Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

The Maaluukian Woods teem with many life forms. The name was given to the woods by the native Elvs, Vescrutian moths. Maaluuki have heightened senses and extrasensory abilities, they prevent travelers from finding their homes with Psionic abilities.
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Inariel Myotis
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Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »

What is this?

His voice,gentle as it was laid n the precipes of cracking. His breathes more rigid.His attitude...neigh his very way of thinking was becoming blurred. His core shook....the void had grown to large. Everything around him was bathed in the crimson hue of the moonlight above him. Its ominous gaze etched onto every piece of life around him.


His chest would palpitate intensely. Again he quaked inside, he felt like if he did not find a remedy soon hed collapse within himself. This came with a dangerously avaricious was as if the force propagating within him had a bloodlust that scarred the very heavens in red. He could barely contain himself, an issue he has very solemnly had.

Is to KNOW!

Violently his consciousness was torn asunder. He craved the flow of life of everything marinating in this cosmic blood lux. It urged him to take, to pillage, to plunder. He was transfixed,fighting against an instinctual urge greater than any desire he'd ever known. His nails rooted themselves into the great foliage before him,with a grunt and a twist he slashed through the girth of wood causing it to
fall,sending a shockwave through the forest,it echoed...roared even. Alerting the denizens of Allens arrival. Sacrifices to the harvest to come.

I do not...understand this

His back arc forward,bones cracking as he gripped his abdomen, it felt as if his stomach had been replaced with a turbulently swirling void. He craved, but he also fought to maintain. Perplexing smells and intriguing resonances gurgling inside him. He had never known lust like this.

"Over here, I think the noise came from this way."
Last edited by Inariel Myotis on Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »

The winds picked up,oh how they howled. Piercing Allen psyche like a blade of curiosity. He heard them... His feet drug across the first as he tried to take coverage amongst the draping foliage. He began to hug himself,nestling his head betwixt his knee cap. He bi down on his lip. The chaos swirling in him was cleaving his resolve in twain. His eyes darting across the ground naten seeming to flicker in his retinas. He did not want this,it felt far to eager to kill for the sake of being fulfilled. This urge terrified him. Like a cocoon of covetous hunger he lied in wait. Hoping to once again grasp himself and not harm whatever or whomever was approaching his location.

"I think we're getting closer!"

A woman called, her high pitched vices fluttering amongst the turbulent bellows of the steadily increasing gales...

" A storm's acmonin"

A more hardened yet raspier tone, a male?

No please...

The red headed ball whimpered, he felt a drip upon his left shoulder. Then another atop his knee cap. The rain soon engulfed him. His head slowly started to drift back towards the sky. A dual trail of spectral light following his ascending gaze in the oncoming darkness of the quickly forming clouds.

A rustle in the leaves and branches permeated the area. And with it the curious vessels of five humans. Now doubt from a nearby settlement within the woods. Farmers more possibly. There had been a dangerous increase in a population of black boar whom of which gorges itself on a tree grown fruit, the very same one this settlement makes its living pushing through the astral city. Basting the strength to knock the tree down they've been consuming vast profits and the ten has been undergoing a mass depression. The leader of the locals put out a bounty for the quick and furious culling of these beast for fear they'll starve out. If only..

"Hey over here!"

The rustling got louder, the rain got hard, the moon gleamed brighter. His head still in mid ascend got yet another glimpse of the scarlet eye in the sky his own otherworldly mirrors dilated. Only this time Allen was overwhelmed.

"There's a man over here..."

If only it had been a boar they found instead...


