A New Leaf

Cold Frontier is the Diamond Dust guild's headquarters. Here they house and train their members, deploying to operations at the drop of a hat. Part bar, part inn, part bazaar, it has everything a traveler could wish for whether passing through or pitching a tent.
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Dalazar Denkou
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A New Leaf

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

The sun was high in the sky, it seemed to have reached its apex. That meant it was about midday. Its rays were saturating all under its gaze in a loving and warm embrace. The peoples inhabiting the place were jovial to say the least. It was a bustling mass of bartering and trade the likes of which Dazuma personally had never laid his eyes upon. His home was so...structured. Everything had hits place, its effect. Anything outside of the lines was immediately reconfigured. This culture, just outside his door step was so, fruitful and tethered in organic living. Though chaotic the people were...well...living. A rather pauper looking induvial would be amongst the bazar. Clad in a ragged cloak that hid the jade sheath of his blade but not the jewel encrusted hilt. His face was nuzzled beneath a shimmering emerald scarf leaving only his eyes visible. After everything that happened at the academy Dazuma needed a place to plan his next course of action. Misha had told him of this place. It was home to a legendary guild that was known for their ventures across the mother. He had absolutely no clue what or whom he might encounter here, and that filled him with absolute excitement. "To think there was something like this just outside our borders." He whispered to himself. Loud and bustling music at every turn, it was like a party here. It brought such joy to him to be able to step out into the world and see its colors. Yet this, this all was just the beginning. As he went on his eyes locked with a gorgeous cerulean gem. It had to be the size of a fist!

His emerald mirrors gleamed as the sunlight bathed the gem causing it to twinkle, it looked like a star at night. He fawned over it, his consciousness drifting back to the myriad of gems his mother would bring from her delegations with the other Kingdoms. One day, should he ever wield one, his would be a gaudy crown. "Me? A king? How gauche" he thought, swiftly dismissing he thought. Besides, he couldn't go back home. He...he left that all behind. That reminder brought him back to reality and to the face of a rather disapproving woman who had been snapping in his face for the past 10 seconds.

"Hey you some kind of bandit kid?"

She said with quite the disgruntled look. She started reaching beneath her stand and Dazuma quickly threw up his hands. His eyes bucked wide he using his nose he made his scarf fall below his mouth."My Word, come now madam me a bandit?". A bead of sweat slide down the side of his face. She stared him down like an inquisition inquisitor. A glare that soon became a chuckle and then an all out guffaw.

"I'm just screwing with ya Kid! Yer one of dem fancy talking folks aint cha? Real beaut she is right? Founder merself down by the shores of the fresh water seas. It a rather stomach turnin tale if ya care to hear it.?!"

She had such a curious way of speaking. She obviously took him for a joke, which wasn't far from the truth. He hadn't eaten in days and if she really thought ill of him she could get the better of him. The vibe here though, he should've guessed she meant him no harm. The naten here, is was calm, filled with ambition with a tinge of commercialism. He dropped his hands and heaved a heavy sigh. A guy came from out back with an apron on. His cheeks were flushed red and his forehead was all sweaty.

" Well damn kid you look like you all skin and bones underneath that there shower curtain thing yer draped up in. You'd best run along to Duster and getcherself a meal."

He couldn't help but give a nervous chuckle himself. The goliath of a man pointed eastward up a winding hill that held a tavern-esque. Building."Cant be much a threat when your starving to death right?" he said with the driest ashiest cough. They all shared a laugh before he waved them off and made his way to the tavern. The woman wide grin would somber for but a brief moment.

"Be safe kid. Its the starving ones you need to weary off."

For but a few second did their gazes meant and he instinctively understood. However pleasant this place may seem. Everyone was hungry for adventure, they all thirsted ,craved the voyage of the unknown. He felt a gurgling anxiousness in his gut. This...this was the feeling he was waiting for. Either that or he was hungry as hell. As he man turned to the women as asked her a question

"Now hun why'd ya havta gone and somber up the boy before he left?"

She didn't even turn to face him. Her eyes drifted towards that gem Dazuma was fixated on. Her eyes reflecting the sight of the stunning orb.

"Well...that boy there had bout the purest eyes I ever done seen...the eyes of someone that hasn't seen the world yet..."

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Zero Venkage
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Re: A New Leaf

Post by Zero Venkage »

He'd been wandering for a few hours through the forested area. Normally he'd head straight out from the Jade Shores, but this particular missions called for a bit more tact. He left the Leviathan Order to their own devices, no need to pack a set of grenades. The salty sea air Zero enjoyed back at home never smelled so sweet as some of the forests he navigated since he left. It made him a little jealous sometimes, that the wind could carry such softness in such beautiful places. And this particular sweet meant he was getting close to one of his favorite places in all of Vescrutia.

