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Great Minds Think Alike

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:24 am
by Nagase
Amidst the bustling trading quarter, nestled near the shimmering waters of a freshwater sea, a young girl with amber-brown skin and a crown of curly hair embarked on a journey of exploration. The air was alive with a symphony of scents, a harmonious blend of freshly caught fish and vibrant blooms from nearby flower stalls. Each breath filled her lungs with the invigorating aroma, mingling the briny tang of the sea with the delicate sweetness of blossoms. As she meandered through the labyrinthine alleys, her eyes were drawn to opulent displays of wealth—traders haggling over exquisite treasures, exchanging gold and sapphires with a flourish. The glittering gems and shimmering precious metals cast a mesmerizing gleam, captivating her senses and igniting a curiosity within her soul.

Clad in an intense black robe that enveloped her figure, the girl ventured through the bustling crowd, her face partially obscured, yet her bushy, curly hair peeking out playfully. The robe seemed to hold an air of mystery, an enigmatic allure that only heightened the intrigue surrounding her presence. It swayed gently with each step, a whispering reminder of her silent movements through the vibrant marketplace. Despite the concealment, her radiant spirit shone through, manifesting in the glimmering curiosity in her eyes. She blended effortlessly amidst the tapestry of vibrant colors that adorned the bustling quarter, a striking contrast to the vivid hues that surrounded her. The world unfolded before her, a tableau of sights, sounds, and scents, beckoning her to unravel its secrets and discover the untold stories hidden within the folds of this enchanting place.

" suggested she'd be here around this time; but, ihavent senses her once. She must know im looking for her and has chosen to render herself unfound. Rightfully so, anyone looking for a scion is looking for trouble- a fact she could never ignore especially if she's to survive within the confines of this sphere. The only thing this planet hates more than an Elv is a breathing Scion."

Her steps were in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the bustling surroundings. As she walked, she engaged in a continuous stream of conversation with herself, her words flowing from her lips with an air of contemplation. Yet, despite her audible dialogue, the townsfolk around her seemed eerily unaware, their attention consumed by their own endeavors.

The girl's voice echoed softly, like whispers carried by the wind, as she expressed her thoughts and musings. She weaved through the crowded streets, the townspeople oblivious to her presence and her words, as if her voice blended seamlessly with the ambient sounds of the bustling port. Her interactions, though one-sided, held a sense of introspection and discovery, as if the world around her was merely a backdrop for her inner conversations. Undeterred by the lack of response, she wandered on, her expression serene, seemingly content in her solitude amidst the bustling sea of humanity.

"Come now, Savaj....Im aware of how cliché it sounds;but, i really do 'just wanna talk.'"

In the heart of a bustling intersection, where a myriad of people hurriedly passed by, Nagase stood with a mischievous glint in her eyes and a playful smile gracing her lips. Her presence radiated an irresistible magnetism as she silently issued a challenge to an invisible entity, daring it to reveal itself on fair ground. Surrounded by the constant ebb and flow of the crowd, she remained untouched by their presence, as if an unseen force created a protective bubble around her.

With unwavering confidence, the girl stood at the epicenter of the bustling chaos, a beacon of stillness amidst the commotion. People rushed by, their paths expertly avoiding any contact with her, seemingly unaware of her very existence. Yet, her eyes sparkled with anticipation, a silent invitation extended to the elusive presence she silently dared. Her playful smile hinted at a secret connection, an intangible dance taking place beyond the physical realm. In that vibrant intersection, she stood unyielding, her spirit untamed, patiently waiting for the invisible to materialize and embrace the challenge she had so boldly thrown into the chaotic symphony of humanity.

"I came in flesh...knowing full well of the dangers our Kind face in close proximity. A danger you and I are uniquely removed from. We're compatible...maybe even the first of our kind, can't say for sure just yet."

Among the scions, formidable psychic beings of immense power, a peculiar phenomenon persisted: an aversion to meeting in person. Despite their shared abilities and unique connection, the mere act of physical proximity held the potential to trigger violent reactions among them. The intricate web of thoughts and emotions that bound them together created an intricate dance of danger, where the intertwining energies threatened to unleash chaos. With the ability to read minds and manipulate bodies, a distinct distrust prevailed, for the vulnerabilities exposed in such close encounters were seen as potential weapons.

