Helidor’s Hideaway [End]

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Axel Gobetsu
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Helidor’s Hideaway [End]

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

On a normal day for Axel he gets up and gets dressed just to pick up his guitar and practice for the entire day, going out only a couple times a week to get groceries. On special days he was a part of a small jam session in his apartment building, but that was barely once a month. Today he decided he could no longer afford to play it safe and put on his best attire for first impressions, having sold enough of his stockpile to garner a solid wardrobe, and did a final check on his closet greenhouse, securing it before heading out.

Walking through the city was refreshing for the activity that was ambiguous to his presence. Stopping at a local cafe he treated himself before braving on this new endeavor. A coffee and a small tart, appreciating the little things while he still considered this a sabbatical. Once he was finished he paid his bill and left a nice tip, the waiter was cute after all and she also did her job well. Not many with that combination still running around, he thought about the one he left on that island as he trekked up to the gates of the guild.

Thankfully he didn’t hear anything about the robbery of the Sontmano, or see his name mentioned for any rewards in any newspaper. During the last few months he found time to read as many as he could get his hands and also happened to glean him some knowledge on how to make more even more funds. This guild in town had seen its fair share of action, and they actually didn’t name any of them. Now Axel didn’t disclose his real name to them but they did teach him how to grow weed using his water naten energy, funneling it into the hydroponics systems that were hooked into their sensors and dials.

Finally getting up to the gate he put the thoughts of Kyra out of his head and knocked on the gate, moving on with his life and hoping to stay busy enough to never remember it again. Knocking on it he expected a response from someone with some manners as he straightened his tie and made sure he had everything he thought he needed.

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Fate I
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Fate I »

The door to guild's headquarters would creak open, revealing a towering figure on the other side of it. "Yeah, what do you want, huh?" Said the man as he stepped forth from the threshold of the guild, adjusting his armor and fastening his gauntlets around his wrists.

Cyrus was a large man- a polymorph, actually, capable of transforming the phenotypic traits of his body to mimic any substance that he's eaten. He was a seasoned hunter and a powerful warrior. One who the Guikd recognized as one of their best. However, this was despite his apparent anger issues. He looked down on Axel with a sneering glare.. Despite Erigor Pharlonious, the GuildMaster who happily welcomed new faces, Cyrus was far more combative.

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

He caught himself straightening his cuff links as the door creaked open, drawing his attention as he heard the gruff voice come from between the crack. He finished straightening up his sleeves and answered the question as he looked up squarely at the doorman.

“Sup, I’m looking for a place that I can really use my set of skills and make some money at the same time.”

He had already dusted off his black dress pants and leather shoes from the hike up the mountain in case he was wondering why they were peculiarly clean way up here. Not that they were particularly dirty, scaling the mountain, while not child’s play, was a small task of managing his naten output per jump.

“You can call me Axel, big dawg”

He held out his hand, upwards, brushing aside the condescending energy, they were coming from the doorman after all. During his year in Helidor he couldn’t say any one it’s denizens were particularly irrational people, they either kept to themselves and usually had some reason for whatever disposition they did have or were just nice people. It was a peaceful city after all, they had these big bad protectors to rely on, their escapades were public and although he had yet to hear about any PSA’s he was sure their leader had inner connections with the city.

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Fate I
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

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Cyrus loomed over Axel with a formidable presence, his muscular frame exuding power and authority. With a disdainful snort, he regarded Axel's clean attire, a stark contrast to the rugged terrain they inhabited.

"Axel, huh?" Cyrus's voice rumbled with skepticism, each word laden with the weight of his authority. His eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Axel's demeanor, searching for any sign of weakness or uncertainty. "Well, there are easier ways to make money. What makes you think you're cut out for what we do?"

As Axel stood before him, Cyrus's brow furrowed with a mixture of skepticism and judgment. Despite the young man's athletic build, Cyrus could sense an air of youthful overconfidence about him, a trait that often proved fatal for inexperienced recruits in the unforgiving world of hunters. With a firm resolve, Cyrus made it clear that he was not in the business of allowing children to join his ranks, especially not as hunters tasked with life-or-death missions. After securing the buckling along his wrists, Cyrus folded his arms as he awaited Axel's response. The boy didn't look like he was a native of Helidor.. but the Kingdom was known to attract all types of tourists and travelers.

