Echoes of Uncertainty [End]

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Echoes of Uncertainty [End]

Post by Okoye »

Several days had elapsed since Okoye's harrowing mission alongside Azele’, The Spectral Fang. Once she was teleported back to the Den of Golden Lions, the headquarters of the revered protectors of Helidor, the Gilded Fangs, Okoye found herself immediately besieged by a barrage of inquiries from her comrades. Questions swirled around the details of her perilous quest, for few had laid eyes upon the elusive Spectral Fang, Erigor notwithstanding, and even he awaited her debrief with a palpable sense of intrigue. Yet, as the fervor of interrogation subsided, Okoye's adrenaline ebbed away, her body surrendered to the multitude of injuries she bore, plunging her into a deep, healing slumber. With deft hands, Clara, the Guild's Chief of Surgery, embarked upon the delicate task of tending to Okoye's wounds, ensuring her well-being before allowing her the respite she sorely needed.

Awakening within the comforting embrace of the healing chamber, Okoye basked in the soft luminance that bathed her surroundings, her body suffused with a revitalizing energy. As she gingerly rose from the sanctuary of her bed, she marveled at the miraculous regeneration of her cells, a testament to her unique physiology. Gratitude swelled within her, for the timely interventions of the Gilded Fangs, allies who had twice intervened to safeguard her life. And though she felt less committed to the people of Helidor, she knew that her alliance with the Guild was paramount to her quest.

As the rightful heir to the Bhalian throne, Okoye harbored ambitions that transcended the borders of Helidor. The people of the Guild recognized her royal lineage and aided her in her quest to gain the necessary strength to reclaim her birthright. It was a delicate balance, navigating the politics of both kingdoms while forging her own path forward. But she was undeterred.

While stretching her limbs experimentally, memories of her recent mission with Azele’ flooded her consciousness; the exhilaration of combat intertwined with the searing pain of her injuries. Vivid memories played out before her mind's eye, each moment etched into her psyche with indelible clarity. She remembered being scorched to the bone by the tendrils of an eldritch terror, as well as the euphoria of unleashing her latent Demon Art for the first time, culminating in the triumphant vanquishing of the spectral adversary. A smile tugged at her ears as she took a moment to bask in her accomplishment. But as the memories faded and reality set in, Okoye knew that her journey was far from over.

She had survived the ordeal, but the challenges that lay ahead were greater than any she had faced before. Her fingers traced the intricate sigil adorning her chest, the mystical seal known as Ashura's Crown, a conduit between the mortal realm and the shadowy depths of the Unseen. Crafted by ancient sorcery to harness the spirits of vanquished demons, it granted Okoye unparalleled power but also carried with it a perilous risk. The allure of summoning an army of demons to her side was matched only by the danger of losing control and succumbing to the collective cesspool of corrupted energy.

The Spectral Fang warned her of this phenomenon. She witnessed Okoye absorb the astral remnants of the demon and feared for the worst. But Okoye felt fine. In fact, she felt stronger than ever.

“...that wasn't so hard,” She thought to herself in jest before she took the time to refresh herself and change her clothes. “Why stop now?”

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Re: Echoes of Uncertainty

Post by Okoye »

As Okoye made her way through the bustling corridors of the Den, her mind was fixed on the imminent task ahead. Despite the urgency to amass her army and press forward with her destiny, a gnawing uncertainty clawed at her thoughts, casting a shadow over her resolve.

The price that comes with power..” Azele's words practically haunted her mind as she navigated the familiar pathways. Okoye couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility pressing down upon her shoulders.

The whispers of her fellow allies, the subtle glances exchanged in passing, served as a constant reminder of the formidable challenges that lay ahead. She'd already become more popular than she would have wanted, but this was expected after recent events. Yet, amidst the cacophony of voices and the tumult of emotions, a set of tasks guided her steps.