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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »


Yes,that was the word that described the next turn of events. A grizzly wale caused the native organisms to flee in terror. Having been ensured by the fluorescence of the vermillion flare caught in his gaze his form jerked. Bulging protrusions rapidly occurred over his body. His hair started to grow till in laid in a bundle in the murky earth, His fangs enlarged,his body grew in mass and his muscles were far more defined. These changes came with the intense crackling of bones and grinding of joints it was as if His frame was realigning or evolving. The farmers stayed hidden,encroached behind the trees and low swings vines, stuck, helplessly watching the cardinal metamorphosis unraveling before them. Fear gripped the woman that accompanied them. Mouth agape she threatened to blow their already fragile cover. As she inhaled a man adorned with a black hood grabbed her mouth and held it shut. She caught herself. He looked the horrified woman straight in her eyes, his own visage showing worry but solid was his grip to affirm her of his strength. He placed a finger over his own mouth, signifying for her t be calm and quiet.

His gaze shot over to the other three men. They were armed with a simple weaponry. The hooded man however carried a blade slightly larger than the rest. A claymore it seemed to be. She calmed herself, yet the russet storm around them pulsated once more knocking down a tree that was a few meters away from the hiding party. The hooded man motioned for them to circle and surround Allen ,yet to still keep their distance.As this occurred the clouds vanished and a burst of light rained down on Allen. Like a lightning rod for the sanguine luminous drenching the forest, all light drew itself on Allen.

Cease this war of will... YOU WILL HEED THE CALL!

A chill curved Allens spine, his soul vibed resonating with the culmination of energy being thrust into his person, rippling through his body his naten began to pour from him causing energy waves to tear through the space around him, his soul was flaring, his heart aflame. And with a final roar the stage had been set. The Advent of the Carnivorous moon at reached its climax and with it a maddening dead silence. Smoke and debris cleared and what would be left standing at the epicenter of it all was a being...but if was this...was this still Allen.


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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »

The once cataclysmic storm that usurped the peaceful balance of the woods had been quelled. But bearing witness first hand to what now stood before them, no doubt the humans feared the calm that came after. Fear soaked every ounce of consciousness around, they could feel it, humming,vibrating echoing in the pits of their minds. The beast would now stand, slowly it would rise,its scarlet mane cascading onto the earth beneath it. The moon was no longer radiating its vermilion hue. Its as if creature now carried the soul of the crimson moon itself. It did not move hastily, as if it was reviling in its on existence, perhaps pondering it was a more direct point of view. Sheepishly so the beast angled its view toward the fallen trees. The land in its circumference desolate and ruptured. The humans dared not even breathe. Hoping profusely that the beast would simply forget about them and take its concerns elsewhere. But the seasoned warrior amongst them knew that chance was virtually nonexistent. He could sense it, the vulgarity before him harbored a desire to feed unlike anything the hunter every witnessed. It was bottomless. He knew a confrontation was practically inevitable, but along with this awareness came realization.

" I was not prepared for an encounter like this. I also cannot ris the lives of these civilians by being quick to confront this beast..."

He pondered, knowing the time to contemplate was running short, but pondering was damn near the only thing he could think to do. His eyes staying fixated on the enigma before him. No one present knew what this being was capable of,not even the creature itself from the way its analyzing itself.He took a deep/mental sigh. He had to calm himself and try to decipher the situation around him. " It was once a man,something triggered this transformation. Maybe if I can find a way to return him we can all escape with our lives." Another mental sigh followed." Well most of us at least" Though he could not directly pinpoint its heights he could feel the tremendous amount of Naten circulating through Allen. He looked toward the direction of the village and then back t the creature. Allen stood directly in the pathway needed to get the villagers to safety. He needed to draw the creatures attention. Hopefully this would give the other four civilians a chance to make it home in one piece,or at least enough pieces to warn the village of what was to come.

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Koudo Zhol Omawynn
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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Koudo Zhol Omawynn »

He was thinking too much.

Was it because he'd never seen anything like this creature before?

It could be. After all, he'd never considered strategy before. He left that the egg-heads that usually padded his pockets with coin while he worked security detail for them.

Strategy went against everything Bora stood for as a warrior and a hunter.

Despite the considerable power difference, liken to a goblin standing against a legendary dragon, Bora had tussled with foes much stronger than himself before. He needed to exist in the moment.

