Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

"I almost thought about raising the price for him too. To make up for it, I'll give you a personal tour of the city after we book him."
Zero was but an afterthought once this opportunity was put on the table! He must admit, he thought they would be far more inquisitive about his origins. Initially, he thought it best to come clean about his noble origins. But then he retracted the thought, they might be much more curious to know why a random noble would personally deliver one of their most wanted vagabonds. He told Zero his truth feeling that he would lead him on the path he needed to travel to reveal the secrets that ache in his subconscious. The wisdom of the Rai-Father, the hidden truth of Denkou's origins. The facts that will reveal the past, heal the present and help mold the future. It was his true aim.


One does not get a grand tour of a legendary "lost" city every day. And after being cooped up in his room for hours on end he was due this breather. He figured Zero would be fine...as long as he didn't cause the people of Uran too much more grief. They didn't seem like the torturing type...


"Perhaps I should waited. "

He chuckled as he returned her handshake in kind. Her grip was firm and sturdy. To be expected the way she commanded her blade...
He said with the widest grin. It certainly was a momentous opportunity. One aligned with his hobby of learning about different cultures, architecture, and cuisine. Things that because of the hostile borders of the neighboring kingdom adjacent to the Denkou's domain he rarely got to experience in person. Even less so since Myos became king, they sat on the precipice of war within the kingdom and the risk of the outside one deciding to take advantage of the kingdom's faltering pillars. Hence Dazuma's race to understand his destiny. To claim that which is his...

Of course I merely jest my friend. Do try not to cause any more of a fuss. Our naten has interacted, and I can communicate with you now no matter how far you go. I will not abandon you, if anything I need your guidance more than ever.

Being a magus had its perks. Telepathy was handy when your partner has been made an art fixture.

"I would be honored! As gorgeous as these sands are I must admit I am ready to be free of them after the perilous journey here."

He said as his hand grew bright for but a second, soon his blade would levitate from the ground into his palm which he would soon rest back at his side.

"By your lead then, Madame Ortiz"

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Fate II »

Lambda smiled and turned toward the city, its ring arched entrance hiding a whole secret city behind their mystic walls. With a wave of her hand, Zero's under-lit body lifted off of the ground, locked in the pillar of the light she apprehended him with.

"You think these sands are pretty? Boy, you're in for a real treat!"

Lambda grew up in and around the walls of the desert city, her view of the sands didn't evolve over her lifetime. IT didn't have to, the city was far greater than the sands on which they sat.

A tuft of wind carried Bo, the prisoner, and herself to the city's gates easily and swiftly. Within seconds and without the roiling sandstorm, thee stopped at the entrance to the city's arched entrance. Rippling like the surface of a pond, , she walked straight through the barrier and onto the streets of the 'golden city' with her captive. She was welcomed with a small swell of acclaim, the citizens of Uran marveling over her newest, glowing acquisition.

"Lambda! You've returned it! Congratulations! Give him what he deserves! He dishonors our legacy, for shame!"

All types of phrases could be heard on the other side of the threshold if Bo had not already followed her into the city's main thoroughfare. It stood lined with colorful, beautifully sculpted clay huts, bedazzled in modest baubles unique to each building. They varied in size with a multitude of cloth to accent the baked exteriors. Zero followed as her trophy through the lively backdrop, glowing effigy to man's hubris. If he could hear, the jeers of the irate Urani would curl his eardrums. The light around Zero grew to completely hide him from sight while Lambda walked Bo through the city.

"Thank you, your support is cherished. Thank you. Thank you."

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

All types of phrases could be heard on the other side of the threshold if Bo had not followed her into the city's main thoroughfare. It stood lined with colorful, beautifully sculpted clay huts, bedazzled in modest baubles unique to each building. They varied in size with a multitude of cloth to accent the baked exteriors. Zero followed as her trophy through the lively backdrop, glowing effigy to man's hubris. If he could hear, the jeers of the irate Urani would curl his eardrums. The light around Zero grew to completely hide him from sight while Lambda walked Bo through the city.

"Thank you, your support is cherished. Thank you. Thank you."
After being whisked away by the whimsical sands at lady Ortiz's beckon she was bombarded with praise from the citizens. This artifact that Zero pillaged. Just of what significance was it truly? The deeper they traveled the more ridicule his friend was subjected to. It must be terribly important. He could also gleam that there was a level of transparency and furthermore trust between the guard and citizens he wouldn't be surprised if it trickled down whatever the ruling structure above or beside them. The architecture though just oozed organic yet intentional design. The clay dressed in an arrangement of gems reminded him much of the jade and malachite that made up the Emerald Palace. How he longed to walk once again its halls. To feel the crisp breeze that carried the scent of mint from the many springs etched into the mountain. This place was so different from his home and yet... somehow it felt so similar.