"Man, does this vibe never get old" he said to himself, briskly leaping about the tree trunks, swinging nimbly from branch to branch. He launched through the canopy and caught some air, floating more than falling th be sure he stayed on the right path. Zero's travel by foot took him faster than any other mode of transportation he'd ever experienced. If he had to go alone, he ran. Traveling with Atra or the Leviathan Order always came off as a leisurely stroll, even at the highly pressurized speeds they reached underwater as a pod. He grew up dodging lightning, the world just moved in slow motion sometimes.

A few more launches tossed him right above the building he was looking for, nestled away at the edge of a small, sleepy town. At least, comparatively. They had all the necessities, but the local culture was just a little bit remote. If the world moved in slow motion, this particular area was almost standstill by comparison to Zero's day-to-day happenings. "Aw yeah!" he belted out, diving towards the ground in a gale boost. The next moment, he landed silently at the back door without moving an errant blade of grass or speck of dust. Back to the door, he looked to his left, then his right. "Coast's clear."

The sky was definitely bright, high noon by his calculations, the exact opposite time that Fenri hangs around usually. He also didn't feel the signature chill in the air either. That meant he could just pop in for a few hours and help out.

With a wave of his hand, he caused a fairly strong breeze that muffled the sound of the door opening and closing as he slipped into the establishment

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Dalazar Denkou
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Re: A New Leaf

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

Having taken a little longer than expected to get here he had finally arrived at Dusters. There were so many marvels to be beheld here. though if he ignored his hunger pangs any longer he wouldn't live long enough to make it through the doors. He'd lift his scarf back over his mouth to resume his cover. From here on out he would have to stay on his toes. After all the last tavern he went through he almost slipped into a brawl. Literally in fact. "Geez. I hope the folks here are much more civilized". He would fold his bottom lip under his upper one beneath his guise and open the doors. They offered a bit more resistance than he thought considering his famished constitution. Oh...well that's just plain pathetic. He thought as he used a bit more effort and they swung open. As he entered people eyed him. There were so many kinds of folks here. This place most certainly was a well known hub. Entertainment and food being served that smelled like something a god created. It was intoxicating, streaming through his nostrils like some kind of mystic invitation to gorge himself on every signal, precious, edible morsel this place had to offer. He needed to sit down first.

Eyeing the viable spaces around him he preferred a not so crowded area. Where he could think and plan in peace. He spotted just the one. A little hovel in the corner that was close enough to the festivities so he could hear but far enough to where he could also be overlook. As he sat down a barkeep made their way over. He ordered a grilled ku'lar breast with a spiced cider. They took his order and made their way back to the bar after giving it to the cook. Dazuma would fold his hand across the face of the table. His eyes fixated on them."What do I do? Where should I go?". He was stuck, it was times like this that he wished he could talk to his father again. This place though, it was just as the woman at the stand advised. As he made eye contact with but a few of them he could see the tenacity in their eyes. How many of them were spies? How many of them were on the verge of a break through? How many had already had several. Who was the most legendary person here. Part of being a diplomat was learning the nature of the people around you. He would remain quit for now. He needed to refill his naten and refresh his mind before anything else.

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Zero Venkage
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Re: A New Leaf

Post by Zero Venkage »

Zero slipped through the back and snatched up an apron hanging on a rack. In a split second it was around his waist and he'd silently moved into the dining room, off to the side to not draw too much attention to himself. He leaned on a wall, taking in the sights and sounds of the room. He missed it. All of it. The people coming in to have a good time, delivering food to smiling guests, making drinks, the teamwork of Tinjutusu. Watching it all unfold, even on this comparatively slow morning took him back to his days as a member of Diamond Dust. And the crew was still kicking around too, the giant in back preparing the food and barking out orders to his line. The floor run by a few servers coordinated by the woman behind the bar crafting and pouring beverages for pickup. With Zero on the floor, they were a trio that could never be overwhelmed at Duster's. Now if he was just still employed...

A tray flew through the air and slid right to the bartenders side. Another landed right on top of it. Bussers moving through the tables had their own ways of clearing. Some whipped tablecloths and landed dirty dishware in neat stacks. Others drew with their hands and the settings moved themselves into order before being carted to the back. The whole room was a show, an exhibition of the Art of Service making every experience memorable. Guests laughed with servers as their order left them each with a unique identifier for each table. And the whole time, Zero just giggled, wondering where he could step in with the least trouble.

