Helidor’s Hideaway [End]

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

The clone began zigzagging towards the opponent on impact, cloud or no cloud Axel wasn’t done implementing his definition of a warmup. Savoring the rush of both adrenaline and air he waited for the perfect moment to launch off some of the charge he built in his arms. That would be when the clone stepped in to throw his first punch, the lightning strike that ensued instead would allow a seamless feignt into a roundhouse that actually used the lightning charged feet of the clone and expending all of its energy.

Axel landed in the giants path of momentum no matter how minuscule he would make it his mission to get behind him to channel the same literal bolt of lightning of straight into one of his sides or back with a hook from his right fist. Axel had nothing to lose in this fight he only had something to gain, if he lost or didn’t impress he’d be on his way to the next opportunity that presented itself. What he did know was that he was better than the next and definitely the rest if Axel had anything to say about it.

The people that raised him put him next to the best in their community and even though he didn’t learn he wasn’t one of them until later on he always felt welcomed by them. He did find out however that most of that love came from their use of his naten to bring rain with their rituals. Still he used their lessons to free himself and take advantage of what the rest of the planet had to offer. Positive he had the knowledge to raise and protect a village all on his own made it impossible to travel this world without finding abundance.

Finding all of that about people left Axel with the inability to trust however, personal gain, that’s what this warrior trusted instead. He trusted in the fact that everyone wanted something, and finding out what that is made him happy. The points he made with his fists were well and good but even now he wasn’t fighting to prove a point, this was just the fun part.

After hopefully landing a solid blow on his opponent he took a hop back to see how well the combo did or how much more he needed to crank up the voltage. The giant looked solid enough to handle a straightforward approach with ease and Axel could have delivered but he also wanted to test some things out for himself.

“I’ve been called both”

He said smugly.

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Fate I
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Fate I »

That would be when Axel's clone stepped in to throw his first punch, the lightning strike that ensued instead would allow a seamless feignt into a roundhouse that actually used the lightning charged feet of the clone and expending all of its energy.
Cyrus, again, brought up both of his hands to defend against the first Axel's swift strike. Cyrus was far too seasoned a fighter to fall for a simple feint, but Axel clone's electric agility nearly proved too much for his reaction time. He only barely managed to guard the against the explosion round house, sliding along the back of his heels from the momentum of the strike. And then..
..Axel landed in the giants path of momentum. No matter how minuscule, he would make it his mission to get behind him to channel the same literal bolt of lightning of straight into one of his sides or back with a hook from his right fist.
Cyrus spun around on his heels, shifting his weight and weaponizing his inertia into a tangible force. It was then that prime Axel was upon him with a closed fist roaring with screaming bolts of nate. With a smile, Cyrus would return Axel's gesture and share with him a taste of his fury. He coated his own arm in an exoskeleton of energy and collided with Axel's fist head on, generating a wave of force from the impact that shook the air and rattled the earth..
Axel took a hop back.. too see how much more he needed to crank up the voltage..

“I’ve been called both”

He said smugly.
“You're aware, neither of them are commendable qualities?" He taunted, a smirk playing on his lips as Axel took a step back, recalibrating his strategy amidst the dance of combat. This wasn't merely a clash of blades for them; it was a symphony of assessments, a delicate exchange of data. Cyrus, like Axel, understood the significance of first impressions, the intangible currency of intrinsic value. He was measuring Axel, probing beyond the young man's charismatic surface to uncover the depths of his character. In the few moments they've clashed, Cyrus already saw flashes of promises. He was talented, sure. But was he merely a prodigy, or something more?

"Tell me, Axel.." Cyrus continued, his voice a low rumble of challenge, "How do you caution a child about the perils of fire when they've yet to feel its searing touch?"

Cyrus lifted his hand, unclasping the intricate gauntlet encasing his wrist and letting it fall to the ground with a resounding clang. As he did, an ethereal transformation unfolded before Axel's eyes. The once solid contours of Cyrus's fingers, palm, and wrist began to dance and ripple like wisps of smoke caught in a breeze, their forms shifting and wavering with an otherworldly grace. It was as if Cyrus's very essence had become fluid, flowing like a flickering flame or a vanishing mirage, a testament to the enigmatic power of a polymorph coursing through his veins.

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

Clashing loudly fist to fist brought a grin to his surprised face as lightning crackled from their fists grounding itself across the field. The light exploding thru his hair violently as he recoiled a sliding step back. Exhaling into the echo of the thunderous collision accompanied by the flexing of said hand he responded

“I’m AWARE that everyone’s entitled to their opinion.”

