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Re: The Gala :: Dance Beneath The Moonlight Equilibrium

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 2:31 pm
by Atra Luminoso
“High Counselor, you haven’t touched your food much at all.”

Atra snapped back to the set of eyes all looking upon him from Hughes voice. He was so fixed upon Celeste carrying on with the Atlanteans, but she was quiet during most of the dialogue until he saw some glowing handshake. They had just made a deal, and he wondered if it meant to undercut him in some way. By the way she was lookin directly at him, it didn’t bode well.

“Sorry, glowing handshakes and all that.”

He truthfully admitted through a laugh. The others were well into their dishes, eating up the silence from the previous verbal altercation between MyKael and Hughes about the abyss. No one talks shit about what happens who wasn’t there. It just wasn’t allowed. Atra didn’t blame him for sticking up for them. But as he scanned the eyes of the counselors, they didn’t seem to harbor any lasting resentment apparently verbal scuffles like this happen often. Mykael spoke with his mouthful.

“Yeah, Celeste just screwed herself. Didn’t know Biryani could use Ad Gratis. That makes sense though, she does all the negotiations.”

“That was her anthem?”

Atra questioned, Hughe couldn’t help but jump in with his knowledge.

“Yes. Sealing magic, with grave consequences if violated.”

Hughes clarified.

“If the queen of Ulum goes back on her word, she dies.”


Atra turned back to look at Celeste who didn’t look pleased at all about what was upon her hand. He couldn’t see Biryani’s head or the amazons but there were tensions rising between her sister Crisette and her second man Ross. What did she just get herself into.

“How does it work?”

He had to know, that’s a fearsome power. He asked generally to anyone, he figured Hughes would know.

“It’s a near extinct Anthem, due to the singular way in which the contracts can be removed. But, when bound. They’re bound. Only killing the contract maker ends the promise. The way it works is very complicated the mental accumen and the charisma of the user must be very fine tuned.”

“And all the amazons can do this?”

Hughes shook his head, he seemed very calm despite the implications of this woman power. He was probably just absorbed in the delicacy of the salmon.

“Just Biryani. And counselor, you should know that’s not even her real name. That’s the name the Lila’Maya chose for her. To hide their identities. But the anthem comes from a very regal tribe of contractors. Who settle disputes between factions, but there are those who use their power to make others do their bidding. They’re equally slavers as advocates. It’s a terribly powerful anthem.”

How did they not know this. How the hell did they not know this? Atra heaved a heavy sigh and picked at his fish, he had just lost his appetite. Ariel and Phillip removed themselves from the table not never over emphasizing formalities by bowing.

“Counselors, we would love to stay for desert but our evening meditation before Lumin calls. Thank you for putting this together High Counselor.”

Atra nodded and spoke. Mykael stood and shook their hand, forcing Atra and Hughes to too do the same.

“Thank you too for coming.

“Yes enjoy the rest of the festival.”

Hughes returned the bow after expressing his sentiments, they bowed once more and escorted themselves out not before stopping and conversing with some of the other factions. As Atra, Mykael and Hughes returned to their seats.

“Don’t look so troubled High Counselor. You did well to bring the Lila’Maya into our fold without falling prey to Ad Gratis might I add.”

“The Mother blesses some with incredible power…”

Atra couldn’t help but admit through a sigh.

“And absolutely shits on the rest of us.”

He also couldn’t help but agree with Mykael. Anthems, were peculiar things. Most were a response to a need of the environment, an adaptable trait that helped groups thrive. But there were some anthems like Ad Gratis that made Atra question just what exactly Vescrutia was thinking to give one person that much power. But who was he to talk? There wasn’t anywhere Atra could rest his eyes to give him solace except for Hughes who shook his head at Mykael.

“You act like your anthem is totally useless Counselor-“

“Oh it isn’t dont get me wrong. Photographic memory is great. But with people like The Destroyer running around what good am I?”

