Bout between Kings

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Dalazar Denkou
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Bout between Kings

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

It was right before dawn. The birds of the areas had just arisen and had begun serenading the space with the lulling songs. A sweet aroma filled the expanse. It was such a soothing aroma, such a mellow vibe. It was the perfect time for this. In the midst of it, all alone figure would be nuzzled under a giant cherry blossom tree. Clad in armor reminiscent of a ninja. A concept that has long since faded from this time of Vescrutia.Though to him. It was still the gateway to a very promising future. His frame gleamed with light which circulated the power of his birthright through every fiber of his being. His hair lazily fluttered in the passing wind like a blanket of course snow, his emerald scarf followed suit the many embedded stones glittering in the slowly rising light of dawn."Hmp...Seems it's just about time for our monthly bout." He said as his eyes slowly opened revealing with stone cut emerald gaze. He would let out a yawn before slowly rising and stretching. His body felt to tense he hadn't slept in a good bed in a few weeks now since leaving to survey a potential land expansion. His days were filled now with wondering and diplomacy. Good thing he could always trust Evant to run the kingdom in his stead."He better not leave me waiting again.His tardiness is..distasteful". He said as he continued his stretches. He needed to get his blood flowing. This was going to be one hell of a match.


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Arcanum Iris
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Re: Bout between Kings

Post by Nalumire »

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As the Sun ever so rose over the profile of the sakura tree, it seem the winds had thickened and felt more dense. The songs of the birds seem to have an acoustic echo to them like they were in a sealed room. The sweet soothing aroma had become a still smell of fresh rose peddles and a hint of mint. His aura was in the air already as he entered in range for his brother to see him. His Plush Red wings and silver locs could be seen afar, he had Naten flowing visible for just a second as the the grass blades moved and shaped a pathway to Dazuma.

The Denki KIng would notice that Dazuma's locs Had Grown quite long. He was a bit proud of his brother and seeing him with his birthright . It looked good on him and it only made him want to reach even new levels of power. THis bout was to see how they have grown, Nazuma could never be on time. However...
"Please, Forgive me.. I know I promised I would be on time and I would be here.. However I had good reason for my tardiness this year brother.

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Dalazar Denkou
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Re: Bout between Kings

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

As the hefty gales swept the area his scarf, cloak and hair all flutter with no resistance. The air became rich with a peculiar smell. He knew this scent. It was a gaudy cologne his brother was fond ,the reasons why were unbeknownst to Dazu. He always thought it was a rather audacious blend. The combination of min and rose with cherry blossom just seemed to overload the senses. He would place his scarf over his nose before...Achoo and acute jerk followed. He regained composure Nazuma descended from the skies as the gales subsided. His wings seeming to span into eternity. Scarlet red appendages that screamed the core of his stake as the Ruby King."Oh please..." He said with a exuberant roll of the eyes. If he had a mf Nickle for every time hed heard this. He began stretching his arms across one another. Small crackles of energy flickered about his body. Starting at his neck and gradually cascading down his frame."Why don't you spare me the sordid detail hm?" He would transition from the arm stretches to a couple of leg extensions.

Crouching down and extending left and right. Around his waste lied his trusty utility satchel that contained all his little Knick knacks and gadgets. As he rose from his crochets his right hand slipped in and out of his satchel with one fluent movement as he then crossed his arms. The right one contained something reminiscent of a shuriken. It gleamed in the coming light of dawn as Dazuma eyes narrowed. "I mean after all. You do recall why you are here do you not?" A cheeky smirk etched subtly on his face. He was set. It would be in his brother best interest to prepare himself. Normally he wouldn't mind a brisk conversation. However today it was different. Today Nazuma would learn something that he has been ignorant to since they were children. That of the two of them, Dazuma blade was the sharpest...

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Arcanum Iris
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Re: Bout between Kings

Post by Nalumire »

Nazuma Would suck his teeth at the remarks of his brother. He honestly, just wanted to see where did his brother lie. Though he never doubted the abilities of his brother. This would be the moment the two brother would have their battle the final tie breaker. Nazuma would be reminiscent, for just a brief moment. "Well.. I let us begin." he said as the magical sigils began to appear around him as he fluttered his wings and gracefully land just a few feet away from Dazuma. He would began speaking in ancient tongue his words fluid as the winds around him began to swirl and gather. The air particles became visible as the mana began manifesting, his lower half would be consumed in a tycoon of wind. He would pull a small rod with a spike out from his side. He put Naten into the weapon and it would expand into a lance. " I hope you are ready... Ancient Wind Art: Orishan Winds." The clouds in the air crackled and combined, they swirled from the skies and soon touched the ground a few meters away. They dug deep into the surface picking up what ever wasn't strong enough to the pull of the wind.