First, she made her way to The Arcane Athenaeum- a repository of mystical knowledge gathered over several generations of hunters within the Guild. Here, she planned to conduct the research necessary to bolstering her metaphysical army. She consulted several bestiaries and armed herself with knowledge of formidable fiends that threatened the realm of Helidor such as their respective whereabouts, their known weakness, status and longevity. She spent hours within the cavernous halls, burying her doubts in volumes of wisdom. But growing antsy from preparations and she opted to check-out a few books that she would read in the interim and return once she completed her mission.

From the Athenaeum, Okoye made her way to the GuildMaster's Sanctum. Erigor Pharlonious, the enigmatic overseer and Guildmaster of the Gilded Fangs, was entrusted with the deployment of missions. And while Okoye wasnt exactly a member of this guild, she wanted to convey good faith and address his counsel before departing. With each stride forward through the halls of Den, the air crackled with anticipation. But just as she approached the ornate door of Erigor's sanctum, a surge of trepidation coursed through her veins.. Again the warning of The Spectral Fang echoed from the depths of her mind. Okoye couldn't help but think she was being a bit too overzealous. Azele’ claimed she possessed a lust for power, and Okoye honestly couldn't rebuke the notion. She didn't want to become her father, but she was willing to do whatever necessary to surpass him.

"..I know what I'm doing."
She reafffrimed herself- With a steadying breath, she reached out and pushed open the door.

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Re: Echoes of Uncertainty

Post by Okoye »

As Okoye pushed open the ornate door to Erigor's sanctum, she was met with an unexpected sight. Erigor sat at his decorative round table, engrossed in conversation with a figure she had never encountered before. This stranger, considerably younger than Erigor, exuded an aura of confidence and strength. His sandstone skin bore a mosaic of intricate tattoos, each mark telling a story of resilience and triumph. Okoye couldn't tear her gaze away from the mesmerizing swirls of ink that adorned his muscular frame, their tales of battles won and challenges conquered captivating her attention. He wore no shirt, his sculpted physique a testament to years of rigorous training, while a fur pelt hung loosely around his waist, adding to his primal allure. But it was his eyes, a fierce and piercing gold, that held Okoye's attention captive, their intensity sending a shiver down her spine.

“Okoye?” Erigor's voice broke through her reverie, drawing her back to the present moment. "'ve recovered sooner than expected. " he remarked, his tone a blend of surprise and concern. Considering her condition, Clara anticipated that Okoye would be within the resting for no less than two months.. it had only been two days.

Okoye inclined her head in acknowledgment before turning her attention to Erigor. "Erigor, may I speak with you privately?" she requested secretly, her disembodied voice steady but firm.

Before Erigor could respond, the Primal Fang interjected with a scoff. "And who are you supposed to be?" he demanded, his tone dripping with disdain as his gaze swept over Okoye. "You're definitely not a member of the Fangs.. So what are you, the help?”

Okoye's jaw clenched in frustration, but she maintained her composure. "And who might you be?" she countered, her disembodied voice cool and collected despite the subtle edge of challenge. The Primal Fang was immediately taken aback from hearing her voice without seeing her lips move. “What the hell–?!” He thought she was telepath, and he absolutely hated those sneaky bastards. His last run in with one nearly cost him his life, as well as the lives of his teammates.

Erigor, sensing the tension in the room, intervened before the situation could escalate further. "Be calm Kamari. Allow me to explain.” He said, turning to face The Primal Fang. "This is Okoye, she is an esteemed guest of ours. She doesn't speak, but she possesses enchanted earrings capable of conveying her thoughts to others within a specific range."

Kamari's eyes widened in astonishment, his initial shock giving way to understanding as Erigor's explanation sunk in. "..I see," he murmured, his tone more subdued than before..

“..And Okoye, allow me to introduce you to Kamari, the Primal Fang.” Erigor continued, his tone carrying a weight of reverence. "He is one of our most esteemed hunters. His accomplishments speak volumes of his prowess and his skillset is comparable to only that of Azele."

