Echoes of Uncertainty [End]

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Fate I
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Re: Echoes of Uncertainty

Post by Fate I »

"Oh.. and before I forget." Erigor tossed Zol a hefty bag- one that radiated with a blistering emerald glow stemming from the weapons inside. "I've been meaning to give these to you. They are powerful gauntlets, capable of reinforcing the usage of Mana and will ultimately help increase your output. They are not unbreakable, but they were indispensable when I was young."

He said with a nod to Zol. "I have no doubt in my mind they will do they same for you."

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: Echoes of Uncertainty

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

Just as he was about to go to the Ark for Hojuku, Erigor tossed him a hefty bag. When he entered them, a pair of gauntlets oozing mystical energy were inside. Their emerald glare was almost ethereal. His eyes widened as he stared into it.
"I've been meaning to give these to you. They are powerful gauntlets, capable of reinforcing the usage of Mana and will ultimately help increase your output. They are not unbreakable, but they were indispensable when I was young."
He waited no time to place the weapons in his hands. The moment he did, the runes would ignite before they broke apart, their pieces hovering in the air; his eyes would mirror the green gleam before the suspending pieces reached his hands and arms. He could feel the humming of the weapons buzzing at his fingertips. He squeezed right acclimating his hands, they were a perfect fit.
He said with a nod to Zol. "I have no doubt in my mind they will do they same for you."
"Erigor...when I return, lets me and you talk. No holding back yeah?"

He said as he pounded his armored right hand proudly on his chest before turning and waving them off. His goal was clear to rid Hojuku of the evil plaguing it and save as many lives as possible.

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