Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

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Fate I
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Fate I »

It was night time, a rare occurrence for Vescrutia, given its abundance in solar and lunar activity. With the light of the great white star Xelphis always looming from the east and the rare, pink sheen of Solara blazing over the west- moonlit nights hours were rare to say the least.

A rumble shook the sturdy stone interior that housed the Astral Cities task force, rattling the sum of the desert city-though many of the citizens of Acrix Solara carried on, either ignorant of the tectonic shift, or mistaking the tremble for the cheer of the large crowd celebrating gleefully in the streets. It was always a festival in this part of the desert, as the Hellgates home had become a type of melting pot for the many cultures of the country, Astral Chaos.

The shaking that swept passed the desert was never followed by another, only further cementing the idea that it was a mere coincidence. However, to those not too enamoured by their cardinality and wine, they'd soon notice an eerie red dawn creeping over the horizon. Sunrise wasn't for another half a night, but even more ominous was the black dot growing in size at the center of rising star,Xelphis. Rising from the ashes of its sunset, several hours too early, was the great star, Xelphis. Eerily casting a foreboding crimson shine across the white sands of the Acrix desert.

Still engorged by their festivities and too excited too speculate any sense of danger, the music and cheering continued- seemingly swelling with excitement as the crimson dawn crept over the horizon.

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Inariel Myotis »

Allen would be found lost within the myriad of isles , lanes and pathways that made up this place. It was frustrating enough because Bora memories didn't speak to much of this kind of structure. His eyes careful went over the different plates that littered the expanse hoping to find something like a clue.

"What manner of shit is this..."

He whispered to himself obviously irate by this. Wasn't he Hellgate girl supposed to help him navigate this place? He had half a mind to go down there and shake her out of that little funk of hers so she can make her self some damn form of useful. He would pause. Take a breathe and fold his arms. He needed to think. What do humans do when they know not what next to do?


He chuckled to himself slightly. To think that he would need to mirror their ways to collect himself. The more he stayed around these flickers the more like them he was becoming. A very bittersweet feeling.

"I suppose I should seek some form of aid, what was the term for humes who live amongst tomes?"

He fumbled around in his brain trying to think of the term. Book keeper? No. Tome header? Nah. What in the name of The Wood do you call..

"Ha! I librarian"."

He exclaimed which drew the darting serpentine glare of everyone around him. He would scratch the side of his right brow a bit nervously before folding his arms and clearing his through into his right hand. He would look around, what being here fit such a build? The Urizen? He believed that is what the King of Astral deemed them to be. A vague expression in his eyes. He knew not of the builds of the different humes. All their souls flickered in the lanterns of mortality the same. He continued to search until he found one such being that might reflect Zeiks expression of the Urizen. A male hume no less. Allen approached and just as he was about to speak
A rumble shook the sturdy stone interior that housed the Astral Cities task force, rattling the sum of the desert city-though many of the citizens of Acrix Solara carried on, either ignorant of the tectonic shift, or mistaking the tremble for the cheer of the large crowd celebrating gleefully in the streets. It was always a festival in this part of the desert, as the Hellgates home had become a type of melting pot for the many cultures of the country, Astral Chaos.

Though the rumbling was not terrible deep it still held some guttural feel. What was that just now? He thought. Maybe the festival outside was getting a bit rowdy. Despite it going on however it disturbed no one here. Either they were used to this as it was the nature and culture of this place, or their was some sort of ward that prevented the noise from outside filtering itself into here. Regardless it only happened once so Allen would continue to approach the man.

"You, hume, tell me what you know of where one is to find scrolls of Lunar phenomena here? Are you not of the Urizen?"

Allen stood tall over most being here at 6,7. It was natural for him to look down on folks albeit he tried not to seem to imposing or unwelcoming he was not beholden to the intricacies of civilized societies. He would speak his point to reach his goal as quickly as possible. As he awaited his response a gleam shot into his eyes. It was piercing causing him to hold his hand up to block its glare. Something over the horizon was beginning to peak. As he lowered his arms his face a slowly flushed with a sanguine hue that sent a literal chill up his spine. His face was noticeably worried and etched with fear. His eyes would wided.


