The Second Annual Neo Festurus - Fin

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Dalazar Denkou
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Re: The Second Annual Neo Festurus

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

“With an accord, you will be appointed Soverign of Madeira and tasked with the protection, cultivation, and the economic development of the country as it pertains to the B'halian standard. You will be given the resources, materials and instructions on how to proceed. We understand you bare attachments to the less– the natives of the Jaida Coast, as well as all human borne species within Neovia and associated with its territory. As a small token of his mercy and philanthropic nature, our Zenith will also bestow Madeira with a supply of B'halian Fauna that can serve as a life prolonging medicine for your “people”. Humans exposed to the flowers will develop an organic immunity to all known pathogens, as well as an increase in life expectancy, and prevention of chromosomal and genetic based disease. But this is only on account that you, Zero Venkage will maintain peace among them.. The humans are to be governed under your care, and your care alone.”
So this was their ploy all along. True to both the myth of their existence and the nature it spoke of. Their presence indeed was intended to acquire Madeira and all who inhabit it. Haesael's fist tightened his grip intensifying every other word that spilled from Delion's mouth. The B'halian empire was a name that inspired fear and control, vile tactics, and savage ways of assimilating whatever they set their sights on. His... courtesy of course was a reoux. It was apparent in his dialect how little he cared for humankind.

Venkage were rare fae and Zero was a rareity among even them. His legends span several continents the cornerstone of pirating adventures and tales. He inspired courage and connection and was able to string together the races here in a peaceful accord. A peace that the Mazokou threatened, one they planned to sire dominion over. Yuta's hand was firm under her chin, she had figured as much. There couldn't have been too many reasons they were here, surely not to observe the eclipse. Her body became anxious, feeling now that her desire to sock it to Delion might come backfire. Having caught their eye, how long would it be before they grew bold again and made their to the highlands?

Koselik's eyes closed, the singular pieces of Kingsthread would form multiple shapes and designs as he took in the words Delion spoke. There was so much pride so much indignation in his voice a part of Koselik could not help but respect his loyalty. It reminded him of his faith in his king.
“But what say you, my friends? Would you really want to serve under the B’halian Empire? Well, I guess, under me with limitless life and these guys stalking around able to do with you as they see fit? I’ll let you take a look at their offer, but I don’t know… Seems a bit too good to be true.”

And in his experience most things were. Opportunities like this don’t just drop in one’s lap without some great conditional terms and agreements, with the B’halian Empire’s history with the coast and their own continental consolidation, they weren’t to be trusted. They ruled with an iron fist, snuffing out opposition and undesirables at a moment’s notice. Although their peaceful excursion brought them here today, the next time they meet, only time would tell if they would retain the same grace. Zero tossed the scroll to Simon to get a good once over of it for the sake of his people. They would be the most affected by this accord, so he wanted him to see the terms first hand.
The Gafren would speak protesting against the union. Koselik would be seen smirking his eyes finally opened. He looked to Yuta and Haesael nodding. Yuta placed her hand on the scowling Urso's shoulder and urged him to look to Koselik, upon doing so his frustration faded away trusting in Koselik. At this time the Emenit three; Faelyn, Brea, and Emerion also walked up having heard the offer as they approached. They to nodded to Koseilk.

"While we have come to recognize and respect Zero's passion and ability. We value him in partnership, community. The Denkou are loyal to one sovereign and one only. His Beryl Majesty the Emerald King."

His words were calm, firm, and loyal.

The others in the crowd also shared their distaste for the offer and eventually, Delion "accepted" the answer and moved on to a separate matter.

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Zero Venkage
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Re: The Second Annual Neo Festurus

Post by Zero Venkage »

"And there you have it, they're not gonna listen to me. But I'm glad we get some time to think it over, momentous occasions like this one shouldn't be taken lightly."

Zero appreciated Del'ion's reverence for Akundae and the strength of his Empire, it made is much easier for Zero to trust he came in peace, for now. The Mazozku unfortunately were indeed capable of consolidating the continent under their rule in a campaign spoken of in legend and ghost stories even beyond the reaches of their own continent.. A year gave ample time to actually confer with hi s neighbors and assess their options to forestall their preemminent return. And then came another chance to foment a good relationship, a wanted poster of a recent prison escapee said to be taking refuge somewhere on the continent, quite a large swath of land to have to search, I guess the Jaida Coast is a good place to start as any.