Kamari's expression was softened by Erigor's introduction. He inclined his head in acknowledgment. "..Yes well.." he affirmed, his voice carrying a hint of pride. "It is a pleaseure to meet you, Okoye. That is an interesting name, isn't it?”

He jousted, a deceiving smile curling his lips as he looked Okoye over once more.

Her eyes widened in realization as Erigor introduced the Primal Fang, a newfound respect mingling with her initial skepticism. She had heard tales of his legendary exploits but had never imagined she would encounter him in person. At least not so soon. From what she gathered from the Athenaeum, Kamari belonged to a powerful race of fae capable of drawing power directly from the moon. Despite her reservations, she couldn't deny the gravity of his presence.. but she also couldn't shake off the feeling of being slighted by his presumptuous attitude.


She said nothing in response, but Erigor seized the opportunity to diffuse the tension and continued, "Let us focus on the matter at hand. Okoye, what precisely is the nature of this mission you wish to undertake?"

Okoye drew a steadying breath, preparing to lay out her plans. "There is an island outside the borders of Helidor known as Hojuku where a cult has taken root- practicing occult rituals to attain dominance over the people by harvesting their spiritual energy. I intend to exterminate the cult myself and liberate the villagers from their tyranny."

She said plainly. She had no intention of explaining her ulterior motives. There was an incredibly high chance that she would encounter powerful demons or fiends or beasts that she could conscript to her armada. But she doubted the Guildmaster would have advocated for such a perilous quest for such unacceptable reasons. So the less Erigor knew of them the better.

“You plan to go alone?” Erigor's brow furrowed in concern as he processed Okoye's words. "Hojuku has recently rescinded their relationship with the Gilded Fangs.. Though I've had my suspicions that these zealots were the cause, politically I cannot force our protection upon them." He said, clearly conflicted with the task. “Not only is what you propose dangerous, Okoye. It is reckless." he remarked with a cautious tone. "The cult is well-entrenched and may have powerful resources.”

The Primal Fang, seizing the opportunity to press his own agenda, interjected, "Indeed, the cult of Hojuku is not to be underestimated. I was thinking about getting around to handling the shitshow myself. Which is probably the better idea..”

Okoye's fist clenched at her sided. "With all due respect, Erigor, I did not come here seeking permission.." she asserted, her voice trembling with emotion. "I came seeking advice, knowledge, or anything in-between. I am not a member of this guild, and I will not be lectured on matters of choice and autonomy. I have every intention of going alone.” She said, folding her arms defiantly.

“Is that a joke?”

Kamari's lips curled into a smirk, his eyes gleaming with superiority.

"You would do well to heed the advice of those more experienced than yourself.” Kamari replied, his voice wet with conceit.

Okoye felt a surge of anger at the Primal Fang's condescension. "And you'd do well to mind your tone." she retorted, her voice tinged with defiance.

“Heh, just who do you think you are?!”, The Primal Fang's gaze hardened, his disdain for outsiders evident. "You are a fool to think that bravery alone is enough to succeed in our world. Brave men pave the streets of hell, ya know."

Erigor held up a hand, silencing the Primal Fang with a stern glance. "That is enough." he said firmly before turning his attention back to Okoye. "Very well, Okoye. If this is truly your decision, I will respect it. But know that the path you seek is fraught with danger, and the choices you make will have consequences.”

“Wait, what!?”

The Primal Fang was not so easily deterred. "Surely you don't believe this outsider is capable of handling Hojuku alone." he remarked, his tone laced with derision. "If anyone should go, it should be me! Shit, or at least Azele’ or Zol. You're practically marching this girl to her death.”

Erigor held back laughter, “Yes, that would be true Kamari.. but this is not just some girl." He said, as he turned his attention to the prideful hunter and gestured to Okoye. “You're looking at the future ruler of B'hlalia. She is Mazoku royalty, and the reason I've recalled my best hunter back to Helidor.”