This was peculiar, a man who was drunk on his own hubris now feeling inferior? Mykael’s anthem is what made him the most suitable for his position. Overseeing who came into Neovia, with what, and who left. He leaned back in his chair and wiped his mouth clean of the oils from his meal and waved a server over to clear the mess off the table.

“Luckily you won’t have to fight The Destroyer Counselor.”

“I don’t know what I would do if I could.”

Re: The Gala :: Dance Beneath The Moonlight Equilibrium

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 5:03 pm
by Atlanteans of Ulum
Servers came with desert placing some jiggly yellow dish from the centaurs which was supposed to be the honey-flavored sap from some cacti melded together with eggs and the line. Celeste only had a few bites and while it was absolutely delicious it didn’t wipe the collectively sour faces off The Atlanteans who refused to separate the table from the Amazons out of sheer pride. Celeste couldn’t let Atra see she had made a sour deal, she had to show solidarity and the Lila’Maya were loving this commitment to the illusion of play, the false-facing, the game. They were all playing too, some of them conversing among themselves enjoying their desert, others snickering about nonsense. By the look upon Ross’ face, he was already contemplating several ways to kill these women.

“You must understand Queen of Ulum-“

“Honestly? Shut the fuck up. We dont want to hear any more of your shit.”

Despite Ross speaking what was in the back of all their minds, Biryani again was reinforced by her posee.

“You all are just mad that you got played for fools.”

“Look bitch, I can kill the rest of you. So keep talking.”

“You’re welcome to try.”

Biryani cackled through her teeth. Everything about her was so intentional, the way she say with her back toward the counselor so he couldn’t read her lips, to her humble clothing to her anthem. It was so subtle. So worthy of admiration. Celeste was going to be sick. Nevertheless Briyani continued.

“I am loving this. But as I was saying, this alliance is so fragile. If it were to crumble there would be nothing stopping you from drowning us, or the shadowmancer and his Pet Destroyer from killing us or the young lightning boy from frying us like he did to your-“

Ross almost rose from his seat, Celeste flew out her hand to buckle him in.

“I apologize. But you understand what I’m saying. We lived in peace, in ignorance before. Now that we’ve come together, and have seen what one another can really do? There’s no going back. Whether she wants it to or not, Vescrutia is ruled by evolution. By the quest for power. I simply aim to protect what is mine and you will help us become formidable before it all crumbles.”

“You act like you foresee revolt.”

Challenged Crisette. Biryani simply gestured toward the high counselor of information Mykael who was downing his desert with great haste. The man with a camera for a brain, who never slept, who also had a very powerful Anthem.

“We foresee many things.”

Celeste’s eyes got wide as the counselor of information began choking, then convulsing, then foaming steaming green liquid out of his mouth. The entire ballroom went hysterical, Atra was scanning the room for the server who deliver the dish but all was lost in the mayhem.

“Now if you’ll excuse us, I believe our expertise is needed.”

The amazons excused themselves feigned panic and rushed over to the counselor. The atlanteans were all stunned, helpless, just like the rest of the congress who were now made aware that this whole arrangement was a farce. Mykael had been poisoned by who they didn’t know but did it really matter? Celeste was going to die in 7 days.

“Come, there is nothing we can do.”

“We’re just going to let the fucker die? We’re not going to find the one who did this?”

“That’s COER’s job not ours. Celeste is right, we should just leave.”

“Mistress, the High Counselor.”

Celeste noticed Atra disappear into his shadow and reappear bursting through the door of the kitchens. Celeste took off after him. She could hear Meri and Ross should after her but it was too late. She had to see this through. She was going to die in 7 days anyway, what did she have to lose.