"Who's this?'

Zero took a good look at the poster and could have sworn she looked familiar. She had the most uncanny face like he just met the woman. Her soft, warm features sharply contrasted her stone cold gaze and strong jawline. The picture definitely resembled someone who'd seen some tough times, but Zero was stumped on the face. Like she just waltzed in and out of his life on the breeze, kind of like Okoye.

"Ummm, I don't think I recognize that person. As you can kind of tell, us getting travelers to this neck of the woods kinda has to be a special occasion. You guys are the first I've heard of in a few years. "

Wherever this person on thier wanted poster found themselves, Zero hoped them the best.

"Do you have another copy of this? I can hold onto it and send word if I found out anything."

She might have been Okoye's twin with how familiar she grew as he examined her features more, maybe she had some more info on other escapees, but he cold only ask her when she returned from her journey. Until then, he might forget this fugitive's face without his own copy of the profile.

Zero scanned the crowd for a moment, looking into the faces of the uncertain masses gathered around their parlay for the future of the continent. Without even lifting a finger, the weight of the continent seemed to fall squarely on his shoulders, another tragedy waiting to unfold on the beaches near Mares Vidas, another moment that could change the course of history right there in front of Zero and The Conservatory. He felt like he could feel the ire in the eyes of the Atlanteans, perfectly exemplifying another core pillar in their case against Zero and The Conservatory existing anywhere near them.

They might try to assassinate him again at this rate, having more luck dealing with the Elven guard of the B'halian Empire themselves if guaranteed the same 'protections'as they offered Zero.

And still, he wondered if there could be an accord struck that could benefit everybody. A remote rule with Zero at the head of it could essentially protect the whole continent as long as he could trust them to uphold their end of the bargain when Zero would undoubtedly commit a Sovereign crime under their banner. Luckily they gave him time to really consider their options. He was sure there was a way forward that could avoid a full on invasion.

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Re: The Second Annual Neo Festurus

Post by Okoye »

Koselik would be seen smirking his eyes finally opened. He looked to Yuta and Haesael nodding. Yuta placed her hand on the scowling Urso's shoulder and urged him to look to Koselik, upon doing so his frustration faded away trusting in Koselik. At this time the Emenit three; Faelyn, Brea, and Emerion also walked up having heard the offer as they approached. They to nodded to Koseilk.

"While we have come to recognize and respect Zero's passion and ability. We value him in partnership, community. The Denkou are loyal to one sovereign and one only. His Beryl Majesty the Emerald King."

His words were calm, firm, and loyal.
Delion's eyes acknowledged the Denkou proclamation with a brief glance before he returned his attention to Zero.
"And there you have it, they're not gonna listen to me. But I'm glad we get some time to think it over, momentous occasions like this one shouldn't be taken lightly."
"Of course. You will be given a preemptive message on the month of our return."
Ummm, I don't think I recognize that person. As you can kind of tell, us getting travelers to this neck of the woods kinda has to be a special occasion. You guys are the first I've heard of in a few years. "

Wherever this person on thier wanted poster found themselves, Zero hoped them the best.

"Do you have another copy of this? I can hold onto it and send word if I found out anything."

".. you may keep the poster. It is perhaps a year or so old, but the woman's name is Okoye. Show her image to every face with eyes. This will be greatly appreciated."

Delion said before bowing once more before Zero as he prepared his leave.

"Until that day, Zero Venkage."

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Zero Venkage
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Re: The Second Annual Neo Festurus

Post by Zero Venkage »

"Oh. I'll keep an eye out."

And like a bolt of lightning the realization hit Zero, dropping his chances of becoming a Sovereign near to Zero, harboring a fugitive in his borders before his tenure could ever really begin. Though they had only just met formally, Okoye carved out a nice spot in Zero's heart as not only a fan, but a capable ally with dreams he could definitely get behind. In context, he thought himself half a fool for missing something so obvious now. Even if in a year's time, they could come up with an arrangement for his reign over the continent in a package that could benefit the whole of the landmass and its people, he was already a royal offender for conspiracy to harbor an enemy of the state. Under no circumstances would he turn her over, and she would probably be upset with him for striking an accord behind her back and he loathed the idea of incurring the wrath of her progeny until the thunder of inspiration rolled in behind the flash of the moment's context.