"Royalty?" Erigor's words left Kamari shocked. His jaw dropped, “Then.. that was you, with Azele’? In the A'aola Korev?” He said, withholding genuine awe and admiration in behest of his now dwindling indifference toward Okoye. “Well.. I admit, what I heard about that mission was impressive. For someone so young that is.”

Erigor nodded. “She has impressed both Clara and Azele’.”

“Is that so?” Kamari replied, his tone dripping with arrogance. "Very well, but let us not delude ourselves into thinking that amateurs- regardless how imposing they may be, can handle the tasks meant for masters.” He made his way toward the holographic globe as a means of bringing visual aids to his words. “The village of Hojuku is built around an enormous rupture in the crust of the planet that looms over the landscape that commands fear and reverence alike.” As he spoke, his fingers waved over the holographic globe and generated live images of Hojuku.

“Legend whispered tales of a time preceding the advent of humanity, when Prometheus- the volcanic mass located at the islands center, roared to life in a cataclysmic upheaval. It was said that a powerful magical artifact, one long forgotten by time, laid dormant beneath Vescrutia's mantle, its dormant energies waiting to be unleashed .Through a twist of fate, the artifact was awakened, its latent power surging forth and intertwining with the ley lines of the land. The very fabric of reality was rent asunder, unleashing a torrent of otherworldly energies that cascaded across Hojuku, reshaping the land in its wake.”

Okoye looked unamused, despite the holographic lights illuminating her face. “Yes, I already know this.” She stood her ground, her resolve unyielding in the face of skepticism and doubt. “ you think I wouldn't have done research?”

She knew full well the vicissitudes daunting her journey would be treacherous, but she was prepared to face whatever challenges awaited her. Kamari's eyes sharpened in response, slighted by Okoye's apathetic response.

“Then you should know that the cult of Hojoku is predicted to be in possession of whatever antiquity triggered that tectonic shift. And you plan to face them alone?” Kamari sucked his teeth dismissively, disarming the holographic constructs and ruffling his hair. “You're either really strong, or really fucking stupid.”

The tension in the room was palpable as Erigor intervened once more, attempting to mediate the dispute. "Enough!” he said firmly, causing both of Okoye and Kamari to begrudgingly acquiesce. “Okoye, it seems you have made your decision. As have I.” He said, standing from his table. “I have only known you for so long, so I have my reservations about your safety. But I cannot stop you, and have no intention of doing so. Inform Clara you wish to use the Ark– as you know, it is located at the apical tower of the Guild it should be able to teleport you to anywhere of your choosing."

With a nod to Erigor, she turned on her heel and strode out of the sanctum, her determination unwavering as she ventured forth into the unknown. Erigor and Kamari shared cross glances, leaving an air of silence for a few awkward fleeting seconds.

Kamari spoke first, his arms folded across his chest. “You intend to be responsible for the death of a future Emperor? That's a pretty political savvy move, Erigor. Clandestine.. That's quite unlike you.” He said with a teasing smile. He held very little hope for Okoye's survival. Erigor's expression told a different story.

“She will not perish.” But beneath his confident smirk was a cloud of worry. “I'll make sure of it.”

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Re: Echoes of Uncertainty

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

The brilliant sparkle of Xelphis was in full bloom, invigorating all with its life-given luminance. It filled his room, suffusing the plant life that has virtually taken over his space. He was used to it by now. Wherever rested, life was soon to flourish. The Yuex described Zol as being "Favoured" by the planet. Beloved by animals and plants alike, their very presence inspires growth in all near their essence. Zol's same body was crafted from the soil of Vescrtuia herself. The implications of such magic are yet to be fully revealed to him, though he has been tethered to life in Vescrtuia.

"You guys are starting to get kinda big, are you?"

Some people in the guild have started calling him a "Plant Dad." He still was a little unsure about the meaning, seeing as how most of the time, when they said it, they giggled afterward. Though if he thought about it, he supposed he liked caring for the plant life around him. Even the animals that they attracted.