He fidgeted with anticipation. His calm breathing belied, at least he hoped, the collection of naten he was building up inside. This fear he felt... it was unnatural. It made him mad.

His grip on the woman loosened, as he turned his gaze to the other men that had managed to encircle the beast to provide support, but he wished he had told them to prepare to flee instead. Too late now, "Run when I give the signal." He whispered before slipping away from her stepping into the open like a madman.

"I've never killed one of you before." The hooded man said confidently, despite the fear that threatened to buckle his knees at any moment, as he drew his greatsword with both hands and tossed his hood back to finally reveal his scarred, half-orc visage to his traveling companions for the first time.

He was of beautiful emerald skin, with a giant gash slice diagonally across his striking face, with raven hair loc'd and styled in a braid to prevent it from getting in the way of his grey eyes.

Those eyes glazed over as radiant naten coated the blade of his ancestral sword and eventually enveloped his body as well. Then with all his might,


He roared into a Berserker Rage. His mind focusing into this singular moment between him and the beast, making himself the most potent threat in this area of the woods besides the beast itself. He was at his most strategic, when he could cut loose. Everyone else would just get in the way.

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »

The darkness was thick, the night itself seemingly attached to the air. Allen stood there completely immersed within himself. Oggling the being he had become, or was this his true form,was his "human" shell simply that perplexed but no questions could barely formulate. The only solid and consistent thought was the calling to feed echoing in his mind, spiraling deep into his essence, he was no longer resisting. Lost within an ocean of lust and desire all he knew was the craving for sustenance. He simply didn't even know what it is he needed to feed on. But then the opportunity to find out arose from the twisted foliage and into the light.

His ears would twitch after hearing the first step the mystery figure took, his eyes darting over with a paralyzing glare but upon laying them on the visage of the orc they narrowed. His lime green feline gaze running over every last detail of the being before him, what was it? This thought was the only one that could be separated from the maddening cacophony rioting within his psyche. Allen's sight did not see physical anatomy per say but he could see a being flow of life, the naten that surround and compounds creatures make up. But the naten of another being outside of that of the native to this forest he had never seen. It was firm, seasoned and carried the stains of many lives. But it also held... the desire for battle. Did the orc long for an end?

He stared the orc down, sizing him up, his curiosity growing by the moment. Enoarmored as he was with the greatsword wielding entity the more questions bubbled up inside him, his ability to focus was being dimmed. His look almost seemed to soften a split second by the moment the grey-eyed orc bellowed his senses were sent into a state of alarm, the orcs naten seemed to flare, this sensation would cause his gaze to become one of pure craving his blood lust unbearable and with his own ghastly wale, the beast flung forward tearing the ground beneath him like butter. His agility was mind-boggling in no time he was upon the warrior, coming in from the right with a ferocious heave of his claw he was aiming to rend the orcs head from shoulders.

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Koudo Zhol Omawynn
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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Koudo Zhol Omawynn »

The beast did what the hunter had planned. Coming out into the open was the best choice because it caused the monster's focus to lock to him.

The other civilians fled. The men finding that tackling something out of their nightmares alongside an orc wasn't worth it. Whether it was due to the fear of their impending demise at the unknowable horror that terrorized their woods, or the generational curse of repulsion to Bora's specific brand of "otherness," could be left to interpretation.

All that mattered was that they were gone, not that Bora had noticed. Nor cared that he'd given them the opportunity anymore. The warrior's madness clouded his vision, his psyche, and polluted his mind with the aggressive and barbaric origins of his father's race and their god. The urges and tendencies he fought to hold at bay every second of every minute of every hour.

He smiled upon this magnificent threat. This enchanting beast of mystery. This honorable kill. An offering to appease He Who Watches, so that Bora can live comfortably without needing to feel the call to hunt. If even for one more day.

The Half-Orc sacrificed his sword, turning his body towards the beast's upward swipe so that it's devastatingly powerful arm would meet Bora's intense will to survive and lust for battle. If the beast could see, or had the time to see, Bora was grinning like a madman.