The next emperor will definitely be up for negotiating.

Every crime needs an accomplice and if Okoye could install herself as the next B'halian Emperor, Zero could be the Sovereign of Madeira yet. But those musings were for another time, as Delion departed to his camp and hopefully to depart the continent itself. Zero gained a host of information and needed some time to process his options. In the meantime, he turned back to the crowd with open arms and a giant smile.

"We live to learn another day and still have daylight ahead of us! This festival is just getting heated up!"

He was handed back his Gafren Fowl headdress and began lunging and dancing like the birds themselves to bring back the jovial nature of the day, such a peaceful conversation couldn't have killed the mood while he was still alive and smiling.

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Re: The Second Annual Neo Festurus

Post by Kilik »

The trumpet, accompanied by a litany of instruments, steals the musical show from the ones playing earlier. It’s sound drew the focus to the front entrance of the festival where a large force 100 strong stood. Four banners could be seen in the four sections that this force’s formation consisted off. Each of the four sections heralded a banner each distinct from the others. On these banner each was a symbol of an animal marking the Royal House it represented.
She almost went to cup her hand over her ears as the trumpets sounded off, filling the air with their cacophonous waling. She had been here since the beginning of the festival when the vendors began to set up shop. Taking in every last detail, she found herself more annoyed than impressed. The only slightly unperturbed display was watching one of the human kingdoms get the better of a terra elv. A sight she dared say she wouldn't see twice this lifetime. Although the name sounded very familiar to her, like a phantom of a ghost from a distant dream, its gnawing presence could still be felt nearby. It only sought to agitate her further, this relentless sensation of familiarity as if she could ever be affiliated with a mortal kingdom from the surface. She did not wear her usual guise, not wanting to appear so...human. Thus, she configured herself to appear a bit more elven. She looked like a distant cousin of the nissago from another land adorned in simple regalia. Her sword is still on her as she casts a minor illusion enchantment, preventing it from being seen. With how lax these fools were, it was a simple trick of the eye.

" Never thought I'd see the day"

She mused to herself, sitting poised under the veil of an Atlantean tint. Sympathizers to the childish ambitions of Neovia's ideal, a poor recreation of the fallen Arturus. One built on the taking of land from their ancestors. Still, she would rather keep the company of those like herself, even if she viewed them as hollowed carvings made in Zero's image. She knew many of them still held their grudge. However, time had softened their edges. Not her; her time did not wither nor chip at her desire for revenge. It could not be eroded as her span would reach beyond many. She knew that if it did not happen, she would be left with this burning hatred forever...that was not a fate she was ready to accept.

"Where I would miss the calming sways of the coral forest"

Her homeland. A place she vowed never to return to, not until her blade has tasted the heart of the Venkage responsible for her mother's death. Still, she remembers the forest of the grove, the beauty of its luscious landscapes, the vast ecosystem, and how nature naturally lived in harmony. Here, on the world of the surface, everything was twisted into chaos. A place where the unexpected always seemed typical and where variables ran rampant. A place where power determines and dictates right from wrong and who determines its meaning. There was no other way for her to see the world or reason. For the very slaughter of her people was rooted in such observations. The "ruler" of Madeira pillaged the site for this... pity party from the Atlanteans, who revered it as a sacred space. His blatant disregard and brutal display of his abilities were proof enough. Power deterred all...that was why she sat there begrudged by almost palpable anger after watching all this time, floored at the sheer number of people who showed up to this...pander fest. They all believed in it, too; she could feel it as much as she wished not to; there was a loving sense of community and camaraderie here. They truly were aspiring to build a land where Elvs, Fae, and humans could coexist...repulsive.

