fight against Tyranny, so never again run from my truth."

Inari's magical energy was directly tied to his indomitable will. Here now emboldened by his mother's wisdom, the bond he shared with his familiar, and the benevolence of the moonlight he was at standing on the recipe of change, and now it was given purpose with the oath and invocation. His magic flared, and the calm fury coursing through him caused him to respond. Fluently he moved , the orb of blood magic propagated immensely his eyes flared and as he reached the end of his movement with everything he could muster he released.


Massive ethereal claws morphed from the magical orb mirroring Inari's movements shattering the borg and the clone with it meeting the force of the explosion with divisive intent. The result would be a clashing this time his goal was not to overshadow, this time his goal was to guide and redirect. His spell sought to divide the opposing might reducing the burden of the force but the heat was still searing his flesh. If successful Inari would "tear" through the flaming force causing the tsunami of naten being sent his way to split and go around him. If he failed, he would be swallowed by the crushing force of the sea of black and amethyst flames with no way to survive such a blaze.

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Aerys Hellgate
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Re: Rhugris' Gamble: Out Of The Frying Pan...

Post by Aerys Hellgate »


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Aerys Hellgate
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Re: Rhugris' Gamble: Out Of The Frying Pan...

Post by Aerys Hellgate »

(Invulernability: 20%)

"Well.. I'll be damned.. Again.."

Aerys looked on in awe as the fiery malesteom collided with its target and didnt completely eviserate him. Damage may have been done, but nothing Aerys would be satisfied with. Still, his arms were proudly folded across his chest as he stared down at the absolutely devesated environment. The two of them had cultivated a new of biome of unbearable temperatures; rich with molten fractures in the earth and crystal patches scathed onto the sandy wasteland.

"You surprised me, Myotis. I guess there may be hope for you lot, yet."

He shouted from above as he scoured the aftermath for his flamboyant foe. He didnt hear his screams or moans of anguish, so he mustve survived. But clenched with Aerys' other hand was another blistering sphere of amethyst. Another round. It was the true kicker behind this incredible technique. It may have required a shit ton of Naten, but typically.. The target didn't walk away from the first one.

"Surrender now my friend, you have nothing left to prove! You have amused your King than any of our siblings combined! This was a worthy challenge!"

He rang from above as he clenched his fist, brightening the amethyst fireball in his hand into a palm sized sun.

"But beware my friend. This will be your King final act of mercy.."

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Re: Rhugris' Gamble: Out Of The Frying Pan...

Post by Ves »

In the midst of the blistering heat of the Acrix desert, one of its inhabitants, a man molded by the pressure of his work and the culture of his family, had set the arid expanse of a white sand desert into a burning blaze, two soldiers engaged in a brutal struggle for survival, pitted against one another for glory, poise, prestige and spectacle of Acrix Solara's Crown Jewel. Dust and sweat clung to their exhausted bodies as they unleashed powerful Arbiters, each fighting with a tenacity born out of desperation. Suddenly, a piercing crack shattered the air, and a bright red flare shot into the sky, seen from miles away but through the lens of astronomical heat, comparable only to the heliosphere of a faint sun, caressed the sky with Its vibrant glow and cast an eerie light upon the chaotic scene, momentarily freezing the combatants in their tracks.

The flare's crimson trail painted the heavens, a stark contrast against the desolate landscape, as if it carried the hopes and fears of those who gazed upon it. The heat of the titan and the azure crimson hue of the beast slowly fade, bringing a well needed calm to raging warriors.
Bathed in the surreal illumination, the two warriors locked eyes, a momentary respite from the savage conflict. The flare's presence reminded them of the world beyond the merciless desert—a world that awaited their return. The scarlet glow of the flare quailed not just their conflict, but all bouts still occurring within the desert. Silencing them to a sudden halt. As the searing heat pressed against their bodies and the sand burned beneath their feet, the warriors could momentarily forget their differences, united by a shared understanding of the brutal reality they had faced. Yet even if reason didn't fall soundly into their minds, they would find using their Ava and arbiters next to impossible while the scarlet glow of the flare illuminated the heavens.