Big guy was lighter on his feet than he looked, turning around and reacting to that attack so fast also revealed a more fluid mind than he let on. The feeling that this guy knew the best jokes crept into his stomach, and in Axels experience those guys usually have the saddest stories. This battle hardened response in front of him inspired him to believe this guild saw real action.

The question, however, threw him for a loop. He was found floating in the ocean as a child, he was put through a triathlon of training for years to meet someone’s standard only to be told he had to find his own way out on the face of Vescrutia. If he hadn’t valued his own worth during those rituals he probably wouldn’t be here today.

“Bruh, fuck dem kids… Respectfully. Life is HARD, the lessons are HARD and the sooner they learn that the better off they are”

He kept watching the giant as he removed the metaphorical gloves to reveal a more metaphysical hand. Wispy like a thick french inhale it moved around where his hand was supposed to be. His blood pressure heightening only from the question that brought up the very fire that he had gone through but the ethereal appearance of the giants transformation brought him back to reality.

“See, even you know the gloves gotta come off sooner or later.”

He peeled his shoes off one after the other and tossed them to the side, they were they only thing that he might actually have some trouble replacing. A simple pair of wyvern loafers but were durable as well as comfortable as hell with some kind of super rare animal fur inside.

This time Axel’s hopping took a wider space, side to side, mismatching his rhythm, and keeping his hands balled up beneath a steady gaze. There was no naten buildup anywhere in sight, except for his hands, but instead of crackling they shined a dim blue light from within his palms.

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Fate I
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Fate I »

“Bruh, fuck dem kids… Respectfully. Life is HARD, the lessons are HARD and the sooner they learn that the better off they are.”

Axel kept watching the giant as he removed the metaphorical gloves to reveal a more metaphysical hand..“See, even you know the gloves gotta come off sooner or later.”

He peeled his shoes off one after the other and tossed them to the side.. This time Axel’s hopping took a wider space, side to side, mismatching his rhythm, and keeping his hands balled up beneath a steady gaze.
“Hmph.. I suppose experience is the best teacher. To that much, we can agree.” He agreed with a chuckle, before he struck a less defensive stance. One that conveyed Cyrus was preparing to make his first offensive move.

"Yet in our line of work, hubris and naivety are grave liabilities. And the hard lessons can cost you your life, as well as the lives of those who trust you." he cautioned, his voice carrying the weight of hard-earned wisdom. “..burning the child, in this case, is the only humane thing to do.” Cyrus began to tread the outer circle of the training grounds, watching Axel's moves intently. He noticed that the other Axel clone was gone after using all of its energy in its last attack. Still, he wouldnt allow himself to get too aggressive that he'd drop his guard. At this juncture, Cyrus’ left hand had totally faded away-- becoming completely incorporeal. Yet and still, he allowed his left arm to lead his movements, no different than a knight's approach behind his sword.

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

Axels lateral leaps became faster, wider, and more erratic implementing his body flicker technique into three afterimages each about a bodies length apart and keeping the opponent at a steady distance.

“I thought we were men of action.”

The three images taunted,as his forearms rose up to protect himself from the impending attack. Axel took instruction pretty well, but he was built to a leader of a ninja village and they never worried much about whether or not a mission was safe. Cyrus was talking to someone who had never been coddled, never been given anything for free, unless he took it. Axel had to take the life of people that trained him to gain his freedom, and he would do it again to get where he was. If you stared into his eyes long enough you could always tell he was cold enough, separated just enough to do whatever he needed to, to get by, by himself.

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Fate I
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Fate I »

“I thought we were men of action.”

The three images taunted,as his forearms rose up to protect himself from the impending attack. Axel took instruction pretty well, but he was built to a leader of a ninja village and they never worried much about whether or not a mission was safe. Cyrus was talking to someone who had never been coddled, never been given anything for free, unless he took it.
"Hmph, very well.. Prepare yourself, for I will not hold back." Cyrus answered solemnly, his words heavy with determination as he planted his back foot firmly into the soil, readying himself for the impending clash. "Here I come."

With a sudden burst of raw power, the towering figure of the 6'7 warrior launched himself forward in a single, explosive leap, hurtling his massive frame through the air like a blazing comet. The ground beneath him trembled and shattered, pulverized into a swirling cloud of sediment in his wake. But for Axel, the destruction of the earth beneath Cyrus's feet was inconsequential; what mattered now was the imminent threat bearing down upon him.