"I would love to know more about your city...it is rather enchanting. The whispers of its legend do it little justice I must say."

Zero could no longer be seen, he hoped he wasn't too uncomfortable. Dazuma was just glad he was spared a similar fate. The streets were crawling with life, animals that seemed to roam freely, unabated with their young by their sides. It was light, the air, not a single hint of tyranny. The only notions of animosity were aimed at Zero.

And then, everything froze. The people seemed frozen in jovial leaps. The family of animals ceased their march. Even Lambda and the pillar of light containing Zero all came to a sudden halt. Only Dazuma remained untouched by the frozen spec of time.

3rd born star etched into the tapestry of the cosmos. Basin of the Emerald Ocean. Weaver of the Beryl Sun.

A voice?

No, it was more of a feeling, butterflies in his stomach the hair on the nape of his neck stood. He quickly checked around him, whoever or whatever it was he couldn't see anything past the crowded street.

You have his eyes, Scion of Ains, ages have gone by, but the defiler still lives. You must complete the Path of Kings, Drink from the Sovereigns grail, and dream once more the Asharin's dream.

And then time resumed

The quiet was flooded once more by the roars of celebration. Dazuma would be seen with a dumbfounded look on his face. He had experienced this once before back at the Neo conservatory. It was there that he was told about his standing as a "pillar" but given no task to fulfill, no purpose to behold. Now, here once more he is spoken to admonishing him to complete the Path of Kings. The entire reason for his journey thus far. Then it is here? The key his father told him about...how was he to ask about an object that he knew barely anything about. One he had never laid eyes upon. From an Age before the Denkou were even known as such.

The unraveling of fate begins... I have to stay focused. I'm closer than I've ever been to knowing the truth.

He kept trailing Lambda. Though uneasy he remained steadfast. Revelation would find itself. He needed to see this through.

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Fate II »

"I would love to know more about your city...it is rather enchanting. The whispers of its legend do it little justice I must say."
"That's the general consensus when people actually make it here."

Lambda kept waving off the praise of her catch as she moved through the city streets. Gracious as she was, their adoration made her blush a little. On ehte one hand, she had a pretty good idea of where the culprit was going to be and waited patiently for her quarry. On the other hand, she didn't break a sweat. It made her feel guilty, such praise for such a simple task on her end. Patience paid off quite well in this case.

Who's your friend? Can I make you all some dumplings? What about dumplings? Please let us thank you!

"I'm fine! Thank you! Maybe our guest would indulge you, I have to inter this villain."

Lambda beckoned Bo toward one of the stalls with a glowing grill behind it, the immaculate smells of local herbs and spices blanketed the air. The billowing winds carrying sand seemed to die down within the walls of the city to allow peace to fill the streets and decadent smells to fill the air.

"I will have to leave you to your own devices for a while, I'm sure my people will be more than happy to host the man who brought this scourge to our doorstep."

She spoke loudly so the shopkeep at the grill heard her, but she left Bo with a wink and dashed off into the crowd.

The shopkeep turned from the grill to Bo with a plate of assorted dumplings and small bites of food, colorful and still sizzling, the smorgasbord in front of him was fit for a king, or at least that's what the sign in the stall said.

"Here you are, my friend. Any friend of Lambda's is a friend of the city. Thank you for all your help in returning the Sands of Time to us, you must tell how you managed to take down that trickster! I heard Lambda had personally contracted assistance, but didn't know what to expect."

The shopkeeper, a taller man with a thick beard and gruff voice, wiped his hands clean and took one of the dumplings from the platter in front of Bo and popped it into his mouth. He turned the fire down on the grill and leaned back, ready to be regaled in detail of how Bo tracked and captured Zero.

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Dalazar Denkou
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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

The river of folks continuously split in twain as they made their way through the city. Gifts and all manner of things were offered to the captors of one of the city's most infamous criminals. He had zoned out a bit. They were coming more frequently now...the voices. Did this mean he was closer? Must be, something in the crevices of Ulran's history lay something tethered to his own. What that anchor was remained to be seen. The Beryl Sun...the Symbol of the first Emerald King. The greatest of their lineage, the precursor to all that they were. It seems that Dazuma was more to him than merely a namesake...whatever fate was in store for him Ains had something to do with it. He just could not pinpoint exactly what he should be doing.
"I'm fine! Thank you! Maybe our guest would indulge you, I have to enter this villain."