The collision knocked Bora's blade from his hands, sending it away with enough force to lodge it deeply into the trunk of the nearby tree Bora had taken cover behind recently. His naten radiated strongly from it, like a beacon or a flare, while Bora himself slipped behind the beast with the agility of a grappler or wrestler.

He tucked his head under the beast's arm, attempted to grab hold, to lock his arms around the beast's abdomen before he used every muscle in his body to heave the beast off its feet and onto his shoulder before falling backward to drive it to the forest dirt for ruinous damage to it neck and shoulders.

Bora released after and was fully prepared to mount this monstrosity and beat it to death with his bare hands, if it wasn't able to recover.

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »

Bora soul was flaring, his determination to see this through to the end after the safety of his chargers had been assured would have invoked honor in the creature before him had not it been so blinded by hungry and agitated for those very same reasons. As the orc collided Allen eyes did not leave the orcs line of sight for even a moment. The scarlet monger naten was boiling this creature before him bolstered a fighting spirit and a obsession with battle that rivaled the beast own will. This collision of intent, this war of wills was causing the beast power to rise rapidly by the moment, the Crimson lake of energy it absorbed earlier resonating with his rising blood lust...He... he wanted to crush this Orc. He wanted what he knew. Bora was swift, his quick thinking earned him his move to go through and Allen was indeed sent funneling into the earth by the might of the Orcs insane physical force. It would have seemed that Allen had been incapacitated briefly by the exchange. But Allens physiology was something to truly be marveled. Though it was not built to dish out fierce physical blows, it was however built to endue those blow and be quick enough to react. But the beast saw no reason to not allow itself to be pile driven through the dirt.

Allen saw more than reflections of light. His vision granted him the ability to see life through naten in all things. Though Bora displayed an impressive amount f life energy in paled in comparison to the life force bustling within the beast. But Bras will could not be left unchecked. His challenge in the endless cycle of kill or be killed could not go unchallenged Allen...answered that call. And would prove to be its apex. Bora because he had never encountered such a creature could not possibly prepared himself for what was to happen next. If the orc could feel Allen skin from his back hummed before two large spears of blood came erupting from the two orifices on his back side penetrating the ground. They would impale the warrior Through his lung and heart. From these wounds Allens blood would start its voyage of conquest through Boras body and it was wasting no time. It sought first his bodys defenses taking hem by storm washing away all ambitions to resist.

In this form Allen blood lust was so great it sent his cells blazing through boras body with a haunting tenacity rampaging through him shutting down his Cognitive functions. The vermilion encrusted entity would begin to rise shouldering the Weight of the mighty catch upon its tendrils. When the creature fully stood the tendrils would retract causing the brute to fall upright and landed on his feet. With a blistering about face movement the apex would send his right claws through the chest of the orc Furthering the cellar onslaught Allen sent deluge of his naten to restate and propagate his blood even further, hastening the dominance. He wanted this orc. He wanted to stand a the to of whatever hill this orc felt her stood upon. He was nothing...but now that he would join the beasts being...he would become everything. Green skin's bodice would begin convulsing his body lost to him, his identity forfeit. All that was left was to devour the gateway...his brain.

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »

It had begun, The orc would soon submit. The siege on his brain and the converting of his entity all but complete. He was wilting away into nothingness, the only bit of him that remain was here fading facets of consciousness Allen found himself sifting through. This warrior was something special. Allen could see it all. Bora life flashing before his eyes, it...tainted the process. Allen would start to grunt in pain, something was disturbing his claim of this orcs life. Allen was swarmed with visions and emotions of pride. Thrust into a series flashbacks of Bora as a child, growing as a half-bred Orc amongst a village of purebloods. Being the target of ostracising taunts but fighting training and earning a stand amongst them. The son of a chieftain, greatness was in his blood. He shouldered the hefty weight of his father's hopes and beliefs. Closely tied to the path of a paragon. But...he got arrogant. Feelings of not reaching the Apex, a large stone stands in the way. One that he felt was too weak to guide. To Lead. Father...