The Cyclones danced around each other in perfect sync like two people forever caught in a salsa spin. He would raise his left palm and it the twister on his left side responded; it lifted off the ground as the spiral came to the connect with his arm. Out his Lance he would shoot a gust of wind with the force of the tornado he manifested. It tore threw the ground that separated the two of them picking up force as it got close to Dazuma.

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Dalazar Denkou
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Re: Bout between Kings

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

Nazuma Would suck his teeth at the remarks of his brother. He honestly, just wanted to see where did his brother lie. Though he never doubted the abilities of his brother. This would be the moment the two brother would have their battle the final tie breaker. Nazuma would be reminiscent, for just a brief moment. "Well.. I let us begin." he said as the magical sigils began to appear around him as he fluttered his wings and gracefully land just a few feet away from Dazuma. He would began speaking in ancient tongue his words fluid as the winds around him began to swirl and gather. The air particles became visible as the mana began manifesting, his lower half would be consumed in a tycoon of wind. He would pull a small rod with a spike out from his side. He put Naten into the weapon and it would expand into a lance. " I hope you are ready... Ancient Wind Art: Orishan Winds." The clouds in the air crackled and combined, they swirled from the skies and soon touched the ground a few meters away. They dug deep into the surface picking up what ever wasn't strong enough to the pull of the wind.

The Cyclones danced around each other in perfect sync like two people forever caught in a salsa spin. He would raise his left palm and it the twister on his left side responded; it lifted off the ground as the spiral came to the connect with his arm. Out his Lance he would shoot a gust of wind with the force of the tornado he manifested. It tore threw the ground that separated the two of them picking up force as it got close to Dazuma.
Dazuma picked up the slight irritation in his brothers voice, but so be it. It was a bit of his sadism showing he loved getting under his skin and he took the bait as he knew he would and made the first move. A strong at that. The tornado like force of wind was shot at him with great gusto ripping through the expanse and quickly making its way to him leaving little time to react. For most at least for someone like him however it was more than a enough time and space to respond. He took a single step and in doing so seemed to vanish. Heh...of courseA mere second later he was to the right of Nazuma about 3 meters his arm extending as he flung the shuriken at Nazuma, it crackled slightly with the force of hit lightning naten which drastically increase its velocity aiming to loge itself in his brothers right arm. In the same motion his left hand would grab another three more and fling them at him as well, Two of the three arc to the left side of Nazuma whilst the third aimed at his torso. The light of the rising sun caused a gleam that trailed behind the for electrized shuriken that seem to echo a small screeching sound as the lightning could be found on them as well. After flinging them he began causing his naten to build up in his hands before running up after them preparing for whatever counter his brother might issue whilst trying to close the gam of distance between them

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Arcanum Iris
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Re: Bout between Kings

Post by Nalumire »

Dazuma wrote:
Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:58 pm
Dazuma picked up the slight irritation in his brothers voice, but so be it. It was a bit of his sadism showing he loved getting under his skin and he took the bait as he knew he would and made the first move. A strong at that. The tornado like force of wind was shot at him with great gusto ripping through the expanse and quickly making its way to him leaving little time to react. For most at least for someone like him however it was more than a enough time and space to respond. He took a single step and in doing so seemed to vanish. Heh...of courseA mere second later he was to the right of Nazuma about 3 meters his arm extending as he flung the shuriken at Nazuma, it crackled slightly with the force of hit lightning naten which drastically increase its velocity aiming to loge itself in his brothers right arm. In the same motion his left hand would grab another three more and fling them at him as well, Two of the three arc to the left side of Nazuma whilst the third aimed at his torso. The light of the rising sun caused a gleam that trailed behind the for electrized shuriken that seem to echo a small screeching sound as the lightning could be found on them as well. After flinging them he began causing his naten to build up in his hands before running up after them preparing for whatever counter his brother might issue whilst trying to close the gam of distance between them

Nazuma would be surprised at his brothers sudden movements, but wasn't the slightest off his brother position. His eyes followed quickly, his reaction to the barrage of shuriken was to block with the scarf around his neck He would jump upward as grasp his collar and the fabrics would harden like steel coving him in a Gaint Crimson Spike that consumed him as he infuse it with naten repelling the the waves of projectiles with a force of the Naten Infused scarf he'd summon a barrier to stop the shuriken in their tracks and also creating about 10 more meters of distance between them from the impact of the magicks.