The scions, wise in their understanding of the risks, opted to navigate their existence with careful distance. They communicated through the ethereal realm, where their psychic energies intertwined like ethereal threads, exchanging ideas and forging alliances while remaining sheltered within the boundaries of their individual realms. This mutual avoidance allowed them to maintain a fragile peace, preventing the potential for conflicts born out of invasive mind-reading or coercive control. Tragically, it played a key role in the near extermination of the kind. Leaving the world with only a .005 percent psychic population.

Re: Great Minds Think Alike

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 4:39 pm
by Savaj Vanguard
"Our kind?"

The voice slid over her shoulder and sounded as if they were affronted by the concept. Tone was especially emphasized within the ethereal realm. And Savvy was sure that hers scrapped the innards of Nagase's mind like hot stone to steel. Aggravated and aggravating.

Then, the voice came again. Only this time, it was like someone walking by just whispered that in Nagase's ear and kept on walking. A question posed in a way that felt more jaded than sincere. As if the answer was obvious, staring her in the face and she was just going to ignore it.

"..what is it that we share?"

Re: Great Minds Think Alike

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:26 am
by Nagase
Savaj Vanguard wrote:
Mon Jul 24, 2023 4:39 pm
"Our kind?"

As the girl perched atop of a roof of questionable integrity, a sudden burst of excitement coursed through her veins. Startled by the enigmatic call of a disembodied voice echoing through the canyon of her psyche, her heart quickened its pace, and her eyes widened. In the blink of an eye, she leaped from the not so well built shack, breaking one of the wooden panel -A act the owner and his customers ignored.

Her smile igniting as swiftly as a spark. Her joy was infectious, her happiness radiating like the flickering flames of a campfire. Yet, beneath that radiant grin, there was a mischievous glint in her eyes, hinting at a playful spirit ready to embrace the mysteries. She was a spirited soul, and in that moment, she danced on the precipice of enchantment, twirling above the patrons, ready to embrace the unknown with a fire in her heart

"She answered!" She shouted.

Though her guest tone came across as heated stone scratching at her insides, surmounting the overwhelming odds of her guest simply ignoring her made enduring her brittle and braze energy a luxury. She was beside herself with joy, an act she had no intention of restraining. She cleared her throat, an act an eerily number of patrons echoed in unison seconds after her.

"Yes… Our Kind. My lineage may not be as ancient as yours and certainly not as...betrayed; but, we are both Scions. As I…grazed on the stream I found myself obsessed with you, many of you in fact. Yet,in all the times I've watched your stories unfold- only in a few of your lifetimes did I see you spread the wings of your ancestry."

She crossed her legs, resting in the air with her eyes now closed. The outside stimulation muddles the connection. She rolled her thumbs against her fingers, tailoring her thoughts and tuning her words. The moment just before she spoke, the town fell to soft whispers.

"I'm long winded, I know. It's…just a lot to surmise and to say it simply is to lose its value,no? Maybe you disagree…I want to help you, I want us to build that secret of yours, together."

Re: Great Minds Think Alike

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 9:17 pm
by Savaj Vanguard
Once deep enough in her trance, Nagase would feel the realm around her grow darker. Blacker. As if the shadows trapped beneath her eyelids leapt from her skull and blotted out the sky. The drone from the bustling intersection sank away. As did everything tethering her mind and body anywhere but right here.. All of it drifted, further and further into this hungry void until only she remained with her crown of her curls, cross legged at the center of it.

The air she floated on was no longer alive with floral scents of shifting seasons. In fact, there was no air here at all for her to float on. She was now sitting on a surface so pitch black it melded with the color of her robe. And when she opened her eyes, she'd find Savaj sitting across from her, mimicking Nagase's posture, maybe two feet away with her legs comfortably folded. She wore an outfit that was all white, and an expression that conveyed she was.. interested in what Nagase wanted to say.
"As I…grazed on the stream I found myself obsessed with you, many of you in fact. Yet,in all the times I've watched your stories unfold- only in a few of your lifetimes did I see you spread the wings of your ancestry."
"You speak in riddles."