Lambda beckoned Bo toward one of the stalls with a glowing grill behind it, the immaculate smells of local herbs and spices blanketed the air. The billowing winds carrying sand seemed to die down within the walls of the city to allow peace to fill the streets and decadent smells to fill the air.
"Wait huh?"

The thick smell of the dumpling grabbed his full attention snapping him out of his deep line of thought. It was so aromatic he could smell the myriad of flavors. Thinking back now he hadn't eaten a single thing since they left on their journey and after facing a death trap-infested, vengeful ghost-filled maze and the scorching pits and heat through the desert he was overdue for a meal.
"I will have to leave you to your own devices for a while, I'm sure my people will be more than happy to host the man who brought this scourge to our doorstep."
And just like that, she was swallowed by the sea once more, leaving him with the adorning gaze of the man who prepared a most bountiful arrangement of food. Well, he supposed they would run into each other sooner or later. So long as Zero remained alive and near he would be able to communicate...well after he regain his naten network.
"Here you are, my friend. Any friend of Lambda's is a friend of the city. Thank you for all your help in returning the Sands of Time to us, you must tell how you managed to take down that trickster! I heard Lambda had personally contracted assistance but didn't know what to expect."
He happily obliged almost giddily taking a seat before loading his plate full of whatever was closest. Normally he would hold himself to a much more refined standard and etiquette when it came down to eat. But here he was not a sanctified prince. Here he was just a traveling scholar and adventurer and he was starving!

Sands of Time?

It was the first time he had even heard the name of the object. Zero was intentionally elusive about what exactly they were taking back to his "friends". At the time he thought the less he knew the better and Zero seemed innocent enough.

"First I would gift to you my name, friend, it's the least I can do for such a gracious welcome. I am known as Bo, an adventure from the lands of Neovia."

He happily obliged almost giddily taking a seat before loading his plate full of whatever was closest. Normally he would hold himself to a much more refined standard and etiquette when it came down to eat. But here he was not a sanctified prince. Here he was just a traveling scholar and adventurer and he was starving!

"I wish I could spin a tale for you, gallant and valours where the warrior of good triumphed over the treacherous evil before him."

He said scarfing down a set of dumplings. The well-seasoned morsels almost brought a tear to his eye. He quickly downed it with a drink that reminded him of lemonade but the taste was different than anything he knew of back home.

"Much to my surprise, he came willingly. It's my guess he feels remorse for stealing them in the first place. He guided me here, I wouldn't have found this place without his help. He understood the risk of coming back here...and chose to do so knowing what would happen to him."

He said as he reached for a multicolored dumpling that was saturated in an odd-smelling glaze. The man probably hoped for an epic fight since. However, Dazuma could not bring himself to create a narrative around a man who got him here with nary a scratch on him. He would not add more fuel to the flame that burned against him here in Uran. The fact that Zero had made it a point to turn himself in when he could've just kept the national treasure for himself... was one of the reasons thus far Dazuma could not ring himself to villainize him. Not until he got the full story from Zero himself.

"Tell me though, friend. Just what is this relic? It seems to be pivotal to this great city of yours."

He hoped the man would not be turned off from sharing with him despite his anticlimatic explanation. He would go against his very code of honor to continue to weave this lie unnecessarily.

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Fate II
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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Fate II »

"Remorse? Well, I'll be..."

The shopkeeper chuckled to himself, pleasantly surprised that a captive bounty would lead his captor to the place of his imprisonment. He paced a bit back and forth on the other side of the bar top.

"He did seem to be a fairly upright guy when we welcomed him first. Nobody expected him to make off with the Sands right from under our noses. I guess the pendulum swings both ways."

The Shopkeep turned to the grill and shook his pans, the fire dancing up and licking at the sides of hsi cookware. Over the echoing grill and dancing flames, he still spoke over his shoulder to Bo.

"Sands of Time? I misspoke, the foreigner's tongue sometimes just spills out, y'know? To us, they're called the Waves of Horus. Legend has it they flung an ancient warrior through time to stop a great calamity. I'm no historian, but I know they're an icon of our culture and have been an object of desire for outsiders for millennia. Zero was actually just the first one to make it out with them."

A shake, a rattle, a sizzle, and the Shopkeeper turned with another plate of eats for Bo to dine on. Tossing it down, he looked on proudly while adjusting his apron.

"And he endured the Arid path to arrive here. The boy's a wild animal."