Underneath the construct Nazuma would begin to spin inside it causing the Giant Spike to rotate like a high powered drill as another Red Magic Circle would manifest on the ooutside of the Spike as it floated in midair and the Second Twister would combine with the steel spike causing it to increase in its rotation. Moments later it rocketed towards Dazuma, It cut through the air like a bullet out of a rifle with a bang and a zip of wind the spike charged for The Emerald King as Nazuma said

Wind Magic: Steel Bullet.

The spike pulled dust and other debris as it came closer to Dazuma. Nazuma wanted to get closer to Dazuma he knew a close range fight right now would be best he could use that to his advantage having distance between them would be foolish of him as lightning can strike in an instant. KNowing this he wanted to come with a flurry of quick and agile attacks. Just as the Spike closed in on Dazuma it would disband and out launched Nazuma with his lance,its blade covered in naten giving it a bright crimson glow, he used the velocity spikes rotation to increace the impact he would have on the swing of his Lance from the left, he aimed for the torso of his brother, hoping to hit him like a baseball across the field.

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Dalazar Denkou
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Re: Bout between Kings

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

Nazuma would be surprised at his brothers sudden movements, but wasn't the slightest off his brother position. His eyes followed quickly, his reaction to the barrage of shuriken was to block with the scarf around his neck He would jump upward as grasp his collar and the fabrics would harden like steel coving him in a Gaint Crimson Spike that consumed him as he infuse it with naten repelling the the waves of projectiles with a force of the Naten Infused scarf he'd summon a barrier to stop the shuriken in their tracks and also creating about 10 more meters of distance between them from the impact of the magicks.
If Nazu was paying that close attention to his twins face he'd see quite the cheeky smile on Dazuma. The moment his brother decided to defend instead of evade was the moment that Dazuma would twitch three fingers on his left and his index finger on his right. When this occurred the thought to be deflected shuriken would instead be seen wrapping around his person. Dazuma had attached Denki wire to each of the shuriken giving him free control over their movements and direction. These wires were virtually invisible to the naked eye as the sunlight often can be the only hint of their existence. This coupled with the lightning naten had them wrapping around him at break neck speed. The moment that the wire consumed him would be the moment that Dazuma would send the coagulated lightning naten he had gathered through those very same wires. Nazuma would be able to guess how much trouble he was in for Denki metal is an amazing conduit for lightning. The shuriken and wire both were made from this metal and expedite the channeling process to blink of an eye speeds. The current was ferocious as in its traveling of the wire and sought to send a furious jolt of power and lightning through Nazuma. Just enough to possibly stun him"My my"

Dazuma whispered as his hand formed a first that radiated a crackling green hue. It would be no easy feat to simply tear through the wire as its durability hardens to diamond like consistency when infused with naten. His right and left shoulders would be seen mirroring the force of his hands as runic markings shined. This was the activating of his Rune magic "The Ant". A magic special only to him that allows him to mirror the ideals he carries about his kingdom. The family symbol of the innovative and industrious house of Gamallow granted Dazuma a brief but possibly overwhelming addition to his physical strength allowing him quick spurts of amazing physical force.Do you remember when we were kids and da explained to us the power the ant possess?" The second Emerald King. A man that taught them many things of the world and how all life held meaning, its place in the infinite cycle of life. "Of how the Gamallow came to be...He taught us much." Like how to access your opponent before flinging yourself right at them. It was his hope that this halted his brothers ability to spin or at least alternate his course. Channeling this great boost into his arms Dazuma would yank the wired prison around his brother with over 50 times his own body weight, this came about to 6 tons of physical force aiming to slam him into the ground, hoping to take advantage of his brother lasp in judgement.