Re: The Gala :: Dance Beneath The Moonlight Equilibrium

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 8:01 pm
by Atra Luminoso
Atra couldn’t help but feel a little guilty, not for letting My’Kael be poisoned to death, that brand of guilt would come later. But for now? He felt absolutely terrible for enjoying the sudden rush this interruption granted him. Diplomacy, he had a talent for it sure: The wars of words and wits, how to play your cards and not let your opponent see your hand, but he didn’t enjoy it one bit. Kham’s love for physical exertion was terribly contagious, Atra loved combat. He left the amazons to tend to My’Kael and vanished without a trace reappearing out of the shadows of bystanders by the door to the kitchens, then phasing through the shut doors without a sound. The kitchen was immaculate, pristine, from the ceilings upon hooks hung glistening steel kitchenware divided by spoons, forks, pots and pans. He let his eyes fall toward the breath of the room which was expansive, looking very much like a long corridor divided by a series of reflective steel surfaces that split it into threes. The far left side of the room was lined with stove tops, Atra could subtly hear the soft cooks of the magma lizards who lie beneath the eyes of the ovens who provided heat to the cooks. The middle row was was made for chopping fruit and vegetables atop wooden surfaces he could tell by the different color streaks smeared across the wood. The far right row was for sanitation and storage. Of course, to no surprise the kitchen staff was completely bewildered like frightened animals. Most dropping their utensils entirely or shaking in their foundations. Others looked at Atra completely frightened. Good.

His eyes scanned over the faces of the staff. The gaze of his grey pupils was like a sword to the staff, all were avoiding it. He counted them quickly. One was missing. The head chef wasn’t here. The head chef poisoned My’Kael. Atra drew breath and spoke befitting of his position.

“Where’s the head chef? Where did he go?”

They were silent. Were they covering for him? They looked too afraid to be complicit. Atra heard a thundering sound from behind him. Someone came through the kitchen door. He didn’t need to turn, he kept his eye on the kitchen staff expecting an ambush. Besides his peripheral was blocked by his now manifest sentient shadow who reacted before he could. Atra’s grey eyes glowed, he could see through the eyes of his shadow. He could see Celeste, queen of Ulum.

Atra’s mind was racing a mile a minute his heart was beating even faster, the cook staff looked even more afraid than before. He reflected on his teachings of The Destroyer. If this was a ploy to assassinate him, it was a poor one. The kitchen was extremely well lit, with shadows everywhere: in between the surfaces of the tables, beneath the pots and pans. Poisoning the food was one thing, to lure him here another well calculated part of the plan. But to lure him here to engage him? Foolish. He and Des’Noir knew it. Their arbiters, their collective wills were synonymous.

No, they wanted him here not to kill him. They wanted him away from the Gala! Everyone was in danger.

“Relax high counselor, I’m not your assassin.”

She spoke what was on his mind. But it was already too late. Both of them had been played for fools. Atra’s heart skipped a beat as a pang of adrenaline ran up his spine and into his brain. He tried to look behind him but his entire field of vision was covered in blackness. Des’Noir sensed something amiss too, and shielded him from something. From within this blackness he heard a large boom followed by a massive explosion that blew through the wall of the kitchens sending heavy debris on his shadow. Slowly his vision returned to him and he hated himself yet again for looking upon the damage all too calmly, his lips were flat with unemotional coldness as the moans and cries of pain filled his ears. The kitchen was nowhere near the immaculate center of nevoian cuisine that it was. Bodies and blood were everywhere, either in pieces or punctured. Glowing blue dust, soot and smoke was like a sheet over the stainless steel reflective surfaces. Before Atra could draw a breath, a black veil of shadow covered his mouth. Again, Des’Noir doing the thinking’s for him.

He turned around toward where Celeste was. She was blown into a nearby wall and her shoulder was skewered through by a sharp rod of kitchen ware. He ran her way while Des’Noir headed another and they both began moving debris. He covered her mouth with his hands to ensure she didn’t breathe in the glowing blue dust but she swatted it away with her good arm. He recoiled instantly. At least she was okay. But he wouldn’t expect anything less.

“Get your hands off of me.”

She spat, breathy and somewhat dazed. Celeste removed herself from the skewer she was impaled upon with little effort. A steady stream of blue blood leaked down her right shoulder. But Atra was concerned about her breathing in the dust.

