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Flickering Sun; Reiji

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 7:28 pm
by Reiji
Name: Reiji/ Ashe
Age: 2 Months (Physically 20)
Hair Color: White
Eye color: Gold
Height: 5'10
Unique Marks: None

Parents: Unknown

Species: Phoenix

Central Pillar: He awoke 2 months ago within the ash of a fallen star. He wandered and survived for a month before being taken in by bandits in the wild lands.

Contrast Pillar: The Bandits called him Ashe because of his hair and his pyrokenitic abilities. He adopted the name Reiji as it's the first word he spoke upon awaking. He uses the name Ashe in memoriam if his fallen surrogate family.

Active Pillar: He seeks answers to whom and what he is. And to atone for what he did.

Crossing Pillar: No one.

Anthem: Phoenix Protocol

He is capable of transforming partially and completely into a Phoenix. He is capable of regenerating missing limbs and recovering from fatal damage. Can revive from death once a year.

Element Natures: Fire and Wind


Pyrokinesis: Capable of creating and controlling flames and heat with just a thought.

Aerokinesis: Capable of creating and controlling air and oxygen with just a thought.

Enthrall: Combining his natures, Reiji is capable of creating pressure as if increasing or decreasing gravity.

Fractured Mind: Bits and pieces of memories come and go for Reiji, allowing him great knowledge and insight one moment and complete ignorance the next.

Unknown Martial Arts: His body knows of a Fighting style his mind does not. It is tied to the name Reiji that echoes in his memories.

Weapons: Can transform his hands and feet into talons as hard as diamonds.

Bio: His earliest clear memory is of waking up in the ashes of what he believed was a fallen star. The name Reiji echoed within his mind. He figured it was his name...

Yet the bits of cloth with a half sun markings alluded to something else.

Unfortunately, the cloths fell to ash at his touch. With his mind in a haze, he simply wandered. Within the far reaches of the wild lands, he slayed with no regard to right or wrong. It took three weeks before clarity began to form for him to realize the many lives, beast and otherwise, that he had taken.

His mind almost lost to grief and regret, he found salvation in the form of a group of highwaymen. A group of thieves and murderers with a loose but adhered to code of decency. Kill for your protection or others. Accept no disrespect. Take what's needed, nothing more.

The group accepted Reiji almost instantly, admiring his abilities and quick learning. Though his lack of common sense to the ways of the world cost them several scores.

Within the third week of being with the group, Reiji thought he found where he belonged...

It was supposed to be a simple scavenging outing. The whole group heard tales of a massive meteor that descended upon an unsuspecting village in the further reaches of the wilds. The unfortunate souls lost meant more gain for them. But they weren't monsters. They would bury the dead they could find. After looting of course.

Reiji's mind was racing however. The site the meteor crashed into wasn't much further from where he remembered awaking.

They arrived to find almost everything reduced to ashes. A blackened crater with ash falling like snow ; a serene and tragic scene all in one. There were certainly no survivors.

As the group picked through the ashes attempting to find anything of value, he saw it.

Not just a cloth this time. An entire tapestry. With the half sun symbol, now showing with an hour glass behind it. Words echoed in his mind as a piercing headache struck him.







The words echoed as voices all around him. His own name repeated over and over in a cacophony of noise and agony.

His legs gave and he dropped to his knees, the pain too much. Nothing made sense but the names.

He could hear the sounds of bells ringing, of a cage and fluttering. Laughter, screams, moans, and dying gasps. The roar within his mind and soul began to speak out one last name.

' gi...'

His own scream pierced the heavens. Yet it was drowned out by the deafening explosion that rocked the planet with Reiji at its epicenter...

He awoke several hours later, lying haphazardly within the 800 meter crater that now scarred the land with a dark blemish. He held his head as vague memories came back to him.

He gazed around for his comrades... only to find the blackened and partially vaporized skeletal remains of the people he had called family. The pain that struck his mind now clawed at his heart. An anguished scream once more left his soul. His tears sizzled into the ground. Unbeknownst to him, small flowers began to bloom under the ash where his tears fell.

He stood shakily, his mind reset as the first time he had awoken. With no clear goal and nothing to his name, Reiji...Ashe... chose a direction... and began walking

Re: Flame of the forgotten God Slayers; Reiji Kusanagi

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 5:07 am
by Fate I
Post Sat Nov 14, 2020 7:28 pm
-Im glad to see youve returned, even happier to see you used the rubric we made. Youre probably the first player to get the admin evaluation in a while, so bare with me.

Name: Reiji Kusanagi
Age: Several quintillion years (Physically 20)
(Lets just say, youre the first person to actually push the limits of age. Please choose a more 'natural number.' 0-1000)

Notes in parentheses
Hair color: Interchangeable (primarily white, black, or red)
Eye color: Interchangeable
Height: 5'10
Unique marks: Sometimes the heart of the Phoenix (a light that glows as a small sun) appears on his forehead.