She said, still trying to analyze Nagase's words. It looked like she was glaring through her, but that detached leer only lasted for a moment. The child's kind eyes concealed a power behind them that was anything but innocent. Savaj didn't need to search her mind to know that much. Humans were deceitful creatures, especially those of them strong enough to know true power. Their minds were usually guarded, barricaded behind all sorts of different spells and defensive tomes designed to keep monsters like her at bay. But there was no stopping a monster like her. However, there was something unique about the girl infront of her.. This child of amber bore no secrets, she had no veils this beast could knock over. No blocks or barriers concealing ulterior motives. Nagase's mind was open, or at least she left it open for Savaj to glean as she pleased. And above all else, she was not afraid. Savvy figured this was a gesture of faith. One that wouldn't go unnoticed.

"..but you have my attention. Go on, then.. how do you plan to help me? What secrets dreams do I hide from this world, that you somehow can bring to fruition?"

She asked calmly, as if she'd been focused on something else and balancing her attention. Which wasn't exactly true, but not a true lie either. Regardless, Savvy sat with her hands resting in her lap eagerly awaiting Nagase's response.

Re: Great Minds Think Alike

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 4:05 pm
by Nagase
As her breath deepened she felt an unusual sensation, as if an invisible force were tugging at her very core. Within seconds it was as though gravity had conspired to pull her deeper into the center of the Milky-way. Her body, once a vessel tethered to the Earth, now seemed hostage in a dark expanse of the inner universe. It was a realm as black as space, an emptiness devoid of stars or galaxies, yet pulsating with an energy all its own.
Savaj Vanguard wrote:
Thu Sep 07, 2023 9:17 pm
"You speak in riddles."
Her heart, nestled within her chest, felt like a leaden anchor sinking into the depths of her being. The sensation was both unnerving and exhilarating, as if the weight of her existence was being pulled towards an unknown abyss. But her mind, her consciousness, remained remarkably serene. Amidst this tremendous gravitational force that seemed to defy the laws of nature, she spoke. Her words were not born of her vocal cords, for her lips remained sealed.

"...Yes, you're right. Its a bad habit i picked up from someone close to me. I can try to be ...frank, but it...may be my only weakness. Some mystics can divine the future by reading the pattens left behind by a spilled bowl of rice, while others see the omens of extinction in their dreams. I can see it all. The past of a dear lover or the dreams of my enemy, I can see my future and every variation it may hold. I've been scouring the stream, my futures....searching for a glint of a power thats been denied to me in this life-a feeling we share.

You've been scared by the Michio , I envy this clarity. I cant find why I have been denied the Spark of War, the power coveted in ignorance by my own father-an enemy to you, by circumstance in certain times. I've seen what you want. Undo the curse imposed on you and destroy those who sought to betray you.

And as strange as it sounds, I've only seen my dreams unfurled to my liking in a few instances and each of them, you and your wings are there."

-Despite the inherent danger of connecting so intimately with such a Scion as Savaj, She remained remarkably unguarded. Her thoughts were laid bare, like fragile petals unfurling in the wind, and her emotions flowed freely, like a river of light in this obsidian abyss

Their communion transcended words; it was a meeting of souls, an exchange of thoughts and feelings unburdened by the constraints of language. She allowed the psychic to delve into the recesses of her mind, exploring her memories, dreams, and fears, as if inviting a guest into her innermost sanctum. An experience that usually ends in ruin for the unguarded.-

"I'd call it a willingness to expose myself to the mysteries of the psychic realm if I were younges. I'm sure you can tell by now that I've constructed not a single ward or barrier between you and I thoughts.'s not really a willingness, it's an acceptance of the inevitable. Privacy is an illusion, a falsehood erected by the fearful or the powerless. If you know where to look, you can find anything and where you find resistance, you know something valuable is hidden. A wise man does not draw battle lines, so I have no barriers.

We can spend a virtual eternity here, until you've seen what you need and I will spend a literal eternity until you and I have what is denied to us."

Re: Great Minds Think Alike

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:59 pm
by Savaj Vanguard
Instantly, across Savaj's calm face stretched a tiny smile. It was truly more of a smirk really; she bore no teeth with it and the corner of her mouth never even creased her cheeks. Her lips remained still. All of her did. Silent and still, until her hand finally reached up to scratch intrigue from her chin.
"We can spend a virtual eternity here, until you've seen what you need and I will spend a literal eternity until you and I have what is denied to us."
"Even if I did plan on reading your mind, I trust we wouldn't need that long. You've already told me why you're here, looking for me."