"Why do you insist on talking to grass Zol? It's not like they ever say anything back."

The proud wolf would rise from his bedding, stepping down the high-stepping stool that led up to his elevated rest. Zol would be seen smirking, watering the plants near the window before switching some out of the way. He hates for any of them to be scorched by the sun.


With a virgous fur ruffling, he would go to Zol's side.

"Why talk to plants when you have the rarest wolf pedigree around?"

He flicked this tail over his mouth with a lofty series of barks that could be interpreted as chuckles. Zol shook his hand as he placed the pants down and patted Meru's head.

"Cuz at least I don't have to clean up after the plants after they fall asleep from playing with their toys."

He jabbed, looking over to Meru's play area, littered with bones and toys of all kinds.

", I'll get right on that."

The wolf would shrink a little embarrassed as he looked over and began putting them away. Zol would shake his head, smirking. Just as he went to wash his hands of the dirt in the pond area of his room, there would be a loud knock at the door. Meru's ear jumped as he was about to make way for the door before catching Zol's glare back at the toys. He gulped and went back to clear his mess. Zol went to the door to open it. When he did, there would be a young man no older than himself with his hand leisurely on his hip. His eyes screamed of boredom, and his monotone voice mirrored this. It was Amir, a kid who joined the guild a little before Zol. A guild member had also rescued him, the Primal Fang, who at the time was on a kiss on to hun fearsome gorgons that had turned villages into stone, whichever ones it did not feed. Both of Amir's parents had already been victims, and he was the lone survivor. He possessed a prowess that betrayed this unconference demon, but Zol couldn't truly attest to the validity of the stories. One thing he did know, though, is that Amir had been on several high-alert hunts, and not a single person had ever died when he was on the job, comrade or otherwise.

"Hmm? Sup Zol, glad to see you back. Guess the rumors about you being a plant daddy are true."

With his free hand, he went to fist-bump Zol; of course, the gesture was returned in kind.

"Amir? Man, it's been ages; it's good to know not too much has changed; still have the same face haha"

Amir would release an unenthused huff.

"Yeah? Wish I could say the same for you."

Zol would hols hid hand over his heart, he got him there. Zol would laugh the sting off. For someone who never raised their voice, his words had a bite on them.

"Listen, I just got back from a job, so I'm a bit tired, and it just so happened your fa- Erigor saw me and asked me to deliver a message."

Zol's face sombered. What could Erigor want with him? They had breakfast already. Was it time for lunch already? Or, could this be a job? He could barely contain the gritty excitement on his face. Amir noticed the creepy grin that scratched the side of his face. Zol would catch that and nervously fix his demeanor.

"Cough cough, oh sure, of course. Is everything ok?"

"You'll have to ask him yourself, alright? It's not like he gave me a lot of details. You know him, man of few words, pointed tone.

Zol could do nothing but snicker in agreement.

"What he did say, though, was for you to report to his sanctum immediately. I don't know what happened, but I saw Kimari as I passed. If he's back in Helirodr, it can't be anything good. You better get going, and you know the Primal meathead hates waiting."

Zol would find his right hand trembling by his side; hearing that Kimari was back in town filled him with a strange mixture of joy and anxiety. It hadn't seen him since he was a kid, yet his return could only harbor the coming of something fierce. With the vision of the comet flashbacking in his mind, he felt the omen thickening. He needed to make haste at once.


Zol's companion by his side tightened his trembling hand as resolve ignited his heart. Amir would nod before turning his hack to leave. Just as he was about to, he stopped looking back over his shoulder at Zol.

"Listen, Zol, I may not know what is happening right now, but I do know this. Erigor...he took it very hard when you...left. We all did. For whatever reason, the mother has given you another lease on life. Could you not throw it away again? We... I never want to see Erigor cry again. I'm off."