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

His outstretched hand slid slyly through his dreads, nodding in response to his name being recited correctly but moving on swiftly from being left hanging.

“Well you haven’t seen my unique set of skills yet.”

He said grinning, actually feeling a little nervous thinking about making money the hard way. It was getting a little too easy with how things have been going, either Isaac or Rosey would meet him weekly to grab at least a pound sometimes more if they had more plays. Isaac owned a diner in the city, and Rosey worked out of laundromat and could make a read on a persons motive just by looking at them. She knew when to make a sale and when she couldn’t, this of course gained her the ultimate trust of the owner. They could both open and close their respective shops and blessed Axel with a virtual jackpot.

“Besides I already make money the easy way, it gets little boring ya’know.”

He eyed the giant obviously as his hand fell from his hair and put he them both in his pocket, taking the giants full figure into context. Axel wasn’t as good as reading people as Rosey was, he was just good at being himself and he couldn’t help but wonder how out of practice he was at the current moment.

“You right tho, I would hope you don’t let just anybody off the street walk in here trying to make a name for themselves.”

He had already stretched and even tho he had been lacking on his everyday exercises he was always confident in his skills. Today just happened to be the day he got sick of being bored, even now he shifted his weight back and forth to pick up his feet just to tap them on the ground. Electrified naten chirped around his soles, both remnants of his trek up here and a buildup of anxious energy.

“So wassup.”

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Fate I
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Fate I »

Cyrus sniffed disdainfully at Axel, his gaze sweeping over him from head to toe, taking in every detail. Despite Axel's electric aura, which only seemed to brighten his eyes with blue bravado, Cyrus remained unimpressed. Axel's attire hardly seemed fitting for the task at hand. His physicality aside, there was a lackadaisical air about him, a demeanor seldom seen among the comrades Cyrus fought alongside. Hunters. Soldiers. Men willing to lay down their lives for the cause. Axel didn't quite fit the mold—at least not yet. However...

"I can appreciate a man who'd prefer to prove his worth rather than discuss it." Cyrus remarked, offering a slight nod of approval. Axel's smooth lateral shuffles suggested he was more than prepared to defend his ambitions, and Cyrus was gearing up for his daily training regimen anyway. "..follow me."

With a decisive gesture, Cyrus led Axel away from the bustling main entrance of the Gilded Fangs Headquarters nestled along the rugged face of a towering mountain, and toward one of the numerous paths that wound their way down the cliffside. As they descended, the sounds of muffled conversations sifting from the main hall of guild gradually faded, replaced by the rustle of wind through pine trees and the distant roar of cascading waterfalls.

Eventually, they arrived at the training ground—a sprawling plateau nestled amidst the jagged peaks, with the sheer drop of the mountain's edge on one side. Here, the air was crisp and invigorating, filled with the scent of pine and the promise of adventure. The training area was marked by various makeshift obstacles and sparring rings, carved into the rugged terrain. Sunlight bathed the landscape in a golden glow, casting long shadows across the rocky ground.

It was a place where strength was forged amidst the elements, where members of the Gilded Fangs honed their skills not only through combat but also through mastery of the unforgiving mountain landscape. Here, amidst the breathtaking beauty of nature's wild embrace, they trained to become not just warriors, but legends. “What do you know about us? The Gilded Fangs?” Cyrus said as he casually walked to the side of the training ground, opposite of Axel.

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

Following the burly man as he exited the building he chuckled softly, cracking his knuckles in anticipation. The scenery went from extravagant to positively serene, especially for a pair of rugged combatants such as themselves.

“Of course bro, not many people like us left out here anymore.”

The only reason Axel cleaned up so nice today even was because he didn’t have a reason to wear his new clothes for so long. He just wanted look nice today, walking thru the terrain only provided him with the pleasant sights of the mountainside. He looked out over the edge to enjoy the view, letting the background noises of the guild fade away. Thinking thoroughly about the stops that he might have to pull to get his point across.

His thoughts were validated and invigorated by the change of air quality and battle scarred scenery, eyes darting every peak and obstacle that littered the skyline. It had been so long since his last real fight he began to actually get excited and finally rested his eyes back onto the big man’s back as he walked to the opposite side of the ring they were in.