Parents: Kyo Kusanagi (Vescrutian Timeline) and Udia/Hinata Kusanagi (Primordial Timeline)

Species: Primordial Phoenix or Heliasa (Earliest species of Phoenix comprised of pure energy, also known as Heliasa)

Central Pillar: Of Kyo's 3 children, Reiji was the only one born and raised in their pocket dimension. (pocket dimension...we're gonna have to pass on this one aswell.)A realm recreated in the form of Ivalice(ivalice can exist as a town, a city, a kingdom, a moon base, hell even a planet;but, it cant be a realm or from another dimension.)

the world and progenitor of the Phoenix creature and Phoenix clan itself. The realm was recreated by Primordial Goddess Udia, Reiji's mother. Here Reiji had access to many different timelines(time manipulation is under strict regulation, the mere mention of 'timeline and manipulation.' Is red flag territory) and realities(The same can be said about powers that deal in reality manipulation.) When not caring for his sisters or learning from his parents, he was exploring the different cultures of many different worlds.

Contrast Pillar: Though he loves his father,
he hates him just as much. Kyo became a cryptic bastard and would test his children and even spouses occasionally. Suddenly thrust into the lands of Vescrutia with most of his memories and abilities stripped away, Reiji looks to find the one person whom his father made sure he would never forget; Zeik Hellgate.

Active Pillar: Currently looking for the one known as Zeik Hellgate. Hoping to bring his family back to Ves.

Crossing Pillar: Only his immediate family.

Anthem: Chrono Ignition Origin

Inherited from the beginning of existence itself(<please omit) the Chrono Ignition allows the user to control and burn through time(If you use C.Ignition to make yourself faster, heal wounds, jump through portals thats ok. But you cant use C.ignition to go "forward or backwards in time." If you use c.ignition to effect the timeline of an inanimate object, thats ok. You cant use the flames to effect someone else's "timeline,time stream, past or future..") The user is capable of burning through possibilities and timelines to reveal or cause one singular path forward or back(No its not, we talked about this above.)
As the origin ability, the user has control and knowledge of the beginning, usurping any who would tamper with their body, mind, or soul.(This is just meta game, please omit.) The origin user is capable of existing even in paradoxical realities.(Elaborate)

(Reiji himself has lost the knowledge of these abilities due to his father.)

Element Natures: Fire and Wind


Elemental Origin: Udia and the original Phoenix clan of Ivalice were beings of pure energy, encompassing even anti-matter(please omit anti matter.)
As such, they had control of all known and unknown elements(Too much Alpha and omega, easy to god mod please omit.)

They leaned towards the power of the flame and wind, being able to create both from their very existence, far beyond the scope of aerokenisis or pyrokenisis. The flames and winds of a Kusanagi with Origin power can not be manipulated or tampered with by anyone other than another Kusanagi. (Please omit.)

Primordial Knowledge: Reiji has lived for several quintillion years and has knowledge as such(please omit)
However, his father has only left him 200 years of that knowledge. Though lacking his previous knowledge, as a primordial being, Reiji only needs to experience something once to begin understanding it. Once he truly understands, he can utilize it. ( please omit this lose copy eye skill.)

Dimension shift: Reiji is capable of shifting himself and others between the 2nd to 9th dimension.(describe what each of the nine dimensions are or omit this.) However, this ability can only be used to warp moderate distances due to his lack of knowledge on the ability as of now. (The skill can be called dimension warp, but you cant warp into other dimensions.)

Primordial Essence: The Kusanagi flame isn't well known for its properties outside of time manipulation. However, Udia herself gave her son the ability to reflect his flames into almost anything.(Please omit the "almost anything, please define your terms.) Reiji's flames are capable of being as cold as a flash freeze or as hot as the big bang(omit big bang). He can instill his flames with any property from hardness, weight, and even healing. (Pick 1 or 2 properties, not any.)

Rebirth: Reiji can regenerate from fatal wounds due to his Phoenix blood. When physically killed, if allowed to recollect his expended energy (body, mind, and soul must be together) Reiji can revive himself from ashes. If spiritually killed, Reiji reverts back to his pure energy state. Only another Kusanagi can reform him this way due to his lost knowledge. ( If you die, you die. If youre dying, heal up. If you get reborn from 'ashes', you cant do that again for a century or something.)

Weapons: A naginata made of flames frozen in time. (What does that mean.)

Bio: Reiji was the only one of Kyo's children that did not get to see the original Vescrutia. His two younger siblings gushed of the world and the people they had met. Though their claims fell and far between as they visited different realities.

However Reiji's curiosity of this place known as Vescrutia never subsided, even after billions(omit billions) of years wandering other realms. For some reason, his father forbade him from accessing the Vescrutian Timeline, saying it wasn't his place to tamper with their dealings.

When questioned why he himself didn't go back, Kyo would only whisper the name 'Solona' while gazing wistfully at Kaitlyn.

Reiji let it be for a while. However, his father disappeared for several million years after that. (Bro why)

When he returned, he was not the same man. He suddenly became aloof towards others, including his family. He would send then to random timelines for cryptic task and never explain why. Even if they physically died, he would not console them upon rebirth.

Reiji grew to be indifferent towards Kyo. Nia and Kaitlyn did as well. Their mother, however, only told them he was preparing them for something.

Reiji would never get an answer as his father once again thrust him out of Ivalice. However, this time was to the one place Reiji longed to visit.

He didn't understand why his father stripped him of most his knowledge and abilities. But it wasn't the first time either. Instead, he was left with one piece of advice; Find Zeik Hellgate.

(Will expand upon and clarify this later)

Re: Flickering Sun; Reiji

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:35 pm
by Reiji

Re: Flickering Sun; Reiji

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:39 am
by Fate I
You are clear. When you get some time i would love it if you used the skills rubric, no rush.