He smirked at his childhood friend, to which Zol would nod affirmingly. He knew Amir's words to be true. He had felt it ever since he arrived here. The looming mixture of happiness and worry about his being back had created. Folks were happy, sure, but after what they had to endure while Erigor was...disposed, left scars that would take longer than a few days to heal. That's when it hit him. He needn't only prove to his father that he had the strength to protect the realm. He needed to show the people themselves. They wanted to build the same level of trust and faith they held in Eriogr in him as well. They would Talley no longer. He and Meru would exit the room, going to Erigor's sanctum.

10 minutes later

Zol could not help but ponder his thoughts as they neared the sanctum. It had been a day since he returned home, yet he still found himself beset by echoes, not of uncertainty but rather nostalgia. When he first entered the golden halls of the citadel, he was hit with a wave of awe and admiration as a child. For all its splendor, in its course was a den full of people working toward the same goal. Though their methods may vary and their personality even more so, The Gilded Fangs and all those connected to it moved with the protection and cultivation of Heliodr in mind. One would acknowledge that though many lives lost have passed the cobblestone road that the citizens trekked, those lives a hundredfold over have been fostered and protected, given the space to live whole, happy lives. There was, if nothing else, peace in the realm of Helidor, however uneasy it may be. Beasts, monsters, ghouls, and goblins of all kinds, even the darkness that often wears human faces, have all met their end by the guardians of this land. For so long, Zol believed that as long as Erigor was around, this place had nothing to fear. However, if he was honest with himself when he and Erigor traded blows, he could tell how much weaker his father was. Even with some of his former vitality restored, it would not be long before Erigor needed to pass the touch of the Gilded Fangs to another. This got Zol thinking heavily about his present place within the guild and his future.

"You're becoming quite the brooder, Zol. Does the very thought of speaking with Erigor still have you wetting yourself?"

Walking beside him, Meru jabbed at him with his nose to break his solemn face, which twisted into an expression scoffing at the shade. Zol waved his hand in swift dismissal.

"Pfft, please; Erigor may be a big, burley time-bending bear. But at his core, he's a softy. No, what's worrying me though...well..."

Zol would stop, as would Meru though a few paces before him.

"My memory of it is vague, but the last time Kamiar was brought back to the guild was just before an attempted siege of Heldior. The only time Erigor gatherd any of the fangs is if there a danger he could not take down. If something like that is coming to Heldior, I must be ready. All this wallowing and doubt isn't getting them anywhere. If I want the people of this realm to trust me completely."

His head lifted from the floor to the ceiling.

"I'm going to have to step it up. When they see me, it needs to inspire courage and know that no matter the foe, I will not fall. And for them to know it...I must know it." To know that the light of Heliodor burns brighter than ever, darkness be damned.

" If it's still too hard to trust in yourself, Zol. Then trust in those who trust you—Erigor, Aisha, Clara, and, as you just saw, Amir. Not to mention, most of all, me. You are strong, though you'll never be as great as I am, knowing that I will never leave your side; you can't lose. Let go, you heard Amir, the meathead hates waiting."

He nodded condition in his stride. Then trust in them, he shall. They find themselves in front of Erigor's doors again in a few more moments. This time, though, Aisha would not be the one leaving; instead, she was a woman Zol had never seen before, and boy, was she stunning. For a single moment, their eyes met. At that moment, Zol's heart nearly skipped a beat as he felt a fluttering feeling in his stomach and a sudden warmth in his face. His eyes unknowingly sparkled amber, the aura of emotion before he averted, he gave, stepping out of her way. There was an air of...command around her that was almost mesmerizing. Whoever she was, she was solid and bustling with an aura that wreaked off the planet. Who...what was she?


Meru pushed Zol into the sanctum as they couldn't delay while he sorted out his urges. He stumbled into the room, looking at Erigor and Kimari, who deftly seemed irritated. The room had lingering vibes of irritation. Had there been an altercation between that woman and them? Shaking off the bad juju, Zol approached.

