Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Inariel Myotis »

‘‘Tempest is late. She was supposed to meet us here and guide us through the desert. At least that much I remember.’’

The name sounded familiar, he was puzzled for a bit before the light bulb clicked on. Zeik had mentioned this woman a comrade of the chaos that was to assist them.

"Is this her pattern? Does she fails to show often?"

The clingy heat around them felt like a blanket of energy being laid over his body. He felt like a flower basking in its glory. But the sand...the sand he hated. It was too ambiguous, unstable, he could not ground himself. It was lurking him and to now have to wander around in it because the Choas can't keep up with their guides was poking his attitude a bit more.

They kept going on as he fumbled and stumbled behind.

Deaths hunating kiss?

He thought, it wasart of what the strange voice from early said. It was something he had somewhere. A memory that was beyond his grasp. Where could he have heard it, who could have told him? Was it from a book? It rang poetically against his drums soaking his mind in possibilities. To not to have to second guess everything would take such a huge load off him. But the impressions on his heart that statement left was triggering something in him. But he had to keep his composure.

"And I'm guessing our task now is to find this, Tempest?"

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Nagase »

Allen Momoto wrote:
Fri Sep 20, 2019 8:45 pm
‘‘Tempest is late. She was supposed to meet us here and guide us through the desert. At least that much I remember.’’

The name sounded familiar, he was puzzled for a bit before the light bulb clicked on. Zeik had mentioned this woman a comrade of the chaos that was to assist them.

"Is this her pattern? Does she fails to show often?"

The clingy heat around them felt like a blanket of energy being laid over his body. He felt like a flower basking in its glory. But the sand...the sand he hated. It was too ambiguous, unstable, he could not ground himself. It was lurking him and to now have to wander around in it because the Choas can't keep up with their guides was poking his attitude a bit more.

They kept going on as he fumbled and stumbled behind.

Deaths hunating kiss?

He thought, it wasart of what the strange voice from early said. It was something he had somewhere. A memory that was beyond his grasp. Where could he have heard it, who could have told him? Was it from a book? It rang poetically against his drums soaking his mind in possibilities. To not to have to second guess everything would take such a huge load off him. But the impressions on his heart that statement left was triggering something in him. But he had to keep his composure.

"And I'm guessing our task now is to find this, Tempest?"
‘We don’t have to search for Tempest, she’ll have a much easier time finding us, than we would finding her. Besides we only just arrive, I’m sure she’s near by.’

-She casual followed behind alaude, only a few paces behind. Her arms rested on her shoulders, with her fingers locked into one another. She stammered a little, losing her balance to the shifting sands.

Alaude shifted his head about, careful of his every step and watchful of their progress. He was always like this, calculating and preparing.-

‘The sand isn’t as fun to travel on as it is to look at. Or...maybe it would be better if I didn’t wear these sandals? But...I fear with Xelphis shining over our shoulders, the heat of the sands would prove unbearable.’

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Alaude Nightwing
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Alaude Nightwing »

While continuing to head toward the hills to the east Alaude would take note that while the other two being slightly inconvenienced by the unstable sand. Alaude would pull his cigarette out of his mouth for a moment tapping the ashes off the tip of it toward the ground in front of him. While tapping his cigarette a small amount of black lighting would crackle from his finger, to the cigarette, to the sand bellow. The moment the ashes touched the sand a small alchemy circle would flash for moment on the ground and suddenly the sand that Alaude would walk over would transmute into solid sandstone.

Alaude would continue to head toward the hills to the east but would now be providing a stable path with every step he took for Nagase and Allen to be able to walk on. Also after the last person in the group walked over the sandstone path it would quickly return back to normal sand as to not leave a path and also not to mess up the geology/ecosystem of the area.

"It's less about her never showing, she just likes to be...fashionably late is all. Everyone has their own 'unique' quirks but none the less if Zeik trust her that should be enough not to worry."