The fae were always fickle, unpredictable creatures; such was the sheer compactness of their creation. She never held them in high regard; their lack of....cohesion rubbed her the wrong way. The evln though, their kind were different. They had seen it many times before Vescrtuia blessed them with intellect, the viciousness of humans, yet they would sit here galavanting over them. They no longer held any pride in what made them superior to humans. To be sitting here joyously fraternizing with was like toying with shit as far as she was concerned. Filthy, uncouth, fetid mockeries...her blood seething...but then
“Zero Venkage..”
It all went quiet—every inkling of noise, every assisting octave of celebration...dead. Nothing moved like a graveyard at night, as if time froze for that moment. Her eyes lifted from the site of the table she had been sitting at, shifting to the terra evls this... Delion.Just the blue muscular monstrosity was him—the source of her ire—the origin of her pain.


She wasn't sure what she was expecting but surely not... a fragile-looking man. The ferocity of that battle was recounted as a one-sided massacre. Her mother, a mighty warrior, was reduced to nothing more than a charred corpse by...this...whelp? Her eyes grew bright with rage as she sat there seething, her malice practically oozing out of her. The deafening silence was soon swallowed whole by a metaphorical maddening monsoon, her blood awakening. Her eyes like radiant daggers, sharpened, as they narrowed like fangs. The moment they did, she saw the massive naten flowing through him. It wasn't just immense; it was armed, seasoned, and spoke the truth. One that she lamented to admit...even from here, she could tell. Perhaps it was simply her elvn instincts forewarning her, maybe more profound sparks of her clairvoyance catching glimmers of her fate in the future. Regardless, she could now tell.

He outclassed her in every way.

Now that she thought about it further, Venkage were not human but fae. It's rumored that they can be long-lived, reaching into the hundreds. His outer appearance betrayed the tone his voice carried as he responded to his name being called. Kilik would take note of her naten's exertion and quickly devour her fury, forcing herself into a more docile state. They all held commendable strength, from the Venkage scourge to the numerous humans. Something told her that even if she managed to get Zero alone, she would only have the same fate as her mother. Though Kilik was powerful, she was no fool; being this close to him was like feeling the thumb of death pressing lightly against her back.


Her fist went into the table, cracking it in twain.

"For what reason...what fucking reason did I even come here?!"

If not to rest her blade in his throat?! She grits her teeth in frustration. She spent an entire year training for this exact moment. For the day when she could skewer him through the gut and watch the life fade from him, her scorned retinas the last thing he saw before it all faded to black. The chaos his very existence had embellished the world over. Yes, she knew his tale and legend very well. She had traveled the face of Maidera, learning of her target. Even his latest blunder in the fabled city of Ulran had reached her ears. Yet he still received no penance? This world lacked order, and she hated that it seemed it would continue this way.

"Am I going to sit here and do nothing? Say NOTHING!"

She rose like a bird of prey, leaving its perch poised to pounce. However, just then, she felt.
“It is an honor to meet you.. My name is Delion.” He said with a slight nod, the only formal gesture he’d given to anyone during his time here. “I am here on behalf of the B’halian Empire and proxy for the great Emperor Akundae. Your existence and level of power is recognized by the eyes of the Mazoku, which is why our Zenith has allowed you the opportunity to join and serve the B'halian Empire.”
"B'halia? Here?"

She knew when she heard the dagger in their little show was made of such steel. Remembrance of the name power eluded her then, yet it left an almost indelible impression when she heard it. Her hand placed curiously under her chin as she pondered where she knew of it...oh.

"Yes, Of course."

It was not in her memory that such thoughts resided; instead, they lived in the confines of her great-grandmother, Iridia. A blessing and a curse at times, Kilik had also inherited the memories of her predecessor, a powerful clairvoyant in her time. She once crossed paths with the Empire, who visited the shores of the Jaida coast some eons ago. A mighty empire centered on strength with a thick disdain for humans. Despite being an overworld society, their image shaped the entire continent. There was something to be desired in her opinion, Madeira was little more than a pipe dream, one created out of weakness. None of them held the strength to force submission upon each other, so now they chose fluffy comprises and whimsical boundaries...all because none of them had the gal nor the abilities to kill the venkage lurch. And from the holly jolly cringe fest she had been enduring up until now, none of them even sought it. Their loved ones lay dead, feeding the very plant life that grew here, the same food these fucks used to sustain themselves. The very thought of it was more than she could bear. No, she couldn't let it go or move on.