He had to get out of here. How was this possible? Another crimson night? SO soon? Was this some sort of regular occurrence By what Nagase had told him no but here he was once again bathing in crimson light. Chest deep in a city like this? People surrounded him,

He turned from the man frantically searching for some sort of refuge. A dark corner or room hidden from this light. If he lost control again he feared what he would do, who he would kill, or with the Kings gauds all about and his traveling companions, it could be his own life that would abruptly end. Companions huh?

"I must find her!"

Nagase, she must know something, he had to seek her council and fast. Dammit he had not time for this. Truth was somewhere here in this place.

No she needs to find me

Nagase! The light...Is this another moon

She had read his thoughts before, she could do it again. He didn't want to cause a panic or draw anymore attention to himself considering he's not supposed to be here to begin with. But if he starts slaughtering the people here, trespassing will be the least of their problems.

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Abari Yatsutoru
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Abari Yatsutoru »

Nagase wrote:
Sun Sep 27, 2020 1:54 pm

"You are a relic. Most of the shinobi from 'the old world,' as my father would put it, just...vanished. even their leaders seemed to burst into thin air. The only villages still remaining from the VSA is Astral City...formerly known as the Village hidden in the chaos and The nightmare...still known as the village hidden in the nightmare?"

She said with a upwards inflection towards the end.
"What exactly do you mean by old world? The last thing I remember was spe--"
Game Master wrote:
Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:15 pm

A rumble shook the sturdy stone interior that housed the Astral Cities task force, rattling the sum of the desert city-though many of the citizens of Acrix Solara carried on, either ignorant of the tectonic shift, or mistaking the tremble for the cheer of the large crowd celebrating gleefully in the streets. It was always a festival in this part of the desert, as the Hellgates home had become a type of melting pot for the many cultures of the country, Astral Chaos.

The shaking that swept passed the desert was never followed by another, only further cementing the idea that it was a mere coincidence. However, to those not too enamoured by their cardinality and wine, they'd soon notice an eerie red dawn creeping over the horizon. Sunrise wasn't for another half a night, but even more ominous was the black dot growing in size at the center of rising star,Xelphis. Rising from the ashes of its sunset, several hours too early, was the great star, Xelphis. Eerily casting a foreboding crimson shine across the white sands of the Acrix desert.
(-Being well inversed with the earth beneath him he could feel the tectonic shift from his feet and could tell it was both a strong shift and -)that it came far away from there current position but could still be felt with this much presence. He turned around from Nagase at the window behind trying to pinpoint the exact location until he noticed the crimson horizon and something that looked like a small speck that seemed to be growing in size as time went by.-)

"Please tell me that this is just a regular occurrence within Vescrutia and I'm not being too paranoid?"

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Nagase »

The voices came from all around her, from her new friend Allem to her fathers old ally Abari. She could feel the tug of Allens hysteria. He contained himself well, considering the last time he saw a light so ominous not even an seasoned Orc warrior could hold him.

She froze for a moment, almost tempted to respond to his mental advances but quickly remebered the consequences of said action. Abari eyes reached out to her, trying to bring her attention back to reality.

"...fuck, he was right."

She muttered under her breath, before shaking her head free of confusion. She snapped her finger, sending a distinct crack throughout the library. Intention alone wasnt magic and everyone who heard the snap would know she was reaching out to them.

"I dont know how much you guys paid attention to my father when he gave us our briefing, but he...anticipated a horseman attack, one...i vehemently detested. The reason being...i couldnt forsee the attack. He tried to explain that the horseman had a method of veiling their actions even from gifted psychics...which i arrogantly disagreed with.

Yet...the light from the sun as ominous as it may appear isnt the same crimson madness as you remember, Allen. But...dont let that be a reassuring statement. "

She said looking over her shoulder in the directions she had last seen allen.