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Arcanum Iris
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Re: Bout between Kings

Post by Nalumire »

Dazuma wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 12:29 pm
Nazuma would be surprised at his brothers sudden movements, but wasn't the slightest off his brother position. His eyes followed quickly, his reaction to the barrage of shuriken was to block with the scarf around his neck He would jump upward as grasp his collar and the fabrics would harden like steel coving him in a Gaint Crimson Spike that consumed him as he infuse it with naten repelling the the waves of projectiles with a force of the Naten Infused scarf he'd summon a barrier to stop the shuriken in their tracks and also creating about 10 more meters of distance between them from the impact of the magicks.
If Nazu was paying that close attention to his twins face he'd see quite the cheeky smile on Dazuma. The moment his brother decided to defend instead of evade was the moment that Dazuma would twitch three fingers on his left and his index finger on his right. When this occurred the thought to be deflected shuriken would instead be seen wrapping around his person. Dazuma had attached Denki wire to each of the shuriken giving him free control over their movements and direction. These wires were virtually invisible to the naked eye as the sunlight often can be the only hint of their existence. This coupled with the lightning naten had them wrapping around him at break neck speed. The moment that the wire consumed him would be the moment that Dazuma would send the coagulated lightning naten he had gathered through those very same wires. Nazuma would be able to guess how much trouble he was in for Denki metal is an amazing conduit for lightning. The shuriken and wire both were made from this metal and expedite the channeling process to blink of an eye speeds. The current was ferocious as in its traveling of the wire and sought to send a furious jolt of power and lightning through Nazuma. Just enough to possibly stun him"My my"

Dazuma whispered as his hand formed a first that radiated a crackling green hue. It would be no easy feat to simply tear through the wire as its durability hardens to diamond like consistency when infused with naten. His right and left shoulders would be seen mirroring the force of his hands as runic markings shined. This was the activating of his Rune magic "The Ant". A magic special only to him that allows him to mirror the ideals he carries about his kingdom. The family symbol of the innovative and industrious house of Gamallow granted Dazuma a brief but possibly overwhelming addition to his physical strength allowing him quick spurts of amazing physical force.Do you remember when we were kids and da explained to us the power the ant possess?" The second Emerald King. A man that taught them many things of the world and how all life held meaning, its place in the infinite cycle of life. "Of how the Gamallow came to be...He taught us much." Like how to access your opponent before flinging yourself right at them. It was his hope that this halted his brothers ability to spin or at least alternate his course. Channeling this great boost into his arms Dazuma would yank the wired prison around his brother with over 50 times his own body weight, this came about to 6 tons of physical force aiming to slam him into the ground, hoping to take advantage of his brother lasp in judgement.
Dazuma was able to get the upper hand on Nazuma. He'd force the giant spike into the ground. Luckily for the Young Denkai King his clothes and most of his weapons are lightning resistant meaning NAzuma could take a hit of lightning from the purest of strikes. Just as the spike came crashing down Nazuma would release his Naten from his scarf. A cloud of smoke would prove some kind of masking for him to move to his next attack. A red glow would be seen in the cloak of the dust and darting out the smoke would be several arrows of highly compressed air they would slice through the air only visble as he summoned them and took aim. The moment Nazuma released the arrows it was as if the vanished and reappeared giving Dazuma little to no time to react to the flurry of arrows he came to meet. NAzuma only sent about six arrows toward his brother. He wanted to create some ground. Keeping distance from Dazuma would be his best bet. He didn't have the strength of the ant or the cunningness of a serpent, Nazuma could only think back to the days before. The years he spent in the Astral and things he learned, how his heart had to be open to become a true king.
Each arrow's ferocity would be stronger than the last one each zipping through the air. Only short wisp and cuts could be heard echoing through the battleground. He had a smile on his face as his brother spoke. He did remember all of the lessons of the old history their father would try to teach them. That only made Nazuma's attack all the more potent in its velocity. His powers are linked not only to his heart but also his memories and the bonds he shared with the people he loved. The memory of his father fueled his attack as the arrow picked up speed. ""I remember all to well.. The Mighty Ant.. However. Did father ever tell you.. of how The Persistent Woodpecker battled with the Mighty Ant Before the dragons came to burn the forest .. no bark could stop the sharpness of the birds beak. She was as mighty as any foe the Ant had faced Her beak. It brought ruin to their homes within the trees and forced them to take refuge in the ground.

He said mocking the mighty ant in his smug way of dealing with things this was to get under his brothers skin.

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Dalazar Denkou
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Re: Bout between Kings

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

With the coming of comet Nazu there was now a plume of smoke. No doubt a mixture of the rubble caused by the impact and some kind of agent of his own. The wire had served it's purpose. He got the little birdie out of the sky. It was always the first place he ran to. Perhaps looking down on everyone stroked his brother ego. However, defeat did not. Though the smoke did in fact obscure him from Dazuma's view it was nothing for the beryl sovereign to sense the cunning magical force his brother created. Dazuma magic sense was impeccable, he scarcely needed to see a target in order to hit it. Nazuma thought he was off the hook, that he would achieve his goal of distance.