As much as she wished she could at times...whenever her resolve wavered, she saw her father's face. The light faded from his eyes when they were told the news about her mother...and his having to stop his daughter from killing everyone else right after. His whole world was destroyed overnight. Whenever she thinks of the pain her father suffers through, why she can't help but erupt into a maelstrom of destruction. Hell, even if she couldn't kill the Venkage, indeed, she could kill many of the guests before he could even react, like fodder, to feed the underlying truth she knew to be absolute.

There could never be true peace in Madeira so long as its ruler continued to be a petulant, naive boy scout with a checkered past.
“With an accord, you will be appointed Soverign of Madeira and tasked with the protection, cultivation, and the economic development of the country as it pertains to the B'halian standard. You will be given the resources, materials and instructions on how to proceed. We understand you bare attachments to the less– the natives of the Jaida Coast, as well as all human borne species within Neovia and associated with its territory. As a small token of his mercy and philanthropic nature, our Zenith will also bestow Madeira with a supply of B'halian Fauna that can serve as a life prolonging medicine for your “people”. Humans exposed to the flowers will develop an organic immunity to all known pathogens, as well as an increase in life expectancy, and prevention of chromosomal and genetic based disease. But this is only on account that you, Zero Venkage will maintain peace among them.. The humans are to be governed under your care, and your care alone.”
Yet even after this, many of them still denied the union. Most creatures share a life force that could be blown out like a tiny ember amidst a tornado. They were just given the keys to fix all the imperfections of their society. Death and defeat would become distant memories. Who knew what heights they could reach if their lives were more than just a few short decades? Tales of B'halia's advanced civilization were always overshadowed by the harrowing displays of force against those who defied them. Especially humans. To see these, Denkou stood obstinate and succeeded. She could only imagine how B'halaia would respond to this... embarrassment. Their technical superiority and intricate connection to the mystical made it sound like more than the optimal choice. Though Kilik could care less about extending her life any longer, it would already be several Melina before she experiences her first wrinkle. What did interest her, however, was the promise of their return.
“-and while it is encouraged, an immediate answer is not imperative. I will return within a year's time for your answer and will address any questions you or your council may conceive in the interim. Now, unto the final matter.. a recent development that, with your help, can help tailor the nature of our return to Madeira."
What she could respect about B'halia's offer is that, despite being known for their sheer brutality toward their enemies, the extent to which they went to assure those they invited of what they could bring to the realm. If this "Zenith" really only sought the domination of the realms, it would be trivial, to say the least, to have the whole of B'halia storm Madeira if not with their sheer numbers alone. Yet, Delion spoke clearly about how they would endeavor to improve this place for all who joined, even going so low as to make space for their human pets. That was power, the ability to see beyond blind fury or personal vengeance.

That was the ability to see the world as it should be, not as it was.

And ability knew came with power.

Perhaps a melting pot of all the races in Madeira would exist; she would not be part of it. She couldn't stand it any longer. Kilik resolved then and there to join the empire, rise through its ranks, and return the lay claim to Madeira with them. She would take over as its next sovereign and give it to the Atlanteans to whom it belonged before.

"Just you wait, you electric Buffon."

She said as the Joro elv departed, having stomached all he could of the festival. Kilik herself stayed back for just a little while, her eyes stuck to Zk, her glare more intense and piercing than the other altanteans as her actual draconic eyes tore through her illusion revealing their sparkling vehemence.

"Soon you and this pitiful land will be nothing but dust from a forgotten age...and my mother will have what she is owed..."

From there, Kilik allowed herself to be swallowed by the crowd as she left the festival to catch up to Delion.

Later that evening

She tracked him a little ways away from the festival, seeing a camp in the distance. Dawn had become dusk, and she chose to speak out to the Emissary.

"Is there power to be found B'halia"

Her voice did not dance on the gales, and her tone was not whimsy. It was a blunt, direct question meant exactly for the one who heard it—her entire purpose for following him, her reason for speaking.

