Vescrutia 101: What You Need to Know

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The Mother: The Admin
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Vescrutia 101: What You Need to Know

Post by Ves »

The World: Evolutionarily diverse world where the Naten, naturally occurring wavelengths of energy, abounds. Bound by a binary star system and orbited by two moons on very different cycles. Every inch of the planet has a different level of Naten permeating its form. Trees, insects, stone, mountains, all flow with Naten. It can be channeled through many different pathways and felt when in greater concentrations. Those sensitive to certain styles of Naten can even perceive it in certain situations. This produces biodiversity in its system that tops any of its neighboring satellites.

Because of this, an infinite multitude of cultures, civilizations, and technologic marvels can be found in every corner of the planet.

The Creatures: Each individual has their own link to the planet through Naten expressed by their usage of the energy itself. Psychics, chefs, warriors, animals, spirits, and beings of all sorts have their expressions of Naten. They can be learned, found, or infused into one's being. One need not be a warrior to use Naten, only exist and apply it with the means they have.

From wherever they hail, each region and culture has its own style of Naten prevalent in the area. Areas were very strongly separate from each other by fierce national lines and tribal warfare for eons. Even now, as Vescrutia moves forward into an era of widespread individual travel, escaping xenophobic communities and dangerous borderlands, old modes of thought are still prevalent across immediate and far stretching borders.

Travel outside of known safe territories alone is generally not advised, but anyone is free to move about as they will.

The Region: The immediate area in the story is a triad alliance of the dominating groups in the area. Two territories, The Astral and The Neo are sister settlements. The third group is land claimed by a treasure hunting guild with no affiliation. While the Diamond Dust Guild is the eldest group in the region, Astral nestled itself at the edge of the sea, cradled by the Alps of Chaos claiming a bit of land from them. Neo sits next to The Astral on the coast, both enjoying copious amounts of sun and surf.

Between Diamond Dust’s economic control over the area, and the Astral and Neo profiting directly from their proximity, tensions can run high between them. Diamond Dust is always skeptical and has a bad history dealing with Neo. The Astral seems to have a more pragmatic way with their neighbors.

As a new character, your current arc begins at the Dusty Shores, bed, breakfast, and boudoir supreme for at least 1000 miles. There’s always something interesting going on or someone new to meet, so get yourself well acquainted there.
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