He was wrong

In fact this game of tag had only begun. Through the smokescreen several arrows were launched at him. He had very little reaction time, but for one who has been crowned the wielder of lightning it was more than enough. The wires detached from him as he took a stance quickly shifting his body whilst grabbing the hilt of his sword. For but a very brief moment his naten flared to a height where it created a pressure that would pass through every living bearing here. It flared with a ravenous yet stern intensity that caused the wildlife to flee. His eyes shoot open clad in a furious emerald glare. The moment the did Dazuma leapt with incredible for and speed. His blade clasped in the furious aura that was his birth right.


"1st Dance of the Emerald king..."

He whispered as he unsheathed his blade. His body radiating a dazzling emerald lightning infused display of electrifying delight. With great vigor his blade swiftly intercepted the first arrow, it was some weight to it, but nothing he couldn't slice through, nothing that would halt his advance. Tenaciously in the same breathe he release yet another slice cleaving the second one in twin causing the energy it split off in parallel directions.

"Stride of Valor!"

His speed and striking power increased once more as he went for the third one, each arrow appeared to be stronger than the last, in which case this was the perfect counter measure for in this stance the longer he was on the offensive the stronger each swing of his blade became. This coupled with Umina's properties as a House Hold treasure amp the cutting power further. In a brazen acrobatic series of four swings he eradicated the arrows. The mere force of his blows quicly eradicating the smoke. Nearing Nazu now only a mere foot away his scarf would illuminate with his light magic causing a blinding jade light that would aim to obscure his brother vison for but a moment as Dazuma used the last step in his flared up stride to spin swiftly to the left side of Nazuma. Sheathing in sword in the same fluid motion. His index and middle fingers now resembling snake fangs with green lightning concentrated at the tips.
"I remember all to well.. The Mighty Ant.. However. Did father ever tell you.. of how The Persistent Woodpecker battled with the Mighty Ant Before the dragons came to burn the forest .. no bark could stop the sharpness of the birds beak. She was as mighty as any foe the Ant had faced Her beak. It brought ruin to their homes within the trees and forced them to take refuge in the ground"
"Funny thing about Ants and Wood peckers"

He said as the fingers' radiated with a fearsome viridescent hue. The lightning in his hands proliferated greatly by Fulgear; his gloves. With spit second speed and crystal clear precision he released a series of four pointed strikes targeting Nazu's nervous system around his rib cage. Each strike was enough to hurt a bit but the power was traded for the speed. If hit it would paralyzes his right side allowing for further assault. If he was blinded for even second.

"Neither has shit on the Snake"

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Arcanum Iris
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Re: Bout between Kings

Post by Nalumire »

Dazuma wrote:
Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:07 pm
With the coming of comet Nazu there was now a plume of smoke. No doubt a mixture of the rubble caused by the impact and some kind of agent of his own. The wire had served it's purpose. He got the little birdie out of the sky. It was always the first place he ran to. Perhaps looking down on everyone stroked his brother ego. However, defeat did not. Though the smoke did in fact obscure him from Dazuma's view it was nothing for the beryl sovereign to sense the cunning magical force his brother created. Dazuma magic sense was impeccable, he scarcely needed to see a target in order to hit it. Nazuma thought he was off the hook, that he would achieve his goal of distance.

He was wrong

In fact this game of tag had only begun. Through the smokescreen several arrows were launched at him. He had very little reaction time, but for one who has been crowned the wielder of lightning it was more than enough. The wires detached from him as he took a stance quickly shifting his body whilst grabbing the hilt of his sword. For but a very brief moment his naten flared to a height where it created a pressure that would pass through every living bearing here. It flared with a ravenous yet stern intensity that caused the wildlife to flee. His eyes shoot open clad in a furious emerald glare. The moment the did Dazuma leapt with incredible for and speed. His blade clasped in the furious aura that was his birth right.


"1st Dance of the Emerald king..."

He whispered as he unsheathed his blade. His body radiating a dazzling emerald lightning infused display of electrifying delight. With great vigor his blade swiftly intercepted the first arrow, it was some weight to it, but nothing he couldn't slice through, nothing that would halt his advance. Tenaciously in the same breathe he release yet another slice cleaving the second one in twin causing the energy it split off in parallel directions.

"Stride of Valor!"