"Even now...i cant predict what will happen , but based off that tremor, id wager something is coming to this desert. Honestly, thats not even a wager. Father sent us here in anticipation of a calamity. So, imma trust his intuition that whatever is headed capable of leveling solara if left uncontested."

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Alaude Nightwing
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Alaude Nightwing »

Nagase wrote:
Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:15 am
The voices came from all around her, from her new friend Allem to her fathers old ally Abari. She could feel the tug of Allens hysteria. He contained himself well, considering the last time he saw a light so ominous not even an seasoned Orc warrior could hold him.

She froze for a moment, almost tempted to respond to his mental advances but quickly remebered the consequences of said action. Abari eyes reached out to her, trying to bring her attention back to reality.

"...fuck, he was right."

She muttered under her breath, before shaking her head free of confusion. She snapped her finger, sending a distinct crack throughout the library. Intention alone wasnt magic and everyone who heard the snap would know she was reaching out to them.
Just moments after the young Hellgate had snapped her fingers Alaude would suddenly appear right next to Allen as he was struggling to maintain his composure against the strange light now slowly filling the area. While not knowing in full detail what was actually going on with Allen at this moment, due to being a demon Alaude was fully aware the effect of different planetary bodies could have on the body and mind of a person. To be honest even Alaude could feel the demonic cells within his body reacting to the light but this was nothing to be concerned about it was simply a reaction nothing more nothing less, besides there was a more pressing matter in front of him right now.

"Now now my friend..."

Alaude would say this in a rather casual tone as he would tap Allen on his shoulders with a hand cloaked in a light amount of dark energy that should be small and passive enough not to alert the security forces of the library. This energy would quickly move from Alaude's hand and quickly completely cloak Allen in a aura of darkness that after completely covering Allen's body would quickly being to fade until it was invisible to the naked eye. However, while no longer being visible the darkness was still there and would begin to act as a shield for Allen doing what darkness does best and completely blocking out light from interacting this his body. This worked as a one was mirror tho so while all light was being blocked from interacting with Allen's body at this moment her could still see and interact with things normally. After confirming that the aura was applied properly Alaude would the simply pat Allen on his back the a casual comforting way.

"Nows not the time or place to be going on a rampage, save that for whats to come."

Alaude would then appear behind the seating Nagase hands causally tucked in his jacket pockets and a unlit cigarette in his mouth indicating his readiness to quickly head out. Alaude finally understood why it was that Nagase seemed so bothered ever since they got here which was completely understandable. While not being one himself Alaude could only imagine how irksome it could be for a psychic not being able to use their natural talents due to them being either blocked or suppressed by the enemy no less. This also made Alaude wonder what they where about to deal with as anything that could blocking the psychic powers of someone on Nagase's level was not something to scoff at. However, at the same time Alaude could not contain a little excitement about the situation at hand, how long had it been since he was offered a chance to really stretch his muscles.

"Well if thats the case nothing left to do but head out and face whats coming head on before it gets the chance to do anything at all. Just give the word Nagase."

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Tempest »

So...the tension was a vision of the present after all.

Tempest reflected after Nagase's announcement of their current situation. It seemed she was right to stay alert and not take Nagase's unease as merely something personal. Hearing that a beast capable of leveling Solara was headed their way might have been a lot more jarring if there hadn't been multiple signs of eminent conflict, including Zeiks warning and Nagase's sudden turmoil. Honestly though, after the way Zeik spoke of the horseman, she couldn't help but hope that Nagase's feelings were something other than that possibility. Now, the air was undoubtedly critical under the winds of life and death~

"Shouldn't we warn the rest of the people here before we take action?" She asked Nagase.

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Inariel Myotis »

As the crimson dawn began to set it hue upon him his panic continued to rise. It was not until Nagase snap of intent occurred that he paused his frantic scrambling. So this was customary? This sanguine glare of the sun was natural. This world was filled with many intersection conundrums that just furthered his constant state of irritation. Why. Just why couldn't he have awoken somewhere less strange?