In the midst of an unforgiving landscape, where waves of scorching heat distorted the air, the Scarlet flare ignited the sky, transforming the horizon into a mesmerizing light show. Against the backdrop of The Acrix Desert oppressive temperatures, the radiant glow of the flare casts a vivid spectrum of colors, cutting through the thick waves of heat with its brilliance. As the intense heat seemed to dance and ripple, the flare's crimson hue intertwined with the fiery atmosphere, creating an enchanting spectacle that captivated the senses, casting intricate patterns that defied the relentless heat, momentarily transcending the harsh reality of the surroundings and providing a brief respite from the arduous conditions.

In a scene both surreal and awe-inspiring, the transcendent light show unfolded before the battle-worn warriors of the Crown Jewel, mesmerizing their eyes and stirring their souls. The radiant energy interwove with one another, gradually coalescing into the form of a face that emanated an otherworldly aura. The countenance that materialized was unfamiliar, yet unmistakably benevolent, radiating an overwhelming sense of compassion and wisdom. A stark contrast from the Bald man who spoke in the early ceremony. With a voice that echoed through the depths of their beings, the enigmatic face commended the soldiers on their relentless battles, acknowledging the profound sacrifices they had made in the quest to stand where their Ancestors had once stood.. It spoke of a profound truth, urging them to lay down their arms and embrace the longing in their hearts for closure, encouraging them to reflect on not just the homeland they had fought so valiantly to uphold; but, their ideals, themselves and perhaps…even others. The warriors , touched by the ethereal presence, felt an inexplicable connection, a shared understanding that transcended the boundaries of language and culture. Emboldened by the unfamiliar yet comforting face, they resolved to bring an end to the turmoil and return to Acrix Solara, some evening turning their backs to the drawn weaponry of their previous enemy.

A small tear in the fabric of spacetime opened, revealing a magical sight—a young black girl with short, curly hair emerged from its depths. Her radiant smile would have lit up the surroundings as she stepped gracefully into the world, leaving a sense of wonder in her wake; But, the dazzling display carrying on above her, hid her brilliance, allowing her to slip in and out without causing a scene. With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, she glanced at a small, white-haired boy nearby and, as if sharing a secret language, she winked playfully. Time seemed to stand still as she reached her hand into the sands, pulling from its depths several keys that looked to be hundreds of years old, unlike all the other keys scattered about the Acrix. To the boy whose eyes saw beyond the limits of physical perceptions, the keys were shimmering with an otherworldly glow. She dangled them about for a moment before gently placing them on a makeshift chain she’d fashioned from spare twine. In that fleeting moment, their eyes locked, bridging the gap between their differences and connecting them in a realm beyond the ordinary, leaving the boy with a sense of profound curiosity and the memory of an encounter that defied the laws of reality. In her absence the boy would find the precise number of missing keys stored in his own parcel and one odd key that was unlike the others and missing the otherworldly hue of the ones she dangled in his face.
Everything posted by this account is official property of ©Vescrutia2018, no reproduction, or reposting of this content identical to or closely resembling is allowed.

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Rhugris' Gamble: Out Of The Frying Pan...

Post by Inariel Myotis »

"This. This is insane"

He thought to himself as the ferocity of the heat was finally starting to impact him. His aura had been protecting him thus far but having to expend such a vigours amount of power simply to tear through the Solar fissure and heal himself at the same time caused him to burn through most of his reserves. Usually, One such as Inari could battle unrelentingly. Aerys forced him to forge new strategies just in order to survive. There had to be a limit to his strength, could he truly be such an overwhelming foe? Having two distinct pools of naten often served Inari well allowing him to rely on his imagination, cunning, and overwhelming naten potential to completely overshadow his foes, his lack of training and discipline with them though was coming back to haunt in currently. He had only just begun to path to discovery and mastery was still a ways off.
"You surprised me, Myotis. I guess there may be hope for you lot, yet."
Hope? Yes, I hope. Hope, the concept of the weak. Those incapable of ushering in change with their own hands. Hope, an ideology of those without the might to cause the world around them to reflect their will. Hope? HOPE?

"Y-you th-ink it was Hope? Ho-pe that brought me here, that drug me through the last millennia?"