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

"He seemed to be fairly upright when we welcomed him first. Nobody expected him to make off with the Sands right from under our noses. I guess the pendulum swings both ways."
Truth be told his nature was quite ambiguous. It was hard to trust him yet at the same time his charm almost commanded compliance. The more time Bo spent with him the more he felt beguiled by the whimsicalness of Zero's expression. It probably didn't take Zero long to win the hearts of the nation...

And even less time to completely shatter those hearts with his crime.

"I am very curious to learn about your history in fact,"

Bo said as he took another sip of his refreshment. Arid was an understatement, if not for his magic and the water they brought he wouldn't be far worse off during that travel. Fortunately for him, the Denkou blood within him granted him a fierce constitution. Though if he could avoid such perilous traveling he would welcome it...guess he was pampered in that way. Still grateful for each and every step further from the home he made. Each one was another step closer to some kind of lead some piece of truth covered by time.

"I would love to learn much more...is there some kind of historian here in Ulran? Someone, who keeps the memories of your ancestors?"

He asked hopefully the old codger would be open to sharing, saving Bo the trouble of asking around. He needed to know more about this land its people. Something here anchored his bloodline to this place...this was the second time now he had heard the voice of the "Sovereign Plane".

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Fate II »

"Historian? We are all keepers of history my friend."

The Shopeeper rattled the curved skillet and tossed flame and food towards the roof of his humble booth. It loosed a bright flash and a powerful gust of heat and aroma that turned the heads of the passers by. They murmured in anticipation, gathering more closely around Bo, chatting jovially.

"Is not that right, my friends?! We each hold a bit of this place's history close to our hearts! We all have stories to tell if you're willing to listen!"

A swell of applause swept through the booth while plates of small bites came forth from the Shopkeeper, fielding samples of the midday union, colorful and tasty assortments of the bounty of the desert.

"You're the one with all the stories, Rafal! Yeah, nobody is as good as you!"

"Please, please, don't mislead the young man. My stories are your stories are all of our stories, aren't they?

"Only because you were there for most of them!"

The crowd erupted into laughter and the Shopkeeper laughed heartily with his guests. One of the guests pushed up against Bo gave him a gentle nudge and spoke directly into his ear.

"Rafal is an amazing storyteller, he knows our oral legends better than anyone outside of the shrines."

And he went back to eating his midday samples, making merry with the other patrons. Rafal handed out a second wave of snacks, indulging in a few himself before turning the fire down and leaning against the grill again, sighing satisfied.

"So, who has a history they want to share with our guest of honor today?"

"You should tell him about the Jigan Bangles!" One woman cries between bites.

"Or about the Third Return of Cliure!" another yells from a corner seat.

"Jigan and Cliure? Those are children's stories, aren't they? I'm sure our friend is well aware of the power in friendship and cooperation." The shopkeeper asks to the crowd. He then focuses in on Bo, untying his apron to get more comfortable since the crowd demanded a performance of him. "It's only right that we ask our guest, what do you want to hear?"

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

The menagerie of people he was immersed in was such a heartwarming feeling. The way they jovially picked at one another reminded him of what a family could look like. What could a kingdom look like if trust and respect were the foundations? Would it mirror these happy faces? No doubt, this place had seen its fair share of hardships. One could imagine life within the desert would provide some challenges. What though was the glue keeping it all together?

"You all are wonderful people truly...never allow anyone to take this from you, fight tooth and nail to keep your family here together...the world outside...it is rare to see such unity."

He said with a warm smile that for a second faded into a somber expression. Remembering the last time he even held his mother...hugged his father...laughed with his brother. He could remember their faces so clearly. There was a time when they all smiled...a time when even the false king, his older brother grew to love them. At least he thought so, but the treachery of his upheaval of the throne made those treasured times now distant fond memories...relics of a past he could never regain. As Rafal got close to him enquiring of what story he'd like to hear the thing his heart settled on... was the Origins. Who founded this beautiful place?

" I'd love to know just who founded Uran. How did this place come to be?"

As he went to refill his plate.

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Fate II
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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Fate II »

“How this place came to be? How? How!?”

Rafal bellowed to the heavens, asking of his family, the crowd gathered for their midday siesta. The group quieted down and focused on the master of ceremonies, taking a deep breath, basking in the soft silence enveloping them.

“Legend has it there’s an ancient river running through this city. Another said we were descended from the skies themselves, bringing life to a desolate place. But I think my favorite has to be the Thousand Year Deluge that brings the hidden spring to this arid landscape. It gives me hope I can live long enough to see one myself.”