"This...Zenith. Will he show it to me...true power? The power to shape the world as one sees?"
"I hear the screams of the Ocean, the cries of the waves. The sea floor yearns for healing and begs for retribution. My wish is to grant it"

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The Bhalian Empire
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Re: The Second Annual Neo Festurus

Post by The Bhalian Empire »

"Is there power to be found B'halia"

Her voice did not dance on the gales, and her tone was not whimsy. It was a blunt, direct question meant exactly for the one who heard it—her entire purpose for following him, her reason for speaking.

"This...Zenith. Will he show it to me...true power? The power to shape the world as one sees?"
Delion stopped In his tracks and turned his head over his shoulder to Kilik, a representative of an elven race entirely new to the Joro tribe. Despite the novelty, he refrained from hasty judgment, scrutinizing her with care before redirecting his focus to the lively festivities. "This is known." he declared with haughty confidence, though a hint of doubt colored his perception of her intent. He didn't think that Zero Venkage, or any of the Neovian contemporaries would be foolish enough as to send spies or false traitors as a means to gain intelligence. But he didn't want to give them too much credit.m

"And who might this be, seeking an audience?" Delion inquired, pivoting to face Kilik directly. His piercing black gaze traced her features delicately, akin to the touch of an assassin's blade.

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Re: The Second Annual Neo Festurus

Post by Kilik »

She stood poised and elegant her form reminiscent of nobility yet her stance spoke tales of exceptional skill and training.

“In fairytales yes, stories to frighten children for fear that the scary ape men will come and take everything they love…But I have no use for tale nor stories. I want to see the truth of that world burned into my memory. “

"And who might this be, seeking an audience?" Delion inquired, pivoting to face Kilik directly. His piercing black gaze traced her features delicately, akin to the touch of an assassin's blade.”

”A Blade of the Empire, should he wish it, a claw , a fang…A Harbinger.”

Her cherry blossom eyes hummed softly with a simmering glare gleaming like a pink flame in the night.

”So long as it is used to bring Madeira to its knees . I care not the shape of the tool…only that it is used to that end.”

The winds would blow sifting through her hair. He would find her gaze both unwavering and menacing. Kilik thought to reveal her true form but she had not the time nor energy to deal with his predjuices nor her proving her heritage or how deep it truly went. For now he would know the guise she chose until she was certain her skill overshadowed all. Until the covenant between her and the Empire was forged
"I hear the screams of the Ocean, the cries of the waves. The sea floor yearns for healing and begs for retribution. My wish is to grant it"

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The Bhalian Empire
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Re: The Second Annual Neo Festurus

Post by The Bhalian Empire »

”A Blade of the Empire, should he wish it, a claw , a fang…A Harbinger.”

Her cherry blossom eyes hummed softly with a simmering glare gleaming like a pink flame in the night.

”So long as it is used to bring Madeira to its knees . I care not the shape of the tool…only that it is used to that end.”
Delion maintained his impassive demeanor as he absorbed Kilik's declaration, her words brimming with determination and a subtle hint of menace. The radiant intensity of her cherry blossom eyes, akin to pink flames in the night, left an indelible impression on him. It was then that he recollected her origins—she hailed from the Nissagro, an Atlatean tribe decimated by Zero Venkage's onslaught years ago. "Ah, of course.he mused inwardly, recognizing the significance of her presence amidst the commemoration of Zero's deeds. Akundae's deployment of him on this specific occasion hinted at deeper machinations; the Emperor and his strategists were always several steps ahead. "A harbinger?" He repeated with toothy grin.

"Your resolve is intriguing, though it carries more the scent of vengeance than loyalty." Delion remarked, his tone neutral yet tinged with respect. "Tell me.. what makes you think the Emporer would have any use for a child and their sword?"

As he awaited Kilik's response, Delion's gaze remained fixed on her, his expression inscrutable. He pondered the implications of her answer, sensing there might be more to her motives than met the eye.