"Well, isn't this a sight for sore eyes? Amir was telling the truth. You are back. "

When he got closer, he saw a hologram of town pulled up. It seems they were in the middle of discussing a job after all.


"He also said you needed to speak with me, Guild Master?"

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Re: Echoes of Uncertainty

Post by Fate I »

"Who's this now?" Kamari's inquiry greeted Zol's sudden appearance. "You really ought to work on your time management, Erigor. Perhaps I could lend you my secretary."

Erigor chuckled, motioning for Zol to enter. "Ah, Zol, perfect timing. How are you settling in?"

Kamari's astonishment grew. "Zol?" he repeated incredulously. Yet, as his senses caught a glimpse of Zol's spiritual energy, disbelief turned to shock. He smirked, arms crossed, shooting a knowing look at Erigor. "So that was your scheme, eh? I see right through you, old man."

He quipped before acknowledging Zol with a nod. "Been a while, kid. You look different, no?"

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Re: Echoes of Uncertainty

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

Erigor chuckled, motioning for Zol to enter. "Ah, Zol, perfect timing. How are you settling in?"
"Pretty Good! Well, my room's amazing, though overrun by plants right now. I'm still fine-tuning my aura..."

He chuckled nervously. The yuex lived out to the Kimari's surprise, which was to be expected. Over the last few days, Zol was acclimating to the constant gasps and stares. To many folks, it was like he was a ghost who had come back to life. The shock had yet to lose value, so he tried to react indifferently to Kamari's disbelief. He was nonetheless excited to see one of the guild's top hunters here in rare form.
"Been a while, kid. You look different, no?"
"Heh nothing gets passed you ehhh Primal Fang?"

He said with a splash of cheery sarcasm. He held his hand to shake Kimari's, who would find his grip a vice of force—affirmation of how different he was. Upon relating his hand, Zol's brow would raise, thinking of Kamari teasing at knowing what Erigor was up to. At least that made one of them. There seemed to be more happening here than just another hunting job.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you, Kamari, but If I'm being summoned to the sanctum while you're here. Means something big is happening, lay it one me"

Meru sniffed the Primal Fang a bit, reacquainting himself with his scent. It had been a while, and there was something more... ethereal about Kamari than when Meru last met him all those years ago.

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Re: Echoes of Uncertainty

Post by Fate I »

"Not that I'm not happy to see you, Kamari, but If I'm being summoned to the sanctum while you're here. Means something big is happening, lay it one me"
"The last we spoke, Zol, you told me you want the opportunity to prove yourself as an elite hunter." Erigor stood from his table and activated his globe's holographic display.

"If you're still up for it, that opportunity has come.. I have a mission for you. One that you must ready yourself for at this very moment."

He said, his voice solemn and fierce. But underlined with an aura of pride that couldn't be dampened. Kamari crossed his arms and reclined against the wall. Erigor was clearly taking the reigns of this conversation.

"I would like you to travel to the Realm of Hojuku and help with the extermination of a murderous cult. They are known as the Munda Abundi, and they have been harvesting the natural resources of Hojuku in a variety of nightmarish ways."

"Yeah, if by harvesting you mean kidnapping and sacrificing to a mystical idol in exchange for power. The crazy mother fuckers are turning people into batteries- animals and sorceros into weapons. And God knows what else."

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Re: Echoes of Uncertainty

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

Munda Abundi?

If I hadn't been for Erigor's tone, he would have cracked wise at how interesting the name was. It sounded like some fungi. By their explanation of the cult's heinous activities, equating them to a parasite was probably more on the money than he was initially gaming for. Hojuku, according to the map, was not too far away from Helidor. Should they ignore this cultist and their devilish antics for too long, not only would the residents of Hojuku perish, but how long would it be before people started missing from Helidor as well?

"Can't imagine anything good coming from the amassing of that corrupted energy. Power is one thing, sure, but the power to do what is the even bigger question..."