That was the ultimate gesture of respect among the Djouvik siblings. An unconditional trust that their word was bond. Knowing full well that either side could delve into the other's mind to surface the truth, but simply didn't. This was an ancient formality; one Savaj never experienced or practiced herself, still it was one she remembered vividly from a life long since passed.

"You say you want to help me, but this is really all about you, isn't it? It seems like I'm merely a correlation to you obtaining something you want- something you were "denied", and doing so by any means necessary. A feeling that your research across this stream suggested I'd be acquainted with."

Savaj said it plainly with her eyes tracing the bouquet of kinks and curls along the loquacious young lady's head. She couldn't help but wonder how her crown managed to maintain its sheen and luster beneath this blanket of blackness. But she shelved the thought for later.

"The chasm between us lies there."

Then, her soft eyes suddenly fell razor thin. So thin, they'd sooner be compared to shards of emerald. Deadly pensive, she continued.

"What I seek was not denied, but stolen from me and mine by someone that looked just like you. Just as honest as you. Harboring a wealth of promises, just like you. The "clarity" I obtained from them was the truth behind you duplicitous creatures."

Her tone was neither abrasive or comforting. It was informative, as if she'd been sharing a matter of fact over fiction with colleague of hers.

"I learned that humans are inherently treacherous when faced with adversity; something beyond their understanding. It is their nature. To survive, to gain, to deceive.. But you are different.. I don't want to say I can smell it on you, but I can. And I do."

Again, her demeanor shifted. Her gaze lightened to a feathery glint and even her shoulders relaxed a bit.

"I hope you can appreciate my candor, as I yours. To speak so freely is our way; I am far more blunt and to the point. You remind me of someone I knew.. The both of you talk, so much.. "

Her gaze trailed off at the mention of her sibling. At first it seemed as if she was teasing, but it was far more endearing than that. Savaj has never seen Albion's face with her own eyes, but remembered vividly his voluble tendencies. His love for rhetoric and linguistic prowess could have bridged a connection to every realm under the sun. He was taken before his time, but Savvy could see his traits somehow reincarnated before her.

"But both of you mean every word you say."

Savaj then stood up and placed her hands in her pockets; a habit she'd never been able to break since she was a little girl. Even now, as she carried around the mind of someone over a billion years older than her, she couldn't shake how comfortable it made her feel.

"..tell me this. Do you understand what helping me would entail? Do you know what that would mean for your world.. your father, for that matter? And why should I trust your word? Knowing that trusting a human, shackled me in this form that you see before you.. Why shouldn't I believe you would do the same?"

She wanted to hear these answers spoken from the source. Naturally Savaj could cut open her brain and sift these answers out herself, but that would tarnish what could truly be a remarkable beginning.

Re: Great Minds Think Alike

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 8:15 am
by Nagase
After allowing Savaj the floor to unload her feelings about the vague proposal Nagase had prepared, she pursed her lips to speak, an action that was more a turn of phrase than an actual event. She stopped herself, pulling back her words only to see a faint image of herself reciting the thoughts she'd chosen to swallow- an action that brought a slight smile to her face.-

"Hmph, there really are no secrets in this place...."

She said softly an action that would've been 'to herself,' if not for them speaking in the psychic realm.

"Sorry, Im a little distracted. Though ive been aware of my own psionic nature for over a Century, I've yet to have this level of intimacy with another person- let along... within this realm with another psion.

She said in observation of her countless after images reciting her hidden feelings. An experience that resembled her youthful self in observance of the infinite reflection casted by two mirrors facing one another.

Savaj, i'm not trying to appear as a virtuous hero to your cause. I'm forthcoming with my 'selfish,' objectives. Even outside of this realm, I make no effort to hide who I am.

I know your family was betrayed by Michio and they have rightfully earned your vengeance. Michio are one of the few families on this sphere that are 'blessed,' to have survived each of Vescrutia's Cosmic Turns an event that spread across countless eras, maybe even an epoch of vescrutian history. Yet with all that unimaginable time at their disposal, these self proclaimed Advocates have yet to lessen the weight of their sin.

Even now they hide away on one of our mother's moons, waging silent wars against one another and against vescrutian kin…in the wake of our approaching extinction they remain indifferent and absent-unlike my family. We, the Hellgates, who are mere children if one were to compare the time they've spent breathing on this sphere.