“The dust it’s-“

She cut him off and began walking back into the kitchen drawing the sword at her waist.

“Worry about yourself dry-skin. You have a shadow watching your back. Me? I have scales for skin and water breathers filtering out these airborne toxins. But what bout them? The dead that surround you. What about the ones the mother didn’t bless so generously as you or I? Who relied on you to protect them from terror? You gather us here, corral us all in one place, and again have the vulnerable place their safety in your hands. You deprive us of our right to defend ourselves. And look what happens? People die. The funny part about it, is that people will die anyway. But at least they will die on their own terms, not as casualties of you. Now I’m going to investigate the cause of that explosion, you are free to join me.”

Atra looked toward Des’Noir who was still peeling survivors from the rubble. They looked far worse than he and Celeste and that made Atra feel awful. Was this how Kham felt, in Kemet, knowing that he could share invulnerable skin, or super strength with everyone? Why did Vescrutia make some chefs? And some counselors? Would he be alive if Des’Noir wasn’t here to watch his back?

He would sulk later. He needed to investigate the explosion. And Celeste was already headed back inside. Atra jogged beside her, more cautious than before knowing that the enemy planned for this as well.

Re: The Gala :: Dance Beneath The Moonlight Equilibrium

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 3:37 pm
by Atra Luminoso
Blue glowing dust and debris clouded Atra’s vision as they returned back toward the banquet hall. He couldn’t see anything past it but he could hear the clacking sound of Celeste’s shoes making contact with the hard floors. She was still only a few feet away from him to his left. The veil covering his mouth and nose kept him from breathing it in whatever it was Celeste wasn’t taking any chances.

But what bout them? The dead that surround you. What about the ones the mother didn’t bless so generously as you or I? Who relied on you to protect them from terror? You gather us here, corral us all in one place, and again have the vulnerable place their safety in your hands. You deprive us of our right to defend ourselves. And look what happens? People die.

Her words cut Atra deep. He is responsible for the deaths of all of these people. He was. Kham had trained him to shelf, or channel his emotions in times of combat, but this? Atra couldn’t let this go. The weight of all his mistakes was bearing down on him, making his head heavy and his heart race. Is this what Kham felt like after Kemet fell?

“It’s close. Can you hear it?”

Celeste warned, as she flung her sword out in front of him Atra motioning for him to stop completely. He had never heard anything like it, the panting, the snarling. The breaths were so labored, like wheezing, but with a gurrgle on the back end like something was eternally choking. Whatever it was coming from sounded like it was in intense pain and agony. Was it some sort of monster? Some new anthem he had never heard of?

“What is it?”

“I’m not sure, but-“

“MY QUEEN! IS THAT YOU! Who is with you?”


Celeste dropped her royal heir and turned toward the direction of the sound. She motioned to take a step but Ross interrupted her.


She froze in place, Atra as well slowly the fog began to lift and he could see exactly what was paralyzing everyone in place. Feet first, it was a blue creature with human appearing feet, it had thick black veins pulsing and swelling. Atra scanned beneath the fog and he could see the dead, and the wounded. Most were blown back by the explosion, others impaled or dashed among debris. But they were bleeding out fast. Atra needed to get to them. Celeste shouted to her atlantean fellows.

“Criss! Ross! I can sense you, the distinguished high counselor is with me. Wha’s the situation.”

“We can’t. If we move, it will attack.”

“And this thing is fucking strong.”

The laborious breathing mixed in with the sounds of their warnings. The fog continued to lift and Atra could see rapidly expanding leg muscles, he traced the blood vessels further and further up until he saw what he was looking at. The creatures face was so incredibly grotesque. It was a giant, at least 20 feet tall with muscles the diameter of the trees in the lucid south. It was foaming glowing blue saliva from it’s mouth and it’s pores were spewing out the foggy blue residue. High counselor hughes was only a few feet away, crushed beneath some rubble, panting, barely alive. Was this My’Kael?

“What is this thing.”