The crowd murmurs lightly, comparing their own accounts of the stories to one another between nibbles of food. Rafal motioned to the crowd with his thick, heat tempered hands, asking for his guest’s response.

“Are any of you here children of the Deluge? I’d hate to offend in my recount–”

“Just tell the story already!”

“Alright you impatient tykes, we’re doing the Deluge story!”

Arms outstretched and with a beaming smile, Rafal turned to the simmering grill. Just as easily as he cooked up a delicious smorgasbord, he clapped his hand over the grill a single, resounding time. The coals ignited beneath the rack, going aflame and completely engulfing its iron bars in their mysterious glow. Rafal turned back to the crowd with a smirk that dripped of self satisfaction. As the booth behind him slowly turned from a warm, cozy glow to a cloud covered downpour that could quell the coals in an instant. Lightning flashed behind him and nobody batted an eye, they just listened as the storm rumbled on under Rafal’s bellowing voice.

“Just understand this, my friend, there is no single story that can encompass everything that brings us here today. Even you, with your own adventures, are part of the tapestry enveloping our humble home. One of those threads happens to be the Thousand Year Deluge.

I don’t think any of us have been here long enough to see one ourselves, most of the elders around the city tend to keep to themselves at that age, conferring their experiences to the next generations from the comfort of their homes.”

The storm rolling over the grill bellowed, or at least it seemed to, lightning flashing through the clouds, making landfall all over the desert range. The city grew into view, an immaculate sandcastle that disappeared into the downpour like a mirage into the sky. Once the rain subsided, the clouds dissolved into spotty, dripping sunshine onto the soaked dune. A still layer of rainwater mirrored the sun dappled sky in a seamless expanse of the heavens.

“We are blessed by the Leviathan from time to time with life bringing rainfall that replenishes our city and has for time immemorial. They provide a bountiful harvest and bring lush greens to us, keeping us shaded and luxurious for a time, overflowing with bounty from the Mother. But with that bounty comes those who wish to take it for their own. And Uran lie sieged time and time again.”

The group of diners noshed on their noms and spectated quietly, fixated on the changing lights and powerful voice narrating one of their foundational cultural artifacts on which the backs of their communities are built. Uran itself existed as a desert melting pot, inviting different families within its walls with its natural protection and stark remoteness from other communal life on Vescrutia, resting survival on the shoulders of those who could work together to brave the harshness of their homestead. The lush times following the rejuvenating rain could bring new life to the region, as well as greed dripping from the mouths of hardy adventurers.

The whole of the city disappeared into the reflecting pool of the desert expanse, but the grill image produced a band of travelers walking on the soaked sand’s surface. For a moment, everything seemed to stand still, even as the clouds cascaded above and below. Then, as easily as the rain stopped, flashes of light and smoke appeared from within the heavenly image. The enchanted coals sizzled in the background, layering the silent image with its own rendition of a battlefield’s song.

“Our nature invites us to take care of travelers who brave the Ganjun Wastes, as the desert will meet everyone with unbiased cruelty. We take it upon ourselves to bring the bounty of this very special home to anyone lucky enough to find our doorstep. And with great grace, we also maintain a solemn oath to do away with outsiders who threaten to upset our way of life. All are welcome here, but none will take advantage of our beautiful home. And thus…”

The flashing and smoke within the heavenly landscape eventually pittered out as nightfall came to the animation. At nightfall, the receded clouds revealed a full moon and sky speckled with gemstone starlight. The invisible city sprung to life with soft lights, lanterns and fireworks. They lasted throughout the whole night while the layer of water covering the city’s structure and the desert around it evaporated, leaving a hazy mist illuminated by festivities hanging over the area.

“On the heels of strife, we find ourselves renewed, refreshed.”

By morning in the back of the booth, pockets of green blossomed all over the desert, from the walls of the city and the ground below, exploding onto the scene like wildfire. The open blue sky and lush surroundings were a stark contrast from a single evening prior.

“The Thousand Year Deluge supposedly comes once in an ‘I’ll let you guess’ how long. It washes away everything around us, moving immense amounts of land in a single, sinister storm. And still the city withstands that torrential force, even growing more beautiful because of it. Trouble knows how to find its way to even the most remote regions. We, the people of the desert’s bounty, uphold our duty to protect the city the way she protects us. A thank you to those who came before us. AYE?!”

Rafal raises a dumpling he seemed to pull out of nowhere proudly to the sky, calling the crowd to action in a gripping bellow. They responded in turn to him and raised either a morsel or manus in concert with him, shouting back,


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