"You know, you could use one of these," a voice whispered from the shadows behind Zero. He turned around to a gentleman he might have recognized, had they not left a cloth napkin on his shoulder and disappeared. Zero chuckled to himself, recognizing the signature scent left behind the voice. Only one person he knew wore it, just because most people found it egregiously dated.

"Thanks," Zero whispered, tying the napkin around his nose and mouth before taking a deep breath. He scanned the floor for another second and began making his laps. Although it'd been a while since he participated in the Art of Service, old habits die hard. He still felt right at home and for now, he meshed perfectly with the flow.

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Dalazar Denkou
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Re: A New Leaf

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

Patiently he awaited his meal but damn if he waited any longer his face was going to end up mounted on the tabletop before him. His stomach released a grumbling sound and a rumbling that was of earthquake proportions. He heaved a rather girthy sigh before his eyes darted to the left of him. Where he was seated he could see everything in front of him. The last booth in the corner of the place. Next to the busboy station. What caused his eyes to dart however was a boy, one that zipped and zapped through space as if he'd done so hundreds of times over. There were other servers who quickly followed suit and soon Dazuma found himself bearing witness to a marvelous display of cutlery founded finesse. My word.... It was quite beautiful really. Surprising definitely to say the least. Such grace, such beauty, to think that these things would be prevalent in a place like this. He had harshly misjudged much about the outer realms. How much more could he bear witness to. He needed a directive. He yearned for more. Although if i don't get some food I wont be around to see a damn thing. He thought as he now needed to grab the attention of one of the servers. He honestly wasn't too sure how to do so. Back at home they were always so flipping close to him he need only breathe and one would arrive...it always felt so suffocating. He saw a woman raise her hand in a fashion that seemed customary of this place and one zipped right over to her swiftly gifting to her the meal she ordered. Dazuma would raise his hand in a similar fashion but not until the eye of the silver hair guy matched his own. As he were now Dazuma had dyed his hair brown and his runic markings. He looked to be no different than any other begar, well for the most part. His blade and scarf often gave way to the guise he was trying to uphold. But the silver-haired one. He looked like a Ri'ore. Was he some sort of spy? He could be more than just a simple server, the grace in which he moved...he danced a warrior's dance. Had Myos found him so soon? He would speak with him...he needed to know.

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Zero Venkage
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Re: A New Leaf

Post by Zero Venkage »

"Oh cool," Zero muttered to himself. It looked like someone needed some real assistance hanging out in the corner. It was always easy to miss that table in the clamor of the room. He scanned the room, looked like the staff were orbiting him and keeping their distance between his laps. Funny, nobody said anything to him other than the secret voice from earlier. They might have been onto him, but the guest also needed to be served. The tray stacked with dirty dishes kept him from greeting the gentleman properly so he gave it a spin and it stayed aloft on a tuft of air. A slightly more blustery burst blew stray bits from his fingertips before he approached the patient guest's table. With a hidden smile, he leaned in and greeted the man, turning his back to the rest of the restaurant.

"How's it going friend? What can I get for ya?" he asked, pulling down his mask a bit to make sure the guest could see his smile. Didn't wanna come off as standoffish, but it looked like the rest of the crew might be on to him.

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Dalazar Denkou
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Re: A New Leaf

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

Behind the tower of dished lied the face of the person his gaze had been fixated on. As he pulled down his mask revealing his face there was a feeling of relaxation that washed over Dazu8ma. He was no Denkou. Let alone a Ri'ore. The man had so many plates hopefully it was his food."I actually ordered a little while ago. The grilled ku'lar breast with a spiced cider" He said with a soft tone. Just as he said this the woman from earlier who took his order came from behind Zero. It looked like she was about to stampede through him but she narrowly avoided him with the grace of a dancer. Swiftly, without breaking a sweat she delicately placed his meal before him. whilst shooting Zero inquisitive glare of familiarity. He instantly became focused on his meal. The aroma was so captivating he couldn't keep himself from salivating on the table. Without a second thought, he went in to devour the small feast. He however abruptly came to a halt.How uncouth of me. HGe thought before taking his napkin and placing it on his lap and one over his scarf. He nearly forgot his manner. Such a thing was truly unbecoming of him. Having been brought back to his senses he faced the person who was about to take his order. There was an air of mystique about him. A feeling that Dazuma could not shake."Please excuse me, its been sometime since I've had a proper meal". He said taking his fork and knife and cutting into the breast. The tender cre4ation divided without resistance and its juices lazily leaked from it. He'd take a bite his eyes shot open. He couldn't believe how juicy it was nor how the flavor popped so flagrantly."Actually there is something...something you might be able to help me with." he said after chewing and swallowing his initial bite of food.