In mere nanoseconds, Cyrus closed the distance between them with lightning speed. His right hand, poised like a coiled serpent, surged forward from his hip with the ferocity of a raging tempest towards Axel's quick moving body. Despite the apparent wildness of Cyrus's form, there was an undeniable precision to his movements, each strike honed to perfection by years of relentless training and battle-hardened experience. As his fist tore through the air, a trail of raw power followed in its wake, cutting through ground and air with a searing intensity.

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

Traveling that fast was actually not that hard for Axel, the naten he was using in his feet wasn’t the main source of his speed this time. It didn’t help as much as his electrical naten but Cyrus was about to find out why. The fast moving body of Axel would get even faster, hopefully disappearing from any tracking eyes, only to run smack into the wild haymaker.

His hands were up, his eyes never left their target, and he intended to step inside before the giant let off any kind of loose cannons. Coming from his hands was storm naten that sharpened itself with its own movements, creating an energy that could become as sharp as any blade if allowed. This is what greeted the flying haymaker, the surge of naten clashing brilliantly against the punch. Axel didn’t doubt his ability to maneuver around the big man’s attack, his long arms and powerful momentum made him a swinging locomotive, but he also didn’t want to pass on this test of his strength.

Turning his lateral speed into forward momentum he flung himself at the attack, but while he did aim at the swinging fist every iota of focus was put into repelling the polarized energy of his first attack. Throwing this punch with his entire being would leave his feet struggling for footing against his 7 foot plus opponent as Axel powered the attempt to keep their mutually volatile fists from colliding again. The magnetic force would happen to be the strongest at the point of entry his naten took the first time, the same fist he countered with the first time.

This time his devilish grin could not be contained, if he succeeded in conducting his polarization correctly or course. This was how he had made sure people things ended up in his hands, the reason he could accelerate so exponentially, and how he had first avoided the storm bringing ritual in his village. Manipulating the naten within himself Axel could repel or attract electrical currents and he was now fighting to keep those currents balanced in front of his fist.

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Fate I
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Fate I »

Throwing this punch with his entire being would leave his feet struggling for footing against his 7 foot plus opponent as Axel powered the attempt to keep their mutually volatile fists from colliding again. The magnetic force would happen to be the strongest at the point of entry his naten took the first time, the same fist he countered with the first time.[

This time his devilish grin could not be contained, if he succeeded in conducting his polarization correctly or course..
The clash between Cyrus and Axel sent shockwaves rippling through the very earth beneath their feet, causing slabs of terrain to uproot and tremble. The sheer force of their confrontation echoed through the surrounding mountains like a deafening thunderclap, a testament to the intensity of their battle. The magnitude of which alerted members of the guild inside their headquarters and assembled a few to attend in witness.

Cyrus found himself pleasantly surprised by Axel's unexpected display of physical prowess, realizing he had underestimated his opponent. Despite Axel's elegant appearance in his tuxedo, he proved to be more than just a refined gentleman—he was a true warrior. It was clear that Axel's decision to confront Cyrus head-on was driven by a mix of confidence and hubris, as he was fully aware of his own strengths and weaknesses. Using his agility to maintain control of the battle's rhythm, Axel sought to test his limits and push beyond his comfort zone, a challenge Cyrus willingly accepted.

As Axel closed in on Cyrus, he suddenly found himself subjected to a relentless barrage of slashes coming from all directions. This was Cyrus' cunning strategy at play—his polymorphic ability allowed him to morph his right appendage into an invisible weapon of air. The range of this invisible barrage was limited to short proximity, but its devastating lacerating gusts of wind grew more powerful the closer Axel approached. It was a trap meticulously laid by Cyrus, one that Axel's pride had led him directly into. With minimal warning beyond the fleeting glimpse of his hand transforming into a guard of air, Cyrus seized the opportunity to strike with deadly precision. It happened in a flash, carving through the ground around him and seeking to test Axel's tact, durability and improvisational skills against a foe he couldn't see.

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Axel Gobetsu
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Axel Gobetsu »

Ground crumbled and slabs of rocks turned to debris as their energy collided. Regardless of the extent of resistance, nothing short of a steel wall would have stopped this devastating impact. Axel was moving too fast and with single minded determination to prove that he could handle himself. A very prideful act, he had staked his name on these very blows, and he planned to use all of his might to back it up.

The blades would begin to envelop him, slicing the right side of his face and chest, and ripping through his shirt and pants. His precious cufflink had already gotten caught in the last attack, this one took the entire sleeve and some. With his fist beginning to get eviscerated the signal his brain took from the pain was to make another move.