"This world is so...meddlesome"

He said to himself more so than anyone else as he slowly began to collect himself. He would be standing at the hill of the stair case he was about to travel down during his panic when she began to voice her thoughts.
"I don't know how much you guys paid attention to my father when he gave us our briefing, but he...anticipated a horseman attack, one...i vehemently detested. The reason being...i couldn't foresee the attack. He tried to explain that the horseman had a method of veiling their actions even from gifted psychics...which i arrogantly disagreed with.
The Ravangers...

He needed to find what he had come here for and fast. Even if it meant taking it with him from this place. These creatures these Ravengrs. The will find it to be a very large mistake to stand in the way of Allen and a desire. He cared little for this town, even less for his current companions. All served as a means to and end. With that being the case, he would make sure theirs was not met here by the hands of this beings. Alaude would appear, he would touch Allen and attempt to console him with dark energy. A gesture that Allen own essence swiftly refused. He would allow the flow of any other sway to touch his. He did not trust any of them, let alone this person who oozed darkness. no matter how tamed it appeared to be.

"It is unneeded."

He said turning from Alaude. The gesture itself was noted, his intent was genuine it seemed.


The walking tree of a man stated before going to search for the librarian once more. He need to know of the crimson moon that caused all of this. Allen would approach the desk, he looked down to the women sitting there shuffling through several stack of old tomes and scrolls. Glasses perched upon her face she would be tending to her own devices.

"You, female hume, A tome that speaks of the crimson moon. Do you know of it?. The advent of the Crimson moon to be exact. Point me to it, if this pleases you"

He had not forgotten what Nagase spoke of. He had began regulating his naten within him to react when need be. But for now, until this enemy ended its cowardice he needed to focus on the task at hand.

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Fate I
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Fate I »

The woman at the front desk, more a floating boulder fashioned into a small desk, just happened to be drifting by the unusual guest when Allen yelled out too her. She didn't bother to lift her head from her book, not after being addressed in such a manner. She would normally have given them a lengthy lecture in ethics and social responsibility;but, she could tell by his accent he wasn't from around here.

The vibrant roar of the hellgate's drums always brought new travelers to Acrix solara and with today being the first night of the Fire festival, she didn't expect much in terms of manners from the crowd.

"Crimson moon? There are exactly 725,000 references for crimson moon, but only 2000 references for blood moon. 36 of those references are tomes, and only one of the 725,000 mentioned literatures are the original copy. The harvest of the blood moon. The book was never signed by an author, so no one knows who wrote it. You'll find what you're looking for right over there to your left, in Astrophenomenon which is next to Astrolgy and and Spacecults."

She said in a stream of sentences that never allowed Allen a chance to speak.

"Thank you for visiting the boundary."

She said with a monotonous and unenthusiastic tone as she emptied her eyes into her book.

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Inariel Myotis »

725 what? His brain was racked trying to even contemplate how many different references she just spoke of. He had no time to frolic through that much mess in order to find what he had come for. He did not react whoever, he allowed his gaze to stay fixated on her until she finished. Then she mentioned it.

"The Harvest of The Blood Moon"

It sounded so dense so ominous. A book that was never signed, an author that no one knows of. A mystery to be sure. He would know of it, for him to step into his full being. He must. He nodded a semblance of thanks to the woman. He turned from her and as he did he could feel the naten of this town thickening. What Nagase spoke of was true, something was coming. Something big. Unless it would impact his pursuit, however, the happenings of this world concerned him very little. He took her words and used them to guide his steps. To the left, he went filtering through the different tomes and such.