It was torture to speak, the ferocity of the heat vacuum around them threatened to scorch his throat. Hope had nothing to do with what pushed Inari forward. When he said something it became law, manifested in the very stars. Destiny was woven from his decrees. Such was his willpower, the desire of his heart! If Aerys thought for a single second that Inari would allow himself to be pitied like this. He was sorely mistaken.

" I. DO. NOT. HOPE..."

His voice crackled and rattled in pain. The searing terrain rubbed against the faint glimmers of aura shielding him. He wasn't going to be able to even remain conscious for long. His vision was beginning to blur, looking out at the horizon where Aerys stood, he could scarcely see he held within his being another equally devastating surge of power.
"But beware my friend. This will be your King's final act of mercy.."



The gal! His body began to amass a terrible dark blue aura. To allow himself to be talked down to in such a humiliating tone.

No. That he could not allow.

The power lashed around him like a furious maelstrom of force. With every last bit of his power, he would oppose this "King". Even at the cost of his life.

But then...
The flare's crimson trail painted the heavens, a stark contrast against the desolate landscape, as if it carried the hopes and fears of those who gazed upon it. The heat of the titan and the azure crimson hue of the beast slowly fade, bringing a well needed calm to raging warriors.
Bathed in the surreal illumination, the two warriors locked eyes, a momentary respite from the savage conflict. The flare's presence reminded them of the world beyond the merciless desert—a world that awaited their return. The scarlet glow of the flare quailed not just their conflict, but all bouts still occurring within the desert. Silencing them to a sudden halt. As the searing heat pressed against their bodies and the sand burned beneath their feet, the warriors could momentarily forget their differences, united by a shared understanding of the brutal reality they had faced. Yet even if reason didn't fall soundly into their minds, they would find using their Ava and arbiters next to impossible while the scarlet glow of the flare illuminated the heavens.
The skies were bathed in a light that shredded through the heat calming the insane temperatures. He himself found the last echoes of his naten being brought to a crippling halt. He couldn't muster up a single spell. The images paraded his consciousness instilling a false calm. False for him as he was quite irritated. But the fact that he could not access his naten forced him into submission. He stood down. Aerys was a fierce opponent unlike anything or anyone Inari had ever encountered. It totally opened his eyes to the league that he still had not joined. He was not disheartened though...no very far from it. To know there were still peaks for him to reach, a mountain still left to climb. He would refashion this... fallacy into something greater, to make himself greater.


A disgruntled grunt is all he could release. His form returned to his hir original look fave for his altered fangs, ears, claws, and wings. It was still at present night time and his vampirism was still somewhat active. But the magus formed he assume when he joined with his familiar dissipated. Amrit had returned though he was now as small as a teacup poodle. He experienced much of his own naten as well keeping Inari from going over the edge and needed to rest also to build his strength back up.

"You did well Amrit. I survived because you were here with me."

Amrit: Good and don't you forget it...now hush will yah...I'm really tired...

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Ovan Hellgate
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Re: Rhugris' Gamble: Out Of The Frying Pan...

Post by Ovan Hellgate »

Ves wrote:
Sun Jul 09, 2023 6:48 pm
To the boy whose eyes saw beyond the limits of physical perceptions, the keys were shimmering with an otherworldly glow. She dangled them about for a moment before gently placing them on a makeshift chain she’d fashioned from spare twine. In that fleeting moment, their eyes locked, bridging the gap between their differences and connecting them in a realm beyond the ordinary, leaving the boy with a sense of profound curiosity and the memory of an encounter that defied the laws of reality. In her absence the boy would find the precise number of missing keys stored in his own parcel and one odd key that was unlike the others and missing the otherworldly hue of the ones she dangled in his face.
There he was, standing at the gates to Acrix Solara with every king's key in tow. He felt the immense great behind him display quickly, a starling moment contested with the flash of light that marked his acquisition of the final key. He felt lightheaded, the faint image of a little girl from... Somewhere. He recognized her, but not as any of his usual haunts from his usual haunts, somewhere more exclusive. But she felt just as fond to him as the street of keys that was about to grant him victory in the Gamble of Rhugris.

"I wonder if I gave everyone a chance to make it alive. I can't be the only lucky one here, heh."
"You collapsed under the weight of idealism, nothing to be ashamed of. Happens to all of us, not just the best of us. " - Sorith, Horus Crown

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