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Tempest »

-Tempest stepped carefully from the dark portal not wanting to hit the sand too fast and be unpleasantly surprised by the temperature. When she touched down she was thankful to find but not only what's the temperature agreeable but the surface was solid.-


-She smiled, nodding approvingly at the alchemy before looking up to address the group. Conveniently Kurai was able to place her right behind them on their path-

"Sorry to have kept you all waiting. I'm Tempest"

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Inariel Myotis »

Alaude Nightwing wrote:
Thu Oct 03, 2019 7:26 pm
While continuing to head toward the hills to the east Alaude would take note that while the other two being slightly inconvenienced by the unstable sand. Alaude would pull his cigarette out of his mouth for a moment tapping the ashes off the tip of it toward the ground in front of him. While tapping his cigarette a small amount of black lighting would crackle from his finger to the cigarette, to the sand bellow. The moment the ashes touched the sand a small alchemy circle would flash for a moment on the ground and suddenly the sand that Alaude would walk over would transmute into solid sandstone.

Alaude would continue to head toward the hills to the east but would now be providing a stable path with every step he took for Nagase and Allen to be able to walk on. Also after the last person in the group walked over the sandstone path it would quickly return back to normal sand as to not leave a path and also not to mess up the geology/ecosystem of the area.

"It's less about her never showing, she just likes to be...fashionably late is all. Everyone has their own 'unique' quirks but none the less if Zeik trusts her that should be enough not to worry."
As he kept tumbling about his reflexes caused him to jolt in surprise at the odd ability that Alaude displayed. He...morphed the sand somehow. How so? He barely moved. Whatever the means Allen was grateful not to have to drag himself through the sea of irritation. He would be cautious still of Alaude. He seemed to have a caring yet calculating soul, Allen still could not ignore the perturbing darkness festering within him.

"Trust is such a fickle thing..."

Allen replied the notion of trust gave way to complacency and that to weakness. It had no place among the Apex. He nodded at Alaude in thanks for the ground. As they marched forth he was taken aback by the sudden manifestation of a dark portal. This little ragtag bunch of misfits he was around had too many surprises. It was...unnerving. To many variables made his instincts just as ambiguous as the sane around them. He had to calm himself. If he reacted every little thing it could be viewed as instability.

"Ah, so you're the elusive one"

Allen said as he continued on past Tempest stopping just a few inches ahead of her. The towering creation looked down on her, figuratively speaking, his green cat-like eyes running over her frame. A small thing, but her aura held something...alluring within it.

"You may call me Allen"

He said folding his arms.

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Nagase »

-Tempest exited a dark and joined the party. Her eyes lit up with glee as tempest was the last member of the team.-

“Tempest! You’re here. You’ve met Allen, he’s a big reason why we needed your help. Soo, glad you made it!! I’m not gonna go ito detail about how I know the guards are gonna give us a hard time, but they are.”

-She said with a charming tone while point to the center of her forehead.-

“You see they know Alaude here is dad’s right hand man and you and I are Hellgates;but, this guy....”

-She paused mid sentence to point towards Allen-

“They don’t know him and he’s kinda intimidating. So, help me sneak this stranger into our precious family library. Ok, after hearing that out loud...I’d like to add they have amnesia and need our help.”

-She glanced over to Alaude, whose curling face could only mean one thing.-

“Yes, this pertains to the mission. We are here to make sure nothing happens to the city over night. The libraries at the center of the city.”

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Alaude Nightwing
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Alaude Nightwing »

"As if right on queue."

Alaude would say this under his breath fallowed by a light chuckle in reaction to Tempest appearing before the group. Alaude would then proceed to casually listen as Nagase spoke to Tempest about the mission at hand and the obstacles that awaited them further into the city and its libraries. While in the general sense of things the mission sounded rather simple Alaude was already aware of the many underlining circumstances of not simply the city but the region as a whole. However instead of worrying about all the possible dangers the issues him and his group would have to face Alaude remained calm and mellow planning to simply deal with things as they came.

"Well then if everyone is set Miss Tempest you are welcomed to lead the way for us."

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Tempest »

Tempest nodded cheerfully in response to Allen's introduction and to Alaude in agreeance that it was time to get going.

"Amnesia, huh? That's a pesky thing. Well, the Hellgate Central library is very extensive. It's pretty likely we can find something to help you out."

Tempest began to walk ahead of the group. Continuing on their path towards the hills.

"Now, as far as getting him past the guards..."