Another flash but this one was soaked in pain, pride quickly gave way to despair as Allen witnessed first hand the end result of Bora challenging his father. They were locked in mortal combat but in the end, his life had almost escaped him after his father plunged his great ax into the chest of the half-blood usurper. The worthlessness, the undying will to overcome his father. The pain of losing himself and everything he had worked for. He had vowed. Vowed from the pits of his soul to never lose himself again, and this scourge known as Allen would not cause him to fold on that vow. The violent flare of Boras consciousness clunge desperately to the core of the beast. It attached and morphed itself onto his causing Allen his form to accommodate this expression. His skin grew several shades darker and markings that looked ceremonial manifested all over him. Hair that was once scarlet and flared like flame had simmered and faded into a humble dark tone of brown. His consciousness would give way and his focus would break making him pass out. The scarlet energy erupted from him decimating a chunk of the forest, yet in its epicenter, Bora would be there passed out.

Three days later...

A bright warm light engulfed the face of the Orc-kin causing his lime green eyes to grow smaller. he waved the lantern from his gaze revealing the scenery around him. A tent? But where was he? His last memory was of guarding a group of villagers. He had encountered a beast the likes of which hed never saw coming. He confronted the creature but...had he been victorious?! But how? How could he have managed such an impossible feat yet claim n memory of it? Did he at least claim a trophy? Surely so, no hunter in their right mind would fell such a beast yet take nothing to prove it true. Bora tried to raise himself from the bed but was halted by a woman who entered as he tried.


She pleaded with him. A look of worry on her face. Her eyes were touched by the lanterns to glow causing them to gleam with an alight blue hue. His eyes narrowed. Who was she to halt his whims? His eyes drifted to the side, attempting t avoid her sentimental glare. That's when he noticed it. This was the first time...he had ever seen an actual face. Wasnt it? His face befell with a grimace as he stared at his hands. Something...something was wrong. Why was the sight of a woman so befuddling for him? Flashes of memories plagued him. Images of the scarlet night flickering in and out of his mind. Drifting through scenes of anger and red. A wave of hunger that nearly drove him made. A lot of pain...and then quiet. The woman kept her gaze n him. She nearly ran out of the tent at first but she knew doing so could provoke him even further, and with what was going on outside, she didn't wanna add any more fuel to the fire.

"You! Calm"

She said sharply softly as if she didn't want folks on the outside to hear her interchanging with the stranger. Her eyes became more solid. And once they did he began to recall who she was.

"It's you...the female hume from the forest..."

She quickly raised her finger ushering for him to speak silently. But yes it was indeed her. Mere moments before he engaged with the beast she nearly blew their cover from fear. This irony was thick. Now here she was doing the same for him. But, what rose alarm for Bora was in a town where he should be praised for killing that monstrosity he instead was in some kind of danger? His eyes met hers once more now bearing nothing but inquisition. She started ramage around, trying to create noise to mask the next part of her message. The only kindness she could give him right now.

"Much of the produce of the village was lost and many believe you are to blame. They have diced your fate and are baring harmful intent. You must speak with them, share what we saw that must make them understand or neither of us might make it out of this place."

The fruit...of course. It was the whole reason they even ventured into the woods that night. The only reason he encountered the creature. It was the main source of income for this town. Its coin is what was paying his fee for guarding both the people. Though it seems like, in that regard he had failed.

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »

"Fuck...of coursed they're pissed"

But even though he could sympathize with their being upset, the fact remained had he not tool that thing out these idiots wouldn't even have a body to have an attitude in. But he wasn't gonna go out there and start talking shit He still needed to collect his pay. Which would've been easier had he something to prove his story true. Wait... if the woman was here then what of the three men who accompanied them? If the five of them banded together they could convince the mob to stand down and fork over the coin. The latter seeming less likely the more he pondered that night. The monster transformation alone decimated such a large portion of the forest alone. That was something none of them could have prevented.