The one thing Axel had never gotten good at with all of his training was conducting lightning naten through his entire body at the same time. That was the very reason for the methodical training in his boxing routine, since he had become aware of this handicap he made sure to compensate appropriately. In fact there wasn’t anyone else in his village that could funnel as much lightning from their arms as he could, which was the reason for his huge ego.

Thus true to his nature there wasn’t anything stopping him from attacking the wind itself in his mind. The currents of naten that ran through both fists would begin to creep up and down his entire arms, his focus becoming evident as the left one that was still cocked flared to protect his vital organs. The currents that repelled this catastrophic impact sparked down his arms, bolstering the accumulation of charge repelling the giants energy, as he literally pulled his punch. It looked as if his arms had coils of light that got brighter as the charge built, and the blades of wind collided with the storm naten that was thrown into the next punch. Like a true lightning strike his left jolted out sparking over the first punch as his right faded away with the violent twist of his torso.

This was his reaction to the blades that were doing their best to slice his skin, his feet dancing to sidestep the repelled momentum and keep away from the blades at the same time. The assault wouldn’t even begin if he couldn’t maintain his stance, his saving grace however would be the glove of storm naten that caught the first punch. Of course after his fist left the impact the giant could have swept right through such a current but by that time Axel would have taken advantage of any hesitation with that crispy left jab full of charged storm naten to the leaning giants jawline.

Even after the attack his feet would not stop moving as the blades of wind continued, the remaining charge of his naten rolling him off the potent energy of the flying giant. The tight coils of dim storm naten would begin gaining charge again, the release of lightning in his arms arcing from his very muscles. Backpedaling onto unsliced terrain was not an instinct that he ignored, it only came second to fighting back, his shirt would have been ragged at this point and he didn’t take his eyes off his opponent to look at his pants. If he correctly assumed the blades didn’t strike the same spots twice he might even still have his feet.

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Fate I
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Re: Helidor’s Hideaway

Post by Fate I »

"What's this?!" Cyrus found himself perplexed. Victim to Axel's tenacity and ingenuity. Though he could feel the force of what he imagined to be Axel's fist, clashing against his own. But Cyrus could see Axel with his arms free, ablaze with an electrical aura or energy as he prepared his second attack. It surprised the seasoned warrior.. He was certain that Axel would have sought to escape the torrent of lacerating wind, but instead he endured. Blood and flesh were cleaved into the air; some of them more shallow than others. But the kid looked as if he didn't care. As if the lightning running through his bones had numbed him somehow. His ankles, his cheeks, his suit had been tattered in the process. And none of it mattered if he could land his attack.

Cyrus' hands was occupied-- both of them. His windy assault persisted against his enemy, and his fist was polarized in place against an invisible wall. He couldn't defend against Axel's twirling left jab. Not effectively anyway. Reflexively, Cyrus hardened morphed the the composoiton of his flesh to resemble that of stone and rock, but it didnt mean much in end. Axel's electrically charged fist hit true-- crashing into Cyrus' exposed jaw with resounding boom of a thunderclap. The armored giant staggered backwards, the force sending him skidding across the ground on the back of his heels, drawing a trail of dust and debris in his wake. It was a decisive blow, one that caused the congregated crowd of witnesses to swoon emphatically in response. Yet, amidst the chaos and pain, a smile tugged at the corners of Cyrus' lips. It was a smile born of respect for his adversary, a recognition of the sheer determination and skill that Axel possessed.

The murmurs of the crowd grew louder. Not too many of members of the guild were capable of giving Cyrus a proper competition. Save for perhaps Zol and the Four Fangs, Cyrus was perhaps one of Helidors toughest and meanest hunters. Which meant despite only landing a single blow, Axel was already generating a reputation.

"I'll say this. You are tougher than you look, Axel." Cyrus remarked, recalling his invisible hand back into a fist of flesh and blood, and he used it to clean the dripping knuckle sized gash Axel left along his cheek. "..can you still stand?" He asked as he prepared to draw a stance, a boxers posture with his guard held up a few inches from his face. For a moment, Cyrus nearly forgotten that this wasn't a formal spar. Hell, this wasn't even an exhibition. He underestimated this long haired vistor.. and now Cyrus could feel something akin to admiration developing within him. His eyes gazed over his injuries and perhaps thought it best that Axel received medical attention.. but Axel no longer looked at him like a child. He didn't know Axel, but was certain that to garner any sort of battle experience.. he had to have learned something along the way.


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