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Re: The Second Annual Neo Festurus

Post by Kilik »

"Your resolve is intriguing, though it carries more the scent of vengeance than loyalty."
Naturally, of course. Each person who flocked to the empire would’ve chosen it for their benefit, whether it was to prolong their lives with the empire's fauna, its immunity to all known pathogens, or the glory that came with attachment to the Empire, even evading his wrath. True enough, Kilik’s thrust for retribution might have been the spark that ignited the flame, but it alone was not the air that kept it alive. What Kilik desired was order…and the power to make it so.
"Tell me.. what makes you think the Emperor would have any use for a child and their sword?"
“Tell me, what emotion inspired you to stand under its emblem? Was it vengeance? Or was it…”

She would inhale as if she could smell the truth of the matter.

“Or was it fear?”

In truth, it didn’t matter to her what inspired the Joro to join the empire. While her vengeance sparked the flame that guided her here, her desire for order and the power needed to bring it about kept it alive and thriving.

“The Emperor has a vision: a world unified, one that would see the blemish of human life removed from it, the oceans healed…I also want to see this come to pass. He will find me more than capable of being of use, for I am no mere child. And this is no mere blade"

The illusion around Vorpalian eroded into a simple display of lilac light that, once dissipated, allowed the supernatural gleam of her blade to show—a truly unique creation with an otherworldly edge. In the same breath, she released the limiters of her draconian aura. She was far from the festival and saw no reason to suppress her presence further. Upon its unshackling, Delion would feel a deluge of power cascade through his senses, like the proverbial weight of an ocean. An ethereal crest like that of a dragon's head manifested behind her.

“Loyalty, like trust, is earned. I did not present myself because I feared the Empire's invasion or because it had nothing I could think of monetarily that would benefit me from the acquisition. Its plants are useless to me; I will still be amongst the remnants when many of these lands rise and fall. The vision...that is what I will place my life behind. Trust my yearning for vengeance until my loyalty grows enough to prove currency. I am nothing if not loyal to my vow..."

Her Aura would subside, and with it, the waves of pressure its execution caused. She did not doubt The power of the Empire, nor its ability to make good on its... promises. But fear is not what guided her; purpose was.
"I hear the screams of the Ocean, the cries of the waves. The sea floor yearns for healing and begs for retribution. My wish is to grant it"

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Re: The Second Annual Neo Festurus

Post by The Bhalian Empire »

“Tell me, what emotion inspired you to stand under its emblem? Was it vengeance..?", She would inhale as if she could smell the truth of the matter.

“Or was it fear?”
Her words hit a particular nerve with him.. The Joro Tribe had pledged its loyalty to the empire long before Delion was ever born. And the acquisition was anything but amicable. He opened his mouth to speak, but said nothing.. His ebon gaze narrowed into fine slits.
“The Emperor has a vision: a world unified, one that would see the blemish of human life removed from it, the oceans healed…I also want to see this come to pass. He will find me more than capable of being of use, for I am no mere child. And this is no mere blade"

The illusion around Vorpalian eroded into a simple display of lilac light that, once dissipated, allowed the supernatural gleam of her blade to show—a truly unique creation with an otherworldly edge.. Upon its unshackling, Delion would feel a deluge of power cascade through his senses, like the proverbial weight of an ocean. An ethereal crest like that of a dragon's head manifested behind her.
Delion took a step back In the wake of Kilik's explosive display of power. Her sudden exhibition even caught the attention of the bhalian military campsite located just a little bit away from their position. She was clearly strong.. strong enough at least for him to longer think of her as a mere child. Delions eyes also traced the edge of her iridescent blade, and found himself glued to it's majestic glow. He was admittedly intrigued.. as were his compatriots- a party of Joro elvs approaching from Delion's toothy grin. They were adorned in Bhalian armor and carried far more weapons than their appointed diplomat. However, Delion halted their approach with a simple gesture of his hand.
“Loyalty, like trust, is earned.. The Empire's vision...that is what I will place my life behind. Trust my yearning for vengeance until my loyalty grows enough to prove currency. I am nothing if not loyal to my vow..."
"Well said." He responded, pausing briefly to measure his words. It was true that only time would unveil the extent of her loyalty. But judging from what he could see and infer about who Kilik was, he knew he could trust her commitment toward revenge.. to an extent anyway. "Come. We are leaving." He invited before he turned around and started his March toward the camp, where over two dozen other armed soldiers were amassing at the center.

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