She thought back to Nagase mentioning Allen's intimidating demeanor. The guy was obviously pretty guarded and he seemed a bit...uneasy. She presumed this reasonable as they were all strangers to each other. However, it would also serve as a clear sign to the guards that he didn't "belong".

"Hmm...Nagase, I don't suppose your intuition could tell us if it'll be better to try an reason with the guards or just sneak him in somehow?"

She considered again Allen's vibes.

"Does anyone have a skill that can mask his presence maybe? No offense intended Allen. It's just that guards to the library can be quite...touchy, you might say. Very sensitive to energy and very suspicious of outsiders."

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Inariel Myotis »

Was he really such a hassle? Well He guessed it could be said that he didn't exactly go through extreme to hide his intent nor his presence. He was an apex, a beast among beast and as such tended to exude himself wherever he went. At least that is how its been since he devoured Bora. Orcs were not known to hide nor run, yet to make sure it was known that they were not to be trifled with, perhaps he knew found demeanor was a bi product of his entanglement with the Orc-kin. Prior to he made it a point to hide and stay in the shadows of civilization. To draw attention was to risk harming folks or being harmed. Humes were such strange flickers to him. The way they struggled and fought despite being so fragile and finite. Bora though, he held a respect for them, so perhaps Allen also saw them in a new light. Perhaps even an embodiment of resiliency. Was this...growth? The thought of having to subdue his essence did not sit right with him but his goal was more important. He supposed there were something that needed a more delicate touch. The only time he ever considered himself to be tender is when in the company of plant life. Something about nature always brought out the softer side of him. He wondered how long Bora would remain apart of this, was it permanent?

"Nagase...are you not some form of Royalty?"

Since when did heirs struggle to enter a city under their reign? It was then he heard that they were suffering from some kind of memory loss. His eyes would roll. Not only was he surrounded by strangers going into a strange land with strange ass guards who were behaving strangely. Now He had to be snuck in like some kind of contraband. He would take a deep breathe so as to center himself. Being a prick right now would not help this situation any more than it would hinder it. He used to be able to mask his energy very well. But since the advent it was a skill that was inaccessible to him. He would have to lean on the proficiency of the group to get through this hurdle. A task he could not surmount alone.


He mumbled closing his eyes. He followed Tempest's energy and the general direction of the path as they continued forward. This was all irritating as hell. But he held no other choice.

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Nagase »

Her pleasant and cheerful demeanor sank deep into her feet, as she heard allen bring up her status as royalty, her eyes quickly looked away from Allen and back towards the appraoching gates of the Acrix Solara, hiding any glint of her vulnerability.

"Yes... My father is crown prince of the tribe but he hasnt been to Acrix in centuries and hes likely to have upset the other families by ignoring his duties. However, i have no interest in using my fathers status as a means to accomplish my goals. Not to mention, royalty here isnt treated above general civilians. Believe me, there are more royal bound hellgates in exile than civilians."

She said, ending her statment with a snarky glance over her shoulder.

"However, we wont have to rely on coeresion, sure to be the end result if we tried to use naten to sneak Allen into the Obius's coveted library."

She said dryly.

"Nope, the only thing we have to do to 'sneak,' this massive creature into our library is-"

She glanced over to tempest, then Alaude and lastly Allen.

"Is let nature take the wheel."

She said with a haughty laugh. Her statement was vague and she knew that, she loved the suspense and couldnt help but abuse the fact that everyone waited on her every word.

"Its no matter of intuition, my dear Tempest. I happen to know the gaurds on detail today are your number one fans, huge admirers of your new Art., i shouldnt lie to my friemds, they literally have a shrine of you in their room, which when you bring it up to them, he'll become so flustered with emotion, he wont even notice Allen."

She said with a confident smile, glaring over her shoulder with a menacing gleam.

"So, they'll be too...whats the word? Oh yea, smitten when they see their favorite Idol, in the flesh and totally crushed once their secret is brandished in front of them. They'll be like puddy, moldable clay waiting for its master to give them purpose."

Her tone grew more maniacal with every word as she fell into the craze of her vivid and mischievous imagination. She only toned down as they drew close to the village gates.

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