“Not much actually, other than the fact that Erigor leads the guild out of this massive fortress. I didn’t even get your name.”

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Fate I
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Fate I »

“Not much actually, other than the fact that Erigor leads the guild out of this massive fortress. I didn’t even get your name.”
"I see... And you never bothered to learn anything beyond this?" Cyrus retorted, his arms folding tightly across his chest, forming a barrier between himself and Axel. His stance, a deliberate ten feet away, conveyed both suspicion and wariness. "You must be a traveler, then. A visitor of Helidor." he added, his gaze sharpening as it swept over Axel once more, meticulously dissecting his attire and features for any clues. Every seam, every fold in Axel's debonair suit was scrutinized, yet nothing hinted at familiarity with the realm's tailors.

"Tell me... is it arrogance or ignorance that has led you to the gates of a community that you do not know?" The question hung in the air, pregnant with the weight of Cyrus's curiosity and caution.

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

“Yea, been here like a year haven’t had a good scrap yet.”

He said as he cracked his neck before hopping up and down flexing his toes and charging electrical naten from the bottom up. During that year he had restrung his guitar with actual strings, causing his jam sessions to turn into naten control exercises. The guitar still required naten to play but too much and the arc strings would activate, snap the strings and would at least scar even hands as tough as his if he left them in the way, too little and his tunes wouldn’t even make it to the speaker properly and cause inappropriate feedback.

“Definitely ignorance, but is it arrogant to think I could come and find out myself?”

Blasting off with insane acceleration and a cloud of charged air he bolted towards the giant warrior making the quickest formation of hand signs before dropping forming a laser disc that slid into the ground at the same speed.

Disappearing behind it by jumping clean into the air he made a new set of hand signs that constructed a clone of himself in the same spot he started in. This clone would again start hopping in place testing its buoyancy as more electricity seemed to charge in the legs. Axel floated at the peak of his jump focusing all of the charge built up with his speed to his shoulders and arms as they waited for a reaction to the first attack.

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Fate I
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Fate I »

"Yea, been here like a year haven’t had a good scrap yet.”

Axel said as he cracked his neck before hopping up and down flexing his toes and charging electrical naten from the bottom up. During that year he had restrung his guitar with actual strings, causing his jam sessions to turn into naten control exercises.
Cyrus observed Axel's display with a mixture of intrigue and caution, his brow furrowing slightly as he processed the implications of the newcomer's abilities. As Axel cracked his neck and charged electrical naten, Cyrus studied the raw power emanating from him. The transformation of his guitar into a conduit for naten control spoke volumes about Axel's dedication and resourcefulness during his year in Helidor. Not that Cyrus would be privy to any relative strides of progress.
“Definitely ignorance, but is it arrogant to think I could come and find out myself?”
As Axel's words hung in the air, Cyrus couldn't suppress a faint smirk at the audacity intertwined with ignorance. "..it may be an affliction of both." Cyrus acknowledged, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. He couldn't help but feel slighted by Axel's apathetic approach toward an opportunity that would have meant the world for hundreds of other men, but still he acknowledged the young warrior's confidence. There was no law or clause that stipulated that only residents of Helidor or those knowledgeable of the Guild’s legacy were allowed the chance to join. Whether or not Axel understood the gravity of it all, Cyrus figured he was as entitled as any to state his case to bolster their ranks.

With a surge of energy, Axel propelled himself towards Cyrus, leaving behind a trail of charged air in his wake. Cyrus unfolded his arms, bracing himself for the impending clash, his MoonScar armor serving as a stalwart shield against whatever onslaught Axel intended to unleash. From crackling lightning to scorching flames, Cyrus stood resolute, his gaze locked unwaveringly on his adversary. With his arms crossed into “X” guard in front of his face, Cyris endured the searing disc of plasma, his unwavering gaze fixated on his opponent. As the smoke billowed from his armor, revealing two mirroring images of Axel, Cyrus remained steadfast, adjusting his stance in anticipation of the young warrior's next move. He made no effort to go on the offensive, but instead divided his focus between the two Axel's collective approach.

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