I like the way you phrased it earlier- research. My research suggest a bitter rivalry is spawned from our interactions and with it my hopes of obtaining the spark of war are marred. The truth is, I don't know how to help you...I just know i have to in order to have a 'chance,' at obtaining what I want. Obtaining my spark and removing the foreign devils- The horseman.

I know that you want to return to your primal self , a being that defied our current reality and could reshape my world within the hour- Hence why the michio disfigured you. In turn that will pit you against the world; more father- A true Vescrutian Advocate. I don't have the answer;but, prior to your betrayal...Vescrutia supported your existence-You were born here. If Vescrutia is to be rewritten...i'd rather it be by its native children than the foreigner influence of the horsemen and though my father has upended a many of extinction events- I know this one is beyond his reach without our intervention."

Re: Great Minds Think Alike

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:53 pm
by Savaj Vanguard
Savaj stood there in the dark void calm, patient, and attentive. Nagase's words were free of any sort of deceit or skulduggeary. She was too powerful to ever rely on deceit in the first place, but seeing a psion so unapologetically transparent was truly unprecedented. Savvy listened to all of it, soaking in every word until she finished speaking.
"know that you want to return to your primal self , a being that defied our current reality and could reshape my world within the hour- Hence why the michio disfigured you. In turn that will pit you against the world; more father- A true Vescrutian Advocate. I don't have the answer;but, prior to your betrayal...Vescrutia supported your existence-You were born here..

..Even now, the Michio hide away on one of our mother's moons, waging silent wars against one another and against vescrutian kin…in the wake of our approaching extinction they remain indifferent and absent-unlike my family. We, the Hellgates, who are mere children if one were to compare the time they've spent breathing on this sphere."
She smiled and nodded to most of it.

"..they will be dealt with."

She said softly through her smiling lips, waiting until Nagase was finished before opening her mouth.

"As will your father, should the time come. But you are right.. the Horsemen are coming, and on that day, I have no doubt in my mind that the Hellgates will prove themselves invaluable allies. I have no intention of crossing their trust prior to them, but none of it will matter if I am unable to break this curse before they arrive. "

Savaj said while rolling her eyes through the void.

"..shit, maybe I do need help.."

These words causing the infinite swirling mass to slowly dissipate. Before long, it was gone like passing cloud, and so was the "Savaj" standing infront of Nagase. With the dark Psionic veil gone, Nagase would be able to perceive the physical world once again, but she would notice that she was no longer within the Astral. Savaj had teleported the Hellgate to her ancestral home; the ruins of Akavjjr, and the both of them were just outside the Djouvik Temple. The true Savaj had been sitting cross legged at the foot of the gargantuan building with her eyes closed, locked in a deep trance. She was repairing the temple, the likes of which was still badly decimated from the Michio ambush all those years ago.

"You are the first human to set foot on this island in billions of years.. you should feel so lucky."

She said coyly without breaking focus. But this grand gesture was intended to prove that Savaj actually trusted Nagase, which truly was a lucky occurence.

Re: Great Minds Think Alike

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 11:11 am
by Nagase
Savaj Vanguard wrote:
Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:53 pm
"..they will be dealt with."
"Dealt…well, perhaps together b-…"

Her words were cut short alongside her confidence. For the second time within this conversation a tug with unquestionably and undeniable force had moved her from where she stood. Once a mental summenance and now a physical one.

Her eyes gave way to her thoughts, the excitement, the surprise and lastly fear. She observed the unrecognizable fauna, tropical trees whose climate needs should warrant them to be near the equator, A place of constant exploration for Vescrutian's. Yet the land looked untouched by human settlement or even elven hands.

"War with the Harbi....-" .

She wanted to touch on Savaj's commitment to violence with her father, but was too enamored by the fauna and foliage that populated the island. Each creature she saw stood as either believed to be extinct or simply never before seen. Tugging her mind with a greater force than the one Savaj used to pull her to the foreign land.

“How…are you hiding this.”

She asked with a soft and nervous tone one that starkly contrasted her previous confidence. For an island to exist near the equator and go undiscovered for millions of years would be the work of luck and pure witch craft. Dirigibles flying over, sailors moving past, and so on should have found it by now if not intention than certainly by accident.

"...An honored guest, if I'd known of such an occasion I'd have looked the part. I’m assuming you’re the one hiding this land. And…if that's correct, how are you hiding this land from time and space. I should have seen this place when I was scouring the timelines.

She said nervously dusting her clothes of lent and the smell of fish from the market.