A lust for power so thick they would go so far as to murder living beings to obtain it. Not all monsters had fangs you could see, and as far as he was concerned, these cultists were less than even that.

"Everyone placed their faith in me before. I dropped the ball, and that trust has been impacted."

He tightened his fist, lifting it a bit.

"I hate the look of uncertainty on everyone's faces. The guild members all look at me with benignity. But I can feel their true emotions. The anxiety they feel with the shadows closing in around us. When I think of a Heliodor where everyone is smiling and safe, I cannot refuse."

His tone was firm as he stared straight ahead at the two of them. Meru by his side,

"Umm...that said, how strong are these guys anyway? Who else from the guild is going? You Kimari?"

His stone face cracked into one of sheepish inquiry. Not that he didn't think he could take them, but the guild rarely ever sent anyone of mission along save for the fangs themselves.

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Fate I
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Re: Echoes of Uncertainty

Post by Fate I »

"Umm...that said, how strong are these guys anyway? Who else from the guild is going? You Kimari?"

His stone face cracked into one of sheepish inquiry. Not that he didn't think he could take them, but the guild rarely ever sent anyone of mission along save for the fangs themselves.
"Can't. I'm on guard duty." Kamari said, much to his chargin. "In my stead I'm sending Cyrus, he is a polymorph druid. Quite the capable hunter, though he comes with a tad of anger problems I'm afraid."

"There is another as well." Erigor mentioned as he moved over toward one of his many book shelves. "A young woman. She does not bear the crest of the Fangs, but she is an esteemed guest of the guild." He returned with a scroll, detailing for Zol the nuances of Hojuku, as well as information gathered on the Munda Abundi.

"You can consider her an ally. But--"

"From what I can tell, she doesn't play well with others." Kamari added behind subtle laughter. "But she's certainly strong though. Do not be mistaken."

"Her goals coincide with ours, but she is not a protector of the Realm, you are." Erigor added before returning to his seat. "The enemies you will face within Hojuku may be unlike anything you've seen before." He said, suddenly stricken by a wave of trepidation. "You must exercise caution, Zol."

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Zolgarious Gilden
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Re: Echoes of Uncertainty

Post by Zolgarious Gilden »

"Can't. I'm on guard duty." Kamari said, much to his chargin. "In my stead I'm sending Cyrus, he is a polymorph druid. Quite the capable hunter, though he comes with a tad of anger problems I'm afraid."
It seems like everyone had some attitude. He wondered how much of it had to do with the state of the world rather than people just having toxic personalities. He sighed; Zol was quite the team player, though some of him had reservations. The last time he was on a team, only he and Aisha made it back.

"Hmp. Great on a team with two grumpy gus's, facing off against a murderous cult who are hell-bent on sucking the soul out of an island. What happened to the simple days of culling herds of mammoth bears?"

He waved his hands in surrender. They would receive no pushback from him.

"You mean the one who just marched out of here? Sheesh"
"Her goals coincide with ours, but she is not a protector of the Realm; you are." Erigor added before returning to his seat. "The enemies you will face within Hojuku may be unlike anything you've seen before." He said, suddenly stricken by a wave of trepidation. "You must exercise caution, Zol."
Zol picked up the subtle hit of worry in Erigor's tone. This could not have been easy for him. To have to send Zol away on another dangerous mission soon after returning home. Kimari, being here on guard duty, spoke pages about the state of things. Zol closed his nerves and attitude, standing before Erigor, looking his father eye to eye. He heard his concerns, guidance, and reservations and would not take them lightly. He took him through the pain of losing him once. He would make sure to honor Amir's words; he would not be defeated.

"I will keep my wits about me, Cyrus, and the lady if she chooses to return safely. That I promise"

The Primal Fang himself vouched for the validity of the other two powers. He felt confident in their ability, and hopefully, he would come to have equal pride in their team's work by the end of this task. There it was; all left was to meet up with them and head out.

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