“The thirst. A stimulant by all accounts that enhances the user. But I’ve never seen affects this severe.”

Up above? On the ceiling clinging to nothing but the glass, was Biryani of the Lila’Maya watching and waiting about to strike.

“We have to evacuate the wounded.”

“We tried to get everyone who could move out as quickly as possible. But when we move this thing attacks, and it hits fucking hard, no matter how hard we wound it regenerates just as quickly.”

Ross replied from his vantage point, he was holding his left shoulder which had gone limp. Crissete was beside him weilding her weapon of choice, two whips that bubbled and moved like waves.

“Hughes is still alive.”

“Yes, we know. How very observant counselor. Do you have a plan? Or another astute observation.”

Briyani mocked from above. Atra rolled his eyes.

“I’ll distract it, free Hughes. After that? We need a plan to take this thing down. Okay? On three.”

He looked to Biryani, she nodded, Celeste nodded, Ross rolled his eyes and Crissette nodded. Atra’s eyes found Mykael who was standing so incredibly still. He didn’t want to have to kill him, there had to be another way.


Atra took a deep breath, and kept Hughes in his sights. He was already going to lose one high counselor today, he didn’t want to lose two.


He was thankful that in the initial explosion, the factions were savvy enough to evacuate. Whatever this blue dust was? It was incredibly toxic.


All of these people’s lives were in his hands. Neovia, a place without borders, where all could come learn, study, and grow was a lie. Order was necessary. Atra would never make this mistake again. He took off across the ballroom into a full on sprint, Hughes was in his sights one moment, but the next moment Mykael’s giant blue shin interrupted his path. He was incredibly fast. Atra spun off the impact and weaved between the giants massive legs toward the owl. The crazed giant pivoted as well and Atra could see darkness cloud his peripheral vision, along with a sudden gust of wind. Then? Nothing. He slid to a stop right next to hughes. He looked behind him briefly, and it appeared that Mykael not only wanted to crush him beneath his fist but Crissette had stopped it with her whips of water.

With a primal scream, Crissette pulled the whip’s handle behind her and brought My’Kael backwards. Celeste took off running, and slid underneath his back with her sword pointed toward the sky. Atra panicked.


He flung his palm out toward Celeste, her shadow trailing behind her pulled opposite in the direction of her approach like Atra was dragging it along the floor. She went with it and flew back across the ball room. Mykael hit the floor with a mighty thud.

“Are you fucking serious man!? DO YOU SEE THIS THING!?”

Crissette lashed her other whip around Mykaels feet and her whips of water glowed with an electric blue hue. The giant roared and thrashed excessively, wailing and screaming, and… crying. Mykael was suffering.

“High counselor, we’re dealing with this creature.”

Celeste replied shakily as she pried herself from the wall.


She commanded and pointed toward the downed beast. The starfish nodded and hastily swam over toward Mykael and bolstered the bonds that Crissette applied by wrapping her strong arms along his neck. Atra wasn’t acting fast enough. He turned back toward hughes. And looked at his palms, a black veil over took them and on his next breath he slid them beneath the rubble Hughes was trapped under and began to slowly pull him out from the wreckage. The owl was bleeding from his mouth, but breathing nonetheless. Thank the mother something was going right. Atra slowly lay hughes to rest, upright along the walls of the banquet hall. Des’Noir appeared at Atra’s side, having tended to the wounded in the kitchens. He didn’t need to say ‘keep hughes safe’ for the shadow to comply. Their wills were one. He rushed back over toward Mykael who was bound, and choking Celeste was on the opposing side of his body with her sword drawn.

“Counselor, if you don’t have any ideas, I’m going to stab it in the heart now.”

“No, he has to live.”

“Why? He attacked and killed people. He nearly killed Ross.”

“But he was poisoned.”

“For all we know he planned this. We don’t even know if he can come back from this.”

“But he deserves a chance to tell his side!”

“In what fucking court!?”

Ross exclaimed ,Meri was struggling, Crissette even more so. They had to make a decision fast.