"Where are the other three male humes that accompanied you that night? We can stand our ground and sway their anger."

"Bring your ass out of that tent Demon!"

"Its been three days dang nabbit we're done waitin"

Fits of rage were being thrown outside. Bora felt it best to move now. With the way, they were getting agitated they didn't have much time left anyway. He knew what he needed t do.


She said shakingly. He grabbed her wrist looked her dead in the eye and gave a composed and slid nod. Her trembles began to cease, her resolve more grounded.

"They are most likely among the mob, now come, we can delay this no longer."

She grabbed his hand he grabbed his blade. He went nowhere without it. Worst come to he knew he could talk his way out of this one. They exited, his face bathed in a yet another crimson light. Only this time it was hot, the crowd was large indeed every man woman and child must've been out here raging about the property damage.

The kin stood tall nearly reaching 7 ft tall now. Some of the crowd staggered back in shock. Some confused he looked different than before. But none could mistake him from the blade he carried. Others collectively dismissed it as some freaky heritage trait. Whatever the hell the case was they wanted the thing gone before he caused them more trouble. But to others him leaving alive wasn't sounding to good either. They tightened their circle around the pair, bora reached for his blade but the women stretched her hand signaling him to stop. He heeded. He took a deep breath and looked out into the crowd. He understood their anger. He would ly speak the truth and hope that would be enough to pardon them.

"Sir Orc, we the folk of Lundao are hereby holding a trial right this moment to determine your fate in regards to your failure to secure our crops. Not only this but also your direct participation in the destruction of over several years worth of harvest."

The citizens would point their weapons at the tough skin. He smirked if they truly wanted to kill him these flimsy means of offense would even tickle him. He held the power here, he would not let them forget that.

"Damn freak thinks it funny, I say killem!"

"Silence cur! Achem How do you plead?"

Heh...I suppose that depends hume. Suppose that I AM guilty?

He folded his arms, the group gasped so sharply the air threatened to tear through their throats. The bait had been thrown. The judge of the lot narrowed his eyes, a heavy bead of sweat sliding shly down the side of his face. He was being challenged. But he could not relent, to do so would completely crumble the slight hold of this town that he had hustled years to acquire no manner of creature was going to stand between him and his goal of being a lord! He tightened his brow and crunched the paper he was holding baling it into a fist of rage and determination. He would rise!

"Then we the people will bring you to justice!"

The woman she was perplexed. She thought his plan was to merely plead his case and get the backing of the other men. He was different than from the forest. Why was he challenging them? She needed to remain curious. Se said nothing simply transfixed her gaze on the unfolding vents laid before her. The kin's grin widened. The challenge had been accepted, win the war. He closed his eyes and into a deep-rooted breathe one that he exhaled calmly as a tranquil ocean breeze before jolting his eyes open releasing a surge of pure intentional pressure throughout the area. The intensity of his blood lust was great enough to take the root seeds of fear that quickly bloomed. These hume could feel the pounding tenacity of his will power on their psyches. "Projection" a skill that allows the user through the use of life energy to project their own intent onto other sources of life naten. Often used by Bora as a peaceful white flag tactic to alert folks who would fear or target him for being Orc. He needed to have room and board after all. But when needed he could use it to intimidate as well. And by the soul-crushing looks upon the faces of the mob he had done just that.

It had only lasted for but a single moment. With that simple glance, they dropped their weapons, the torches light lied dimming on the ground. The would-be lord befell with a grimace, he looked around to find them all completely shattered, their moral stomped away.

"Great. Now that you fucks are in a better head space to actually listen"

The woman looked at him with a face of aw. That feeling...she...she knew that pervading craving. It was the very same feeling that almost lead her to get everyone killed a few days ago. She covered her own mouth. Bora looked to her and winked. She was probably the smartest one here in this village.

First...let me apologize for the destruction that happened. Your anger is understood, but trust me when I all are lucky to even have your lives right now.

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