He was in the wrong aisle. He went over one where he found the destination. He again began to weave through the other literature until he glimpsed upon one with a strange red book. This one set apart from many of the books and scrolls he glanced upon. There was a deep crimson seal upon the bridge that seemed to glow when his hand passed it. It didn't but that was the allure it held on him. He grabbed it now was not the time for hesitation. Upon inspection he was irritably drawn to it the more he eyed it. It felt of leather, despite how old this book might've been its condition was almost new. It was bound in several layers of thread. He pondered what kind of beast could produce a hide this brilliant. Upon the face of the tome laid three moons. Two of them at the head and foot of the book likened to crescents. The middle a fully blossomed moon with a sparking icy blu gem logged in its center. He would take it and find a space in the back of the boundary to observe it more. After finding that spot he sat down with the tome in front of him.

"The Harvest of the blood moon"

He whispered. It was time. He would try to undo the thread over the book but it would not abide his will. Instead, it resited him and clung tighter to the book. What was this? Some manner of magic? H looked all over the book but his eyes could not determine a pathway. At least, not his mortal one. His eyes shifted, the once dark red hue reverted to its original color, a dazzling lime green that now allowed him to see the naten and spirit of every being around him. His gaze back toward the book it was then he saw something that stirred him even further. An inscription upon the thread. It's langue it was not like any he has seen. Written in what he could only determine as some old forgotten speech. He knew very little in terms of vescrutian dialect as far as writing goes. There was more to this...there had to be more.


Do you not know your tongue? Creature

A voice slithered into his consciousness. This one, unlike the one that ushered forth his transformation. It was soft, yet firm. A voice he had heard once before. The Wood. Here? He closed his eyes and allowed his conscious to search for them.

You...hwo are you here now?

Boy do you not remember, I am a sliver of all things, as are all things a sliver of I. Though an amalgamation you may be, my essence course through thee.

What did you mean then? In what way is this my tongue.

I have affirmed you in this, Life echoes twice within you. Reach into your blood. The blood is always the pathway...

The image of the wood as well as its naten dissipated into nothing. His eyes would open once more. Still somewhat perplexed he knew the answer lied within his blood. He would take his thumb and prick his index finger until a bead of life formed. He held it over the thread and waited for it to drop upon it. Once it did so the thread devoured its essence and gained its color. It ould then loosen as if the bonding was undone.

"Now...what will you tell me?"

He said as he began to open the book...
Last edited by Fate I on Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Corrected the Typo- 'Astrophenomenon' which was my mistake from a previous post.

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Abari Yatsutoru
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Abari Yatsutoru »

Nagase wrote:
Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:15 am

"...fuck, he was right."

She muttered under her breath, before shaking her head free of confusion. She snapped her finger, sending a distinct crack throughout the library. Intention alone wasnt magic and everyone who heard the snap would know she was reaching out to them.

"I dont know how much you guys paid attention to my father when he gave us our briefing, but he...anticipated a horseman attack, one...i vehemently detested. The reason being...i couldnt forsee the attack. He tried to explain that the horseman had a method of veiling their actions even from gifted psychics...which i arrogantly disagreed with.

Yet...the light from the sun as ominous as it may appear isnt the same crimson madness as you remember, Allen. But...dont let that be a reassuring statement. "

She said looking over her shoulder in the directions she had last seen allen.

"Even now...i cant predict what will happen , but based off that tremor, id wager something is coming to this desert. Honestly, thats not even a wager. Father sent us here in anticipation of a calamity. So, imma trust his intuition that whatever is headed capable of leveling solara if left uncontested."

(-Abari would simply listen for a brief second as he was analyzing the information being presented to him at this current point of time. So it seems upending doom was coming towards the group and somehow Zeik was able to foresee something that his own daughter couldn't fully grasp herself. His eyes shifted to the right as Alaude would be seen in his causal pose with his cigarette in mouth ready for anything. Abari would take this opportunity to rise from his chair as various cracks could be heard as he started to do some light stretching. The words 'horseman' echoed through his head as he wasn't exactly sure who they were or how strong they can be. But judging on the manpower Zeik sent here to try and stop it means that they must be incredibly strong.-)

"So, I take this as business as usual then huh?"

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