His speed and striking power increased once more as he went for the third one, each arrow appeared to be stronger than the last, in which case this was the perfect counter measure for in this stance the longer he was on the offensive the stronger each swing of his blade became. This coupled with Umina's properties as a House Hold treasure amp the cutting power further. In a brazen acrobatic series of four swings he eradicated the arrows. The mere force of his blows quicly eradicating the smoke. Nearing Nazu now only a mere foot away his scarf would illuminate with his light magic causing a blinding jade light that would aim to obscure his brother vison for but a moment as Dazuma used the last step in his flared up stride to spin swiftly to the left side of Nazuma. Sheathing in sword in the same fluid motion. His index and middle fingers now resembling snake fangs with green lightning concentrated at the tips.
"I remember all to well.. The Mighty Ant.. However. Did father ever tell you.. of how The Persistent Woodpecker battled with the Mighty Ant Before the dragons came to burn the forest .. no bark could stop the sharpness of the birds beak. She was as mighty as any foe the Ant had faced Her beak. It brought ruin to their homes within the trees and forced them to take refuge in the ground"
"Funny thing about Ants and Wood peckers"

He said as the fingers' radiated with a fearsome viridescent hue. The lightning in his hands proliferated greatly by Fulgear; his gloves. With spit second speed and crystal clear precision he released a series of four pointed strikes targeting Nazu's nervous system around his rib cage. Each strike was enough to hurt a bit but the power was traded for the speed. If hit it would paralyzes his right side allowing for further assault. If he was blinded for even second.

"Neither has shit on the Snake"

The movements of his brother seemed ever so fluid in itself. He was showing Nazuma that he wasn’t trying to hold back. This was to be a true battle. Nazuma would use The bow to block the first blows two of his brothers attack. As the final strike from the front of Dazuma connect his bow would fly into the air. As this happen Nazuma would be swiped acrossed the face for a second however he used the imbalance of his body to shift on to his hands and spin in the opposite to Dazuma as his legs charged with Naten he would say in a graceful elegant tone.

Takamage Claw: Step one: Predator Talons….

He would shift his weight into his legs as the muscles on his arms and legs would tighten and infuse with wind magic . It looked as if Nazumas feet were covered in a talon shaped barrier of wind Naten barrier. As he would clash with his brothers blows he matched with speed and power he moved his legs to block the blows. He would twist his wrist digging into soft grass he’d parry off of Dazuma causing himself to spin. Nazuma would use this velocity to launch into the air while straighten himself upright as he continued his attack..


Step Two: Blackhawk Cry

He would unleash a highly dense wave of wind magic,it took the form of a hawk as the winds swirled and manifested. The cout of the air would sound as if a Hawk cried to signaled its prey of capture.


:Step Three:Silver Owl Strike!

Nazuma would thrust his legs covered with wind magic. They would be maifest as bird like shapes but would sharpen and narrow as he rotated the wind around his legs he aimed for neck of his brother hoping that one of his own blows would connect to land a crushing blow to his brother. He Knew a close range fight with his brother would cause cataclysmic disruptions in the atmostphere and he wasn’t able to maintain distance between the two of them.

He put enough power behind the kicks that if one of them were to be dodged or redirected it would cause the ground to break and crack. Once any of the kicks landed Dazuma would be sent flying acroxx the field. Nazuma came to stand to his feet as the Takamage claws dug into the ground and his bow landed just between the two of them.

“The beak wasn’t the only weapon of the mighty birds of the sky. As I journeyed through the jungles of Valvinor on Vulcan island, I ran into a three eyed owl. He was the size of steed and His name was Takamachi-yo. He could speak using wind magic to create speech from his woots.He was an angry old bird who thought the Ri’ore to be the most vile of snakes on the island. He knew Zariyia as a friend. He came to trust her with his life.she and her valkyrie protected him and many of the creatures of the jungle.I had to make the same pact with him the gift he gave her angels when they made the supernatural pact was a dance that would mirror the strikes of the snake.”

Nazuma would say as he’d begin to gather naten once more. The winds would swirl and whistle as he focused his magic to the heels of his feet and around the wings of his arms. As he would take the Takamage Claw fighting style he awated to see if he did any damage to Dazu.

"Sorry brother The Hawk is a more silent hunter, While fangs are deadly, claws are made to rip the fangs out of the snakes mouth. We must not forget the Hawk who danced with the snakes. Fuck the OrochiMage Fist. How does it match up to the TakaMage Leg?"


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