He'd take his napkin and dap the corners of his mouth."You see...I am in search of something. Something that you seem to be quite acquainted with". He would take a sip of his cider. It was simply to die for. This hovel produced cuisine that damn near outshined and Denkou cook. The way he moved echoed the thought that Dazuma held of him. That he had spent much time here amongst these folks. He moved with the knowledge of this place's layout. He must've heard so many tales, and more importantly told a few of them himself. It wasnt like Dazuma to throw himself into just any old fray. But after his experience of the academy here in Neovia and talks of expeditions. He was thirsty to start adventuring...do begin discoervering.

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Zero Venkage
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Re: A New Leaf

Post by Zero Venkage »

"Um, right," Zero muttered confused. Was this guy on to him too? Did Fenri lay a trap? No way, he'd be dead by now. If the waitress got close enough to drop food at the table and said nothing, he was still in the clear. That didn't stop Zero’s mind from racing. Who was this kid and why is he speaking so mysteriously. Of course things on Vescrutia were rarely cut and dry, but the presumption of possession by this stranger threw Zero for a loop.

"So..." Zero mumbled letting the cloth mask hide his face again. Hopefully the server didn't actually get a good look at him. "What?"

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Diamond Dust
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Re: A New Leaf

Post by Diamond Dust »

The server nabbed the plates off of Zero's airy platform and returned to the bar. "Yeah. That's definitely him," she said to the bartender.

"I knew it! And he just sneaks in here dicking around like he's welcome," she grumbled to the server heading back to the kitchen. Her eyes were locked on the intruder's back, parlaying with their guest like he worked there. Zero was kicked out of Diamond Dust and definitely banned from stepping foot into Duster's, not to mention probably on Fenri’s list of threats to public health and wealth. Might as well have been public enemy number one walking into a police station with just a bandana on his face. A weak disguise for a foolish mortal. What he possibly want here? Every question ran through her mind as she whisked a frosty beverage in front of her to completion.

"Bolson, tell me you're seeing this," she said, pouring the drink from a frosted cylinder into its glass. The server from before passed by and took it to a table. The giant in back responsible for the culinary delights shrugged as his addition of spices to his pan sent flames to pick at his eyebrows. He didn't flinch, only flicked the pan, flipped the filet, and kept cooking.

"I'm cooking, Frances. I have no idea what you're talking about." Bolson moved his food from the pan to a dish, slid it over to be run and started his next order.

Frances turned around appalled and half disgusted. "FINE! So we're just gonna ignore the fact that Fenri wants him dead on arrival, huh?"

"If you wanna kill him, go ahead. I'm sure our guests will understand the absolute mess you'll make of the tavern, their days, and probably the town if you try to."

Frances scoffed and turned back to the bar. Bolson was right, though she hated that he was. But she also was nervous about what would happen if Fenri returned early and saw Zero hanging out like nothing was wrong. The thought of his frosted glare piercing her soul was enough to run her blood cold.

"And for what its worth," Bolson continued. "He's doing a pretty good job. Let him work and let Fenri deal with him."

Frances sighed and continued making drinks begrudgingly.

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Dalazar Denkou
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Re: A New Leaf

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

Dazuma observed for a brief second the person obvious confusion. He supposed his manner of speaking would be viewed as odd considering they were complete strangers to one another. He also supposed he might not even know how to word this request.
"So..." Zero mumbled letting the cloth mask hide his face again. Hopefully the server didn't actually get a good look at him. "What?"
With a slightly nervous look he replied."Well...you see." He said as he took a final bite of his food and washed it down with the rest of the cider. With a satisfyingly full sigh he would take his napkin place it to his mouth and let out a small burp into it."Oh...excuse me." He chuckled man he needed that food, another second and he would've been a goner for sure."I hope this doesn't come off as rude in any way but." He said brushing any spare crumbs that might've escaped the grasp of his laps napkin before balding it up and placing on the empty dish."But you look like the kinda guy whos seen an adventure or two and lived to tell the tale" Dazuma eyes reflected a semblance of inquiry and anxiousness. And I just so happen to be naïve virgin when it comes to adventuring so." This guy as been catching glares the whole time he was here. Something was amidst. Regardless however Dazuma knew the main way to learn anything about anything was to ask questions."Help a novice out?"

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