“There is a way to cure him. The queen of Ulum knows the way.”

Biryani again from above like a fly, always pestering, consistently annoying. What role did she have in this? Her people approached prior to the explosion and were hurt like everyone else. Atra snapped his head down at Celeste, he looked at Ross who was shaking his head.

“My queen you don’t have to. That’s your gift, these Neovians have done nothing for you. You give them too much already. Allowing them to use our shores, our bounty-“

“Ross be silent.”

The rest of the room was silent along with her, save for Meri’s whimpering, Crissettes labored breathing and My’kaels groaning.

“Ulum can rid the body of toxins. High counselor. But there is no guarantee My’Kael would be the same again, it’s best to kill him. And the way he is now? He doesn’t appear in a position to decide.”

“Do it.”

Atra didn’t hesitate, he couldn’t help but feel Byryani’s sarcastic smile upon his back. He figured everyone deserved a second chance. Ross scoffed in the distance.

“Again, you take responsibility for the lives of others. As a ruler you must suffer the consequences.”

Celeste stepped up on Mykaels chest and put away her sword. She looked down upon him with a gaze so condescending Atra could barely endure it as a bystander.

“How do you do it then? Deal with the loss and pain of those closest to you?”

She looked at him as she held her hands above his chest and replied…

“Me? I’m not the best one to ask.”

Celeste admitted and made contact with Mykaels bare flesh. Meri let go of his neck, exhaustibly collapsing off to the side. Crissette’s whips shattered with a splash and Mykael screamed in excruciating pain. The thick blood vessles which were expanding his muscle mass and hardening his skin opened and spilled the glowing blue liquid out from his pores. Celeste eyes were clear, awash with white as she struggled to maintain control. Mykael’s left arm motioned to smite Celeste off his chest but again Atra flung his hand in the arms direction, and it found itself stuck to the floor. His other arm was doing the same thing, but without line of sight, Atra couldn’t command the shadow of his arm. Luckily Biryani finally descend from the ceiling and landed upon the limb with a massive heel drop pinning it to the floor. The starfish Meri finally shook off her exhaustion and supported the amazoness by wrapping itself around the forearm, using her suction cups to keep it fixated there.

Mykael thrashed, and thrashed about. Atras was quivering, it was getting so incredibly sore, like there were weights dragging it down to the floor. Until something lifted it up higher a feathery arm?


He nodded, with Des’Noir behind him.

“Is this what’s become of the high counselor?”

“I believe so Hughes.”

“All I remember is an explosion, what of the others”

“Evacuated. We need to figure out who did this.”


The screaming had finally stopped and Atra let his forearm drop. Hughes hastily made his way over toward where Mykael was, half his size, and leaking out a glowing blue liquid from his veins. Celestes eyes returned to normal as she hopped off the giant. She made her way over to Ross and Crissette with the starfish Meri in tow.

“High counselor is everything alright!”

Atra turned around toward the entrance to the banquet hall, three COER agents were lined up. Atra sighed… Too little too late. But, thankfully they were here.

“We heard an explosion and saw people rushing out of the citadel right into the festival.”

“There’s panic on the streets of Neovia. People are saying everyone was attacked?”

“You two. There’ wounded in the kitchens, take them to the hospital.”

They nodded and sprinted off toward the kitchens. Atra continued his directive.

“You, return to the streets and tell them the truth. The Counselor of Information, and records was poisoned. We were attacked by some unknown faction. But the situation is under con-“

Another explosion? From the kitchens? Celeste already took off in that direction.

“I’ll take care of it high counselor, you head down to the streets.”

Atra followed suit. Hughes and Biryani were looking in that general direction but the two didn’t show any signs of charging into the front lines.

“You two, on me. We have to find everyone who was evacuated now!

He burst out of the grand ball room with Des’Noir and the two COER agents along with him. Praying that the situation wasn’t as severe as he hoped, that his people weren’t all about to become raging hulking beasts.